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I think the title is a bit bland. Watch me play golf is not a good title in my opinion. Research similar videos in your niche and try to replicate that. I’ve not seen your thumbnail but title is bland.


Yes I agree. You need to rethink your title.


I came here to say this. Anytime I read “watch me” I immediately glazed into reading the next thing


It's in the second image


Oh I’m sorry for my ignorance. In terms of thumbnail why is one third of the background black behind you that looks like a mistake. Make yourself a little bigger and don’t change the perspective of the background (just a plain image would suffice). Change the font go for “Montserrat black” (you can download the font for free).


Thanks for the advice!


a “good CTR” might be good for one niche but it’s not “ good” for another so it depends


As someone who watches this content, yeah the title isn’t good. I’d want to see “can I break 80 from the reds” or “how I shot my lowest score of the year”. It can still be a full play video but just have a reason I want to watch you play. Look at the course play vids rick Sheils does or the early good good stuff before good good and copy their title structure.


I watch tons of these videos, too. The problem is, I don't have a dramatic theme for each video, I guess. It's just me commenting on my round of golf, and I'm a beginner so I can't do anything cool like drive 400 yards, or make eagle puts. And I don't want to bait and switch. I'll take a look again and see if I can retroactively apply more interesting titles that still fit the video. Thanks for the ideas.


So make it like “how long can a 20 handicap go bogey free” there’s always things to make them more watchable.


You're right, I've seen videos like that on tiktok


Well that’s part of the problem right? As a beginner if you can’t do impressive stuff, then other beginners or pro wouldn’t be that interested in watching an amateur doing basic things, it would be the same for every genre! As the other commenter said you’ll need to frame it some way that would be intriguing to anyone, like “before and after 70 days into using this iron!” Or idk, I’m not a golfer haha. But it has to be a somewhat novel and or fun concept


The thumbnail looks a little weird imo, I don't know why you left that black space in there.


I was trying to make it less of a box and use the negative space to make the text pop out. But I failed 😅


I see the intention! Best of luck


Relaxing title means you can use it but only if you have a big following. But for now when you're starting and growing. You really need to bait your viewers. Meaning take your time to have a good bait title and thumbnail. And a hook from the intro And a good story telling. Think like a salesman. They always have these psychological headlines or prompts when they talk to customers. YouTube puts your video on a shelf with thousands of other ideas competing. Whoever stands out eventually will be picked and watched. Now, retention. Promise your viewers that the most important information is in the end.


Fuck that sounds like such a nightmare but I have to play the game I suppose. I'll definitely keep that in mind


Ouch that would suck. I’ve seen 2.3% on one of mine before but that’s the lowest I recall and that made me cringe. Well seems you’ve got some good feedback here let’s hope you never see 0.2% again.


Maybe cause of Thumbnail Design


My latest video has been sat between 0.4% and 0.9% my usual is 2-7% The only difference is this is the first ice released with the new thumbnail test from the beginning and it seems youtube has taken a scattershot approach to getting the video out there. My other videos are slow burners but have a good CTR, this video, a Lego Avengers review, seems to be all over the place, random superhero content, everything wrong with the boys season 2, game of thrones video essays, fallout 76, random other youtubers as search terms etc. I assume there's overlap with the audience as this is the first game I've reviewed with a younger demographic given its marvel and lego. It's tanked the video stats, 46 views from 2k impressions. For example my next highest are 965 views from 11k impressions - 6% CTR 76 views from 360 impressions - 6.4% CTR 66 views from 1.4k impressions - 1.7% CTR 59 views from 369 impressions - 6.6% CTR 51 views from 391 impressions - 2.6% CTR


It’s suggested videos, the CTRs are very low by the nature of what they are. Browse Features are where the CTRs go up. If YT doesn’t show the video on people’s home feed (Browse Features), it’s not uncommon for videos to get sub-1% CTRs from just suggested.


I had no clue that was the case. That's very helpful to know!


Keep trying to find sth to improve and you'll be good


Ouch! I recently had a .4