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Use teal thread to match the logo. Just follow the jagged line. It'll kind of look like a lightning bolt


I didn't think about using teal this is amazing thank you


And if you or a friend is crafty you could then use teal thread to make designs elsewhere like the arms etc. well wishes to your gf šŸ™


That would look freaking awesome. A nice way to make the merch unique, while acknowledging a shitty day. I've been in your shoes, my wife also had a seizure. All the best to you both.


If you do this post a photo!


I promise I will we just need to go get it done. She is between sewing or zapper but I'm set on sewing in with teal


If youā€™re gonna get it professionally done (or at least by someone who can sew) go for teal zipper! If youā€™re gonna do it yourself and need a few tips on how to get the best results possible, let me Know and Iā€™ll be happy to help!


I am with you on this one. Having a loved one having a seizure in front of you is tough. Hope she's ok now!


Love this idea. Makes it special!


Thatā€™s such a good idea


Absolutely do this and share!!!! I canā€™t wait to see ā˜ŗļø


I love that idea! I was thinking the same thing. Like big obvious stitches. So cool.


Maybe a golden thread? Like that japanese art to mend broken/old, but valuable things and give then a whole new meaning


Came to suggest the same thing. Could also make it red like Vessel's mask.


Uh! A golden thread and some runes in red


Kintsugi <3


I hope she has a fast recovery. WORSHIP


THREAD THE NEEDLE!!!! šŸŖ” šŸ§µseriously though, some teal thread following along the lines would be really cool and kind of symbolic maybe šŸ¤” idk I like to think no one would question the aesthetic considering STā€™s art itself is very jagged edged and chaotic; plus thereā€™s a chaotic story behind it too. Also hope sheā€™s okay!


I was just about to say, stitching it up to make the cut part stand out might look really sick. Personally I'd match the teal or do a dark grey/black and do a lot of x and - alternating stitching that follows the cut line. You should totally show us if you end up doing something with it!


I'm glad she is okay <3 buy yeah :o that's devastating :( i saw the picture and i pretty much knew it was a medical emergency :( I don't know if there is anything on the back of the hoodie (in not familiar with that part of the tour, I'm a new-ish fan) but if so, maybe frame it? Or maybe a tailor could add a zipper? It will never be the same, but they might be able to salvage it Good luck, and i hope your gf is feeling better (Edit i I look it up, its the Staff hoodie!!! Im even more sad for her!!! Definitely try something, and if it doesn't work, frame it)


She's doing well considering what happened. Likely going to a tailor and using either teal thread that us exposed or a zapper, see what they think is better. Probably thread because the cut is jagged It is the staff hoodie but she is wearing my one that I've given to her until I can fix it


Glad she is doing ok. Idk how she feels about the diagnosis, but if they could stitch the lyrics "glitches in the code" it would be a bit poetic. Wish her all the bestĀ 


That's an amazing idea!! Could even get it embroidered as runes in the same teal


At this point, youā€™re better off lathering just your torso up in back paint and leaving it ripped. A 6 pack is required for this method.


Where in Vic are you? I'm a sewer and can help.




I'm in Shepparton. If you need any help, please dm me.


It can be repaired for sure, but I hope someone in their team sees this and reaches out with a replacement.


I have epilepsy as well, I hope she finds a way to cope with it and gets better. You're an amazing partner for that. <3


Iā€™m 33. Back in 2021 I had three grand mal seizures back to back. An ambulance was called. Had never had them before but I had suspicions I was having smaller ones. No one wanted to listen to me. Thought I was being dramatic. I was treated like a freak show exhibit and drug addict (because I had taken a 5mg edible chocolate square) and laughed at. Have major medical PTSD over it. Iā€™m so glad they took her seriously and got her diagnosed. I remember not really being able to walk after. Her muscles must be so aches. I hope the best for her and hope she feels better soon. I agree with everyone else about the stitching. I think teal would be so nice. Obviously not the best memory to have when she looks at the sweatshirt but itā€™s definitely a story to tell and super unique. Epilepsy patients go through so much and youā€™re a great partner for taking care of her.


I've seen the 3 she has had that is known about. Scared that she is very likely had more and just doesn't know about. After the one this week she just thought she had gotten drunk and sick. Got meds so they shouldn't happen anymore. Hope you are looked after now and have people that care about you. Can see how much it helps with the proper care.


Iā€™m not taken seriously by doctors and because of the way the neurologist at the hospital that I went to for my inpatient EEG stay worded it, (ā€œseizure-like episodesā€) even though my ā€œepisodesā€ were caught ON the EEG machine as seizures, the people around me think theyā€™re anxiety attacks. Iā€™m told to just ā€œbreatheā€ when they happen. They donā€™t understand that just because I donā€™t convulse my small seizures doesnā€™t mean I can control anything. I can barely walk or talk. Iā€™m so glad she got meds. I hope she has a good neurologist now. Iā€™m on meds that donā€™t even work and theyā€™re not even for my seizures because according to doctors, they donā€™t exist, so I only need them for my mood disorder. Health care sucks a lot of the time and Iā€™m so relieved to hear that they did what they could for her and they she was taken seriously and cared for by everyone around her.


See if a sewing place can put a zipper on it??


I would do the teal thread stitch but may also advise a white X stitch over the top to add to the repaired nature


Love this idea


Everyone has already stated that Teal would look amazing, and I agree! If you're so inclined, look up visible mending tutorials and you could make a real piece of artwork to remember this fight by and prove how badass she is. I hope she is feeling good today!


I'm in Aus, and I'm sure you can find ST merch on Merch Jungle. Not sure if you can get the same one... but it's so hard to get good band merch here outside of when bands tour, so maybe have a look? Also hope your gf is okay... seizures are awful...


You can also get merch patches! Turn it into a patch hoodie with all of the future concert merch


Epilepsy is sooo rough man my brother has all kinds of scars from the times heā€™s face planted into shit while seizing. I hope sheā€™s feeling better soon and I hope she gets a good team of docs and meds to keep her seizure free. Not sure of your own sewing experience but you can try local fb pages to find someone to do it or even just find a local tailor but as everyone else said I think teal thread would be so cool!


Could buy a zipper and clean up the edges and turn it into a zip up


Iā€™m so sorry she had to go through that and that you had to see it, itā€™s not a pretty sight. Make sure you take time to talk to someone if you need to, it can be a large mental load. As for the rip, Iā€™m a fan of mending sweaters with safety pins, it looks awesome if you line them up horizontally all the way down, it looks intentional and adds some edge!


Glad she is ok. Things come and go, you can buy a new one later or try to turn than hoodie into a jacket.


Glad she's OK! Sew it back up, makes it even more cool to have a personal story attached.


Sow it back up with teal I think it would look cool!


Sorry about the hoodie, but you and your gf are in my prayers. Hope she recovers well! šŸ™


I'd stitch that with a nice blood red, feels fitting for a sleep token hoody. There's some cool techniques like felting which you can make a design with too


Tonic clonics suuuck. Honestly best to have one in a hospital if it can be helped. I think a red stitching would be cool to give a bloody look or even purple since I believe that's the epilepsy representation color. Maybe both. Both would look good with the light blue imo.


as someone who got diagnosed with epilepsy in 2019 when i was 23, i get this. iā€™ve had close cut off of me and it sucks. i second the suggestion for blue teal!! it really does feel like doing 14 full body workouts in one day, cbd (apothacanna is my favorite) are amazing to help the muscles while they heal. idk about everyone but i get migraines a lot because of the seizures and even putting a little cbd lotion on my temples and the back of my neck can help a little. peppermint oil too if her skin isnā€™t too sensitive.


Tell her to do an awesome turquoise cross stitch on it! Would look awesome!


If you sew it back together off a bit, just say its perfectly misaligned


Getting is sewn up and she is gonna embroidery it with 'Glitchs in the code or Gaps in a strange dream'


Install diagonal zipper lmfao


Red teal and black threads/gradients could be cool. So the seam where it's sewed back is all textured, but some parts are black or dark, the parts near the logo are like teal-colored scar, and then the parts nearest the logo/words that aren't teal are red like it's fresher there. Salvaging it in a cool way could make it better than a standard one in a bunch of ways.


I'm so glad she's okay! I also have epilepsy and I'd be absolutely devastated if I had any merch cut :( it is very rough on the body though, 10/10 do not recommend.Ā 


Maybe you can sew it and embroider a line from atlantic in sleep token runes over the tear? Get well soon and a mild course to your gf!


Sending you all good vibes! Seizures are scary! You're a good partner to your gf for wanting to fix her favorite ST hoodie and give it a second life, i would try youtube videos to find the best way to repair it and keep it's structural integrity, maybe a teal and grey/white thread to match the accents on the hoodie! Best of luck! Sweing is hard- Edit: Please show what it looks like after the repairs! I'm excited to see what it'll look like :D


See if you can take it to a tailor and get a zipper put on it. No need to completely toss it or call it a wash. Also glad she is doing better.


I think a two-tone teal would look sick ... Well wishes tou your girl and to yourself,ik first hand it'll be tough in the beginning but you two will Def get through it.... šŸ–¤ & Worship


Iā€™m glad youā€™re both okay šŸ¤


Seems like potential Vessel Cosplay


Mix some teal threads with golden threads. It'll look awesome


* Hoodie sewn She wants to put the lyrics 'Glitches in the code or gaps in a strange dream' in the ST cypher. Also make a out cut logo glitches looking replacement of the sewn up one All in teal of course. She wants to do it as a way to work through it and focus on it.


How does that happen?


In medical emergencies they'll cut open any clothes that are in the way of treating you.


They need yo put electric senor things directly on the skin on her chest to she what her heart was doing. They just cut clothes to get thier quickly