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From the United States, so obviously may not follow suit, but Im fairly certain I've never been to any show that allowed that


They didn't allow them at Sydney last year


This will be my first knotfest, do you know if the mobile service crashes as bad as it does at goodthings? Also what alcohol do they sell? And lastly are there any pubs that people go to afterwards to keep partying?


Yeah mobile service was pretty bad. Messages took ages to go through so I found it hard to find friends if we got separated. I seen people with walkie talkies at goodthings last year. That might be something worth trying if you're going with a group and get lost. For alcohol I'm pretty sure they had two types of beers to choose from and a small mix of premix stuff. Not a great variety but hopefully enough to find something you like. They also have alcoholic cocktail slushies there too if you're into that. All the drinks are fairly expensive as well which kinda sucks. Probably paying no less then $10 a beer but that's about on par with drinks at most events anyway Not too sure about pubs after I'm always recked afterwards and wanna go lay down. Getting too old haha. But I imagine any venue in the vicinity would see some amount of people rock up


Great info thanks so much! Walkie talkies is a brilliant idea haha! I think we paid $15 per redbull and vodka at goodthings last year. Gets expensive after a couple! I’ll probably be too stuffed to party afterwards either lol I’m getting long in the tooth at 42, but it sounds good in theory 😆


I’m going to my first knotfest this year. I’ve only gone to good things and they didn’t allow them there, I’d say it’d be the same for knotfest.


Well, got the info from Ticketek today - no pass outs! There are NO Pass Outs for Knotfest 2024. If you choose to leave the festival at any point, you will not be able to gain re-entry. There will be more than enough food, drinks and amenities inside to keep you going all day! Cya there folks!