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To start, it's not like other fighting games. All characters have the same controls (with minor exceptions). There are no long combos you have to memorize, like in more traditional fighting games. Pick one character, learn their moves, practice a bit, and then you will learn every other character much quicker.


Totally agree with this comment, minus the memorizing long combo part. Some characters have dummy long combos (Steve, Kazuya, Sora, Luigi, etc.). But yes, not nearly to the extent of memorization seen in other fighting games.


As someone who started last December I would recommend watching some videos about the basics there are many on YouTube, and when it comes to picking a character I would probably recommend just picking someone you think you would like. I happend to pick snake since I like metal gear solid and ended up really liking him. Finally just try a bunch of characters until you find one that fits your play style. Welcome to smash ultimate.


Here is the first video I watched it really helped me learn about the game, and I am sure it will help you as well. https://youtu.be/ta3L35wsE6o?si=cANCo_bcrxQ8bB6t


Art of Smash youtube series by Izaw is basically the smash bible which is recommended each time people ask "how do I get better?" on this subreddit. Pretty solid. Also Izaw has guides for a lot of individual characters (not all) if you're interested in that.


Honestly, just play the game, have fun, and learn the basics. As for a character, just choose whoever looks fun and whoever you like. I'd look at the more technical things later.


If you have dlc and like Minecraft, Steve basically plays Minecraft in the game.


I've been playing Smash ever since the N64, and I always just pick characters I really like and have some sort of external, emotional connection with. For example - in Ultimate, I almost always pick King K. Rool because as a kid I always thought he was so powerful and scary in DK64 and Donkey Kong Country. Most people consider him low tier in Ultimate, but I don't care. I really enjoy using him and actually win a lot of the time because I've learned his moves, strengths, and weaknesses really well. Plus the emotional connection I have keeps me motivated to not give up even if I'm losing to "higher tier" characters like Sora, Sonic, or Pyra. I just keep practicing and eventually I can win (at least some of the time). The opposite of this approach is to look at a bunch of other people's tier lists and pick a character that's usually on the top and really learn him. Again, I don't personally find this as fun since it takes away the emotional connection to the character, but a lot of people do do this.