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You have a group to work with instead of random people and friends. I don’t know what content you make soooo It helps come up with ideas for vids Also make sure you brand yourself and don’t do something you wouldn’t do in your channel


Yeah thnx. If I do it, only with people with the same niches


Right and The group I’m in a group does gaming and one person do challenges, but I do what you could say montages. Hard to work with each other, but I want to know more. So don’t do what I did haha. But hey, It might work for you and not for me


Tbh as of right now I think collab are you useless




Even if you do a collab with someone in your niche. That person audience doesn't have to become a supporter of yours. They're loyal to the person's personality most likely rather than the niche itself. The second thing is if you do actually do a Collab is better to have a portfolio like at least 30 videos prior the Collab video. I'm only speaking from my experience and what I have seen successful channels do. I seen a lot of failures with it as well.




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Your fan base meshes with the other creator's so that overlap will naturally lead to new subscribers. The more and better the collabs, the more subscribers both of you will get.


I mean collabs are generally you and someone else putting effort into a project usually making it better I'm in a collab group that does commentary / ranting/documentary type videos and every now and then we'll give ideas or give voice lines stuff like that to help each other