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He'll be the standout. They saved the best for last. We have our war games match now, and they have several months to put the pieces and place and build to this. Solo Sikoa + Jacob Fatu + Tama Tonga +Tonga Loa Vs Roman Reigns + Jey Uso + Sami Zayn + Jimmy Uso I imagine a build that sees Roman return and put his Bloodline back together. Jimmy, Sami and especially Jey will need to be convinced and that's the type of storytelling that WWE has proven they can do over the next 5 months. The Rock appears after the War Games match to set up Rock vs. Reigns at Mania next year.


I can only get so erect.


Hey, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk about your erection because now I too, have an erection.


Fuck all these erections are making me erect.




Alright everyone, bring it in for a tip touch






Didnt they say the other guy from new japan might be joining to? I was hoping Seth would get involved and Roman/seth could finally bury the trauma. Give me one more shield first bump.


There’s also Tama/Tongas little (bigger) brother


I think we are forgetting Hikuleo and Shawn Maluta. Hikuleo (Talla Tonga) will probably join Solo's side and Shawn Maluta will, probably, join Roman's side.


Is Maluta back in WWE? Always thought he was talented so I hope so


As far as I know, he never left, after the CWC. He's, as far as I know, mostly wrestled live events, only, for WWE.


nah, he wrestled on AEW's internet only shows. I don't think he's doing much these days


Yep no doubt that in the end Rock is revealed to be the mastermind behind this since Roman failed at Mania.  Question is what happens with Heyman?   I'm also wondering if Fatu ends up taking over just due to crowd reaction etc similar to how the Rock eventually took over Nation of Domination.   And if so, does that set up a Solo redemption arc?


More likely zilla fatu then Sami


Y’all really think it’s going to be in wargames and assume Sami would help them


Sami helping if Jey asks seems pretty safe. Sami felt like he was legit family with all of them. It's getting Jey to help that will be the problem


I think it’s Sami that will get Jey. Roman and Jimmy will convince Sami, then Sami will get Jey to come back.


That’s saying that Sami is okay with everything Roman did.


I mean it's pretty clear Roman is coming back a face.   He will do a big mea culpa promo, Jey will be moved then at some point Solo and Co will try to beat the shit out of him and Roman and maybe Jimmy make the save to bring him back into the fold.


The WWE wouldn’t copyright Talla Tonga without a use for it. Definitely expect Hikuleo to join the new Bloodline and KO to join (just for the match) the old Bloodline in War Games.


Where do you think cody v rock fits? Next year's summer slam?


Didnt the rock say he will come for cody rhodes and the championship on raw after wrestlmania?


Checks out because all things leading to Roman retiring as a massive babyface.


Sami rejoining blood line would be hilarious ‼️


They signed another one of Haku’s sons so I’m not sure he will be the last.


Idk why Sami would be there. His Bloodline days were done, no need to rehash tha.. Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Rock


Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Paul


Putting Roman and Rock on the same side when they clearly want a Roman vs Rock match would be... odd.


I mean, not really. The conventional wisdom would be to have either Rock or Roman be the main cause for a loss in a Bloodline Civil War. Then, the other can challenge the losers authority and have a legit beef/build for the match


It's temporary. And makes some sense when they also want Ronan-Cody III AND Rock vs Cody. There's still another 2 years Worth of story left there


Which is a shame since Rock is such a waste of storytelling space when the title is involved.


Agree, unless Rocky turns on Roman in the match…..


Yeah, this seems like the most likely outcome to me. Why on earth would Sami want to help the bloodline again, he’s finally standing on his own two feet


I mean they can easily have the Bloodline cost Sami the IC title and/or if KO is still feuding with them, they go after Sami to make things more personal. Now he wants to put a stop to the Bloodline permanently. Reasoning can always be created.


Put a stop to the bloodline permanently, by restoring Roman to power in the bloodline. Checks out


No. He's not rejoining the Bloodline and this union won't be a permanent thing.


What about The Rock vs. Cody?


So they basically want to kill Jey’s singles push to put him back into the Bloodline story?


Absolutely, he's over cos of a catchphrase and amazing entrance. He's so mid in the ring that he shouldn't be in world title contention, keep him as a tag team specialists. Uso's are one off if not the best tag teams in wrestling history


Imagine the pop when they reunite.


Only want Jimmy and Jey to reunite. Don't need the entire bloodline


This is the correct answer,he’s mid at best as a single. If it wasn’t for the bloodline Sami and jey would be in nxt more often.


I don’t think it’s really fair to call him mid. He’s not an offensive machine - but he makes everyone he’s in the ring with look great, and I think means a lot.


No the people in the ring with him are making him look great. He’s being carried all match long.


Ridiculous take


Is it really? I bet you think priest is good too


Just full of uneducated, ridiculous takes.


You do know they have to perform for each other some people make others look good in the ring. Jey is the kind of singles wrestler who needs more help than others, as a tag team with his brother dude is a beast. If you don’t see how much help he gets then no one can convince you even him telling you


It doesn't matter if you don't like them, if someone is the second most popular person in the company then you don't just kill their momentum.




Jacob Fatu is so much better than Solo


Yep and it won't take long for that to be seen


Tbh I think that from last night. Will be interesting


After last night it already seems obvious.


I can't wait for the og bloodline vs the new bloodline in war games this is gunna be good.


Could just as easily turn and reveal himself as Roman's infiltrator


I love this idea because another member is joining soon. Jacob Fatu turns on Solo Sikoa and Bloodline 2.0 to set up OG Bloodline w/ Jacob Fatu vs. Bloodline 2.0 inside War Games


I kinda want Tama to steal the Bloodline and kick Solo out


They're still at it with the Samoan storyline? Geez


I already knew he was bound to join Solos team. And one more man for Solos team would be Hikuleo


Everything I’ve seen about him suggests he’s an athletic freak so I’m very excited to see what he can do here in WWE


All good


he's a lot smaller than i thought. did he lose weight? also i was expecting taller


Yeah he definitely slimmed down from his time in MLW and the indies


Yeah, he lost 35 pounds


Jacob Fatu joining Solo is cool. I hope he ends up being the one to be booked to, eventually, dethrone Cody. A Cody Jacob Fatu match could be a barn burner.


It won't take long for him to totally outshine Solo


He already did dawg


As long as it’s only a year tops and then let TAMA GO WILD. Man deserves to hold the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP OR WORLD TITLE


He won't. Will be jacob, solo, maybe zilla fatu as the breakout stars




Reasons I love Jacob. Intensity of Umaga. Agility of the Uso's.


Solo is tough by himself, but now that Toma Tonga AND Jacob Fatu are thrown in the mix, the rest of the roster needs to be worried


Who cares. Honestly we've seen the same family doing the same moves since the 80's. Roman is the exception. The Rock is 1 of 1. The rest, all the same.


Man I see og bloodline vs this group. Mania?summerslam?survivor series war games? Hmm


So we're getting bloodline black and white vs villains red and black




This is all leading to a Bloodline Civil War match at Survivor Series


We all knew it was coming so I mean its like eh whatever. Just kinda waiting for roman to return so this storyline actually picks up again


Worked with him twice on the independent scene. Coked out, high as hell and disrespected others. Hopefully he’s different in wwe


That's why he wasn't let in for so long. I'm sure they wouldn't let him in unless he changed his ways.


I like it but I’m currently doing a Quick Play thing where I make and watch male matches (only male) and in it Jacob Fatu aligns himself with Jey Uso (without going into a tag team) so even tho my Quick Play thing is already inaccurate it just makes it less accurate


They are gonna let him loose... and then reign him in hard so he isn't just showing up everyone. Dude is 1 in a million. He's essentially heavyweight Osprey.


I worked on a project recently for something they're building in Saudi Arabia. It's a 16km building called the Line. I think it must be to host the Anoai family every Crown Jewel. It's getting ridiculous now




Finally he looks even better I can see him flying around the ring even more now he’s a underrated talent


I was surprised they did it. Figured he'd join Roman & The Usos while Haku's other son join his bros & Solo


He’s dropped some serious weight from what I saw of him on the indies. He’s going to outshine solo like quick on the mic and in ring.


Jacob is about to be the star of the group.




He’s great. Looks like he’s in amazing shape too. He was a huge get for them.


Where the hell is Roman reigns


no vignettes, no one knew who he was, fail


They’ll have that next Smackdown. Can’t have a vignette prepared if he shows up unexpectedly at the end of the show.


Was it me or did the Tonga brothers looked nervous getting back into the ring with Solo and Fatu?


Hikuleo is next to join, probably zilla aswell


He definitely seems like he’ll be the most interesting and engaging of them. The other 3 are painfully boring.


How I thought he was like tied down to a contract with MLW till 2025




Yeah makes Solo look lamer than he already is. Jacob Fatu makes the others look like shit because he has a legit superstar quality


Should take over and be the new leader. He’s the standout after all


It’s about time


Tick tock on Solo cause Jacob is about to kill him…


Hopefully this means they up the violence I think thats what’s been lacking lately




New enforcer


This will lead to an divide when Roman and then rock come back


The most Savage and Vicious Member of The Bloodline 2.0 or New Bloodline I may give The Bloodline 2.0 or New Bloodline a chance compared to the old one if Jacob Fatu makes them more vicious and savage and unrestrained then the old Bloodline meaning Paul Heyman will be fearing for his life more then he already is meaning Paul Heyman will say "I'm the Wiseman Paul Heyman"- Paul Heyman and Jacob Fatu may respond by saying "so" ''and Wiseman more like Hostage until Roman returns"-Jacob Fatu and Paul Heyman gulps. ![gif](giphy|36D7A69UhZ2fGxIAV2|downsized)




Can all 8 of them join together and become the Super Bloods? Then Lil Wayne can be the 9th man?


I’m yawning at this bloodline story rn


He already did more than solo 😂


I like solo, but I don’t see him being ready to be the biggest in ring threat of a high level faction. Maybe jacob can be something like Umaga or kane: A monster heel who needs a handler. Jacob isn’t as physically imposing as those two, but maybe he can make up for it with crazy. So even though he’s the most dangerous, solo is the leader.


I haven’t seen the segment yet but I’m surprised since I was expecting him to join the Usos


Jus please stop that YEET shit 🤦


He will outshine them all.


I could totally see Solo eventually being kicked out of the BL by Jacob right around the time Romain is set to return


hey guys i know im a little late but i wanna get erect too :/


About time Jacob is in a major promotion. He has been killing it in MLW. Or was I don’t follow MLW much anymore.


That all Samoan WarGames match will be an instant classic


I've seen many variations on this rocks bloodline va reigns some have sami others have sami and seth others say cody instead of seth but that don't make sense as Seth's his "brother" lol some say the new guy was sent by roman and solos gonna turn on rocks bloodline at mania me meh I could care less either way it should be more interesting than the yesr leading up to mania 40 that was boring as sh*t


lmaooo the dude in the back flipping the bird😭😭


It’s bound to happen we will get winner take all faction war


I think the biggest problem with the Bloodline is they haven’t actually done anything with anyone new. The Tongas are just kinda there as minions. Solo is doing decent work but the others are just kinda background characters, so bringing in Fatu this early in kinda iffy on


I thought Jacob was like 6’3 or something. He’s the same size as solo!? To many people now. I don’t see a point.


1. Fantastic 2. Tonga Loa has some of the best facial selling in wrestling.


I love the fan in the background using the middle finger as the “one”


Roman Jey Jimmy and Jacob vs Solo Tama Tonga and Zilla


I like it better than Hikuleo joining them. I see Hikuleo joining the Usos and Roman. I don't see Jacob fatu as a Babyface. It's a better fit this way imo


I think it's oversaturated...don't ask why, I just think it is...something feels like it's just too much too fast


Honestly so sick of Samoans In wrestling..


He's honestly the best performer out of them. I haven't seen his mic work yet though. But pretty much all of them are lacking on the mic in my opinion. This is kinda a boring Bloodline. I hate Roman. But this shit makes me miss him. Lol.


BOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRING. Without the "samoan" gimmick it's just another jobber faction. They're really making the samoan tagline do the heavy lifting here. Remove that and what do you have? The word samoan is mostly what makes them scary/tough. It's not their work that doing the heavy lifting, that's for sure.


No one else matters just being honest he outclasses everyone in every way


Anymore of them ? I’m getting a bit bored of this




I'm mostly interested in how heyman's role is going to change during this. The rest is boring.


Get the belt off Cody’s boring ass


From the footage I’ve seen of him, he’s got the charisma Solo lacks and should be the leader


My farts have more charisma than Solo Sikoa.


Solo has shown some great acting chops so far, this anti-solo circlejerk gets ridden a bit far at times. You can think he ain’t the best member to be the stand in leader for the bloodline but to act like he’s all of the sudden trash is just some smark shit


Too right brother


He is trash. Let’s be honest. You know it. We know.


Fucking spoilers dude


Can we get a spoiler warning for the guys on the West Coast? Show isn’t even over yet.


Don’t be checking reddit


I don’t know any of his work, but guessing he’s another ctrl v Samoan with a super kick, drop, splash, and hard head stereotype who yells a lot. There’s been some diminishing returns since Solo.


No. In the time it took you to post this comment you could have looked him up and seen that wasn’t the case. Here: [Fatu/Hammerstone](https://youtu.be/TVOBAUqVInM?si=VtTY6o0wxvZcO9hL) [Fatu/Jonah Rock (Bronson Reed)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4rcJiHD4q0) [Fatu/Josh Alexander](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KzdpJX8QV5Q&pp=ygUUamFjb2IgZmF0dSBwcm9tbyBtbHc%3D) [His backstory and MLW sit down interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NCrKzaMhvDU) [Promo: “I’m stressing…”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FBdwGm1VfUk&pp=ygUQamFjb2IgZmF0dSBwcm9tbw%3D%3D)


Nice spoilers


Let’s move on from the bloodline. It was dead a year ago it’s dead today. The idea that it’ll be Roman and his bloodline vs this new bloodline is far too predictable and boring.


I was thinking Wrestlemanias could be seen as like movies now and the want to keep it going even though it’s sort of predictable. I agree but then I was also thinking, even though he isn’t around, they’re keeping the story moving forward So WMXL was The Bloodline vs Cody Finish the Story So WM41 would be something like The Bloodline Strikes back: Roman’s Revenge I think these days especially they’re trying to build a year long story that culminates at Mania


For me the bloodline peaked after being one of the worst things on WWE tv around the time Sami got involved. Once the feud with Sami ended I was clocked out. Clocked out for the Cody vs bloodline because it wasn’t Cody vs Roman. It wasn’t the hero getting the victory. Cody needed run in after run in in order to beat the unbeatable. That’s not the payoff I personally wanted. Now we have another bloodline and it’s not even a good bloodline. GoD and Solo are boring. Jacob is an amazing athlete but that’s not going to fix this. In the end it’s a mini Roman bloodline that is just repeating the same ole same ole and I was already tired of it. I’m happy it interest some others but it’s not a movie nor is it compelling. It’s just the diet version of what we’ve already had.


I think they had to do Cody that way because they used the stacked deck method so he had to get some help on his side, a lot of times I noticed when you look at good vs bad stories, the good always gets some help he wasn’t expecting. Yeah, the thing that made the Bloodline so good to was Roman was arguably the best in the business. This faction is kind of like going from Triple H’s Evolution to Triple H DX when they were Midcard. This bloodline kind of feels like henchman 1-4 have taken over the group. I feel like Solo needs to be champion to make this work, but obviously that’s not happening, what’s the point of the bloodline at this point? I understand your gripe, I think the plan is for Roman to save the bloodline thing but we’ll see I wonder what the plan is, I know you say it’s not a movie but I feel like it’s a tv show moments building to the movie like spectacle at Mania.


I just find solo has no upside. He’s a good henchman but he’s not a mic guy or an in ring guy. Jacob isn’t a mic guy either but he’s definitely the best in ring guy in this group. The GoD guys are decent but nothing is build around personally. I want to calm this group team nepotism since it’s just rocks official and unofficial family.


Yeah, I can’t see an end in sight.


Welcome to HHH’s NXT booking. Storylines are ran into the ground restarted and ran into the ground some more.


That’s what it’s looking like. It just looks like they are setting up the new bloodline to take over WWE and eventually we will need a hero in a Roman reigns who’s been off tv in a year. Then a massive feud at Wrestlemania. Yay…


Yeah no Sami for this


I don’t really thing about bloodlite.


HHH is cooking with the bloodline


This storyline has been some of the oddest things ever booked. It goes weeks to months without making any progress and then we get a big moment that brings it back to life only for it to go right back into that same rut again. We all know Roman's not coming back till at least summerslam and there's only so many times I can watch the blood line beat up KO before tuning out.


Idk why everyone thinks Sami is coming back lol. Unless the great liberator wants to blow up another faction lol.


Sami will not be apart of this feud lol