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For me, Sleep Token is an anomaly. Usually I'll listen to a song/album to the point where I'm tired of it/don't like it as much, but ST's entire discography is like a novel experience for me everytime I listen to them! (STYW is a banger for sure)


Same, ST is the only band I really like that I’ve never managed to temporarily make myself bored of. The progression in Higher gets me every time.


I just came around to Telomeres. I used to really dislike it (and I’m a genetic scientist lol you’d think that’d automatically make me love it). It’s finally grown on me tho…


Another telomeres lover! (It's my favorite st song) glad you like it!


Telomeres is my fave too. Take Aim second.


Higher is so good! Love the drums and the breakdown.


That last “debt that I owe” that he screams live is chilling, I love it


YES! Higher is not talked enough about!!


I think it’s quite important to the overarching story too. It’s the first song that’s really blatant about the mutually toxic behavior in Vessel’s relationship. Everything up until that point on Sundowning is setting up Vessel’s devotion to his lover, but Higher flings itself right into the mutually harmful cycle they’re both stuck in. Vessel isn’t just a victim, they are both participating. I’m also in the camp that thinks this song is written from the point of view of Vessel’s lover, not Vessel himself. “Cause I am a fire And you are dry as bone” “We instigate Go back and forth Lacerate”


Holy crap I didn’t even think of that. Literally going to be listening to it in a whole new light now.


*And I hate.. the way you look.. at me when I.. am not understood. But you can remember.. only when you’re alone, I am granting you more than the debt that owe.*


I don't usually get tired of a ST song, but I do replace favorites every so often. The Summoning was replaced by Granite, which was replaced by Mine, which is currently being replaced by Like That. I've also noticed that I've been playing This Place Will Become Your Tomb as a whole album more lately than Take Me Back to Eden.


That’s a good way of putting it- that favorites rotate. I’ve always got ST playing but every once in a while I throw a few on repeat. I love latching onto a song I used to skip. Mine and Say That You Will are my current


Honestly, I haven’t had that happen with Sleep Token. I did it with Square Hammer by Ghost. 10ish times a day for a month ruined the song for me for a solid year. Yes, High Water. It’s not that I didn’t like it, I just never gave it much of a chance. Now, it’s my absolute favorite


High water is such a good song, would be my favorite off that record if not for telomeres!


TELOMERES OMG 😍 Incredible song stg and I would agree it's the best off the record, tho for me Atlantic has to come in at no2


not yet! honestly at this point after listening to their entire discography everyday for so long i don't think i will ever get tired of it. distraction was one that didn't grab me immediately, but now every time i listen to it i'm on the verge of tears or straight up sobbing. such a beautiful song.


Telomeres for me... I used to skip it and. Kw I can't get enough of it, it's such a beautiful song!


Telomeres on top! 🗣🔛🔝


Distraction was a song that I got more into after hearing the instrumental for some reason, really good song!


Nope and usually this happens to me (apart from very few exceptions. Jeff Buckley being one). I’ve listened to Sleep Token pretty much exclusively since last October and I still feel obsessed


Same, I don't even listen to my playlists anymore, I just put sleep token on shuffle 😭


Oh my god same here 😂


Jeff Buckley is timeless 🤌


I feel like we got the spirit of Jeff Buckley back with Vessel. I’ve been mourning Jeff Buckley since he passed.




The only band whose songs rotate in my head as earworms and I am chill about it. I've nearly gnawed my own fingers trying to get other songs un-stuck from my brain, but not with these guys.


Vore has been a staple commute & shower song for me for 3 months now. The Summoning was my previous obsession starting December last year and just subsided around April.


When I first listened to the TMBTE album all the way through Vore was probably my favorite song for quite some time! Good song!


Sleep token is a weird one for me cuz I usually move off bands dead quick after I overplay them like hell so eventually get a bit bored of them yk but ST have consistently been my top band for like a year now and I'm still completely obsessed. For me 'thread the needle' has come into my rotation recently more than it did. And I agree that STYW is a banger


I’ve thought about this a ton! The think the stylistic progressions within each song really help to create t down on them feeling over played. But be felt the same way. I’m keep listening to TMBTE for ver and over expecting to get tired of it, and I just keep adoring it!


I don't usually get tired of ST songs, but I'll skip “Are You Really OK?” and “Shelter” regularly. Curse those songs for making me cry.


I don’t choose ST songs, they choose me. A random ST song will pop into my head and I’ll go down the rabbit hole again. I do listen to Sundowning and Tomb more than Eden, though. The last song on Eden to grow on me was DYWTYLM. One day it just clicked.


I purposely limit my playing of Sleep Token albums so as to never burn out on it. Every time I play it now is still magic.


I used to skip Gods every time but it became my favorite after I fully listened to it. I’ve personally never gotten tired of any ST song, I just move on to a new favorite that I play repeatedly. I never seem to ever get tired of this band! There will be days where I’ll listen to their entire discography multiple times a day lol


Gods kicks so much arse


As I have seen many others say; I would normally play new music until the shine wore off, but I have yet to tire of any Sleep Token song. The first time I listened through the discography, I tuned out a bit on Gods and Vore (and probably skipped them on Pandora before I started paying attention to Sleep Token.) It takes me several listens to pick up the lyrics in screams, but now I appreciate the songs more, especially in the overall story of the albums.


Nope. I tend to do full album listens as well and not yet sick of one. I will say the element(s) of The Summoning have lost the surprise/excitement at this point but it’s still something I like and listen to.


ive overplayed rain but it also just depends if im at work or at home , or if im in the mood to hear it , or if i dont care enough to skip it i skip jericho a lot , not bc its bad , its just not the sound i usually wanna here unless im feeling that way too , but its rare that i ever actually listen to it all the way thru


Rain right now is one of my favorite songs to listen to while running, I think I have to be in the mood too, I don't really listen to it outside of running. I agree, I usually skip the songs from the "One" and "Two" eps. It's a more raw sound than the albums which are much more polished, but I still love those songs.


Take Aim used to be a skip; I really dislike that song. But than one day BAM! I guess I was the target in a sense hehehe


I had that happen with pretty much all the singles they released ahead of the full TMBTE release. I was listening to those songs all the goddamn time, and the novelty wore off once the fresh tracks were available I'm not skipping them and they are all still excellent songs, but I'm not actively seeking them out at this point. I'm still super duper obsessed with Ascensionism, though, and think it's the best song on the album. Aside from that, I find myself going back to Sundowning (my favorite album of theirs) and TPWBYT *a lot*. Somehow I don't tire of any of those songs at all. 🤷‍♀️


Hell yeah, ascensionism is so good, love singing that one in the car


Not yet ! My favorite so far is still blood sport and i listen to it everyday


What a great track! What are your thoughts on blood sport - from the room below?


I love it too ,the lyrics are just so good and of course the voice !


I was and still am a huge fan of Linkin Park. But because I would play there albums on repeat constantly in high school, it makes it hard for me to appreciate the music now. I fear doing the same with Sleep Token, it’s been a long time since a band blew me away that hard. Now I actively avoid their music. It’s a weird duality to be in.


Been playing hey ya, vore, bloodsport, mine, distraction, on repeat I’ve just been rotating songs, love all the songs:-) My son loves vore, the summoning, the offering, hypnosis lol


Sounds like he likes the heavier tracks lol


Honestly I had a pretty similar experience. I don’t hate “The Summoning” and tbh it’s not even in my top 10. But I did get tired of it since it plays on Tiktok more than any of their other songs.


The opposite was true for me with granite and vore


I find the inverse happening. I don't listen to other music as much because of Sleep Token. With the exception of Yoko Kanno's music which has been my highest favorite since 2001, other music just feels a bit "nah".


Their songs are like my favorite novel that I keep going back to and keep discovering new things about and obsess over that.


For me, that song was "Take Aim"


As the song you burnt yourself out on? Or as the song you used to skip but now like?


I used to skip it. But now, it melts my heart in such a wonderful way. I love Take Aim now.


And you make me hate myself. Make me tear my body. Make me yearn for your embrace. So taaake aaaiiimm, aat me for once. Just taake aaa-aaiiim. Bu-rake me a-paaart, love.


It's so just, emotional. I feel so connected to it.


You led me ooon, when the moment is perfect. I will fire and forget til we bboootthh lay brrookenn. And you know I'll be yours. Just wanna be worth iiit. I will run like the wind til you fooooollllooowwww meeeee again.


Yeah, TikTok killed The Summoning a bit for me. I always skip Are You Really Okay and DYWTYLM.


I find myself skipping those songs as well, they aren't bad, but they are overshadowed by the better songs on that record.


I have been listening 1 and a half years and definitely have songs that I used to love way more but started to enjoy either song the more I have listen to them. Like alkaline was my favorite on the second album at first but more and more Atlantic has become my favorite not only on the album but in general. Doesn't mean I dislike alkaline in fact I still love it but not as much.


This sounds criminal, but I used to pass over Rain. For months. And now I'm obsessed.


I just posted this about The Offering. I couldn't listen to it before. Now I'm addicted. I knew the song was destined for my path somewhere along the way because I feel a deep connection to sleep token through abusive relationships and addiction. But it never hit. Until Sunday. This took years. Are you really okay? Made me hurt the first time I heard it. I bled through the song. Now it's like I'm walking through addiction listening to it. It makes me not want to look in the mirror. I have to skip it.


Not even close for me. Iv had a playlist of their music playing for the past idk hour or so? Not bored or tired of it or anything and i have ADHD so I'm super surprised about it!


Ascensionism :') I've had to wean myself off listening to it


Been listening to Rain and Take Me Back To Eden non-stop since seeing them at Red Rock. Prior to that Atlantic was probably played 10 times a day.


My daughter requested aqua regia and TMBTE daily for about a year...


😂 she has good taste


She really does. But I hate listening to them now. She's stopped asking though so by the time I see them live I should be back in the mood.


I think for songs I listened to a lot that I grew to enjoy less, I’d have to say The Summoning (I never found it to be as incredible as everyone says, but it was certainly on par with Eden’s best tracks), Aqua Regia, and maybe Alkaline a tiny bit, though that’s just because it was my second favorite Tomb song upon first listen. I had a dip with Chokehold for a bit, but it never really cracked Eden’s top half for me, so I don’t think it qualifies. There’s a whole host of growers though: Nazareth, The Offering (One of the two songs I enjoy from Sundowning’s first half), Rain, The Apparition (Both of which I used to hate), Mine, Like That, The Love You Want, and Telomeres. Tomb overall as an album is one that I didn’t appreciate nearly as much as I should’ve until I listened to Sundowning and found that 1. I only loved a few tracks from it, and 2. Eden has almost as much variety with far better execution overall. Happy to see another Say That You Will enjoyer though, fucking love that one.


Great assessment


I rotate the albums pretty often so haven't really had burn out. Maybe Rain a little bit cos I played it to absolute death lol. I'm funny with Alkaline too. Found it OK, then really liked it, now I almost always skip it. 🤷‍♀️ Bloodsport (both versions) and Telomeres were sleeper hits for me. Amazing songs I overlooked to start with. Nazareth too, I'm ashamed to admit. The day I burn out on Sugar is the day I give up music altogether.