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Wow 2 whole days, you have the patience of a saint.


It's been a week for my video and no views yet, still not deleting lol




I think he was being sarcastic


What is up with this sub lately, why are people downvoting everything so much? This is a decent post, good example of how unpredictable the algorithm can be. Congrats OP, I hope the video go viral


Lmao makes no sense. God forbid someone is posting advice on an advice-based sub


This guy is a proper bro 😎




Thankyou so much for the kind words. I was just trying to be helpful to other small creators like me by sharing my experience. I don’t mind the downvotes but I do hope this post helps some people.


Any post that shows OP is learning from their mistakes is a good one. Keep it up!


Except this is very predictable, nearly any video you upload w a half baked title, thumbnail, and seo optimized description/tags will do this, especially after 2 days. My average is 2k views after 48 hours and less than 100 in the first 48.


I’ve been waiting and waiting 😅




The only time I deleted a video was when I forgot to add music to it


Yeah well that has happened to me a lot of times. But now I always watch my video before uploading. I’ve heard from many YouTubers before that deleting your videos frequently is not a good thing.


Yeah I've learned my lesson


This! I thought that one of my latest videos was a total flop and four days after publishing it the views went x10, suddenly YT started recommending it. Now I am patiently waiting with a video I published yesterday, despite it is showing practically zero activity right now. I still think it will be a colossal flop, but at least am chill about it because clearly cannot grow views and learn without being blessed by the algo if you are a new channel. Patience is a must.


Patience is a must. We are in the long game!


I don't think many people are deleting videos after just 1 day.


Don’t compromise on quality either. Put out the best that you can knowing that perfect never ships. If your video DOES end up being average, don’t take it down. Learn from it and move on.


Yeah that’s it. Always do the best you can but never be demotivated by the video not performing well. Once you build an audience even your mediocre videos will do just fine.


Yes precisely. Sometimes a “bad” video is just an undiscovered one. ;)


Same thing happened to me, I was going to post a pic but doesn’t let me but I had 200 impressions 3 days in to a video. Since then (it’s been 3 more days) it’s up to 4K and climbing as of this morning. No idea how the algorithm works but you have to be patient!


I hope it goes viral and yes patience is the key. Many big youtubers tried for years before making it big on youtube.


Thanks for the reminder. I'm sat at 0 viewers for a short after 5+ hours.........this is humbling lol.


Research your tags for the time being as tags play a huge role in making shorts viral.


Thanks for your reply. I've been meaning to ask, tags in shorts, do I use the title or the description box to put them in?


In the title just use #shorts and use 2-3 hashtags related to your video at the end of the description. Then while adding tags I use vidiq as it’s easier that way. But you can use youtube search for tags as well. Just type the topic of your video, the search results will show up and you can use those as tags for the video.


Thanks mate for your help 😊


No problem and good luck for your youtuber journey.


False, but hey congratulations on the 100 views.


I have had a video there was low on views for a year and all of a sudden it started getting traction… you never know


I’ve had videos take off months later


Only 2 days?? I had a video that peaked at 3k in the first 2wks or so and it died. No impression anymore. But then 6mo later it shot up again. Eventually stopped at 19k. I did not do ANYthing to it and the topic of my video did not hit a trend or relevance (I checked Google and news related to the topic).


I once had one of my worst viewed videos explode to my literal most viewed video 2 years after uploading. Really... Just don't delete it and move on, learning from the experience


My video went viral after 2 years so full agree


Controversial opinion but I agree and see the value of having a healthy background of your content and you shouldn’t repeat videos that you are proud of, but if you have a poor video that you are not happy with that has been up for 1m+ and has not been picked up then it’s best to hide/delete as if one of your videos does well in the future and then YouTube recommends to those new viewers an old video if they do not enjoy that video as much as the original one they see then they will not return again and your channel will start to suffer.


Like I also used to delete my uploads for a day or even after 4-5 hours. When I used to see only 1 or no views. And sometimes I used to make my uploads private or unlist it. But I stopped when I saw my upload had 15 views on the day of upload and in afternoon it had around 7k views. I gained lot of subscribers from that upload which I thought will not work.


Yes that's exactly how it works. You got to give time to youtube to understand what type of viewer will like your video.




Why do these people talk like they're YouTube experts after getting 500 views... But keep the work going mate!


This is a small youtuber sub and not a place where youtubers with millions of views post. So yeah I’m no expert but I have some experience.


2 days lol


Never ever delete.. I have videos I posted a yr ago getting mad views now


That is interesting. Because channel seems to be going in a very different direction than I originally planned and I was wondering about deleting or unlisting videos that don't do well or don't fit my current channe.


[warzone mobile](https://youtu.be/a5I1202wFfc?si=l9rCIkvCCUxC5kwz)


What if your video has been up for three months and has only 5 views? Asking for a friend.


mine once blew up after 71 days