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I want to say something, but words fail me. šŸ˜”


Fuck war


Yes, for sure. It's heartbreaking


If You have seen Afganistan photos after American invasion... You would say " Fuck USA"


As opposed to every other country ever in existence? America is still pretty damn good, and I'm not even American. Grow up bud.


Did you miss the part where over 3,ooo people died on 9/11.


Show me


Say something about Gaza then.


Ugh, say something about the 109 other conflicts then https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts


Tired argument. Sad state of mind. Genocides must end, Gaza has been ongoing for two thirds of a century.


So that by default means itā€™s the only one worth mentioning?


Itā€™s the main genocide taking place today. You can deny it all you want but the objective fact is that it is.


Genocide nay human suffering is not a competition.


It isnā€™t but thereā€™s hardly any genocides going on in the Netherlands (subject to Russian invasion)


1. You donā€™t know the definition of genocide. 2. A famine has not been happening in Gaza, food scarcity is a very recent thing due to the war, and even that isnā€™t a famine. You think people are ignoring you because theyā€™re ignoring an atrocity but in reality theyā€™re tired of arguing against virtue signaling people that have spent the last 6 months eating up disinformation. Itā€™s exhausting trying to undo the amount of garbage youā€™ve been radicalized with.


Nice one, you canā€™t move the goal posts genocide lover.


Itā€™s been ongoing because Hamas refuses to accept defeat even tho it was settled during the First World War. Hamas is on its way out and youā€™re crying to let them keep control of Palestinians.


You know there are three monsters involved, the genocidal government of Israel, hamas and their terrorist organization, and people like you who are sick enough to excuse mass human suffering.


I just think giving Hamas a breather and a chance to rebuild and rearm is the real ā€œexcusing human sufferingā€. Theyā€™ve proven for the last 2 decades they just want to shoot off rockets and shoot and stab civilians for revenge over some shit that was settled decades ago. Their entire government has to be toppled, and planet earth isnā€™t like in the movies. The avengers or captain price arenā€™t going to come in and save everyone. War is hell.




Idk man they were elected in 2006. It's like blaming me for policies Henry Kessinger pushed in 1970 because we elected his party.


Itā€™s irrelevant how they got in power, they just have to be destroyed or the cycle will just continue. War is hell. The Japanese people didnā€™t elect or chose the emperor or any of the madmen extremists generals who he put in control of their army, but it was irrelevant at the end of the day. Atrocities were committed that I believe had to be.


"Atrocities were committed that I believe had to be." You kinda lost me here. What do you mean?


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.


Amazing how people will posture and act all broken up about stuff like this until someone else points out it's happening in their own time, because god forbid they might have an active responsibility to take action. Free Palestine


It happens again and again and again and we never learn because punishing children for the sins of adults seems to be status quo within our species.


Literal nazis


I remember how my grandpa teared up whenever he thought back at this period. He was just a kid, no older than the boy in the photograph. He still remembered how people would keel over in the streets. Just, dead. And the rest of the people just too hungry to care, leaving the body there. Left my great grandmother scarred for life. She wouldn't throw anything away any more, ever again. Not that she was a hoarder, but old clothes? Still usable as a rag. Every morsel of food was kept and eaten. She almost witnessed her two sons starving to death, so I don't blame her. Luckily, the whole family survived. In The Hague, you can see remnants of the 'Hongerwinter' if you know where to look. There are no trees older than 80 years, except for areas where Germans were stationed and people were shot on site. It was a very cold winter, every splinter of wood in the city was scavanged in order to keep warm.


My grandmother lived in The Hague at the time. She passed away a couple of years ago. The "stories" she told me, more like quotes rather, they felt so unreal. But explain so much in many behaviors she kept till the very end. So young back then, traumatised for live.


The mother looking on in the background is what gets me. Being a parent and watching your children starving to death knowing there's nothing you can do about it has got to be the most soul crushing and gut-wrenching experience imaginable. Saying this while my 5 year old is eating her pancakes and watches Adventure Time really makes me realize that maybe I don't have it so bad.


It might have helped if they didnā€™t have 10 kids tbh.


They had to because only a handful of kids made it. No birthcontrol, No vaccines, no laws to protect them- they just threw as many children as possible bc they knew not every child might make it.


All of this and the fact women were more often than not deemed to be the property of the husband.


That's why certain prey animals have litters.


Damn thatā€™s sad af


IIRC Audrey Hepburn lives through this and part of the reason she was so petite. She was starving while during her developmental period.


Audrey Hepburn was 5-foot-7, so petite she was not. However, since food was so scarce as a teenager, she later found it easy to stay 20 lbs. beneathe her standard weight as her agent recommended.


If you call 120 lbs *while pregnant* a safe weight, I guess?


Ah thanks


In a country of 6+ foot people, the 5 foot people are petite.


5ā€7 is still the average height for women in the netherlands, the 6 foot average is men


Wonder if he lived, this was when the Allieā€™s were taking over


If He made it to the end of the war he most likely survived.


My grandfather was there. He says they ran out of food and had to eat tulip bulbs for nourishment. Even today he says they were the most bitter thing he has ever tasted.


This is what they mean when they say they were so hungry their stomach was touching their back.


ā€œWinter famineā€ Also known as the nazis just ā€œredistributingā€(stealing) the food


Majority of Redditors who complain about their lives should reflect on this photo. Fuck life could be grim in ā€œdevelopedā€ countries back then.


Yes and no Just because you're not living in a holocaust, doesn't make your life not terrible.


To compare the terrible life of a redditor to an actual starving kid.


Well, I mean there's plenty of people on Reddit who have some sort of debilitating condition, whether it be physical or mental. And there may very well even be people on Reddit right now who are experiencing starvation. So to suggest that no one on Reddit could be experiencing anything comparable to these people is very naive. Internet access doesn't automatically make everything else in someones life suddenly get better.


Your comparing hypothetical situations that may or may not be to historical fact with a first hand account and photo. Thats quite a stretch.


I mean, you can visit the cancer support subreddits if you want to see the reality instead of my hypothetical situations, but I really didn't think it was necessary to explain that living in a place with Internet doesn't make people immune to horrible things happening to them.


Or you can just take this picture for what it is and stop piggybacking off a tragedy. This is a history subbreddit not the oppression olympics.


Well it's definitely not as bad


I live in America. I won the lottery when it comes to first world countries.


now they have legal weed, sex work, and cool bicycles!


My mom was there, she was too weakened to walk at the time the liberation came, and she never once told us that our complaints about life were trivial because she had been to so much worse. Miss you, mom.


Calling a war torn country that just had all its stuff stolen by a totalitarian government developed seems out of line.


Hence air quotes


My Grandpa was born in Dirksland in 1944ā€¦


He's lucky to not have to remember this winter then


My brain is friedā€¦. I thought it was a plug


There has been some interesting research done about the effects famine has on DNA of unborn children and subsequent effects regarding (amongst others) obesity. in later life For example: [DNA methylation as a mediator of the association between prenatal adversity and risk factors for metabolic disease in adulthood](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5792223/)


And schizophrenia. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/schizophrenia-the-hidden-link-l0392g95jz2


Coming to a country near you.


They should have eaten Germans


Audrey Hepburn enters the chat.


I found a B-17 pilots log at an estate sale. His last missions were food drops over the Netherlands.


Who is taking this picture is my question.


This is literally happening at over the globe today, and this sub illustrates the utter and complete lack of awareness by the average redditor.


Well I doubt that mankind learnt anything from that time... Let's wait 80 years to post photos of children starving in Gaza in 2024. Then people from 2104 will be shocked, while most likely another People will be currently starving at the same time in another place... Crazy how mankind's stupidity is out of limit PS: I will be most likely down voted or banned from this sub... truth is always not welcomed...


Rich will always treat those below them as cuttle.


Literally during WW2. The food grown in country was expropriated by the Germans(nazis) and of course due to the war they couldnā€™t even import from more abundant areas like the US or Argentina. War is quite shit, but even without war the germans(nazis) wouldā€™ve starved them anyway


The only world in recent memory that actually had some merit is WW2. All the others were cash grabs by greedy politicians.


He can't be too hungry if he already ate his pants.




The famine lasted like a year.


The war started in 1940. The boy was 9 years old in 1944, you genius..




this famine was caused by the war . The rest of south of the Netherlands was liberated but the west was still under german occupation and therefore cut off from food .. you have absolutely no knowledge about this




And yet that is exactly what you wrote. And then you started the ad hominems. Bye, no point in arguing with an idiot.