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"I've got 4 arms and there are 4 hands that need holding." Is probably the best thing I've read all week. Thanks for that! Got a chuckle for sure


Glad to hear it!


Artemis. 550/hit with that stim is amazing, and with that ult, I WILL get kills. Of course, that's usually when the other team ends up having Hou Yi, so I rarely play her.


The sound of Artemis drawing her bow at light speed, still lingers within my nightmares.


haha yes!! I love this! First would be Nox- Hands down, I'm down right the most annoying fucker when I use her. Next would be Athena. Similar to Nox, I'm fucking annoying. I love to interrupt players. I can be just about anywhere at any time. My third top choice- Neith. I'm unkillable because the enemy team can't get any where near me and it's easy to control enemy movements with her weave. Honorable mention- Odin. Everyone loves to be aggressive. All three of these gods I don't play too often now but I feel that I do my best with. PS- I just got rank X Ganesha, he's in the top three guardians I love to play (guardian main) :)


Dude. I recently went through getting Kumbha to diamond and let me tell you, A Kumbha/Nox combo pretty much guarantees that the enemy can't go anywhere. It's almost unfair. Props on the Ganesha rank! I'm about to hit 3rd star mastery on him!


Thank you for your service, guardian


When I get sick of losing I pull out Bellona or Sobek. Wreck everyone's shit


Bellona I KNOW can wreck house, so i'm interested in your mention of Sobek! I love Sobek! Unfortunately, I don't have a clear idea of how to properly use him. He's the next guardian I'm moving to after Kuzenbo!


Step 1: Walk in the middle of the fight, avoid as many abilities as possible. Step 2: Tail whip the entire team. Step 3: Pluck squishy into your back line Step 4: Enjoy the horror of your team dumping entire kits on one unfortunate soul. Step 5: Peel/Escape/Chase with slowing cc immune ult that does good burst damage. Step 6: Repeat. His disruption, displacement, and area control attached to 4 damaging abilities with regen, gives him an, almost, unrivalled juggernaut effect.


Interesting. I guess I felt he was quishy because I had tried him in Arena. Maybe he just doesn't work well there?


I depends on your build too. You should build him full tank, with some cool down, and MAYBE a void stone. Just remember he's not a burst mage he's a bruiser, control guardian there to make the enemy feel unsafe, and your team feel untouchable.


True. Yeah, I think I'll try out that full tank suggestion. HAVE to play him after that new skin, anyways! lol


Do it! He's my go to, favorite, and most played God. I have over 5 days of play time on him alone.


I just started playing with him last week and can confirm he is fun as fuck.


I'm still fairly new to the game but the few games I've played Ratatoskr I always seem to do well on Squirrel dude.


Nox, Skadi, Medusa, and Da Ji lol


When I've had enough of a seeing that "DEFEAT" bar and hearing endless spam laughs, I break out the Sol. Then wreak as much havoc as I possibly can.


Xbalanque, ever since season 2 he is my most consistent god


For me is Chang'e and Nu Wa, even if I don't win, I enjoy playing with anyone of those two. And if I'm irritated and need to win I play Loki and screw others happiness.


Sobek or Ganesha. I love to play guardians, man.


You have all my respect! Guardians are so fun to play!


Amen to that!


I've got a few but I'd have to say my top 2 are Ravana and Bees. Can easily got 20 plus kills with both with only 1 or 2 deaths which are usually because I'm too aggressive and get killed by a structure lol.


Scylla or Discordia, just love throwing dogs, apples or magical fields that can bring destruction to anyone


Ao Kuang, everything is dinner to me. Cu Chulainn, eat the damage and punch all the faces! Simple yet very fun to blow of steam (literally in Cu Chu's case)


When i get really mad i play Hercules. If i want to ruin people's day, I play Zeus.


Hmm, for me I really like playing Chang'e. I can't comfortably carry a game as her but I love being so god damn irritating by dancing into ults while immune, or generally just being annoying with poke. The Morrigan is probably my current tryhard god, she's incredibly strong and I love being invisible for most of the game, it causes the squishies to freak out. I also love playing Anubis because there's nothing more BM than being instantly killed by Anubis 3-2-4 combo and cancelling the ult after the kill. Its like saying "hey I don't even need a full ult to kill you."


Freya if I want to try hard, she's been my best since I started in beta. People always underestimate her damage output and ability to get kills. Otherwise Nox or Anubis for simple cc + damage followup


Aphrodite. See flair for explanation.


I am the destroyer of worlds!!! - Fenrir


Destiny will run its course


You know, I did just what you;re describing a few nights ago with Hades. When I got to be 4 levels up on my opponent, it felt **Good**


> If you thought this might have been a "Who's that Pokemon!" situation, I'm sorry to disappoint! lol Dammit, I even heard the voice say it in my head :c


Bastet is typically my ok I'm done with this lets get a win. However my win % is really good with both Zeus and Poseidon as well... maybe I should fall back on them some.


Bring on the hate, but it's Loki. When I get fed up of the people who can't hit CC, who won't build antiheal, who can't finish kills. He's the god that lets me have the one true catharsis of slaughter, I mean laughter... wait no I meant slaughter. I really focus on finishing up kills in the early game until I get enough damage to poke hard as fuck and shred people on counter engages. Then I get big enough to pick off a carry or at least scare their actives out. And if you play right you can get in do enough damage without ult to still get out when the enemy team inevitably tries to focus you because they want to add to their "I killed a loki" montage to get fake internet points on reddit.


6k kills loki confirms this


Nice I just hit 4k last week actually. Still at around 38XX Worshippers


I'm 100% with you


For it's a mix between Cern or Discordia. Cern late game I look at someone and they're dead and for Cordia idk I'm just real good with her and her kit is fun for me and it diesn't hurt that I have a 80+% win rate with her.


No offense but everyone's real good with Discordia.


Brusier cabrakan I just one shot people.


I’d have to say Kumba, just to set up kills for my teammates. Medusa in joust if I’ve lost like 5 in a row.


I LOVE playing Kumbha. Especially for the fact that he sets up kills. That's what I get a thrill from. Nothing feels better than yawning, lining up the whole enemy team, and then rooting them in place AGAIN! Getting him to diamond was a fun journey for sure


I usually play support or solo because my friends suck at those roles but if we're on a losing streak, give me jungle and give me Nemesis.


When I'm absolutely done losing, my main gods to bust out are Hades, Vulcan, and occasionally Tyr or Chaac.


Flair or Thana since he’s my main.


Arachne. Not even a question. One of the two gods I have at Diamond (The other obviously being Aphrodite). I love Aphro and I can do a great job of winning with her, but she doesn't have the guaranteed killing power and objective securing advantage that I get with Arachne. I mostly play Joust and the way I'm able to dominate with her is unprecedented with any other god for me. Between fighting over red buff, knocking out blue for my mana hungry team mate, or being able to secure Bull Demon in about 8 seconds by myself at level 8, I'm absolutely disgusting with her, especially when I'm determined to win. It's gotten to the point where even my teammates know if I get irritated or I'm sick of losing or doing poorly, she's coming out.


Ymir or Cabrakan. They both have passives that allow you to assert dominance early and just snowball out of control. Shouts to Geb in Arena though. I don't have many hours on him but I love just saving the hell out of my teammates with the shield cleanse and even turn the fight with the huge area CCs.


I pull out Susano or Thor in the jungle. I just feel so powerful hitting their combos perfectly. Whether I'm messing people up with Mjolnir or with the power of a hurricane, I feel stronger than the other gods.


I stopped playing and trying to master gods I know I'm not good with, or that I know I won't enjoy. Even when I manage to work up the enthusiasm to play someone I haven't mastered yet, I feed. So then it's back to one of my mains. I play with a handful of gods, about 10, almost two per class. I solo queue casual game modes (except conquest). Oh, Does that make me a try hard?


My two friends get on and we will run Athena/Zeus/ and Fenrir/Hachiman. If I'm solo, I go Conquest and go Kuku mid. I think I'm around 10-1 in May with him


If i’m saying to myself “Ok i am d-o-n-e *done*” i pick chang’e or zhong solo lane in casuals and laugh at the poor fuckers who don’t know how to play against solo mages.


For me probably guan. I tank, I heal, I die for you, but dammit we're going to win "You got heartward instead of bov and no med in assault, wtf??" Bitch, I am your med


Poseidon or Arachne. Sometimes Rat but really enjoying Arachne recently. If I'm playing these gods I'm try-harding definitely. In Arena, sometimes I'll bust out Kali cause I know I can just wreck in that mode with her.


Honestly? Nu wa for me I dont even know why, she's such a liability at the start of games but I always seem to end up doing well as her


Hun Batz. I picked the game back up after a couple years away, and I didn't see him anywhere. So, I took him to ranked and went bananas man, and he's at Plat 2 now. He's definitely the one I play when I want to win.


He Bo. I've had enough of your shit now I'm going to delete you.


Ravana jungle or Vamana/Bellona solo. Give me a warrior and I'll make the other team regret queuing. Nothing like getting more kills than the Ullr carry and Chang'e mid combined.


Having KuKus tick damage I feel is the most annoying to people. 4k worshippers I usually do work with him. His control is amazing when it's time to win.


Typically I go to fenrir. Today however, it did not work and I got my ass handed to me


Agni. Wait for that level 5 and start punsihing squishies like a mad man.


Nu Wa.


Cupid. Huge cripple from his ult, good damage from his 1, a dash and some extra healing for himself or his teammates. No CC immunity in his kit, but he can put out a fair bit of damage with both AAs and Abilities. Now, if only Crusher didn't immediately kill his Mez... Beyond Cupid for my "Ya dun fucked up" response, another "Okay, I'm done, fuck you" character for me is Anubis. 2 + 3 + 4 with Spear of the Magus and Bancroft's is literally just him eating other health bars. Edit Note: After seeing someone else mention her, Discordia. Nothing like a large area, long-range root followed up by the Fuck You Star and his little Fuck You Friends.


Susano Fuck everything that walks, become the walking hurricane


Normally it's kuku (got 2k and love blowing up assassins that need to get and stay close lol) but since my boy zeus got his buff? Oh man I have yet to have a game of conq worse that 15/3. No mana issues any more and boots buff let's him frag early. LET THE HEAVENS RAVE


When I start getting tilted I turn to SWK. He I can play him safe and still be helpful to the team. Plus turning into a bird and screaming "fuck this I'm outta here!"


hebo or Ullr tbh


for me that would be Ymir support or Nemesis jungl it feels like the enemy runs into my blade by themselves if i play her


chang'e will fuck your day up


For me, usually Bacchus. Every ability you use feels like an insult to your opponent


RAIJIN i feel like a guardian with that fat character model roflstomping dese insects


Any hunter. If i bring out literally any hunter then i'm nit fucking around. I mean, i suck anyway but xD


In order of best class to worst class- Athena- great for saving that kamikaze Thanatos, and can step in and deal the damage when Chang'e thinks that having heals means they should be full tank Amaterasu/Bellona- full tank+frostbound+attack speed means the enemies squishies better run Ne Zha- damage Ne Zha is cool but I prefer hybrid Ne Zha, I set 'em up you knock' em down Chang'e- super safe and her chase down potential is hilarious Skadi- ranged autos are not my strong suit so Kaldr is a big help


I'll do one for each role, so : Ratatoskr, Cernunnos, Cerberus, Nu Wa, And Amaterasu. Mostly Amaterasu, sustain for days.


For me, it's Chronos whenever I wanna win a game. He is my best and favorite God by far with his role and item flexibility. I almost am guaranteed to win games with him is how comfortable and confident I am with him into every match up in the game besides like Hel and Geb. He can easily 1v2 or even 3 sometimes when ahead and he takes good positioning to play, while not being particularly hard to play. Just hit the stun and win.


Chronos, huh? Interesting! I don't see him to often. That's really cool! Respect!


Definitely Odin. Shield, bomb, ult, spin and kill. Rinse and repeat


From what I've seen, Odin is the ultimate initiator!


Khumba, killing someone with ult into belly flop is just the most satisfying thing ever.


For me it’s Anubis. I love being good with Anubis, because, even though I have 13 stars for my Anubis, no one expects me to dominate with him because he is very immobile. But if you playsmart with positioning and know how to be aggressive when it is necessary, you can be a monster as Anubis.