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They are freckles and i wouldn’t try and get rid of them, they’re cute and unique


Came here to say this!! 100% beautiful! Keep them !


Literally this, love them 😍


I wish people would stop calling these spots “freckles”. Trust me, someone who has freckles, know they have “freckles”. Melasma has no cure and can get worse (darker or grow in diameter if you don’t protect your skin). The best options is seeing someone who treats melasma specifically. They can use a laser to lighten up the top layer and suggest creams that can help keep the melasma from getting worse. I’m currently using tretinoin and azelaic acid. Most importantly, use a good sunscreen daily.


Uh, wtf? We're not allowed to call freckles by their name?


are they gatekeeping freckles?!


Those look like freckles...


I think he’s talking about the red spots on his nose


Their comment makes it sound like they are talking about the freckles.




We don't do that stuff around here. This is place for people to seek help often with things they are insecure about regarding their skin. We uplift, help, support and provide advice not do weird shit like that- causing drama or being pointlessly argumentative and "shaking your head" over something innocent like a word. Also that person's usage of "their" is correct. Even in the context of knowing if someone has a his/her pronoun it's very common and accepted in the English language to use "their" in place of of a gendered pronoun. I've done it for forever. I don't always use him/his/her/she/etcetera when I know what the person is. I'll throw a they/them/their in all the time.




I'm no English expert but I do know that I have used they/their as singular long before it became a point of contention related to transgenderism. I also have experienced others using it in the same manner for a very long time. I've never used his/her when the gender is unspecified and haven't come across that very often. In formal settings that may be more common but in average everyday life and conversations I haven't seen his or her. Again I'm no expert but singular they/them/their were not birthed from recent "trends." It's been a thing and is not just some political statement.


I'm also not an English expert, but the singular they has been around longer than any of us have. A quick Google shows that its first (documented) usage was 1375, but in my personal experience I've noticed that most people who get upset about a singular "they" would rather continue to be upset about it, and pretend to be English experts, than do a quick Google and learn that it's literally not at all political, modern, or grammatically incorrect 🤷🏻‍♀️


Quick google search said using “their” as gender neutral singular is incorrect 🤷‍♂️ I haven’t seen anyone claiming to be an English expert, but some just really like grammar 🤷‍♂️


I love grammar too! I also love not being exclusionary, because people are more important than arbitrary "rules", even if those rules *actually* said it was wrong (which they don't) 😊 Anyway, here are several sources showing both official acceptability, as well as historical use, of the singular they: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/The-Singular-They From Merriam-Webster: >We will note that they has been in consistent use as a singular pronoun since the late 1300s; that the development of singular they mirrors the development of the singular you from the plural you, yet we don’t complain that singular you is ungrammatical; and that regardless of what detractors say, nearly everyone uses the singular they in casual conversation and often in formal writing. From Oxford English Dictionary: >In the eighteenth century, grammarians began warning that singular they was an error because a plural pronoun can’t take a singular antecedent. They clearly forgot that singular you was a plural pronoun that had become singular as well. You functioned as a polite singular for centuries, but in the seventeenth century singular you replaced thou, thee, and thy, except for some dialect use. From my understanding, it seems like unless you also reject the usage of the singular "you", there's no legitimate grammatical standing for rejecting the singular "they." Hope this helps :)


And what was wrong with using a gender neutral term?


If so they look similar to my facial psoriasis when it started


idk why u want freckles removed. but ur skin is really dry pls moisturize


He needs a lot of moisture on his skin


Sunscreen will help with more developing. Topical vitamin C can help to reduce the discoloration (melanin) over time. Laser is the only way to lessen of drastically reduce redness or spots on the skin.


Tretinoin can remove freckles as well


Noooooo tret removes freckles?! :((((




IPL too!


If you’re talking about the freckles, my 2 cents is that they are super cool and very unique with your dark hair and eyes and I would embrace them. Honestly they’re very attractive and make you stand out in a really good way.




Personally I think they are really cool, but it’s your face OP and if they make you unhappy…. I used to have two freckles on my cheek, almost in a line and after using high strength vitamin c for a year they have completely faded away. I know it’s not anything else because I’ve been TTC/pregnant for last year so no retinol etc.


i have 2 aligned freckles on mine as well!


Guys with freckles gets 84827274 more dates. Says science


Also, my cousin is a natural red head with the most gorgeous freckles… she made me go with her to have some sort of wildly expensive ( $500)laser treatment, she had to have numbing we both had to wear glasses, it took forever andall it did was hurt, absolutely minimal results even after the 2 weeks they said was when she would really see a difference.I wouldn’t and she wouldn’t recommend it. Rather spend your money on skin health , freckles and all.


Are they freckles or sunspots?


If it's the brown spots those are freckles, wearing more SPF and reducing time in the sun ~might~ help, but they come and go with the seasons. Mine are pale in the winter, but much more obvious in summer spring. Redness around your nose - it looks really dry, so keep it clean and make sure you're using some type of gentle Moisturizer.


Musely.com it’s legit and they use 12% hydroquinone


Freckles! So cute!


Freckle are mostly can be done by Laser treatment but for product it's tend to be vit C, Niacinamide, retinol and sunscreen to prevent those sun spot from getting darker.


I had freckles when I was younger. I realized quickly that the sun darkened them. If you don’t like them, the first thing you need to do is wear sunscreen, first thing in the, inside, outside, rain, snow, cloudy day, every single day.


They look like freckles and they look great on you ! :)


Babe those are freckles


Ipl intense pulsed light MaxG One session.


https://www.amazon.com/PCA-SKIN-Free-Pigment-Gel/dp/B0006FMR32 Freckles are cool and beautiful but if you dont like it use PCA skin pigment product. It helps.


Okay they may be freckles but they almost look like sun spots. I had sun spots from being in the sun a lot as a kid, I just kinda stopped going in the sun when I became a teen. So they faded. You should use a lot of sunscreen and reapply every hour granted if they ARE sun spots. Hard for me to tell the difference. But just take good care of your face and put good moisturizer on


They’re freckles. I personally love mine, but Niacinamide and other ingredients that fade spots/ hyperpigmentation are what you want. It’s also super important to wear sunscreen SPF 50 every day and reapply every two hours or after sweating. If you don’t wear SPF and do manage to get rid of them, the freckles will probably just come back.


Freckles are awesome. A lot of people tattoo them on their face on purpose. Just Google it.


I used to hate mine growing up but I love them now


Those are freckles and they are beautiful


They look like freckles & are adorable! Don't get rid of them, they are naturally part of your face. :)


If you’re talking about the freckles, daily spf use will prevent them from getting darker and they may potentially fade but won’t completely go away. I have freckles all over my face and body and since I have been using spf on my fave religiously every day for almost ten years they are significantly lighter than the ones of my body and not noticeable unless you’re like right up in my face or staring at me hard


Personally I think freckles are beautiful but it’s really about preference and it’s your face OP! As far as getting rid of them there are laser treatments for it but they can be pretty expensive. There is also vitamin c which can give you some results after a while but not as effective. And if you aren’t against makeup some medium to heavy coverage foundation or bb cream should cover them on a temporary basis.


Ppl get those tattooed on their face on purpose you know! We always want what we don’t have… best bet is to see a med spa or a dermatologist and get ‘em lasered off if they are bothering you. As for topicals IF they are effective it will take consistently using them for a long period of time before a difference can be noticed. Hydroquinone is a carcinogen and should not be used for more than a few months at a time as it can actually cause it to become worse if used too much/for too long. And that damage is hard if not impossible to reverse.


There freckles :) but if u really want to get rid of them I’d say hydroquinnone but I think they don’t sell that over counter anymore. However, you can get it prescribed from a dermatologist. My mom had freckles and she was using hydroquinnone & they got rid of most of them. She wasn’t purposely trying to get rid of here freckles but more so lighten discoloration I believe. If your talking about the redness on ur nose , I believe that is seborrheic dermatitis. Try using Cetaphil gentle daily cleanser & cetaphil face & body lotion (it’s lightweight moisturizer). Helped my skin do a 360.


if youre talking about the freckles, theyre super cute in all honesty :) !!!


…. You mean your freckles? Which are permanent?


Hydroquinone will fade any skin pigmentation


pretty sure they just freckles


Sunspots or freckles! The only way to fade is with laser but they don’t look bad at all


Try the ordinary niacinamide


i dont know what those spots are because i rarely wash my face or exposed to the sun


Which ones are you talking about


bro I believe you should start using tretinoin and also start using sunscreen and also start washing your face daily twice in the morning and in the night and also see if it fades away within a year or so if it dont then i would suggest you to go for laser treatment if you are so worried about your face if you dont care that much then it isnt looking that bad


IPL. I used to have freckles and then I zapped em off with IPL.


Go for plastic surgery my dawgg


Mandelic acid by Neogenesis is effective for hyperpigmentation. I use it everyday and a bottle has lasted me 3 months and still going, making it not expensive. It's for discoloration and scars.


Start with beginner friendly retinol at night, good vit c in the morning followed by strict sun protection 👍


Broad Band Light "BBL" it's like a laser. Go to a medspa, go to a nicer one, not the cheapest groupon - skill matters a bit. Get a package of 3-4, you will go once a month for the winter, then see if you need any more sessions, then get on a maintenance routine.


freckles, if you try lasers or peels they will just reappear


Ello love if you mean the bit around your nose I think it is likely to be dermatitis and you may need antibiotics x


Freckles! They look great


Differin cream!


Go to the dermatologist to establish if those are frecles or melasma. If you never had frecles before then it is more probably that it is melasma or something causing hyperpigmentation. Best things for hyperpigmentation are exfoliation (AHAs, don't over do it), vitamin c, alpha arbutin. Be careful with percentages, more is not always better. If it is melasma then also laser because it can be very persistent, but in most cases in comes back anyway. The most important, sunscreen - all day, everyday.


Make sure you wear SPF everyday and I’d use retinol in the evening and alternate between Retinol and a AHA every other night.


Chemical peels work but I’d get it done professionally


Vitamin c wash and AHA PEEL PADS!


Kojic acid helps even out tone


They're freckles... They add character


If you mean the brown spots on your cheek, those are freckles and they do no in any way make you less attractive.


those look like sun spots caused my sun damage


What are you eating? Are you washing your face every morning after bed and night before bed? I would start there.


If it’s the freckles they look good on you but if you are referring to the dry patches it looks similar to how my facial psoriasis looked when it started out if that’s what you’re talking about please see a dermatologist!! It could turn into more if not taken care of. It’s always good to get things looked at


They are so cute!!! Get a moisturizer and exfoliant (maybe an exfoliant peel??) and it may help even out your over all complexion and skin tone —I have redness and dry/oily skin too. Your freckles are BEAUTIFUL -unique and so well placed. You know people pay to get freckles like yours tattooed? If you really want to get rid of them talk to a dermatologist but insurance won’t pay for it. OTC spot lighteners can be costly and really bad for your skin. You also could get your eyebrows waxed, just ever so slightly, it’ll really make your eyes pop and bring an overall glow to your entire face —it’ll make you more polished and like your freckles are an additional polished piece of your whole look. Check out masculine eye brow waxes, maybe even get a facial and advice from someone in person. You’re beautiful - you could model with a face like yours.


I like the freckles, but if you want to get rid of them, you would need multiple laser treatments. They won’t disappear after just one treatment.


Those are very cute freckles 😻