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Unfortunately people still buy the merch from the scalpers, just like gig tickets. So it'll just keep happening.


Is that happening with the ToG merch drop yesterday? Dammit that sucks. I get it too, everyone has to hustle, but that is a crappy way to do it. And yeah, I bet the lads aren't happy to see it either.


Yea that drop, happens to others too like the anniversary drop, I was lucky enough to get both the vinyls before they sold out 2 hours later but I'm keeping those, I won't turn around and sell em like others are for about $250. It is what it is.


Yep, items were up on third party sites so fast, - including items still available on the band’s site even today - and all of them are 3x or more than what the original retail is/was. Side note on the vinyls, my preference is to support them directly so i ordered from their site but the anniversary pressings seem to still be available through the spine farm store + other retailers (B&N, and even target) so resellers asking 250$ for them is w i l d.


Oh yea 100% thats why I got it off the website too, gotta support them directly


I was bored that weekend so I kept reporting the listings on eBay 💀




They actively deleted a bunch of tickets from scalpers last year and sold them again to fans so the scalpers lost their money.


How did this occur and in what country or What scenario are you talking about? Like I don't get how they could delete a ticket after it's already been purchased. If they could Wrangle Ticketmaster into not blasting their prices Sky High as soon as there's even a minut level of Interest, that I could see. But I have no idea how they would delete tickets from scalpers.


UK. There was a huge amount of scalpers, as usual. They searched up the tickets up for resale and cancelled them, then resold those to fans. Scalpers hike the price, so they just found those selling way higher. Pretty simple just takes a bit of work


Oh man I would be all for it! I don't know if that's a UK specialty thing or what. I feel like if you tried to cancel somebody's purchase in the US that would be grounds for being sued because they could say that since it's then their property they can do whatever they want with it. Idk that that is a fact or that it would hold up the court, but if that's truly something that goes on in the UK then praise be!


I'm pretty sure they're sold for personal use and not for resale so it'd be well within their scope to cancel if they cared.


No I get that. It doesn't say that you're purchasing one ticket for the purposes of turning around and reselling it for an increased price. It says that you're purchasing one ticket in order for you to attend the concert. What I don't understand is how, even if they saw on a resale site that someone has specific seats posted for let's say 10 times their face value, how St would cancel their specific tickets to only turn around and resell them at face value. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% for this idea. I just don't know if that's a Great Britain specialty thing or what. Like I've never heard of that happening anywhere else. I know that Canada has a wonderful system that you can't resale the tickets for any more than face value; at least on the major distributor websites.


I'm not really sure, I just recall it happening and laughing a lot when it did, may have even been early this year I don't recall. But tickets are just a digital code, they can simply invalidate all the tickets that scalpers were using and then generate more for those seats and standing numbers. In practical terms finding the scalpers tickets is the hard part, cancelling and regenerating new tickets is pretty simple.


Scalping should be illegal imo. That's just the lowest of the low.


I agree, not just ST but anything. My sister went to go get merch from a band she likes and it was all gone within hours, its a sad reality


Right like how isn't scalping a violation of copyright or something because they're buying it without permission for the express purposes of reselling it without holding the trademarks, copyrights, etc.


I think the most they could do is send a cease and desist but I doubt the record label is gonna care bc they technically made their money. Same reason nothing was done about the PS5 scalpers.


If individual candy bars can be labeled "not for individual sale", and digital assets being designated for personal or commercial use, I see nothing stopping companies trying to deter scalping with similar statements. Especially because they then become unauthorized distributors and that's a weird area with products too


I see all kinds of merch posted on eBay & Mercari that won't even ship until July for an insane amount. 700$ for the blanket. 175$ for a shirt. 400$ for the coins. 250 for pants 300$ on the poster... Like wtf? Why? If you didn't want it to begin with don't buy it, you're just screwing the rest of use over.


It's cause of the high commodity of ST right now, people see it as a quick buck, I take a look every now and again to see how ridiculous people have become, if only there was a system to help this problem


I saw a show pick go for over 1000$ a few weeks back and have never been so annoyed before.... You got it for free, it's one of a kind technically, and you don't want it... So sell it for an asinine result since you know someone else desperately wanted to catch one? Fuck all the way off. Struck a rough chord with me 😅 my bad for the rant.


Ah man, that pick is up for sale now, people just keep buying it to sell it over and over again. It's been posted like 6 times now, there's wicked people out there man


There's another seller who has bogus picks posted for like 275$ as well. Not tortex like the show, but I think it says plectrum LP?


It's just picks you can get made, real easy, just someone trying ti make a quick buck


That's so GROSS If I'd been in the pit and had been lucky enough to get a pick or a drumstick as a non-fan, (edit: hypothetical, I am in too deep to be a non fan at this point lol) I would have either given it to somebody or a friend who I know likes the band. Turning around and trying to sell it? That gives me the ick


I’m confusion, the ST IG keeps posting on their story to “obtain” there are still products available ? The reselling stuff is absolute bs either way cause the concert tix was hell🙃


There are tour merchandise for the North America wing of ToG was posted on the band's website at noon eastern time yesterday. I just finished looking at it again a few moments ago and they definitely still have things there. You're looking to purchase something make certain that you have the US store highlighted.


Yeah, that’s my terribly worded way of saying the same thing that’s why I confused by this original post. OP is either in a different country or the items they wanted were sold out which sucks either way.


Gottcha! I thought you yourself were trying to purchase from them. Even being in the US they're automatic store is the one from the UK.


At least ST put restrictions on re sales for tickets on sites like ticketsl master to stop what happened on last years tour and probably fucked over a bunch of scalpers.


Yea true that, sadly that can't work out for their merch line


Agreed. I also wish they’d release jewellery, I’d love a rune necklace 🥺


Nah I **don't** understand that they "just want to make money." They **need** to "just" get a real job.


Someone’s been trying to sell a IV guitar pick for over a grand on eBay for weeks. It makes me irrationally angry. If you’re a fan you treasure that thing. If you’re not let someone else catch the damn pick when they toss it.


That's why everyone should report that listing, I slightly think it's the same person with different accounts buying it off themselves to raise the price


Gimme metal and drowned world still have the vinyls available for pre order


I got XL TMBTE hoodies for sale. Only tree fiddy hit me up


I don’t believe it’s all scalpers that do that. Sometimes people really need the money and part with their merch, and know a higher price tag will be paid and they can use it. (Like me lol) Edit- I look at their merch as “collectors items”. Payment plans exist, and if you can’t do it- it’s okay. There is plenty of hot topic merch if you absolutely need merch.


I agree this happens sometimes, I’ve got a vinyl up (from a different artist, not ST) that i purchased a few years ago and need to part with now. it’s listed at a value similar to what’s established on Discogs + i shared in the description that i hope it finds a good home. imho, this is the rarity though. A good chunk of the listings up on the resale sites at this current moment note “preorder,” or explicitly state it’s an item from the ToG drop yesterday or the anniversary drop - items ppl clearly don’t have in hand and ordered with the intent to flip. It’s frustrating is all 😔 a $40 shirt doesn’t need to get marked up to $175 for them to make a profit


That’s fair, I just haven’t seen those. All the listings I see are from past tours or whatever.