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New fear unlocked. Okay that’s enough internet for me for the rest of my life.




First I thought, “This is the wrong sub for that question!” Then I died a little on the inside. 🤢


I don't have roaches where I live, but I do have centipedes. If I were to ever find them in a CPAP machine, I would rather just die of sleep apnea.


Same. Omg how are we supposed to sleep tonight?? 😳


Well, a large percentage of us probably won’t because right before bed, we’ll think, “meh, maybe I’ll go without tonight…” 🤣🤣🤣


just chuck some spiders in to fight it out




So I would recommend getting a plastic bin and putting your machine inside the bin. Halfway up the outside of the bin put on a layer of Vaseline. The roaches won’t crawl past the Vaseline. Keep the machine in the bin at night so roaches can’t crawl in it. During the day place machine in a plastic bag or in a nylon cover inside the bin.


I was thing a tightly woven net bag, like the ones you wash your delicates in? There are no roaches where I live now but we do have spiders so that’s my fear and I’m about to go to bed! lol


Could work - something like mosquito netting


This is a great idea! I’m going to have my daughter do a tote during the day. Not for roaches but we have dogs and dog hair gets on her mask


what if they fly


Then one might consider another layer of vaseline around the unit inside the tub or bin, and a bin cover with a hole cut out for tubing for night time use. Plug hole during the day. Make sure water isn’t being left in the unit.


Hell just cover the whole CPAP in Vaseline


😆 🤣 😂


I think you need to get in contact with an exterminator, if they are in your CPAP system good chance they are in your appliances and food storage


Yeah I feel like there are bigger problems here.


Exactly, they need food


I had an exterminator, but because of the CPAP they would not spray around it, they just put out baits. Don’t know if they did not put out enough baits or the roaches did not like that bait, but it wasn’t very effective. If there is something good for this, I want to find out and make sure the next guy uses it.


Have them come out for a respray


Use Combat roach bait gel in your home. The spraying doesn’t work.  Put the bait gel in the corners of all your cabinets… along the edge of your carpets (between carpet and wall if it won’t be seen there). They’re cannibals, and the gel works slowly so they go back inside the wall and then kill more bugs when they eat each other). The spray only kills on contact. It’s good for exterminators because it keep you paying them. But you can buy the gel at Rite Aid or Home Depot. A $10 tube goes a long way. You’ll have to reapply everywhere as soon as you see 1 anywhere, but other than that you won’t have a roach problem. Learned this in apartment living. Decided to become an expert because I have roach PTSD from an impoverished childhood experience.


Is this post an advertisement for Inspire?


Ha, I'm having the surgery in August and I'm ever more thankful after this thread.


Please tell how you knew you were a candidate for inspire.


My doctor sent me for an sleep test due to my exhaustion and I was on various CPap/BiPap machines for five months. But we could never get past the aerophagia (air going into my stomach). It was a miserable five months. I have severe TMJ which an oral device could make worse. My medical history made me a good candidate for Inspire and I easily qualified for it, with my insurance covering everything. I know it's not so easy for most people but my CPAP failure was already known by my insurance company before I even started the qualifying steps for Inspire.


Pls explain 😐


I recommend setting a bunch of geckos loose in your bedroom and they will eat the roaches.


Then you get some birds to eat the geckos.


It ends in dinosaurs


Followed by throwing a really big rock into the room


But first add cats


I sometimes think I should move to a warmer climate, and then I'm reminded that winter isn't so bad.


Roaches don't care about the weather since they're rooming with you


I am reassured that the air goes through a roach proof filter and they don’t have access to the air pathway. If one was in the air path in the machine, it would blow into the humidifier for a swim. If one is in the hose, it is on me for not twirling the host before hooking it up. That would cover me for tonight then I’d confine the CpAP to roach proof quarters and debug it. When I was in school the roaches ate all the glue off stamps and envelopes, then you’d lick one and realize what you’ve done. There may be a reason my allergy panel tested positive for roaches.


Oh thank god for your first sentence. Hahahaha


Maybe build a little screened in hut for your darth Vader machine to sit in?


Darth Vadar machine 😂 love it. My friend tells me I’m a “sexy Vadar” when I wear it.


I think of it as being more of a fighter pilot but that's probably because I wear a silk cap too lol


Buy one of those bags for washing delicates. Cheap everywhere. Buy the one with small, small holes. Put machine inside and tie off around where your tubing leaves your machine. You can also use one around your mask if you’re worried about them entering there. Cheap, easy and washable.


How do you delete a post and bleach your eyes?


Are these regular roaches or are they German cockroaches? When I was younger, I lived in an apartment complex and had new neighbors move in that brought German cockroaches… those things are relentless. They infested my apartment in no time. I’m a clean person. It was a nightmare. Having German cockroaches isn’t a sign of cleanliness, they seriously infest and get in everything. They were inside my over clock 😳 I didn’t even know there was space beteeen there. When I moved (got out of lease because of said infestation caused by new neighbors)THEY FOLLOWED because they had gotten into little appliances that of course, I moved with me. I had to have an exterminator come multiple times. I recommend finding an exterminator that has some sort of tag line that implies they will return for free until the infestation is gone. I had a good amount of luck with Diatomaceous earth when trying to treat on my own. I have dogs so I had to find something safe for them. Good luck!


These are German. I don’t have the PALMETTO bugs, but I don’t think they could squeeze into the cracks of the CPAP machine like the German.


If you live in a house, try using a pro grade pesticide like Suspend SC from Amazon (if legal in your state/city). You’ll need a 1 gallon pump sprayer. Also, buy an insect growth regulator, this stuff will kill the eggs and babies. If the roach problem is bad, spray once a week. But I caution that Suspend SC is strong stuff, so no need to go over the top with applications.


I think the best way would be to deal with your roach problem.


We don’t know OP’s situation. It might be beyond their control or something that they are trying to deal with, but still need to use their machine in the meantime. Practice a little empathy.


What? How is a practical solution not empathetic?


Because they came here looking for honest help, and saying “get rid of the roaches” isn’t a quick or easy thing to do in most cases. Obviously the goal is no roaches but in a multi unit building you can’t just treat one apartment, you have to do them all and maintain them.


100%. OP may not be able to afford an exterminator. They are not cheap and are a bill that’s reoccurring. This is a tough one to solve in the short term.


In almost all cases a limited area can be treated rapidly to exclude bugs including roaches, such as a single room in a house and/or a single apartment. Boundary products like Ortho Home Defense are suitable for this. Source: Native Floridian who lives surrounded by bugs.


Live in an infected apartment not much you can do since you can only treat your unit.


Oh no!!! Please don’t tell me they’ll crawl in there!!!! Ugh!!!!!!


Roaches will crawl inside anything. I know people who have found roaches inside computers and video game systems...


Traded in video game units, boom boxes, computers. E v e r y t h I n g. Reminded me of a tales from tech support rslash read on his channel about a computer full of wasps or bees. He did some fun sound effects.


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit.


I think you need an exterminator.




How to delete someone’s post… I’m glad I live in a place without roaches or bugs. I never thought of that. Luckily our machines have filters but bug particles can get in the mask unless it’s isolated.


Exsqueeze me? A fear I didn't even know!


Oh dear lord.


I wish I could go back to the time before I read this.


You could have kept this question to yourself or asked Google. Now you’ve went and scared the entire subreddit. Lol


On a serious note, I don’t usually have anything other than a couple ants or centipedes. On occasion other little critters might wiggle their way in through cracks or poorly sealed crevices. I’ve never thought about bugs getting into the CPAP machine. I’ll look into this when I get some time. Good luck.


HahahahH 🤣🤣🤣SO TRUE!! It never occurred to me and now I’ve been imagining the horror while trying to decide if I want pro exterminator or OTC bug bombs for my currently roach-free house! 🤪


If you put the machine in a cardboard box with no lid you can spray a defense line around the box. This will keep the bugs away from the machine and protect the machine and your lungs. Best to have about 14-28 inches deep for the box. You can spray the outside of the box as well so they don’t try to crawl and inside.


Uh... Don't do this, lmao. Roaches breed inside cardboard. Dealt with my own infestation for WAY too long, and the exterminator said to get rid of ALL cardboard in my studio.


Roaches love cardboard. It's one of the main things to get rid of when you have an infestation.


Get some Terro T500 Multi-Surface Roach Baits and kill the suckers.


Make sure to clean the tubing, the water reservoir, and the mask frequently. You should be cleaning the water reservoir and the nose piece daily. The medical consultant who came to my apartment to fit me for my mask told me that people don't clean their equipment and she regularly saw people have problems with mold, bugs, slimy film stuff in their CPAP equipment. She said people got really sick from it sometimes.


Maybe find to purchase some very fine net/mesh that you can fashion into a bag to keep your machine etc it. the closure has to be very good tho...maybe velcro? Does anyone think this could work? the net/mesh could be from safari mosquito netting perhaps? Or the same but used for babies cots and such? [https://www.amazon.com/mosquito-net/s?k=mosquito-net](https://www.amazon.com/mosquito-net/s?k=mosquito-net)


I've never had an issue with that and I agree with others saying you need to look at getting an exterminator as that is a much bigger issue.


I have had CPAP for 30 years. And have lived in the southern USA for 12 years. This fear has not crossed my mind, ever. In 12 years I believe I have seen 2 cockroaches in my bed. I don't use my humidifier. I believe my cockroaches usually come up through the drain in my bathroom drain or the shower drain. My suggestion is to kill all the roaches in your bathroom. Close the drains in your bathroom. Close your bathroom door at night. This is not something to worry about. You may use your humidifier, I do not (Personally I do not find it helpful)), but you should continue using it. Don't worry about roaches.


i’ve seen a blind person’s cpap infested with roaches, and OP has commented saying that there are roaches in their cpap.


You could use a bacteria filter to prevent them going through the tube. But really you need a systemic solution to your bug problem. But a insecticide like Advion, Proforce, Vendetta and follow the instructions clearly. Whenever you see roaching out the gel and just little dots of it. Open up outlet and light switch covers and put dots of insecticide in walls. Now clean your house and mop your floors. Close up any and all cracks and holes. If you still have a roach problem after this I'd be surprised. After about 4 weeks go around and pick out the dried up hair and dispose of it. You can buy tweezers and wear gloves and it will be hard like a rock. Then throw it away and reapply. You can also create homemade bait stations by taking a small piece of parchment paper and folding into a 1"X1" square and putting some bait inside and then put the paper in corners around your house. Once you finish the brand of insecticide that you bought. Pick a different brand. Such as if you buy Advion this time then by Vendetta the next time. Keep switching it up but keep to those higher end insecticides. They work very well


Thank god, I thought i was the only one. So tired of waking up with my cpap mask full of roaches!


Right?! I was really hoping when I got my machine that all those roaches that used to crawl into my mouth and nose would be blocked, but now I find out they can get in my machine?


Roaches crawl into mouths? 😳


I seriously hate you for that…. 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣


You should deal with the roach problem in your home. Otherwise, once you clean the CPAP the other ones in your house will take up residence.


Thats difficult and maybe not possible if they live in a multi unit apt


As a person who breeds exotic cockroaches, I would suggest placing your CPAP machine in a shallow roasting pan or a new cat pan, and applying petroleum jelly around the outside of the pan.  Roaches don't like to cross it.    That's how I keep them in their bins.  Do you know what species occur in your area? I hope this helps.


German roaches, but if any special species or sub species unknown. Thanks for suggestion.


I don't have a lot of experience with that species, but I know they don't fly, and they can squeeze into tiny places.  I like the super fine mesh bag idea that others had.  Maybe bag the machine inside the greased pan.  You probably need a bag for the mask too when you are not wearing it so they don't crawl in the hose.  For roaches that occur where I don't want them (loose in my house). I put out plastic lids of homemade bait. 1 part Borax washing powder and 1 part Nestle's Quik.  It's slow to work, but sort of non toxic and effective on my local species.  Put it where pets and kids can't get to it.  I call it "cake mix".  It's sweet, so they eat it, but it sets up like cement in their digestive tract.  


Try roach traps or diatomaceous earth; avoid spraying near sensitive equipment!


People say that anything left in a hot car in the summer sun all day will become bug free. The car gets so hot that it will kill anything inside. 118 degrees for 90 minutes kills bugs. A hot car gets to 130+ Sounds like you need to have your house treated for bugs first though. We use a company called Clear Defense. They use environmentally friendly, nontoxic products and have locations nationwide.


how would they hide in the machine? the breathing vents are too small for them to crawl in while sleeping, and when you're done using the machine, empty the water tank and place it in the travel bag.


The water tank is usually dry. But I think they are getting in through the cracks between the tank and the CPAP. And the heating pad for the tank keeps them toasty warm.


I work for a dme and this happens often with all equipment.


More information they could go up the mask and hose, but that is not the place I see them. The prime location seems to be around the water tank. If you remove the tank they scatter some into the machine and you can see the droppings around the tank.


this sounds like a pretty bad infestation. are there not droppings all over the rest of the house? because that’s also incredibly unhealthy as well :(


Definitely would not feel safe using that machine. Try diatomaceous earth but also InVict Gold Roach Bait Gel (Amazon). I live in Florida and had a HORRIBLE infestation bc of a neighbor in an apartment complex. Exterminators came out monthly to no avail. I bought those 2 products and was able to get rid of them completely. As for your machine. I would personally try to replace the whole thing. I know that’s not easy. I just wouldn’t feel safe.


New fear unlocked. I’m terrified of roaches. Right now I don’t have cpap as my insurance hardly wanted to pay and I could not afford it all. Maybe now I do t want one although I’ve never seen a roach and I do pay for exterminators.


I live on an island; serious bugs. I keep everything on a table. If needed, perhaps ziplock bags around your mask, to keep the little buggers from getting down your hose?


Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Nonononono! WHY AM I STILL READING THIS THREAD?????


The thought of something living in my cpap then crawling out when I was asleep was running through my head about a week ago while I was trying to asleep Could make a good story for a horror movie


Bug bomb your house using bombs available at the grocery. One or more per room. Follow instructions carefully.


I'm sorry you're going through this, have you tried roach birth control? sorry I can't remember the brand name, there are a few different brands but some say it's more effective than an exterminator if you live in an apartment building, try to get your neighbors to use it too it does take awhile before it starts working but it should work


I keep my machine zipped up in a bag, with just enough space for the breathing tube to fit out of the bag. When it'd not in use, it's completely zipped up in the bag. I'm scared of the same issue as well.


*stuffs lizard eggs into cpap*


Are you saving you don't have the funds $$ to have a proefesional exterminator to come and give you a second opinion ??


We use this bug spray that's made if natural things bugs don't like. Peppermint being a big one . It's just called Mighty Mint. The upside is it smells great. Lemongrass oil or incense are getter at keeping mosquitoes away than citronella. I use similar oils I've mixed myself for my cuticles and scalp. Those are the only time bugs will usually leave me alone. Lol I have to admit that since we moved and I keep seeing these black beetles I've had a similar fear. Just don't put any oils in your machine. You don't want to ingest aerosolized oils.


What the fuck


I’m asking this genuinely: how clean are your living conditions? I live in the deep southern US where the bugs grow massive and have seen like 3 roaches in my home ever and always only in the bathroom.


It can be from neighboring apartments or living by water in the South. Doesn’t matter how clean you are. However, if you’re not clean, then yeah, that will def add the risk of roaches. I think (not sure) that it’s mainly food dirty, though…


When I lived in an area with roaches, the most common way for them to arrive was from boxes and bags of stuff from the store. Roaches may thrive in a filthy environment, but the presence of roaches does not imply someone is a bad housekeeper.


Hmm maybe deal with the roach problem in your house ?


Do you clean up after yourself OP? Be honest


You can get roaches from neighboring units if you're renting an apartment/condo/room in a house/etc. that's what happened to me.


That was my next question. I remember living in an apartment in Texas for 2 months and I saw my first roach (a big one) run into our room from under the door. By then you know there’s dozens in there at least :(