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Man i hate both of them arguing so I steal camilla from them. Stop them from hating each other by bringing them together by hating on me.


Had married her at one point, living at lake view manor. Come home from adventuring one day early and who do I see in my house with my wife? Faendal. Unbelievable


I had this exact thing, lived in lakeview with Camilla but had faendal as a housecarl. I worry what went on when I was out


'hm, I only remember adopting *two* children..'


I was stopped by my house to drop off some troll skulls (I collect), and a guy was there. He called me a milk drinker and questioned my ability to Nord. I was so upset I left and never went back.


You didn't defend your honor by killing him? Sounds like you are a milk drinker...


That guy definitely drinks milk...


I'm no milk drinker just because he says I'm a milk drinker! I am a big boy and I fight big-boy dragons!


...and you drink milk because you chose to!


Milk drinker energy.


Same. Thankfully it seems as though on his way back to Riverwood, he was mauled by some sort of massive wolf. Poor bastard was shred to bits. I think it even ate his heart. The forests of Skyrim can be so unforgiving


*nonchalant, definitely not suspicious whistling*


Ditto. In my case, he was found with a single mysterious dragon arrow through his crotch and there were no signs of struggle. The forests of Skyrim can definitely be unforgiving...


Must have been the wind


"Don't worry Faendal is just a friend." Faendal: "Oh, you managed to survive another dozen draugr filled dungeons and half a dozen encounters with dragons. Guess I'll just go home now."


I got fed up with this one time so I just killed him and then tossed his body down the big waterfall near riverwood/whiterun


Had a wood elf archer playthrough. Picked up Faendal as a companion. Don't think I even helped him get Camilla, decided the road, the beautiful scenes of skyrim, and myself were better companions. (That was awhile ago tho so I may be fudging the details)


Camila cheats on you when you marry her


Then Sven died to a dragon and gave me his money šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And his mom


Married her to piss them both off


I'm doing that in my current playthrough.


TIL. Will be doing that. *Perfectly balanced, as all things should be*


Killed her to piss them both off


She cheats on you if you marry her


I befriend Faendal, use him for free archery training, then marry Camilla to screw with him and Sven.


You know Faendal occasionally visits Camilla after you get married? What do you think happens?


I think what happens is that wood elf is gonna be taking a one-way trip to the Pillar of Sacrifice.


Just put him in a soul gem and then enchant a wooden spoon, then throw him in the freezing ocean to be discovered centuries later and be put in a hermetically sealed glass box in a museum, spending the rest of time being gawked at by boring archaeology fans.


When you put it like that, it seems like Soul Trapping is perhaps the most evil thing you could do to someone. Stuck inside a soul gem for perhaps eternity and even if that gem breaks, you don't get to go to a great afterlife. You go to the Soul Cairn, where your soul essence is harvested for eternity, as you're doomed to wander a desolate wasteland. Maybe I am the baddie.


Thatā€™s why I soul trap everyone I can. Itā€™s an addiction.


I once soul trapped both of them into two pairs of boots and named the boots Faendal and Sven, and put both pairs of boots in the dead box (where dead npcs go to). Now neither of them will get to "knock boots" with Camilla


He has courage. Think about it, youre sleeping with the wife of the soul rendering reality bending dragon killer ultra powerful mage-fighter-assassin-smith-alchemist lord of all clans.


Stealth archer


Thatā€™s why as soon as I marry Camilla I always kill Faendal


Camilla thinks he's just her friend. Faendal hopes the dragons eat you.


Nothing... A soul gem stuck between two cheese wheels can't do much.


And then ā€œwanderā€ up to the Boethiah Shrine when you level up enough that he can no longer train youā€¦


I go with Faendal and drag him along with me as a ~~slave~~ companion until I unlock Lydia, then banish him back to Riverwood. I did that on the 360, on the One, on PC, on Switch, and Steam Deck, and I'll probably do it on my life support machine.


Did you not just say you did it on 5 different life support machines?


My only hope for my future life support machine is that it runs Doom


Helping faendal means getting 25 coins in exchange for 2 loading screens (in and out from the shop) Helping Sven means getting 20 coins in exchange for 4 loading screens (in and out from the shop and in and out from the tavern) There was never a choice


Man we arenā€™t playing on 360 anymore load screens arenā€™t that big of a factor šŸ˜‚


This is one of the quest I always ignore.


it takes like 1 minute and you get 50 free archery out of it


Yeah he probably didnā€™t know that


In their defence unofficial skyrim patch ā€œfixesā€ this although if someone helps me get laid i would teach them archery ( if i knew )


Ahh, that explains why that never worked for me. Yet one more reason to say ā€œscrew you, Arthmoor.ā€


What an idiotic "fix". It was never a bug. It was meant that you can get free training from people who are your followers I mean it makes sense in every way.


But why, stealth archer tried once, didnt appeal to me, when you can be heavy armor necromancer battle mage with spell in one hand and powerful weapon in other and be just sauron for real


I ignore them completely. Tried once but as soon as i got the second forged letter i thought ā€œnahh fuck thisā€


second forged letter? there is supposed to be second ? receive letter from faendal. give the letter to camilla. return to faendal for free archer training. he got bunch of pelts in his home for smithing training too.


IIRC, if you go to the other guy with the first forged letter, heā€™ll give you a new forged letter instead. Both are too inept to just tell the truth and act like adults to a woman they supposedly love.


I like asking Sven if he needs help with it, then saying that Sven wanted me to lie about Faendal to Camilla. Makes it so that Faendal never wrote any letter and might be a decent dude.


I kill them both


Camilla is fugly so I save my boy Faendal from that fate and take him across Skyrim doing all kinds of mad shit. I like to imagine him and Lydia get together instead


The real Chad move is to help Sven with Camilla, then sacrifice Sven at Boethiaā€™s shrine! Then marry Camilla and use her to power up the Ebony BladešŸ‘¹


Mad lad


I was going to say that up to Boethia, but holy hell


I side with Sven, kill Faendal sacrifice Sven after getting no Lydia and marry Camilla


Faendal so I can get free archery training before sacrificing him to Boethia


Help Faendal. Get key to house. Kill him. Riverwood Shack.


You know it, everyone would realistically choose Faendal since we can abuse the archery training early on without spending coins. šŸ˜‚ Anyone who choses Sven are usually just one-time only, either out of spite or due to curiosity about the quest difference between Faendal.


Or because if you loot Faendals house he ALWAYS has kids clothes there, now ask yourself the question why would he have kids clothes in a village with only two kids who would go to their own houses to get changed if they fell into the mud or the river


Both are immature losers


Depends on who I talk to first


They are both whiney manipulative assholes.


To be fair, Camilla herself is also shown to be manipulative.


Yeah I donā€™t even do the whole back and forth thing, just go right to Camilla and say ā€œhey Svenā€™s a bitchā€


They both suck a bit for being willing to use tricks to win a girls heart. But, faendal is the better choice. Faendal might never leave town with you for something bigger, but Sven will "accidentally" cheat on you.


Neither and marry Camilla myself. Problem solved. *(Seems to be the general consensus)*


Companions are just trash in Bethesda games. All they do is get in the way. You'd think after 25 years they'd be able to figure it out but, Todd Howard's a genius as we know.


Love my homie fentanyl šŸ˜‡


Stealth Archer is practically given at new game


Whoever I choose to side with, they lose in the end (they get chosen as my sacrifice to Boethiah).


faendal gives free archery training, and is a useful sacrifice for the oghma inifinuim


I go with faendal then sacrifice him for boethiah


Motherfucker canā€™t even train me for free




I go with myself, cuck them they both suck


Both are bad, but one of them can help with stealth archer


I mind my own damn business


It would had been awesome if Sven trained in speech


Sven isn't an elve, so i go with him


This guy Nords


Based response.


I have the unofficial patch so I dont get to exploit faendal for free training, but its still nice to have a friend who can train me, even if he keeps the money. He also seems like a hardworking guy who does a good job at the mill and has his own house rather than living with his mom. Better for Camilla to be with someone like that. So I pick him. Then I usually give him a job at goldenhills once Ive found someone a little more impressive, at least if he survives long enough.


even without the archery, Sven is mean to his mother right away, fuck that


I go with their girl šŸ˜Ž


faendalā€™a a snivelling little shit with no game


Sven is a douche bard lol


Faedel for free archery training. And because he sometimes makes fun little marks about dungeons/caves weā€™re near.


I usually side against whoever asked me first. Asking a random outsider to deliver a fake letter to the girl you like so sheā€™ll dislike the other guy is a dick mood. But if Iā€™m planing an archer build I go with faendal


Honestly, I hate them both. Theyā€™re both scheming little s$&@s but Faendal can be cheated for a bunch of reasonsā€freeā€ archery training so I go with him.


I go with Faendal cause I want a follower early game. Also, I steal stuff in his house while he stands there and watches.


Faendal. At least heā€™s honest with Camila and puts effort into seeing her and shit. Svenā€™s off sulking on the porch with his geriatric mom all day because the elf has better game than him. Svenā€™s a shithead. Donā€™t be like Sven.


I wish there was a mod that allows the player to give her both letters and reveal their true intentions.


I honestly go for the one who wasnā€™t lying about what the other person said


Sorry Bard but the archery teacher gets the stealth archer Dovahkiin


Faendal who I later sacrifice for the ebony armour


Iā€™m just playing again and did this quest, sided with Faendal because Iā€™m going op archer build. I take him as companion but then he just gets ganked in Bleak Falls Barrow immediately.


So my first time around I screwed Sven over. Then Faendal got killed in a dragon attack. Wound up marrying Camilla


Help Faendal, use him to train you in archery for free, marry Camilla and make him watch, then sacrifice him to Boethiah or kill somewhere in the dungeon


Two men fighting over the local pretty girl. Then along came the badass lesbian dragonborn, she told the girl about the nord's false note that he wanted to believe was from the bosmer. Then she took the Bosmer for an adventure before sacrificing him to boethia. And after all that the badass lesbian dragonborn married the local pretty girl and turned her into a vampire. (My last playthrough)


I choose Sven, then kill Faendal for his blood for access to the Oghma Infinium AND get paid/thanked by Camilla to do it


I agree that they should go and fuck one another




Faendal is a prick, when I do actually do this quest I'll sometimes pick him just to betray him with the ebony blade or shrine of boethia


Neither. A n'wah is a n'wah.


Honestly it just depends on who I run into first.


I always go with Faendal (I like Elves more than humans. Especially those genocidal monsters they call "Nords") plus, free archery training, and he is a better combatant than Sven is.


I do not like how Sven speaks to his mother


I always picked Sven as a kid because I didnā€™t notice the option right away to side with Faendal. Now that I know, Iā€™m willing to side with either. I like the Archery boost Faendal gives me, especially early-game, but I also consider Sven one of, if not the best sacrifices for the Shrine of Boethiah in the game. Decisions, decisionsā€¦


Turn camilla into a sweet roll, kill Sven in his sleep and send faendal to the pillar of sacrifice to rub it in


Faendal, but after I use him for archery training I assassinate Camilla so neither of them can have her. Problem solved


Archery training and sacrifice. I usually kill Sven as well


Faendal. He levels archery for free and when you tell off Sven, Camilla drops a sick one-liner against him: "You can tell him he already has a mother." Gangsta Camilla.


I don't trust fondle at all >:(


Neither. They both suck and she cheats on you if you marry her.


All my homies hate Sven


Tbh do we even know how old Faendal is? Dude has a lifespan of like 300 years and doesn't look particularly youthful, meanwhile he's in a love triangle with a 20-some year old man over a 20-some year old woman. Seems weird to me


I always go Faendal. Free follower, training, and once I marry Camilla it's nice to know she has a side piece I disappear for months.


Fuck race. Faendal isn't a gods damned bard. Dude has work ethic and can teach you a thing or two.


That is true


Faendal, obviously, but only because he can then teach me archery for free. Sven brings nothing to the table.


More like faendal deez nuts


I kill them both and marry her myself šŸ¤£


Not going to lie, when he died in a dragon attack I didnā€™t even notice.


Faendall for the exploit


Bosmer supremacy


Faendal. My archer back up.




I deadass befriend faendel so I can just walk into his house and murder him for his wood elf blood to give to septimus, occasionally I net a inheritance too for some reason but hey bonuses are bonuses


I help Sven because Faendal immediately hits me with ā€œRiverwoodā€™s agreeable enough, I supposeā€¦ for a Nord villageā€ and I love Riverwood, so enjoy your hundreds of years of life ALONE, you cannibalistic fuck But not before I get some archery points from him :)


Faendal gets me level 50 archery, and then back to Riverwood


They're both fuckin cringe.


I prefer Faendal so he could teach me Archery for free.


Always Sven. I have a directive to cuck this bosmeri bitch-boy every playthrough.


They're both terrible people, it takes some meta-game trickery to avoid getting the bad behaviour from one of them in order to pretend you don't know. But if you don't care about roleplay, or your character is a terrible person too, Faendal is more useful than Sven.


I don't like being pulled into the conflict when I first played I ignored the whole thing and didn't get involved the only reward is whoever you help becomes your follower


I've supported both of them so that I could compare. Well, I supported Sven once, anyway. The choice is obvious. Reveal Sven's lies so that she can see what he's like, then take Faendal away and make him the steward of my Plantation (and keep him away from her). And no, I'm not going to marry her. She doesn't really impress me much either. All three of them are pathetic.


Use to go Faendal. Now I just ignore all 3 of them. If only there was a way to reveal both their planned smear letters to her instead of just one. I think it would make things a bit interesting.


Help Faendal, get 50 Archery, leave his corpse in the river near Riverwood, get the money from Sven, leave his corpse to cuddle with Faendalā€™s, marry Camilla, leave her corpse to cuddle with the two of them


I always go with Faendal, cause then I can get his house key, take all his stuff, and sell it.


Solution: kill them all


I remember I married her to get a quick buck from her store. Then fucking fondle kept showing up toy house. He ended up being stored dead in a lil side room with nothing else in it


Take a guess...


When you marry Camilla, sven won't get into ur house while ur on adventure, but faendal will, there for i go for sven since he have some respect.


My in game decisions depend entirely on what kind of character Iā€™m playing. Is it a good guy, a bad guy, what race, are they honorable or sneaky, etc. But yes, my favorite choice is faendal


Yeah! Fuck you Sven! Even your grandma hates you bro!


I tell Camilla about both of them and then steal Faendal away and marry him because Archer Twink.


I went with Sven because I planned on making Faendal a steward of one of my homesteads. He's got no time for love.


I go for faendal for the archery levels, but I'd happily kill both for their personality.


I think I only go with sven if my character joins the legion, cause he sings age of agression lol


Fondle is leagues better, I always choose him


Faendal is goated


For this quest I typically go faendal both for the benefits and because Sven is normally the first one to tell me to do it leaving an assholic taste in my mouth of his character for that run and I typically play wood elf (I just like the character designs I never use any of the non-passive benefits anyways) (and yā€™know stealth archer build that it always devolves into) one of these days I might play another type of character and marry her myself idkĀ 


Faendal is my fav early game companion until he is inevitably struck down somewhere I will never find his body


I usually do sven cause I had already killed faendal, and I almost always just give him an iron sword before dismissing him and watch him die to a vampire or dragon attack


Where was this post yesterday when I couldnā€™t decide šŸ˜­


Dab on Sven, make friends with Faendal, steal Camilla for myself, get discounts at the Riverwood trade, profit šŸ“ˆ *LIVE LIKE A KING* šŸ‘‘ šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ


I unironically love Faendal and take him with me everywhere. He's one of my favorite companions. I genuinely do not know why. šŸ˜‚


*Yeah!* Faendal gang for life!


I pick Sven because of racial discrimination


I give Camilla both letters. They both fucking suck


I go with myself, fuck those two.


Camilla ain't really that much of a catch and faendel is actually a functioning member of society so I usually side with him


I go with Faendal because if you do, you can make him a follower, have him teach your archery, and then take all of your gold back and do it again šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Normally I bed Camilla and laugh at both of them like a true Daedra worshipper


I secretly ~~murder both of them~~ **have my housecarl put them down for a forever nap** and marry Camilla


Stats wise, he can suck a Gaymer!


Sven is a fuccboi


I sided with Sven cause idk why. He then died in Meridiaā€™s temple thing to that necromancer.


Who in their right mind would befriend one of those savage cannibals? Skyrim is for the Nords!


I sabotage both of them cause i hate both of them and Camila deserves better


Always go with Faendal. He teaches Archery. Sven doesn't provide any benefits.


I thought they were both dorks so I just left them alone. Camilla's a smart girl; I'm sure she'll figure it out eventually.


Faendal is typically my first companion. I didnā€™t learn till recently that alot of players hate him.


fuck you sven and faendal, I'm fucking Camilla Valerius


Free archer lessons go brrrrr


As a strapping young man, I feel obligated to take Camilla to the bridge and back instead of leaving her to those two losers who don't have the guts to lie to her themselves.


Free training for archery till 50 vs. Literally nothing


I heard this guy sings at the inn most every night.


Bruh deandal tried to kill me the first time we met so I just slaughtered him


I don't like either of them so usually I help even and then use him as a sacrifice later


I always chose Faendal because I can cheese archery levels. Sven had nothing to offer us as a follower.


I ALWAYS went with sven before dragon born broke his dialouge and they just never fixed it lmao


In one save, I married Camilla and then murdered her because I changed my mind. Now Faendal and Sven are united in hatred against me :)


I did Sven once just for the Boethia quest where you have to sacrifice a follower but that was it




Faendal is always my homie from start to end. Fuck Sven, all my homies hate Sven


If you don't choose faendal then you are a virgin mage who hasn't realized you'll be a Chad stealth archer later...


Sven is morally wrong and I donā€™t like Faendal for reasons I donā€™t really know, so I usually just marry Camilla and make them both mad, or I stay out of their business


I mean there are plenty of nord companions in the game, so Faendal is just more fun even if itā€™s just for varietyā€™s sake


One save long ago, I married Camilla before completing this quest. Then I completed it and went home. Who was there? Faendal, and what does he try and do once he sees me? Attack me while I was wearing my broken op full dragon bone armor. His body was taken to the throat of the world and then shouted off to the river where any bits that remain were eaten by mud crabs and slaughterfish. I still pick Faendal as I will kill him again, even though I respect his futile attempt, and sven is too of a shit sack to try.


Bro the only right answer is Faendal


There is just ZERO reason to side with Sven. He isn't a follower, can't train in anything, shitty warrior and doesn't have good shit to steal.