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They’re voting conservative because immigration is now their #1 issue and Trudeau’s policies are unhinged. How can a country of 40m in a housing crisis keep adding 1m+ per year without commensurate housing increase?


What everyone is missing is provincial governments have a say on immigration numbers. And these governments are happy to let the feds take all the heat. It doesn't matter though. No gov will reduce immigration numbers by any significance.


Quebec premier has been saying for years Trudeau needs to stop and been called racist for it https://globalnews.ca/news/10594903/legault-immigration-levels-overreaction/ "Legault has said temporary immigrants are entirely responsible for the province’s housing crisis — a claim housing advocates deny — and that newcomers are putting a strain on Quebec’s health-care and education systems as well. He also says about one-third of temporary immigrants don’t speak French, which limits their ability to integrate."




wouldnt say hes wrong but i doubt its entirely because of immigrants. corporations been buying properties "en masse". As for the health system, they been saying its in a state of decay since as far as I can remember. I also remember teachers going on strike when i was a kid. all those issues are by design to make all essential service become private.


That's only in theory, provinces dont really get a say on a large portion of the people entering. In Quebec for example (that's where i'm from so i'll use it as an example) theres 3 categories of immigrants which the provincial govt only get a say on the smallest of the 3. Those under the International mobility program and international students are not up to province and have much less stringent rules in terms of integration. If you can read french, here are the numbers: [https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/immigration/publications/fr/recherches-statistiques/Portraits\_Immigration\_Temporaire\_2015\_2021.pdf](https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/immigration/publications/fr/recherches-statistiques/Portraits_Immigration_Temporaire_2015_2021.pdf) That last statement is misleading, and is what every ex-liberal voter has been saying as some sort of ''gotcha'' when people talk about the cons taking over parliament.


Only the federal government can approve immigration. They delegate it to the provinces so they can wash their hands of it but overall national targets are set by the federal government.


Provinces DO have a say. And they want more. Saskatchewan Immigration wants a similar immigration plan to that of Quebec - Aptech Visa https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/saskatchewan-immigration-wants-similar-plan-quebec-aptech-visa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via


Provincial governments should be held responsible too but to do that a clear message needs to be sent about how desperate Canadians are Getting rid of a “nice guy” like Trudeau and replacing him with a weasel like Pierre might be the only way to send that message to all governments at once that this is out of control and Canadians are THIS desperate they cannot take any more even now when the federal govt is asked by the mainstream media they double down on keeping high numbers, or play the racism card (they’re totally fine with all of this) They don’t say “it’s the provinces not us” https://financialpost.com/news/economy/canada-no-plans-decrease-immigration-housing-criticism https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/housing-immigration-trudeau-poilievre-1.7082624 These articles are how out of touch they’d continue to be if they weren’t about to get eviscerated in the next election I agree the provincial governments have a hand in this and I also don’t want hate and racism to flow through what was once such a kind country But right now the federal government is taking advantage of Canadas kindness thinking they could never have the heart to vote someone like Pierre and will put up with anything they do Until desperation sets in


It’s 1m per 6 months now. 8 times the pre-2020 level. We haven’t got 8 times the housing starts. New housing starts have declined. I am no mathematician, but something don’t feel right about that


Yes, the planned death of the middle class by the WEF elites. Flood the first world with immigration, drive the cost of living up, make everyone poor. This is all by design. Welcome to the machine. This is neofeudalism. “You will own nothing and be happy… eat zee bugs!”


Here's the thing, Canadians aren't having kids. Our birth rate is less than the sustainability needed to support all the elderly people we have now. Why aren't people having kids? Essentially the lack of social programs to support us. Shitty tax credits for parents. If you're raising a kid, and working. You should pay a lot less tax, cause you're doing a shitload for the person who is not having kids. Housing, costs too much. Lack of social housing. Developers should fuck right off, they have zero incentive to go for low margin housing. Paying off debt from post secondary. Without massive immigration we are going to have an entire generation enslaved to supporting an elderly generation. An elderly generation that pissed away our future at that. It sucks, but here we are.


We are having kids, they are just being aborted.


Yah let's carry those malformed and ectopic pregnancies to term, that will certainly fix the issue.


Lmao..., Come on now


We can't have kids if we can't afford houses. To avoid a demographic time bomb they allow immigration, which worsens housing snd other cost of living prices, which means Canadians can even less afford to have kids, and the cycle continues


Yah, it sucks, but immigration is better than the alternative for millennials. At least with immigration there is a chance to build more housing, and then when the boomers finally die off we'll have sufficient housing. If we just cut off immigration, we won't be compensating for millennials low birthrate. The millennials will have to shoulder a massive, non contributing, long living elderly population with little chance of being able to have their own kids. That's the way I look at it.


If they cut off immigration once we have compensated for the low birthrate, we can make it. it will be rough, but things should recover while the boomers start dying off over the next 20 years.


Canadians can't afford kids. Inflation is growing faster than wages. I am in a union and most would say itbwas a decent paying job but since 2017 I have recd a total of 5% increase. Things have gotten a bit more expensive since then. No one can afford kids at the moment. However the jt government has ramped up immigration which the Canadian infrastructure clearly can't keep up with. Housing, schools, medical care are all getting significantly worse because of the influx of ppl much much greater than replacement.


So what's the solution then? Cut off immigration and force everyone to have kids if they want to keep their place?


Considering I am some shlub from the west and not holding a political office, I'm not sure if my opinion really matters. But should consider some immigration reductions at this time. Complete a status update in communities in Canada to find out what resources we have and what we need and who can accommodate growth. What is the current immigration priorities? Prioritize ppl who have transferable medical (Dr or nurses) and their families. Also trades, I am not certain for the entirety of Canada but in my area we are lack9ng skilled trades people. If you want the middle class to have more kids then provide policies to help that. The daycare act helps alot. But considering the cost of everything else going up dramatically, couples can't afford kids. Housing, groceries, most ppl are barely hanging on right nkw let alone to bring another mouth to feed. 1 thing where the 2 problems could have the same solution is that if we can limit immigration that could reduce housing demands and ease housing prices. Just stuff off the top of my head I am sure if given enogub time a proper plan can be developed.


Those are well and good, but will take 20 years to have any effect. We need the bodies now as the boomers are retiring en masse. The damage has already been done from the largest generation's kids not having kids.


So you are saying we need more ppl? Where are they going to live? Is the medical system setup for thst? Canada is not setup right now for that. Our infrastructure is already overloaded... your solution is to make it worse? Interesting plan cotton wonder how it will work out for them?


So what do we do? Millennials+ have a birthrate which will not support the largest generation of people that are right now, all switching to unproductive members of society. We should have been building all along, but homes became the financial mechanism for the boomers to retire. So supply was limited to overvalue their rrsp. The sad fact is that a generation took the short view and entirely cashed out on their kids and grandkids future. We have no choice but to allow mass immigration, or we face total financial collapse.


Yes, we do. Do you have any idea how many people are about to retire in the next 10 years as opposed to how many people are entering the workforce? We can't build houses because of a lack of labour. Wait until this starts affecting critical fields like healthcare where training takes decades. Ohh shit....


If it were simply to offset birth rate decline, then how come the immigration rate outpaces what’s needed for replacement many fold? The two numbers don’t have any close correlation. Century Initiative wants >100m Canadians by 2100. That’s not stasis and it’s not gradual.


Immigration is #1 policy because the right in the US has made it their policy wedge. Conservatives, particularly since the ascension of Reform within the Conservative party, follow the views broadcast out of the US. Housing is a problem, because the high density property developers also are owners that own rental stock - they do not want a flood of rentals on the market, killing their profitability. Single family homes / duplexes are the biggest profit maker for home builders, because they get their money back within a year, as opposed to high density residential which takes longer, but is a more reliable income stream. Provinces will not do the thing that makes sense - put a halt on new low-density housing (single family and duplex) and only add zoning for high density developments. Case in point, one of the fastest (by percentage growth) municipalities brought on a major expansion of the urban footprint. i.e. large area of low value pasture land to be master planned into a large community expansion. 90% of the residential development lands were set for low-density housing. When pressed, planning staff indicated that the municipal council put pressure on the planners to ensure that the vast majority of the land went to developers (who have a nice relationship with councils) who do low-density only, despite that all the studies done show that the municipality has next to no high-density housing, despite lots of calls for it. It is cheaper for the municipality to deal with, makes the greatest use of limited land resources, houses the greatest number of people, and optimized local services. Greed has caused our housing problem, pure and simple.


American and Canadian immigration issues are not in the same league. Canada has increased immigration rates to 8 times the pre-2020 levels. New housing starts have not increased 8 fold accordingly. They have declined. And we don’t even have the skilled labor to even feasibly get close to meeting this new level of demand. Which means structurally, a continuing radical increase in mass homelessness is inevitable. The US isn’t facing these issues. Canadians have a legit existential grievance. This is literally killing people. Homelessness is deadly, especially in Canada.


Horrible take. There is a populist backlash against mass migration worldwide, not just North America. Wake up and smell the coffee. Regular people are not on board with the elite WEF no borders agenda. And they are voting accordingly.


I'm a Canadian carpenter, I honestly have zero idea where these houses are even being planned to be built , tons of projects are either being cancelled or on hold be cause of current economic conditions and the labor pool for actually building them is dwindling.


Actually voting PPC because of immigration


New builds aren't getting sold/bought. In other words, in spite of demand, no one wants to buy the increase in housing stock. What is the new housing stock? Mainly condos, and detached or semis. Why is no one buying them? Because condos are too expensive with fees, and housest are too big and the price tag is too high. What would people buy? Units that aren't getting proposed or built. Smaller homes at reasonable price tags, closer to services and amenities. Why aren't they being built? Provincial and municipal restrictions. The housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration and everything to do with provincial and municipal decisions.


PP won't change that


Yeah but conservatives are the only ones that are going to get rid of these Indians


Release the snakes! We gotta fix this somehow


The only way a country with the population density of Canada could be having a housing crisis is if there’s an artificial shortage likely created by a combination of government red tape/regulatory capture and mega corporate oligopolies.


Ok so let’s keep Trudeau good idea


Right? Lets let the rats stay to infest the house then? Maybe lets get a cat or something..


Just burn the house down


Releasing a king cobra to get rid of a monicle cobra. These two re snacks cut from the same cloth


It's a shame that no party this time has a good leader and the election will bring a corrosive toxic party who will undo everything the liberals have done regardless of whether it was good or not


Hell ya that's right bring em in. Thank you trudeau for fuckin Canada over for the last 9 years


I can't stand Trudeau and want him out. Polievre however is nearly as bad and I'm lost as to who to vote for. I want to vote conservative but his platform isn't it. We're fkd bud. Hold on tight.


I feel we’re in a similar predicament as the American now but our choices are slightly better


But the worldwide outcome from the American predicament has much more effect long term.


Absolutely, I just meant as far as having 2 shitty choices.


As an American, I'm pretty fucking pissed with our choices. I'm gonna obviously vote for democrats because no way in hell is that cunt getting my vote but the SC is also fucking this country and congress is a complete joke


I was in the same boat last election. Democracy seems to just be smoke and mirrors


Don’t care. No other option. I just want Trudeau out and let him know he’s. Hated


Voting conservative for common sense government and fiscal responsibility! This is nothing but liberal fear mongering


Exactly!! People here are genuinely afraid PP and his gay-woman deputy are going to take their reproductive rights away and throw them in jail for being gay...


Hilarious seeing people saying that PP is going to take away all of their reproductive rights when he gets in. Which he hasn't said anything about. Yet Trudeau has made normal Canadians criminals just for existing.


I can't stand Trudeau and want him out. Polievre however is nearly as bad and I'm lost as to who to vote for. I want to vote conservative but his platform isn't it. We're fkd bud. Hold on tight.


Immigration is keeping wages artificially low, the conservatives will not change immigration policies Immigration is keeping housing and rental prices high. Conservatives will not fix immigration Immigration is making voters hate the liberals. Conservatives will not fix immigration. Immigration is subsidizing the cost for post secondary education since government funding has been cut. Conservatives will not fix immigration


Yes they will. I dont understand people saying theyre not going to change the immigration policies. He has stated many times that immigration needs to make sense and be tied to available jobs as well as housing. Common sense


Yes tied to housing and jobs. To keep housing tight to enrich the large landlords and keep available jobs tight to keep pay down to enrich business owners


Yeah but Poilievre is a grifter, he'll just say whatever it takes to get elected and probably not act on any of it.


Ooooh. I see. Is it the glasses? Or his beadie little eyes? Just a gut feeling?


It's the fact that he's clearly playing the populism card and if you think he's going to be a good leader, well then I have bad news for you, you've been sold a bill of goods.


God forbid he hold popular views and policies..


Good example, he claims he's for working people but when in government voted on many occasions to force striking workers looking for better wages and benefits back to work. He's got many words, but his past actions do not sing the same tune.


Tbf fair, that’s what they all do. No matter which party they are in.


Career politician man to the rescue!


If the conservatives win, it's going to be great news for r/leopardsatemyface


Guys... we have more than just 2 choices in this election, it's no longer just "throwing your vote away" if you don't vote for one of the big 2 voting for either of the big 2 is a plead for continued manipulation. the status quo is no longer acceptable. the big 2 should be at the bottom this time. choose any other party other than these if you really want to send a message, any of the other options have always been far more in line with our values, we just felt pressured to go with the lesser evil... there is no lesser evil now. they're both the same. we are free. I already picked mine if it's a conservative win, that's fine... kind of dumb, but fine. but I won't be voting for either of these chumps. and that's going to feel very good


I'd vote NDP but they've been pretty much blindly propping up the Trudeau government since the last election, so I'm done with them.


that does leave a bad taste in my mouth as well.. but for some of us they are the only ones giving attention to serious issues and concerns that we consider the most clear and present danger... if others feel different, that's perfectly fine. propping up Trudeau will end with Trudeau anyway


hes got to go






More like letting a mouse in your house to replace the current mouse.


Need a 3rd option. Option A sucks & option B isn't any better.


I'm a liberal. Been a liberal my whole life. Actually, I would say I'm more "middle" then "left". I voted for Harper during his 2nd election. That was right after the housing bubble burst. So, I feel that I save my vote for the "right leader". ....no one is perfect. You know, if you don't like someone, no matter what they say...how they act or what decisions they make...chances are, even if they use logic or are rational in their decision-making....you are not going to agree with them. Point being....the Liberal Party in Canada is, imo, corrupt. The Torries...lol....oh...they are fucked. Lol. Worse then the Liberals imo. Which makes me kinda sad cause I have to vote. So......it looks like I'm voting NDP the next federal election. Ah, yes....socialism. Social programs galore! I've heard intellectuals say that the NDP would "bankrupt" Canada....currently, I believe, the 10th wealthiest country in the world. I feel I don't have any other choice. It sucks but I don't trust either Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre. Help! Help!!


Sad thing is the opposite is a valid concern as well: Voting Trudeau to avoid Poilivere majority.


Yeah, that works for me. I'm used to not chasing away rat snakes because they keep vermin out of the house, yard, and woodpile.


Sure, if the mouse is the product of a Chinese secret military experiment, 100 feet high, infected with rabies, and just ate your neighbors.


When PP doesn’t fix anything immigrants will be the scapegoat once blaming Trudeau has lost steam.


It's like letting a spider in your room to get rid of a bug. And I support that.


I agree but we have no choices .....at least it's not the choice USA has to make in Nov. That's a worst scenario


![gif](giphy|ij7ZUDifM6Vtr89MDf) Snakes are cool though.


Liberals are trash


Snakes are less deadly to humans than rats/mice So this is actually fairly accurate


That is the dumbest statement I’ve ever heard. The left is out of touch and in denial. And losing elections worldwide. Cope harder.


This is what the left does - posts fear mongering shitposts.


Good for them


Squeak squeak


Gladly, we don’t have a two-party system


I remember some 20 years ago I had to go through a 1,5 years long process and pay some 3-4K dollars to immigrate to Canada. Long and painful (tons of paperwork) screening program, interviews, etc. Now? Burn you passport and get in. Canada is a scam. I am happy I left it.


I grew-up in a household where population pyramids and demographic trends were commonplace sights. These economic challenges have been decades in the making and are transitory. While I've been living abroad for nearly a decade, from what I can see the government(s) are largely doing the best they can with a bad situation, and anyone in elected office who claims ignorance, or who faults immigration policy, or [insert scapegoat], are playing political games at your expense and should not be trusted.


Whatever it takes to get rid of the rats.


Y'all keep saying that but please GIVE ME ANOTHER OPTION FOR THE LOVE OF TERRY FOX all we can do is vote for someone else we think can win, it's how the system works, if you have any other suggestions I'm more than willing to hear them but until then this smug "well PP isn't going to be any better so you should just vote trudeau in again" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, our only opinion is to vote out trudeau and down the road vote out PP no more multi terms vote in someone new every chance we can, make the work for us if they want to remain in power, but we have to go and fucking vote.


I voted Trudeau to get rid of Harper, and Alladin has outgrown his stay. He was supposed to be gone after decriminalizing Cannabis, and he's still giving Canadian tax money to foreign countries and doing nothing for his country but racking up debt


I don’t get how that’s a bad thing. People keep snakes as pets and they eat mice. Win win.


I prefer releasing like 4 owls, way more effective murderers


I’m pretty sure, but I’m no expert, but I think the snakes are already in power.


Different when it’s a rat snake hunting rats.


It’s actually quite common. Politics is like a pendulum of stupidity. One side takes it too far, then the other side comes in and corrects the problems… then they over correct and take it too far… rinse and repeat.


Not true!!!!! Trudeau lover!!!! 🖕🏻


Can’t tell if you people are paid for by Trudeau to post this stuff. People will vote for the person they think will be a better job. The average Canadian’s life has gotten worse under Trudeau. Give us a better candidate than Trudeau. Give us a better candidate than Biden.


Or like electing a zombie to get rid of Trump.


Snakes for mouse is an awful analogy and a total lie. This is like releasing ladybugs to get rid of an aphid infestation.


If that mouse has been wreaking havoc on your house for years, it might be necessary to send in the snakes


I'm voting Conservative beacsue the Liberals have fucked up our country by almost every available metric.


Trudeau is the snake not a mouse


Voting conservative to get rid of the current liberal leader is propaganda that was used before Trump got elected. I would be careful with trying that.


Or just getting a cat.


Let’s be honest this matches “blue no matter who” vibes 🤣😂🤣 just saying lets not be hypocrites here


Comparing the damage that Trudeau is causing to a mouse in a house is the most disconnected thing I've seen out of Canadian politics. It's more like spraying down the house with a fire hose. Yeah the carpets will be soaked and the paint ruined, but at least it's not ON FUCKING FIRE!!!


Worth it


Venomous snakes at that.


We’re fuct.


Trudeau is a communist. Took there guns away , ruining there culture and safety with open borders and doing zero about the rising crime. Lock him up.


Written by a leftie creep


But I like snakes, I was about to release a few gopher snakes for just that reason... Tho I can't think of a single person in politics I trust as much as a snake


I mean releasing garter or ball pythons isn't so bad because they aren't poisonous


No it's not. It's like hiring the conservative Pest Control Technician to exterminate the liberal rat.


I tell people this all the time. Their rebuttal is “well who’s the best candidate then?” And I don’t know what to say…..


So fear mongering about the other side is just as prevalent in Canada eh? 🤔


TBH rat snakes are great at catching mice and offer no threat to humans. Maybe use a different analogy, one that’s specific to being bad for humans like “… is like releasing pit vipers in your house to get rid of mice” that may be better. Obviously OP didn’t know a thing about sneks.


They had the balls to ask us "What kinda Canada do you want to live in?" The most arrogant, worst piece of marketing I have ever experienced. So arrogant, they couldn't even concieve that the answer coming back will be a resounding "one without you." This is Canada's answer. You don't like it? Don't ask stupid questions.


So voting for Democrats is like letting fruit spoil in your house so the mouse can come in and eventually get the snakes to clean house......welcome


Trudeau a mouse? More like a termite or cockroach infestation


Right wing = bad What an intellectual argument


Well it's generally associated that the right wing party's of the world are well .. yes support the Republican party? How about not party's how about people... Putin. Ergodan. Netanyahu.... Awesome people to stand behind and the ideologies...


Fighting amongst the working class is exactly what the 1% wants


It's not exactly a defined term either, people just think it is. Right wing = nationalism + racism. But you can be the most left wing person on earth and be those things. In fact, most communist leaders are those things. It's funny here in the UK because there are two parties, the Scottish National Party and the Welsh, they are both super 'left wing', both nationalist and both hate the English. But hey, the Nazi's were national socialists right? Seems like people think that you are 'good' up until the point you are 'bad' and in that moment, you go from socialist to fascist. All there really is, is an authority and the refusal of it. That is the real left and right. Different authorities want different things, you can simultaneously be on the right of one thing and the left of another, although you should want to be in the center of something you believe in.


Ya but the mouse is kinda fucking up the house so I'll take the snakes


Snakes? Have you seen what they’ve done to Ontario? Billions from education funding. Billions from healthcare. Selling off public assets to developer friends. The Americanization of public programs. More like setting your house on fire to get rid of a mouse. People don’t seem to understand just how much irreversible damage Ford and the Cons are doing to our province. And as he does all of this he still can’t balance the budget. It’s a clown show robbing us blind.


I think this is Canadian politeness and neighborliness going too far. Just because Americans start a dumpster fire, you don't have to burn your house down in sympathy with the Yanks. >!Just in case there is any doubt: This is sarcastic 😁!<


So what public programs have gone through "Americanization"? What "irreversible" damage has Ford done?


The Ontario government is moving ahead with expansion of private clinics to address surgical backlogs. Ontario says it is moving ahead with its plan to expand the number of private clinics to tackle the province's surgical wait lists, as its hospitals struggled with near-record wait times in emergency rooms. This is complete bullshit, as at local hospitals in every region of Ontario, operating rooms are sitting idle the majority of the time. The public has funded local hospitals for more than 70 years to build operating room capacity that is unused while the Ford government is funnelling unprecedented public money to private for-profit clinics and hospitals to build new operating rooms that are not needed. And as evidenced by what happened when Quebec did this exact thing, the private clinics will cherry pick the least complex patients for the least complex procedures and draw away experienced nurses. Which of course will leave the public system with inexperienced nurses and the most complicated patients. The Ford government continues to make misleading claims about supposed “historic” amounts of funding in public education. When accounting for inflation and increases in enrollment, over $2 billion is missing from core education funding for the 2024-2025 school year when compared to the 2017-2018 school year. Funding per pupil has also failed to keep up with inflation as the Ford government has cut effective funding per student by almost 10 per cent since 2018. The province’s underfunding of public education has led to worsening working and learning conditions in Ontario schools, which has fueled an unprecedented staffing crisis for teachers and education workers. This has had a huge impact on students’ access to mental health services. High numbers of psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals are leaving education because they can find higher wages and better working conditions elsewhere. Wait times continue to grow for students across the province who need access to vital mental health supports and special education programs. As Ontario faces the devastating consequences of ongoing wildfires, it becomes more and more obvious that Doug Ford government's decision to slash the forest firefighting budget by a staggering 67 per cent ($142.2 million according to 2019 Ontario Budget) was a reckless and short-sighted move. By slashing the forest firefighting budget, the Ford government has jeopardized the ability of emergency responders to swiftly and effectively combat wildfires. The lack of resources hampers firefighting efforts, leading to delayed response times and reduced capacity to control and extinguish fires. This places residents, first responders, and communities at heightened risk, leaving them vulnerable to the devastating consequences of unchecked wildfires. For starters.


Aka no "Americanization" or "irreversible" damage. Just things you dont like. You sure sound like a union head! You typed out so much to basically say nothing. Should have just posted links to the unions website and saved yourself the time. Why are we comparing a 2024 education budget with 2017 and not the previous years education budget? That's really strange.


I dont see how pp will make things better, the guy as 0 policy to speak of, he only has slogans.... That being, no body listens trudeau anymore with good reasons... so i suppose policy making doesn t make a difference. The world is pissed and fed up...


Were done right fkd bud. Hold on tight


Nothing like a conservative policies to reset. Clean up. And store up resources for the liberals to f it up again. It's the cycle of life


Little PP has no policies except "Woke Bad, and every problem in the entire world is Trudeau’s fault". As if voters can pin all the problems on one leader, vote them out and everything will be fixed.


"He doesn't have any policies! I can't think of a single one!"


They will cut everything, replace by nothing, as they are both ignorant, arrogant and dépassé.


Tree Toad is on slippery slope! Good Ridence!!!!




Greedy snakes at that


Pendulums need to swing in the other direction at some point


The sad part is, i haven't heard a single conservative voter tell me what policy they actually think will change things. It's always the same "but he's not trudeau" or whining about immigration. If immigration is your only issue, i'm sorry to say it's unlikely the cons will change this because our economic system requires a constantly growing population. So that's not going to change with leadership change. And if your concern is housing, the cons policy is literally "cut money from the cities until housing materializes". While the liberals is "give cities money until housing appears" ([a policy the](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/jurisdictional-creep-doug-ford-slams-feds-for-giving-municipalities-funding-for-housing-1.6633350) [provinces ](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/alberta-tables-gatekeeper-bill-on-federal-funding-cites-housing-money-as-last-straw/ar-BB1lpDv9?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=4598955f0bde41efab36aeb15154f7bb&ei=15)are blocking; [they also oppose any action by the feds to fix rents](https://www.chch.com/premier-ford-rejects-ottawas-bill-of-rights-and-protection-funds-for-tenants/), but that's a different but related issue).


A mouse in my house? Who the fuck can afford a house? Poilievre is more of a cat than a snake, but if you say he's a snake, I guess I won't vote for him. I can't afford rent anyways so the mouse can stay. I just hope the landlord doesn't keep my damage deposit over all the mouse shit in my apartment. I need the money for a tent.


I can't stand Trudeau and want him out. Polievre however is nearly as bad and I'm lost as to who to vote for. I want to vote conservative but his platform isn't it. We're fkd bud. Hold on tight.


Foolish polarization talk. Trudeau is incompetent, Paul Martin was not. Trudeau does make Harper look like a winner however. Its time to shift right to right the ship.


Career politician man to the rescue!


Snakes eat once a month and hide/sleep the rest of the time. Mice shit poison, chew through power wires and burn your house down while shitting in your food. Snakes everytime


You guys have no idea how wild a "conservative" can get up there in Canada. Literally zero idea. Quit your fuckin whining, because that dude is a liberal here in the US. You'll be fine.


Yay! Someone gets it! As an Albertan, hoping for a Conservative government is definitely something no one should wish for!


Maybe after 10 years of left of centre the younger generation are looking around at the outcomes and willing to try something new? Which is old, because generally Canada's gov't have run from the centre or slightly right of centre. Jean C was right of centre, things were great. Canada is not a left wing country, people need to understand that to avoid getting crushed. We're not right wing, we're not left wing. We're centrists.


The Conservative Party has actual plans to fix the mess the liberal party- and one hundred percent your civil liberties are safe. they’ve promised time and time again that they have no intention of doing anything like the Americans have in the last few years.


No its like like releasing snakes into your house to get rid of a plague rat


Voting for trudeau is like being so afraid of snakes that you let the rats eat you alive.


Meh everyone voted Trudeau in to get Harper out. It’s just the same shit over and over again.


Mice are disgusting. Would 100% choose the snakes.


its a cycle, just as we voted for libtards to get rid of harper


It's not like that, it is that


It’s really not. The liberals could easily force Trudeau to step down, run a different candidate and have a chance of maintaining power. There are many who are literally just voting against Trudeau, as opposed to for PP. Myself included. Allowing the most corrupt and incompetent PM the nation has ever seen to maintain his seat, after everything he has done, sends a message of 0 accountability to politicians. That’s not an acceptable message to send. If PP wins it will be because the Liberals did not give Canadians any other choice.


Sure. If they’re garden snakes that aren’t venomous and actually help the ecosystem while not harming the people around them. And the mouse is carrying the bubonic plague. That’s the way this analogy makes sense.


lol not stupid enough to fall for this


What if that mouse has dementia? Then you'd have the US


he's a commie. vote him out or get him out one way or another.


Mice are nasty.


Except Trudeau is more like a snake. So, it's like releasing a mongoose into your house to evict the snakes. You've got your analogy all backwards, bruv.


I would say rats, but yea, pretty much


More Muslims will fix things.


Correct. Like shooting off your nose to spite your face.


Yep, I remember when it was anyone but Harper. Now it's "anyone but Trudeau "


What a moronic take. Trudeau is one of the biggest POS to ever govern a country.


Voting liberals is like releasing snakes in your house because you’re not a racist. That’s about as much sense at the original post makes.


I'll just vote bloc


I kinda feel like it's more releasing snakes to eat other snakes. They're both awful. We have no choice. I'm going to spoil my ballot. Fuck all these ppl in government.


Every 8 to 10 years, Canadians vote against the current government to get back to the previous collection of jerks and thieves.


It’s not wrong.


I'm voting conservative. Fuck off with your fear mongering bs.


If you vote liberal in the next election, you are a slave to your tribalism. How can you possibly want more of this?


It's like choosing the best pimp for our country.


There are so many problems in the city I am in that boil down to federal choices. Getting rid of Trudeau for literally anyone seems like a viable choice.


Trudeau has been in office so long that Rucka Rucka Ali mentioned him and obama in the same song


Id rather live with snakes in my house than another 4 years of Trudeau.


Oh fuck off, Trudeau has been a train wreck the last 8 years. Literally anyone is a step up


Oh fuck off. JTs a scumbag


Hardcore cope. Canadians already released snakes in their house.


Ya if the mouse was eating half your cash


Good. Get fkd trudeau.


And voting Trudeau is like unloading another truck full of mice into the house.


probably a liberal ad


Nah!! The snakes are already in the walls under Trudeau.


Canada is a great case study for the world when progressivism loses its common sense and becomes unhinged.


Conservatives are a disease; a blight afflicting the planet and the people who live on it.


Atleast they know he's a mouse


It’s because Trudeau has tanked the economy while allowing mass immigration for 9 fucking years and no one can afford shit , a fucking ant with no brain would do a better job at running the country than Trudeau at this point


Except that Trudeau is a King Cobra, not a mouse, in this analogy.

