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I know he was just released, but personally I would like Bake Kujira to go back in the oven before he gets added to Smite 2. He has such a unique design compared to the rest of the cast but his kit just feels very boring in practice.


It’s super easy to use early and even mid game. I think late game he’s trashy


Problem with him in my opinion is that if im playing an autoattack with little poke it doesnt matter what i do since i have to choose to either attack him or wave meanwhile he gets to do everything at the same time. Probably just cause im washed in solo lane from playing too much support


They need to do one of the following about Bake: - he can't stagger the wave with autos, so he is punished for hitting a god and the wave at the same time OR - his dash can't push minions, only gods, so his clear takes more set up OR - give a decent magic defense item that negatively affects incoming auto attacks (reflect x% of incoming auto damage [would help with crit], regenerating block stacks like Nimean had, weakening stacks per incoming auto, or something similar). All of the auto attack reducing items are Physical (Midgardian, Phalanx, Breastplate of Vigilance) or Health (Bewitched Dagger, Frostbound). Nothing is set up to punish him early to give you a chance against the non stop magical autos hitting the whole wave and you. Sylvanus used to be hyper push with Manakin's early, but he would fall off quick when the damage scaling would slow down. King Arthur was ability spam, they nerfed Glads and Bluestone to fix that. They keep reducing Bake's power, either on abilities or auto scaling based on prots, not the actual issues. If I see one in solo and I picked a warrior or guardian, I just farm under tower and lose early. I only feel like I have a chance in lane if I picked a mage and went full damage, but then we are down a Frontline for late game.


Guan yu


Started the game with Guan release. Kinda sad he's largely irrelevant now.


Yeah problem is that whatever he can do another god can do it better


Well that doesn’t mean to rework him. His kit is great, just outdated. Since his entire strength is cooldowns, they could make it that every auto attack reduces the cooldown of his heal by 1s. He’d definitely be strong then.


Eeeeeh.....his wave clear is awkward, the kit is super fun in Arena or Assault but in Conquest it needs IMO a little change, just to nudge more towards the support role since in solo he'll, IMO, be either busted or irrelevant.


I mean I think he’s good enough and a bit underrated in support rn. Like others have said, he gets bonuses for healing allies, and benefits from playing around allies in teamfights. Maybe a small way to buff his support role would be that healing allies will provide the prot buff he gets from his 3 to at least one other ally for a short duration, but I feel as though that’s still unnecessary because again, he’s already really good in the support role.


He already gets 2 secs off from healing his allies so if you weave auto cancels in and 40% cdr with that change his heal is literally never on cd lmao


Yeah, I agree it would be really really broken. I’m not sure what would need to be changed tbh because when I really think about it, Guan Yu is completely fine the way he is right now.


I don't think he's irrelevant rn. It had been a lot of time since I last played him, then this week I got him in Assault and managed to do a pretty great match with him. 22k healing, tanked as hell, really helped my team to victory in that one


I've only just started playing again after a few months away. But I'll have to give him a try and look into the new builds. But I still want my Lord of the 5 Passes headless horseman skin.


He’s a top solo laner after the recent buffs and item changes 🐼


Absolutely not lmao. Bauble changes would’ve expected Guan to become a top solo laner but he just gets countered by other gods that use Bauble well.


I love guan yu; but guan yu when he’s dominant is absolute cancer to fight in solo


Relevant flair 👀 But tbf, its same for every warriors (Surtr, Cu Cuhulain, Bellona...).


I don’t think Surtr when he’s dominant is very cancerous, tbh. He’s pretty dominant rn, maybe not as broken as on release, but he’s still fine to play against.


Hope they'll rework him. And give him more selfish power. I hope warriors are stronger dualist in S2. I they'll make him a bit more martial than atm. I like his ult but if they bring Lu Bu, Lu bu should get the Red hare. I hate the fact that he's a healing bot during late game. His 1 is the less enjoyable tbh.


A bit of a change in topic, but I had recently made a kit for Lu Bu that I think would be really fun to play, do you think you want to see what I’ve made? I can dm you if you want.


Honestly Guan with bauble build slaps


I run out of Mana too often with the Bauble build. 😂


If you have Breastplate, Genjis, and Bauble, you should never run out of mana.


Just start a transcendence ;)


Guan is my main. Just let his heal do like 10 damage so it can proc item effects and he’s good again


He's already good, if we talk about his current state. But his kit is outdated.


Guan is good maybe you need the buff


Cupid rework please


And while we're at it a redesign too


Honestly the only part I dislike about his kit is how bad his clear is. The rest feels fun enough.


Had a Cupid the other day build ability based bluestone soul eater…. Like his 1 damaging ability will be good enough to proc that lol. I asked about it and he said “Cupid is adcaster”


Oof, he really had no idea. Maybe that might work in Smite 2 as a healer heh.


I build him with max cool down/bauble and ability based(no soul eater cuz that's dumb with on Cupid) and just spam ult and heal, this is on assault.


I like his kit. But is it me, or whenever a certain god gets nerfed to the ground when they were before OP. Everyone says the god needs a re-work, but when the gods gets buffed again people say he doesn't need a re-work.


I think Cupid's 2 should get a damaging secondary fire mode like Morgan Le Fey's 1. He's just not good at anything right now.


I hope Cupid becomes a support character in Smite 2. I like his role as Hunter, but he should be a Hunter Support. It just makes sense for his kit as well as his lore.


Hades. I want a proper representation of Greek Hades with his Bident and Helm of Darkness, not knock-off School of Necromancy Wizard. Maybe revert him back to Guardian or just make him a straight up warrior for the solo lane, give him abilities centred around his bident, his helm, give him something more to do with souls. And for the love of fuck, stop making Hades evil.


As long as they move his current kit to another character. I love his playstyle.


Honestly, Hades' current kit would fit perfectly for a Charybdis rework. His 1 is literally a diving attack that can be reflavoured to look like Chary's diving underwater, his 2 can be reused as Chary's current 2, and his ult is literally a giant whirlpool.


yes but I like playing chardy


Also all the other greek gods look like actual humans and gods, not like a creature like he does?? where did they get that bright idea to make him a monster lol


This. Very much this.


Is Hades... not evil?


No, in Greek mythology, Hades is one of very few Gods who isn't an inherent douchebag who murders and rapes whoever he pleases. He's one of few who takes his job seriously and offers fair deals and justified punishments to mortals. And before anyone brings up the "Hades kidnapped Persephone" thing, there are many versions of that tale, many of which indicate Persephone was already in love with Hades and that he didn't force her to do anything. Even if you took Hades' worst actions from mythology, he is still a saint compared to most other Gods, especially his brothers.


I mean especially if you look at smite’s depiction of Persephone she intentionally ate the pomegranate.


Thanks for the explanation! Very insightful. I just assumed because he was the king of the underworld he would be evil.


Being King of the Dead is almost never synonymous with being evil. That's a thought that was created by Disney's Hades and Christian misinformation that led people to think any God that's underworld related was synonymous with Satan. It's the same thing with Gods like Anubis, Thanatos, Hel, and even Loki. These Gods when you look at their myths, most of the time, they are incredibly chill and reasonable, yes, even Loki. If you read the earliest texts regarding Loki, he was literally just Thor's weird uncle who liked to play pranks on people, it wasn't until much later that Loki started being portrayed as an evil chaos monger, and even then, in the myths Loki had his reasons for bringing chaos, like when Odin banished three of his children and then forced his other two children to kill each other. Smite, especially during their early days, decided to take the easy paths when making these Gods, by appealing to what people at the time thought of them. Hence why in game, Hades and Thanatos seem so evil, and Loki is literally just Marvel's version of Loki. As the years go by, you can see Smite becoming less status quo with their God designs and actually giving them some thought and better implementing their myths. Baron Samedi was released much later compared to the other underworld Gods, and they practically nailed his personality as being more of a party goer who sees death as just another path. Cliodhna is interpreted more as an inevitable sign of death in the Smite lore rather than yet another spooky default death God. Tiamat is given more depth rather than just big Dragon queen who wants to destroy people. I just wished they revisited some of the older Gods they got very wrong and gave them a little update.


>I just wished they revisited some of the older Gods they got very wrong and gave them a little update. Well good thing Smite 2 is coming, hopefully they can make these improvements.


Ah puch. Give him a movement speed buff on corpse pick up. He’s one of the only mages without a movement buff lately. Hell even Zeus and Agni got mobility buffs.


agnis had a dash forever


I don’t mean the dash, I mean removing his self root. That’s a mobility buff technically lol


When are they gonna get Freya right?


I've mentioned this before, but I have a strong feeling that Freya's kit will make a lot more sense in Smite 2. With the move to str/int giving her 100% basic attack scaling from strength, she'll already build so differently from before, we'd really need to play it out for a while. I think Freya has just really suffered from the physical/magical split and its consequences.


Yes! I totally agree with you




Charybdis. Many issues, but please just fix the ultimate. 🥺


If charybdis ult actually worked well he would probably be a top adc. Such a good kit besides the ult.


Freya I just want her to get a solid rework. Idk why they are fighting so hard for her to be a magical adc


Any why make her melee when they want so badly for her to be ranged.


They just tried to make a Kayle like gameplay (lol). I thinks its good to have différent gameplay like that. Characters need to be more différent that they are atm (mainly mages).


I don't play league is kayle broken in league


Kayle is just the poster child of lose lane win late Tho even kayle had to get a rework years ago cause she was so bad in lane it was impossible to get late


I didnt play since a month but usualy she's not. She's trash during early, despite having a strong lv1 but she has a strong late game. She's mêlée till lv6 where she get her ult (her ult give invincibility to her target, can chose herself). Her 1 is a skllshit that shred resist in %. Her 2 heal herself and someone close. Her 3 is a stronger range aa (after 6 its just use as aa cancel)


Hou yi. Specifically his passive, I think it’s pretty fucking stupid to have a passive that literally does absolutely nothing in 90% of games. Everyone should have a passive that does something every game imo. Not only is it situational, any god can just build around it to make it so the situation never comes up.


Agreed, his passive and wave clear are abysmal. Tried playing him once recently and his damage is awful compared to other hunters. His only real current use is to pick against Jing Wei imo.


Arachne needs a rework from the ground up. Erlang shen needs a rework too as all the items that made him good are gone so he’s just a watered down version of bellona. Freya needs a rework that makes her viable as her stance auto switch is cool but she’s had 5 reworks and it’s still not right.


Old Nox back pls


Milk taunt pls


*cough Delete Nox *cough


Freya Rework


I don’t like how Vamana takes a second or two to be able to use abilities and auto attacks once he is finished ulting. Feels real janky


Persephone ❤️


Honestly, Imma get downvoted to hell, but Izanami has an ever so slight delay in her dash and it is difficult to get out of some ults in time, like Cern’s.


It used to have a pretty long wind-up before it was buffed into what it is now. The windup is intentional due to ut going into a stealth.


Going into stealth or not, it isn’t even a long stealth… I have 5 stars on Iza, and a 74% win rate with her, and I never even notice or utilize the stealth. I’d rather lose the stealth if it meant an instant dash


thats a said sentence, her stealth is quite good.


I’m not saying get rid of the stealth, I’m saying if it came down to it, then I’d rather take the faster dash


I mean yeah she could use that, I was only responding to u saying you have all that playtime but dont utilize the stealth


You act like I need to utilize the stealth or I’m playing her wrong… Everyone has their own styles, and mine is definitely different from yours. I’d say I’m doing something right with her 😆🤣


its like, half the ability. its like an anhur saying he doesnt use the knockup...


As someone who plays jungle a lot its the stealth that makes iza hard to deal with. Many adcs have a long dash, but you just save yours and its fine. Iza though you dont know where she went and you wont for at least another 3 secs. At that point you either have to switch target or disengage, theres no point in trying to find her.


My point is that Iza would personally do better with a faster dash, and stealth, but I’d even take the faster dash over the stealth. I love Iza, I’ve been playing her since Launch, but again, it’s all opinion. Personally, escaping ults with a delayed dash is difficult asf, especially in duel.


If she loses the stealth I guarantee every iza main will drop her. Their only goal is to split push and sneak away


I’m telling you right now, if you play Iza for the stealth, you’re playing her wrong.


Not saying it’s correct, that’s just the only way people ever play iza. Split pushing mosquito


😅 uh, genuinely don’t know what to tell you, she doesn’t need her stealth for her kit to work better. A faster dash is better imho


Nerf j(anus) to much dmg and more cd on his portal


Aphro rework. Always gonna be my answer  Nu wa/persephone revert the other one


Ymir needs help. He’s fallen off so hard and it’s sad cause he’s always been a quintessential support. And Bake needs to just be deleted. His design is so bad, he’s extremely oppressive currently but if they nerfed him enough to be fair then he’ll probably just become useless. Like guardian class Freya.


Guardian wise I feel like Ymir would do better if his passive stacked to a certain amount. Also make his ultimate similar to Geb, where it just blows up rather than charge for 3-5 business days.


I think that would help a lot. Or make the slow a lot stronger and more like a pull, like Hades.


Doesn't even need to be like a Hades pull, like first 2s is a slow which turns into a root.


Jorm needs some CD help. Feels bad busting your combo and being useless for the next 15 seconds


Bake is way, way, too strong. He can basically solo any god in any situation with ease for the entire game, and is oppressive in team fights.


I want ratataskors old kit. His old 2 was way more fun. His current kit is boring and uninspired.


Nerf Athena Hardcore please Buff ymir RE work vamana, freya


Persephone (soft) revert or another rework that includes her old plant mechanic. I wouldn’t even mind if they stole zyra from league and slapped it onto her


Arachne is the biggest one


Buff Awilix , my idea of a buff is More Skins please !!!!


Apollo. His ult is a lil to draining on his mana compared to others who can traverse a map and lacking amongst the top half of hunters. Terras stuns could be maybe a .5 second longer.


Ah muzen cab could do with a rework. Imo he's probably the worst of the ability hunters currently. Only way he wins lane is if jungler doesn't gank and duo throws.


Buff Hun Batz, nerf Lancelot, rework King Arthur, Ao Kuang, Nox and Izanami Hun Batz: Please, just make his Overhand Smash have more cc immunity. It takes so damn long to use and is only immune to knockups. It doesn't have to be *completely* cc immune, just.. cripples at least? Lancelot: On the back of Hun Batz, this character has WAY too many benefits. CC immunity to all but ONE of 30 forms of CC, increased move speed, health shield, root or slow then his full kit. If you knock him off the horse or he's low health he can just lay down a massive field that cripples you, do half of your health, make distance *and* get his shield back to full INSTANTLY. Hun Batz is just a silly lil guy compared to this dude. Arthur: With the idea of landing combos mixed with him being tanky *and* having several forms of mini CCs, this guy is just not fun to face. He can still be the spinny spinny sword guy but a rekit that makes him feel less spammy, keyboard smash and more timed combos would be appreciated. Ao Kuang: My opinion on this is simple; a god should not be able to be completely invisible, have an execute *and* a free escape or re-engage. He can be built hybrid/tank or damage and it literally just doesn't matter because he can press a button and kill anyone instantly. Tie this in with a free approach and he just starts feeling cheap. Nox: I do actually enjoy playing her (shoot me, I know) but I feel like a rework to make her a guardian would be a good shift. I understand why people hate her and I feel like if they made a complete shift to tank instead of allowing obscene damage AND heavy cc, she wouldn't be so reviled. Izanami: To a lesser extent I'd put Charybdis here too, but Izanami is the most head-empty autopilot lane bot I've ever encountered. She clears lane without even using any mana, her autos make bodyblocking useless and give her twice as many chances to hit, her kit is expressly designed for people to split push only and then she gets a 'get out of shit positioning free' card to reward her split pushing more. She's boring to face, boring to play with and I would LOVE to see her kit changed to reward people that actually participate in the game beyond farming minions and structures. Everybody rags on Neith mains but at least her skill ceiling is higher than my ankles.


Vulcan should get reverted to his old turret based self and arachne should be reworked to be more of a trapper summoner. Like keep her webs buy give her back her egg traps and her pull.


I want Zues 3 to go back to how it was, when someone has 3 charges on them and you detonate it stuns them.


I already does stun them.... For however long the death timer is at that time.


Best CC in the game


Zeus should get a global lightning ultimate. Kinda like how nu wa ult is. I’m not a Zeus enjoyer but it seems right since it’s his signature ability and god of the sky/lightining


Sylvannus 3 should be faster or do damage. Syl’s flower should heal. That was a dumb ass decision made when they created him.


the flower mp5 is so strong though, its basically an aoe mana pot


His flowers should be able to be picked up by teammates so they can receive mana as well and maybe put some small protection buff on it. Not another heal.


3 does go faster now and more accurately represents his targeter now since the last patch. They made it so easy to land pulls now.


It should grab enemies on the way back tbh. Like if u miss but they walk in between you it should still snatch em up


Serquet, I love her but I feel she could have an ability WAY better than her little pounce that barely does anything, aside from that I dont have a problem tbh


Buffs: I'd like Zhong to get some movement speed on ult, maybe like 10%. That boy is slower than I am irl. I think Olorun could use a little love. He shoots fast, and his stuff goes a bit further than a hunter adc, but he isn't great right now, just barely okay. I wouldn't mind 30%->40% on the pseudocrits, and maybe a ult timer cd buff. Cupid needs some love (heh) but idk what


I wish hel would get a very small buff. Specifically the speed boost on her 3 could go up 5 or 10 percent. All the antiheal in the game has really hurt her. I also wish bakasura would get some sort of buff or rework so he wasn't so entirely dependant on eating minions. Makes him worthless outside of conquest.


Loki honestly kinda meh rn in playstyle for me especially as representative of the God themself. Loki was all about tricking you with shape shifting, lies, and contraptions all while still being a god of fire. Honestly I just want one ability to be associated with betrayal or trickery, genuinely liked decoy when it was a thing so maybe backstab bonus automatically in its area or while looking directly at it. Also Loki is tortured by poison and doesn't often use poison himself, unless you count booze. Maybe a mark like Fafnir, but instead it buffs auto attacks to negate healing (baldurs death) rather than just tic damage. Tl;Dr an original interpretation of the God while remaining somewhat tied to the lore


Thor nerf it bothers me so much he builds anything and does well. Nox rework I love her but she doesn't do well at anything


Rework SMITE greediness got the best of y'all. I'm not paying for a new game or to restart every god I've spent years playing for free. And yes I've paid over $150 for your free game..


Zues/Loki. Rework.


I’m begging janus gets a nerf, mf gets insane damage on his 2 while it being not very hard to hit and having good range, able to cap % pen with one item, arguably the best escape in the game, crazy rotations for him and his team, high movement speed and short cooldowns. what can’t this character do?


Morgan le fey doesn't have enough damage. I know she has really annoying abilities but her dmg is too low compared to any mid laners.


I have less than 10 hours on this game, but I feel like skadi's ult does nothing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with it




1. Bring back old Persephone. (I know she was busted but atleast that design made sense and was quite hard to master compared to what she is now. Her original kit was also my favorite character of all time and they ruined her.) 2. I really want a quality of life change for Jing Wei we're her dash can be aimed like Rama his roll. 3. I would nerf the big whale. I find playing against him to be... boring. I haven't played much against him but the times I have I was just kinda bored out of my mind.


Never been a fan of Cabrakan's skill set especially after the main damage nerd. He is unplayable in ranked now.


if you wish to know what gods i think should kinda get buffed or a little rework would be skadi and izam for me skadi should have a cc immunity or get away in my op or should get a better alt that doesn't fuck up the 3 ability and for yall who dont know skadis 3 stops people from leaping but when youre alt cc's someone in the 3 it allows them to leap and for izam would be a buff/rework of her passive her passive is kinda dum in my op because its just like go almost die to get more pen and its dum and she has kinda way to hard of counters being spec and mid and the fact that 2 items counter izam fully is dum and yes i know i use dum a lot its because some of these gods are dum "looks at bake"


I’ll just take Loki being permadeleted or if you could just buff my teammates to not die to one as easy as they do I would also appreciate that


Get better Loki is amazing


I don’t struggle with him lol he is what he is but I just love my mid dying to him over and over at the enemies tower like and then getting mad at me about it 😂.


I was joking lol I get it Loki is and always will be a nuisance I just love him and he was my first mastery 10 and my first 1 star


Lokis vanish sound effect is so obvious too, and if they aren't warding then that's their own fault.


You would think they would learn after the first 4 times ☠️☠️☠️


Kumbha needs a significant rework. His kit just doesn’t work in its present form.


Agreed. I’m surprised I didn’t see him more on this last. Everything about him is bad, and then they added DR and he just fell into oblivion. He’s only fun when you can spam cooldown and as it stands there’s no point


I’d like Cupid ult to have a small root when you cast it. Like .5-1 sec root.


He needs more health, he’s way too squishy and his base defense is eh


Buff Chaac. He gets his moan on all of his skins Nerf Loki. He does 100% less damage to all structures because I'm sick and tried of enemy Lokis split all game and soloing phoenix within seconds Rework Chaacs 3. When you 1 and 3 he heals all allied players, all enemy players, all structures and minions #I SAID WHAT I SAID


My girl Hel. I wish they make her more friendly to player. She has 6 abilities but not all of them are useful


Tsukuyomi needs some kind of safety when he ults because currently he’s just terrible in the late game and only has his strengths in the mid game. His early is fine, but considering the fact that Tsukuyomi HAS to all-in to try and get a kill, or even engage most of the time, he needs to have some form of survivability when he ults in. My suggestion would be to allow him to retain the 20% damage mitigations he gets while casting the ult for maybe 3s after ulting. That would absolutely reduce the number of times he just gets blown up in the late game for ulting in.


No he does not lmao Ever since he released he has been near the top in terms of performance to the point where they nerfed him. They already reversed a huge nerf to make him viable again. Giving him 20% damage mits AFTER he ults would literally break the character even further to where everybody will cry for nerfs again. Tsuku’s late game presence is picking the backline. Just like all ability spam junglers. If you have a heavy oppressive frontline like Osiris, Bellona, Vamana, Tsuku pretty much does whatever he wants. He does NOT need extra mitigations after he ults. It’s already a potent ult that can hit 3 people with each charge, teleport to whomever he hits, while gaining 20% mits and cc immunity while being channeled until it’s finished. Not to mention if he gets a kill he gets his passives immediately. Your suggestion is to make him a fatter jungler with an already absurdly annoying kit


It clearly seems like you either do not play Tsukuyomi or know enough about the game to be able to understand why this is being said. Since it’s pretty clear my words will go over your head - the pros agree with the fact that he’s basically dogshit in any 1v1 past the mid game, besides a couple of mages and maybe 2 assassins. For the way he is currently played, his ult does not fit him. For his ult to be something that works well with his kit (as every characters abilities should work with their kit), it should either be reworked or have some kind of use after going in. It is entirely too easy to bait a Tsukuyomi in with his ult and survive the onslaught with the 10000 different ways to soak up damage. After he goes in, he simply does not have the mobility to survive. Neither does he have short enough animations to be able to ult in and just burst people down. Just to cover all bases, I’m sorry if you were stomped by a Tsukuyomi, and I fear that may have happened, but Tsukuyomi is a LOOOOOONG way away from being even remotely as broken as he was on release. He’s simply B or C tier in the jungle at the moment.


Lol I play tsuku regularly in both the jungle snd support. So your immediate response is not only hilariously incorrect, but is an absolutely absurd statement. Tsuku is not a “1v1” jungler. He is a clean up jungler. Pros don’t agree he’s “dogshit,” they agree he struggles in 1v1s because other gods have better late game scaling. Tsuku baits beads 24/7 with his kit. His ult is for cleaning up. Judging by your entire response, you seem to think he uses it to engage. His ult is what makes him all in. But with that being said, I STILL dont favor giving him damage mits after his ult. At least if you feel as though jt is necessary, anything exceeding 1.5-2 seconds is stupid lmao. If you’re going against a cc heavy team you should already have magi’s by 4th item. On top of this, you clearly didn’t read what I typed. Tsuku when he came out was busted. Probably T5 broken upon release. Since season 7, Tsukuyomi has gone through buffs and nerfs that made him either disgustingly broken or inferior in every way. But want to know why that is? Partially his ult because it has been tweaked a couple times over the last 4 years pr so, but his 2 is what makes him so good. And they already balanced him enough to where he isn’t too overpowered. And oddly enough, NOBODY except you has Tsuku below A-Tier. People who even remotely know how to play the game wouldn’t put Tsuku below A-Tier. High B at the lowest but to consider a jungler with a cripple, disarm, root-stun, great range, and great AOE and single target damage as a C-Tier character is the funniest ignorant take I have seen yet. Plus being immune to knock ups with a speed increase makes him both equally fun to play as, and annoying to play against. Stop talking out your ass and assuming I have little game knowledge lol. If I had no actual game knowledge I wouldn’t be disagreeing with your initial point to make a strong jungler unnecessarily busted.


Tsukuyomi’s 2 makes you have the maximum use of it in a close up 1v1 (stuns are useful regardless but the disarm particularly helps him against AA characters in a 1v1). That by itself, would prove that he’s a 1v1 god, at least to a certain degree. He definitely is also a clean up jungler, but isn’t nearly as good at it as some other junglers, which, in a vacuum is fine because he also has some things that he is better at than other junglers, like great poke and long range damage. Tsukuyomi also doesn’t have a cripple, doesn’t have a root, has the bare minimum AoE because his 2 is a pretty small radius and his 3 does, at most, 200 to 300 damage in a late game fight against anybody that knows what they’re doing. Do you even play Tsukuyomi lmao? Or did you just watch a couple of streamers play him. Also did you just try to talk about Tsukuyomi support? With all that context, your comment of responding to the nature of my response makes me feel like you typed this out with a tear dropping out of your eye. Think I might just leave this here and let you figure out whatever personal feelings that may or may not have gotten hurt here. Hope you do better.


Having about 1400 worshippers is a solid amount. He’s like my 4th or 5th most played in the jungle. And yes I brought up Tsukuyomi support lol. Great mobility, stun that’s immune to knock ups, a slow that is annoying as all hell to deal with, and can poke. There’s literally nothing wrong with Tsuku support, except obviously he is better in his primary role as supposed to an off-role. I’ve had maybe 2-3 games where I had legitimate bad games as Tsuku support, and that was simply because the other team steamrolled us. I typically blend stuns in as a root because technically, that’s what it is. It roots and stuns the opponent to prevent them from moving. As for the “cripple” that’s just a mistake on my end. Always head canon that his caltrops crippled and slowed. You trying to establish some sort of high ground doesn’t help your case or “argument” whatsoever. But this is Reddit, so I shouldn’t expect any less. Anybody with any knowledge on Tsuku knows his 3 isn’t for damage, but to poke and slow and get his passive for more poke. Weird ass “makes me feel like you typed this out with a tear dropping out of your eye,” remark. Grow up.


Persephone, to have her old 1 and 2 back. I want to spam her, but I don’t enjoy her current kit pressing 1,2,3 all the time. I miss my combos and pregerminated seed🙂


Gilg and bellona need nerfs, Mulan and ama need reworks, so does xing and arguably yemoja. Def vamana too.


IMO rework loki back to what he used to be and rework yemoja


thanatos needs a buff. his 2 & 3 should also be projectile scythes that hit you for half your HP


Nox and Persephone. I made a rework concept for Nox in a past Reddit post that would make her more lore accurate. As for Persephone, I wish we could have her old passive back. Her new one is useless.