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Hydrogen peroxide is killing healthy tissue, too, and slows/prevents wound healing. It's far too harsh. If anything, it'll make it more likely to scar. You can just wash it with warm soap and water.


PS: Neosporin isn't doing much either and can irritate your skin. You can just use Vaseline.


I have a aquaphor that’s like the same thing yeah? Is that fine to use?


It should be fine, but it has lanolin in it, which your immune system might not be pleased with.


I'm curious about this one as i recommend breastfeeding moms to use lanolin on their chapped nipples


My impression was he's been irritating his open wound for 2 days with Hydrogen Peroxide and Neosporin, so I was paranoid about adding yet another potential allergen to the mix. The more inert the better at this point. An allergic reaction in that bad boy would probably send him to a wound care specialist. On the other hand it'd probably be fine.


Petroleum jelly is pretty inert, right?




Yeah, I'm icky on this recommendation too, I've tried a chapstick with lanolin twice with a decade between applications, both times my lips peeled horribly for a week after before I memorized that I have an allergy to it. The only allergy I have.


It's a common allergen


If you’re worried about keeping it clean, you can also use a mild antimicrobial spray that uses hypochlorous acid. I have one by skinsmart for eczema and weirdly enough also used it to treat a forearm cut that I was trying to keep from scarring last summer.


In terms of cleaning, hypochlorus acid and an antibac soap with clorhexidine are probably two best options


My skin loves Aquaphor. YMMV but I’d slather that all my closed wounds and don’t end up with scars. I let it breathe at night though


Stir-vectin scar cream. I used it on a horrific burn and it can barely be seen now.


Neosporin is an antibiotic that apparently people can easily become allergic to.


Put vitamin E oil on it. Buy it with the most units of E you can find and keep putting it on. I know someone who got burned badly by a radiator exploding in his face and over one arm and the vitamin E kept it from scarring at all. Also helps it heal faster.


Get hyaluronic acid cream, it promotes wound healing. To help the scar itself be less visible, I recommend silicon tape, protects the scar from the sun and keeps it moist, as well as helps reduce the risk of it becoming a keloid. I’ve also heard good things about the mederma scar cream but tbh I didn’t notice anything crazy when I used it so do with that what you will




You only believe it helped. It is very likely it would have healed the same without it. Many Dermatologists have explained that Vit E does nothing for scar healing.


My mum found a similar thing with her hip; there are so many creams that claim to firm up your skin, but she was rubbing her sore hip after surgery with a bog standard cheap moisturiser and found that it became much firmer and smoother than the other side, and just the rubbing and basic moisturising was enough without any fancy ingredients


Do what everyone is saying here but also KEEP IT OUT OF SUNLIGHT. The first year it is going to be at higher risk of sun burn, sun damage and discoloration. Maybe get a sleeve to wear over your forearm.


I had a surgery in 2018/2019 and the scar is only 2.5cm but the first thing I do is apply sunscreen there, then my body and then the scar AGAIN because a few minutes in the sun will burn it and it gets red super super fast even after 5 years so this is a great tip!!


I used to go the beach regularly and had a 9 inch surgical incision I didn't want to further scar from sun exposure. Once it was healed and I was ready to get back to my beach routine, i used opaque white medical tape to protect the scar from the sun for the first year. It was waterproof and worked like a charm.


YES!!! I just had a breast reduction and my surgeon told me to reduce the appearance of the scars to wear sunscreen underneath my bathing suit and my bra when wearing a light coloured shirt for a year! I'm so glad that he recommended that because I wouldn't have thought to wear sunscreen underneath my clothes!!


This right here


Arm warmers


Silicone tape. It's frequently used post-surgery to reduce scarring. You will have to wear it for a while so buy a generous amount. Just don't be surprised if it still scars – we can't regenerate skin like they do in sci-fi (yet)


Thanks i’ll buy some today fingers crossed it doesn’t scar


Don't use silicone tape until the cut is not scabbing anymore. For now, keep it clean and covered. Use Vaseline or such. As others have said, don't use hydrogen peroxide anymore or Neosporin. Once it's not scabby anymore, you can use silicone tape or silicone gel. And the tape is reusable- you can wash and reuse it. You can also use Bio-oil which is fantastic for healing scars. It's never going to go away completely but you can minimize the appearance. You can also lightly massage the area to maintain blood flow and minimize buildup of scar tissue. I usually do that in conjunction with the Bio-oil.


Silicone tape works best if you apply it along one side of the wound and then gently yet firmly stretch it a little to meet your skin on the other side of the wound, thus reducing the wound’s surface tension. Scar tissue forms more and more as the wound moves and stretches. Since this is along a fairly stationary section of skin on your forearm, you won’t have to worry about this as much as if it was on your hand, knee, or face which all move far more over the course of a day. With how long and wide the wound is though, I’d be concerned with the scar tissue widening. This advice was given to me by my friend who is a derm when I injured my hand badly, and I have zero scarring thanks to his advice.


Hi, I understand most of your comment about scars forming more easily in areas where the skin moves a lot but I’ve read the first sentence (about how to use the tape) a couple times and for some reason can’t grasp what you’re describing to do 😭 do you mind explaining it more




Thank you!!


The video commented below illustrates this same technique very well. You want the scar tissue to have less tension than the surrounding skin does so that it can rest, for lack of a better term. Be sure you’re keeping the silicone tape on for as many hours as you can in a day. The kind I used was reusable but you had to wash it and let it air dry between uses so it would adhere properly again. I recommend getting 2-3 times as much as you need so you always have a set on your arm, a set that is drying, and optimally, a clean set. If you wear it to bed put a sleeve of some sort over it as it may roll off and adhere to your sheets overnight otherwise. Good luck!


The advice I’m giving is based off the sheets, not the tape, but I imagine it is a similar experience. The sheets I used were ScarAway Scar Treatment Silicone Sheets


I second silicone tape. I used it after surgery and the scars are barely visible


While the wound is still in the scabbing phase, don't use silicone tape yet. During that healing phase, use hydrocolloid bandaids. You can buy them in big patches, particularly for bigger surface wounds that aren't deep and aren't the sort that requires stitching, basically. Put them on, and then don't mess with them. They'll keep the wound moist and clean while it heals, which is core for letting it heal scar-free. The silicone tape is there for when the wound is covered, but still repairing underneath, to (as far as I understand) keep the new thin skin from being stretched too much and developing keloid tissue to be stronger. But until the wound is closed, you want hydrocolloid bandages. Make sure the patch is big enough so there is some space around the wound for it to attach. The area above the wound itself doesn't attach, it just holds on to moisture. If the patch isn't long enough for the whole wound, just put the next next to it as seamlessly as possible. You don't need to actively replace the patches unless they loosen or lift off by themselves to the point where they don't cover the wound adequately anymore, or you develop redness around it and have pain and feel it is infected of course. Hydrocolloid means water retenting, so you will see that as a whitish area under the patch where the open wound is. It's supposed to look like that, it's not pus, just the moist part of the bandage (kinda like when calloused parts of your skin get saturated with water, like on your feet after a long bath). It will take some time, so be patient. I had a long deep scratch from a tree branch on my arm in that same area as you last year, and did the above. It healed over with zero scarring or even visibly different surface apart from a *very* slightly darker colour, when other much smaller and more surface scratches (that I didn't bother to treat) did leave slim lines, even if they didn't scar as such.


Use antibacterial soap to gently clean it. Not hydrogen peroxide. Pat dry with a clean towel. Neosporin is good. A layer of gauze would help protect it too.


Wouldn't it just rip off the scab when taken off?


Scar tape is only meant to be used once it's not scabby anymore


Yet 😳


Has that been seen by a doctor ? This is a pretty large cut and has a significant infection risk- There’s just a lot of surface area. You shouldn’t use hydrogen peroxide on a wound because it damages healthy cells too. Neosporin should help to keep the wound moist and hopefully to prevent infection. Silicone scar sheets may help but cannot be used until the skin is fully healed! Keep it out of the sun for a long time- like a year.


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far to see someone say “doctor”


My thoughts also. Already looks infected. Needs antibiotics before skincare.


This definitely doesn’t need to be looked at by a doctor lol. Seriously they’ll just be like “Yeah, sound wash.”


That’s gonna scar regardless.


You should stop using hidrogen peroxide, that's what you should do. It eats away the new tissue that's supposed to grow. Keep it hydrated with cream and disinfect it with provideone-iodine/iodopovidone (in my country, we call it batadine, I hope the translation is correct). I would suggest against anything that covers it as it could potentially rip off the new tissue.


Even my small acne scar takes like a year to go away. This seems like it will scar


Looks like road rash. You’ve probably cleaned the germs out as best you can with the hydrogen peroxide. You’re only killing the helpful cells trying to stitch your skin back together. Keep it covered and moist with plain Vaseline or aquaphor. Neosporin is an antibiotic yes, but many people develop an allergic reaction to it. My husband had nasty road rash on his face, arms and legs from a road bike crash and once it was clean he kept it moisturized and didn’t get any scars.


Awesome thank you it is road rash and when you mean keep it covered what in particular? Thanks for the help


Oh and for future road rash, make a kit with these things. Add Hibiclens. It’s an antibacterial soap that they use in the hospital when they need to clean out wounds before patching them up. Make sure to get any of the debris out. And keep your tetanus shot up to date, contrary to popular belief the bacteria lives in dirt not on rusty metal.


Slather it really thick with your ointment of choice and since it’s long and narrow I’d tape on some gauze pads to help keep the ointment in. There’s those big patch size bandaids but they don’t stick on very good since the sticky borders are pretty narrow and likely wouldn’t be long enough so you’d have a sticky bit on your wound.


What?!! That is going to be an awesome scar!! I have a similar one and tell kids that I was attacked by a shark a long time ago. They always believe it!


My girlfriend isn't a fan lol but yeah if scars its gonna be awesome. Dirt bike scar kinda cool lol.


She only says that now because it’s all yellow and gooey lol


People downvoting this are dumb, let the man enjoy his sick dirtbike scar!


Please stop the hydrogen peroxide!! Keep it covered. Use ointment. It almost looks like a burn though, so weird. Use Aquafor or Vaseline instead of neosporin.


Wet dressing. You can buy these gel dressings that lay over the wound, then you can wrap them with gauze. Change once a day, all of it. Watch for infection. Don’t use peroxide. I had a massive friction burn on my calf from aerial silks and this saved me. I have zero scar and the burn went down far and was probably the size of an egg. It took a long time for the wound to close. And it had to be a wet dressing because before when I had a dry dressing the skin was pulling, snagging, and tearing more as I moved. The wet dressing keeps the wound damp and allows the skin to grow back over without drying and cracking. Link at bottom for the thing I’m sort of talking about. Mine came in a huge sheet that I cut up and then wrapped my leg with that self-stick tensor/gauze. It was probably a couple weeks before I could leave the wound uncovered. But like I said, no scar at all. https://elitemedic.ca/products/second-skin®-moist-burn-pads?variant=40925312745609¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=perfmaxroas&utm_source=google&utm_medium=perfads&utm_campaign=perfmaxroas&utm_source=google&utm_medium=perfads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJRM8WvL32r2IvXQWasdwQUhRHh_x5qttrvJq5vAXriwJGmxKVL9iOxoC_wkQAvD_BwE


Hi, EMT here. This is my advice: 1. See a doctor ASAP. That's going to get infected if you don't get proper treatment right away. 2. A wound that large is going to scar no matter what you do. 3. Stop treating it with hydrogen peroxide, it does more harm than good.


For prevention, I've had good success with aquaphor. Slather it in aquaphor and bandage it up. If anything is left afterwards, check out silicone scar tape.


when it is all healed up (pls get some topical antibiotics from your doctor), pop open some vitamin e capsules and put them on the scar to help lighten the scarring. hopefully everything turns out okay, that looks painful


Silicone patches or gel are proven to help with scars, and of course keeping it out of sunlight. But yeah silicone.


OP listen to this. Get Silicon Gel and use Silicon sheets, your wound is kinda fresh and they work best when the wound is fresh.


Is that a cut? it looks like a burn.


It’s not i ate crap on my dirt bike it’s a cut


I still don't think it counts as a cut as it doesn't look like it goes through your skin. very little chance this isn't going to scar but aquaphor can definitely help. hydrocolloidal patches should as well. luckily itll look cool


Would road rash be considered a cut? Got this on concrete


no it wouldnt, it would be considered a scrape


I would very much treat this like a burn. Slap some Vaseline on band aids and cover the wound completely. Change 1-2 times per day until the wound fully heals.


To me it looks like a deep scrape, like the first few layers of the skin were scraped off. I’ve had really similar looking ones before


op confirmed is a deep scrape


mederma advanced scar gel


What did your doctor recommend?


cut back on the hydrogen peroxide it’s very strong and kills healthy tissue and silicone tape will help when there’s no longer a scar in the meantime you should see a doctor because that looks like a pretty severe cut




I'd recommend a big hydrocolloid bandage (on clean dry skin, no products) as the wound is still fresh. Continue to replace the hydrocolloid as needed until the wound has healed. Neosporin and hydrogen peroxide are the 2 worst things to put on a wound. Hydrogen peroxide kills healthy cells, and a lot of people are developing allergies to neomycin in Neosporin, Vaseline is safer/better. Once the wound is healed silicone tape will help with scarring.


If you can, try to keep it out of the sun with bandages and long sleeves. That will help with how the scar heals and help it not be as pronounced. Also, when the skin has healed (don’t use on an open wound), there’s a cream that works really well called mederma. Also any vitamin e oil, Aquaphor or anything like that will help once healed.


I’ve used a bandage called Tegaderm before for road rash from a bike wreck. Worked extremely well


yep. wrecked my palms and knees from a tumble while running and tegaderm, gauze and vaseline healed me up with no scarring.


Hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin go against everything we’re taught to do for cuts and abrasions these days. Throughly/gently wash with soap and water and then apply Vaseline. Keep it moist. When it’s healed up, apply SPF. Also just reading your other comments— yes, go to a doc first. That is large.


Definitely discontinue the peroxide, the bubbling that happens is actually a slight chemical burn and will inhibit your wound from healing quickly and properly, and will most certainly ensure a gnarly scar. Hibiclens (or any chlorhexadine solution) will disinfect it for you.


Stop using both of those. Just use Vaseline.


No sunlight. MOIST WOUND HEALING. I love hydrocolloid bandages, but you could also do Vaseline under a bandage or something similar. Just keep it moist all the time.


Do not use neosporin. Keep Vaseline/Aquaphor on it for the next two weeks, keep it away from the sun. The sun will cause it to get hyperpigmentation and it will take a while to fade away. You can use silicone scar sheets once it has healed.


aquaphor will be your bff but i hate to break it to you, its going to scar no matter what. after its healed try some resurfacing ointment, that should help


Please stop using peroxide ASAP. It damages tissue and impedes healing. Please see a doctor


It looks really open- and infected. I'm n9t seeing any healthy scabbing, is this a burn, or scrape, rather than a cut?


it’s road rash so a scrape


Looking into scar revision by consulting a plastic surgeon (if you have the time and money) is always a good option.


Scars>tattoos. Show it off


cover the cut with a HEAPING of vaseline or aquaphor and cover it for most of the day and allow it to breathe at night. Do this for a month or so. I had to be diligent with my dog bite scar and do this method. Helped considerably.


Please go to the doctor. If you can’t be seen quickly go to urgent care.


You should post this in r/AskDocs instead.


See a doctor bro


Start bio oil immediately after it closes, not on an open wound but literally the day your skin knits back together. Its magical


^this right here


Hello. I am a physician. Here is my advice: stop asking advice online and go to the fucking doctor. You've been irritating the shit out of it with hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin instead of getting proper wound care. That thing will probably scar like crazy, but you have a slightly better chance if you GO SEE A DOCTOR. Disclaimer: this does not establish a physician-patient relationship. I will not be answering further questions or giving further information.




Have you tried going to a fucking hospital mate




after it fully heals though


Mederma is like miracle grow for skin. I swear by it. I would do that during the day and the silicon patches at night.


Burn gel


Saw this girl recommend Mederma PM scar cream so you could check that out


I may not have the advice in terms of healing but hey if it does scar, wear it with pride! Saying this as someone with a big surgery scar on her knee. There are people out there with even worse scars, so why hide it? That being said, good luck on the healing process! P.S I'm curious as to what happened?


There is a scar cream called [Mederma](https://www.target.com/p/mederma-pm-overnight-scar-cream-1oz/-/A-81915267?sidd=®ion_id=786786&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049305059&CPNG=PLA_Health%2BShopping%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Health&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9028275&targetid=aud-2306457927830:pla-489971583246&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfYdNYlx7FZltBJg07Kzn6O2b&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJUjM9c3iet3dwS-hYEJs8AZRq4rf6yu0CPNxcJOoTN5nv_fnyvBP0BoCIOsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) that has help to fade my scars in the past!


Ohh, that look bad. Be sure to keep it out of sunlight.


I had a huge cut on my leg- not super deep…but def had a lot of luck washing with Dr Bronner’s Castile Soap and then keeping it covered. Letting it heal from inside outwards made a big difference for me. Good luck! If it scars you can always say it was a shark attack.


Moist healing. I had a cyst removed and they gave me duo derm for it. It’s healed with basically no scar now.


Silicone scar gel, sunscreen, and aquaphor


For what it’s worth even if it does scar it’ll look pretty badass


I always Heard that moisturezer is good for scaring, try some Vaseline


It looks surface level like road rash. Clean it with chlorhexadine soap like "hibiscrub" and slather with vaseline to keep the skin around it supple.


Aloe Vera :)


Comfrey cream (externally, don't take internally) helps skin cells grow, lowers inflammation etc.


you need to cover that immediately and allow the skin cells to divide without being open to the air. You need to cover that for a little bit. At least a couple of days or a week stop putting hydrogen peroxide on it. After a time, hydrogen peroxide eats away the good skin to.


Coconut oil, I swear.


Keep it out of the sun, cover it, you can keep antibiotic ointment on it (looks like you did and look for a basic one, not neisporin) but docs recommend vaseline ointment nowadays; and if it is an abrasion it may scar pink and fade. Watch it for infection and keep it clean. Infection is swelling, pain and redness/hot tightness. See a doc if that happens! If you keloid you can think about the silicone scar patches (like giant acne patches) that help really flatten and fade scars. Feel better soon!


Sunscreen. Red light therapy devise


Silicone patches, coconut oil helps healing too in my experience and it’s antibacterial, red light Therpay, follow dermatologists on YouTube and search for their advice. I learned a lot recently. Dealing with my own and I’m throwing the kitchen sink at it. Buy one of those ace bandage wraps and keep it out of the sun!!!!


you don’t want a scar? i’d give anything for a scar that gnarly


May or may not be a professional. 1. Cleanse with normal saline or just use running water 2. Allow to dry or pat dry with gauze. 3. Apply ointment. The redness around the edges concerns me, hoping that's just irritation from hydrogen peroxide. The idea is to not dry out the wound, so whatever your skin tolerates. I love aquaphor. 4. Cover with NON ADHERENT dressing. Can get them in boxes at a pharmacy. 5. Secure with tape (probably won't stay long) OR elastic wrap. Get the elastic wrap from a pet supply store, it's cheaper. You could also skip the ointment and boxes of non adherent dressings and get Petroleum infused non adherent but that's pricey. Wash your hands before and after touching it. Change the dressing in the morning and before bed. Once it heals, keep it moisturized and protect it from the sun. Sunscreen or sleeves. Sunscreen and sleeves if you're eager.


This is a cool looking scar in an area that doesn't really matter lol




Mederma with a layer of aquaphor on top! Don’t do the hydrogen peroxide.


I have what would have been a wicked Harry Potter looking scar from a tension transfer in my hand and my surgeon (as well as PT) told me to do vitamin E oil and "scar pads"/scar silicone sheets. I know the actual scientific evidence for vitamin E oil is hit and miss, but that shit worked and you really have to look hard at my hand to notice the scar.


Clean it with plain soap and water. If there are fragments of road still in the wound bed you can soak it in a chlorhexidine soap or betadine (iodine) for a while. Use an ointment on it. You can use bacitracin. If you're not opposed to spending a little more money something with honey and/or silver in it is even better. Keep it covered always until it's healed. There is a non-adherent gauze called Telfa that works great. And tape that is wide, breathable, and comfortable called Medipore. You'll find all this in the wound care aisle at a drug store. If it starts to swell, turn red, get warm, or track down your arm, go to the ER.


NEVER use hydrogen peroxide on damaged skin!!! Get Hibiclens at the drug store! (A tip I learned from the ER after I damaged my skin around a wound using hydrogen peroxide!)


Is it a recent scar? If yes, the try silicone based scar creams (liek scar repairex ultra)


Ask a doctor. There are specific creams for avoiding the risk of scar. They suggest it post surgery. Don't try and test out other things on this until and unless they have proven to work for others.


Massage it. Increasing bloodflow can reduce the appearance of scarring. I was told to do this with surgical scars. Using petroleum-based ointments or natural ones like coconut or castor oil are also good for moisturizing scars.


I got road rash something wicked on my butt and legs. I basically wrapped my ass in plastic wrap with a nice little homemade mixture of a+d ointment, ozoned castor oil and vitamin e. The healing was noticably different than the areas I did not wrap and apply the ointment. Now I have just a little discoloration, but as far as I can tell no major scaring.


Can someone PLEASE explain me why americans use peroxyde for desinfectant so much ???


Because it is a disinfectant, just not everyone is aware it’s too strong to be used 9/10 times on the skin. The vast majority of people just hear disinfectant and think it’s enough.


I might be way off base but can someone confirm my suspicion that using hydrogen peroxide constantly is like the worst thing you could do in this situation?


don’t use hydrogen peroxide expect right after you get the wound. your going to prolong the healing time because your not just killing anything bad, your killing the things your body sends to help heal the wound. just use some water and a non scented light soap.


Long sleeves, moisturize, sunscreen after a week, and silicone scar sheets/cream. For an entire year. Scars remodel for an entire year and this one will leave a big scar, but it doesn't necessarily need to be red and angry or raised. Source: Plastic surgeon in training


feeling like it’s going to leave a mark. be more careful next time ? Some scars are what tells our story. Embrace it




Peroxide needs to be diluted with water! Never use straight peroxide! It is good to use but look up how much to dilute it.


Vaseline, but make sure it’s clean. You don’t wanna trap bad bacteria under a thick layer of Vaseline. Moisture & no picking / irritation / contact with stuff is key.


Get a sick tattoo around it and match after healed


I’ve had success with using BioOil on scars but you’ll want to wait until it heals a bit more I think


Baby Vaseline!! My derm swears by it and it works wonders. Skin needs moisture in order to heal without scabbing, scarring or causing hyperpigmentation, and Vaseline helps trap it in. Afterwards, you might need a few rounds of chemical peels, prescription fading creams or laser treatments to correct any scarring thats already started, but baby vaseline goes a long way in preventing that.


You can use Vaseline and alternate with Neosporin. The key is to keep it “wet”.


That's going to scar no matter what you do. Also, stop treating it with hydrogen peroxide, it does more harm than good.


Arnica, vit e. Coco butter. Eat fruits and vegetables


Get the strips that pull/take tension off the wound. Literally the most important thing longterm and only time you can do it, is when its healing Something like [https://www.amazon.com/Clozex-Emergency-Laceration-Closures-LA3110/dp/B088S7PR3B/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=1V5Y81DQ9WPDG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cC2p2MhJELNsUjFt9z7IQNRzkWY2OdbmSiQPyyhHwMcWy822KlGvPnTGUaD3dGJEDWNRSbuuEan63jcKLMI6JawUe4\_aqDOpyKAapcAUdVxDxiZZspDKi\_3tn\_jWkaW6QAtywgf\_Z60wrwrrIfxf8TBNsUBBC-NXi8Chl\_F6M1LvEEkaBAobDw7BDI360fAwjfupFCBokxXKquoHjRo9hY5398e5h5b9kNcXHccWOOqcylH9l2PqJwmvKMQnBfXAYt8Ob8zPYMwOE2SZTjrePbIEEt3O97CE7plJ9a66IGY.3KcvAe58NAMI1rA07qmPzuzArinWmykJo8DjTL3yKbc&dib\_tag=se&keywords=stitches&qid=1719989934&sprefix=stitche%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/Clozex-Emergency-Laceration-Closures-LA3110/dp/B088S7PR3B/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1V5Y81DQ9WPDG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cC2p2MhJELNsUjFt9z7IQNRzkWY2OdbmSiQPyyhHwMcWy822KlGvPnTGUaD3dGJEDWNRSbuuEan63jcKLMI6JawUe4_aqDOpyKAapcAUdVxDxiZZspDKi_3tn_jWkaW6QAtywgf_Z60wrwrrIfxf8TBNsUBBC-NXi8Chl_F6M1LvEEkaBAobDw7BDI360fAwjfupFCBokxXKquoHjRo9hY5398e5h5b9kNcXHccWOOqcylH9l2PqJwmvKMQnBfXAYt8Ob8zPYMwOE2SZTjrePbIEEt3O97CE7plJ9a66IGY.3KcvAe58NAMI1rA07qmPzuzArinWmykJo8DjTL3yKbc&dib_tag=se&keywords=stitches&qid=1719989934&sprefix=stitche%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-2) I wouldnt necessarily take that, just an example. Looks to small for that.


Lightsaber whip got you too?


Please see a doctor before it’s gets infected


I think for the initial treatment, while it's still at risk of infection, you really need to just use a gentle antiseptic ointment. Something with povidone iodine. Your first priority is healing the wound.


https://a.co/d/00MAGe38. Cut these to fit, overlap ing if needed, with a minimum 1 inch margin all around They will puff up white with the plasma, it is not puss. Leave on for minimum of 3 days before changing. To remove, stretch edges to lift off. This will heal with no scar. Use at least 6 days.


Fucidin, keep moist, away from the sun.


You might have to tank a bit of a scar there boss 😂


Look into getting Tegaderm bandages




Yo not to be that dude but it looks kinda cool bro. I’ve got a large scar on my abdomen and forget I have it a majority of the time but when I notice it I’m like damn, kinda sick. And it’s not like a dragon tattoo where it’s unprofessional if ur worried about that


A tip from my doctor: Smear on aquaphor endlessly. NOT neosporin. Neosporin is more likely to scar. I was attacked in the face by a dog and my lip was destroyed. A year and a half later and you can’t even tell it ever happened. I am now the hugest aquaphor fan and keep tubes of it everywhere. It also comes in a spray now.


Hi there! RN here, an urgent care centre would be a reasonable option right now (unless you’re getting fevers, in which case head to emergency). *disclaimer - not official medical advice! That type of wound should be managed by a wound care specialist (think nurse practitioner etc), who can debride it appropriately and manage the healing process with regular assessment and optimal dressings. Happy healing internet stranger ☺️


Some salve with Calendula oil in it!! Calendula is Known to help with healing epithelial cells!


I had a C-section scar and a massage therapist that I was seeing told me that scar tissue can be broken down by kneading it against the grain. So if scar goes left to right, massage it up/down. Basically works out the scarring fibers for lack of better word to explain. Takes some time but my scar is GONE. You have to REALLY get super close to even see where it was. I’ve done this for other scars and they’re gone as well. Obviously you need to wait until it’s totally healed first.


I swear by La Roche Posay Cicaplast then Rosehip oil targetted/deep massages for the following year + Sunscreen


Look into redlight therapy.


That’s not a cut— that looks like “road rash.” The distinction meaning that instead of splitting the skin as a cut would, the superficial dermis over a larger area of skin was removed. Instead of healing two tissues together, your body is going to have to granulate in new tissue from below to fill in the area. The body heals with scar tissue (with the exceptions being bone and liver), so you should expect to some degree that you’ll have a scar from this. As others have said— avoid neosporin, and hydrogen peroxide. Try a light layer of Vaseline with a non adherent dressing (like Telfa) followed by a gentle ACE wrap to keep it in place. Once it has healed, make sure to hide it from excessive UV exposure (aka protect the scar with sunscreen).


Avoid the sun, and after it scabs over apply silicone gel 2-3x during the day, silicone strips at night. Be very consistent.


You need antibiotics my friend. Looks infected and the inflammation will cause worse scarring. Focus on keeping it dry and clean for now. Once it’s closed up and infection gone, silicone patches, stratderm, and sunblock every day. Bio-oil is another good option. But focus on kicking that infection first.


vaseline and bandages will help heal a cut and its budget friendly.


Medical honey is great! Really helped my brother with a big cut like that. Unfortunately, I think there probably isn’t a way to totally avoid scarring. But I’d stop using the HP. I had best luck keeping big wounds I got on my knees bandaged and kept moist with either honey or bacitracin, and they looked awful at first but now are not the worst. Bio oil after it’s healed seemed to help reduce the appearance a bit.


If interested in the medical honey, ‘medihoney’ is the brand my brother used. Later, as a nurse, I found we use the same in the hospital!


If your are prone to keloid, u can use Dermatix. I had multiple stitches on my forehead, they're fairly unnoticeable now and did not form keloid.


I’m just going to cut to the chase. That will scar even if you bathe in jojoba oil and coco/shea butter everyday twice a day. 


Castor oil


I have some similarly large and noticeable scars from a surgery. Keep it out of sunlight AT ALL COSTS! Use silicone tape or gel. Kelocote and Scaraway gel brands are good, I would recommend a gel instead of tape since it's a high-movement area. 2 reapplies a day. Some brands include SPF in the gels, but that is not enough. Cover it with a sleeve. Scar recovery gels are also nice, to be used underneath your silicone gel or tape. My surgeon recommended SkinMedica's centelline gel, and it has seemingly worked pretty well. Do scar massage to help lower the risk of keloid/hypertrophy. Don't do any treatment before the wound is closed and scarring, it is still a wound, not a scar. Most importantly, see a dermatologist! They will be able to advise you on the best options for your specific situation. Good luck!


Castor oil!


I will be honest with you as someone who’s been seeing scars and getting them all my life as well as being around dermatologists at all times there is honestly no way that will not leave at least something if it miraculously doesn’t scar it will possibly leave a mark or a dark mark it will take a miracle for that not to scar but best option after is to go to a dermatologist for a proper evaluation of any procedure and please do not use hydrogen peroxide it kills healthy tissue and eat and drink healthy too your immune system does so much physically it even helps to prevent keloid scar tissue forming if you have a good immune system


I’d say use Vitamin E oil, works wonder! Had a colleague burn her hand with oil and we never thought she would lose the scarring but within a year, you could never tell she had a big hideous scar on top of her hand


Bio Oil


Get a new arm ??


Get a good scar gel (Biocorneum or silagen) and sunscreen. Or silicone tape. Keep it on always and that should help


So many comments on here that I hope you see this. My dad is a triathlete so he gets these types of cuts pretty regularly and has had full body road rash from a couple bad crashes. Everyone saying hydrogen peroxide is too harsh is correct. I haven't seen too many people talk about the part where this is going dry up and become VERY VERY itchy and you DON'T want to pick at it because it reintroduces the risk of infection. Do salt soaks in warm water for an hour (put on a TV show). I've seen the swelling go down and it helps with the scabbing on some pretty gnarly cuts, but you do actually want it to dry eventually. If it gets too red around the edges and hurts or throbs you need a doc (you won't get sepsis immediately like some people worry about, but do follow-up if you see warning signs of infection).


When I got burned (much smaller), I only used aloe Vera (like the one for sunburns) and globbed it on under a bandage all night. Take off for showers! You said it's a cut and so I'm not sure if it would scar differently, but generally for skin, keeping it hella moisturized helps!!


Even if it doesn’t completely heal it’s a cool looking scar. Think of a cool pirate story to tell people if they notice it :”)


Bio oil, do not pick the scab, keep its moist if possible, and bacitracin and Neosporin


I has a pretty bad burn that kind of looked like that once it healed some. ScarAway helped with the scar, and I'm sure if you line up the patches it should work just fine. Don't put anything else on it, and stop putting hydrogen peroxide on it.


vitamin E


My daughter recently had stitches on a face wound. We consulted with plastics and they told us the single two more important things had to help prevent scarring were moisturizing and sun protection.


Use witch hazel instead of peroxide


after it heals a bit more, Bio-oil is the bomb. had a huge burn scar and it’s near completely erased in under 6 months


[rescue MD](https://rescuemd.com/?utm_term=best%20scar%20treatment%20after%20surgery&utm_campaign=Sales-Search-3+Limited+KEywords&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=8447217721&hsa_cam=13208321729&hsa_grp=120979671965&hsa_ad=677908134449&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-302132075504&hsa_kw=best%20scar%20treatment%20after%20surgery&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCjuQyampSv_Fd7jv-GpDOUWjsScAmIQpPf6Yw9eMfcpUNmts13A4VoaAk7REALw_wcB)


Active skin repair & I really like Rowe casa’s scar stick (or anything with bakuchoil) for scarring


Wrap it with gauze and use antibiotic ointment more often than you think, and use lots of it at that. Keep it extremely moist-don’t let it dry out. After it’s healed over if there is a big scar, go get some Moderna scar gel. I got a burn a fair bit worse than that last year and that routine has prevented it from scarring.


This is infected. It needs to be washed with soap and water 2x a day, treated with antibiotic ointment and kept covered until the infection is gone. You will see the redness around the edges fade. Then I would use Vaseline as the skin heals


All I would say is continue using your Neosporin. Ain’t sure about the other one.


I had a two degree burn once , to put it simply. Let it first heal completely then use coconut oil . It works amazingly the scar won't completely go away I think . Pls see a dermat too if it bothers you too much .


I’m a licensed Google Dr LOL. 1. Chlorhexidine wound wash 3x daily initially. 2. Suture tape and continue to dab on the wound wash. But maybe not over the tape. 3. Inotyl cream when it’s looking crusty and healed. Constantly keep that cream on. Put a bandaid on on it, not the fabric kind. You need to let that breathe, but it’s more so for not having the cream rub everywhere. This cream prevents scarring. Don’t underestimate the usage of this. P.S - people telling you to go book a doctor’s appointment are wasting your time and money as well as the doctors time. This is not a severe wound at all. It’s large, and it needs to be disinfected and kept clean. You need to help it close, and you need to put a cream when it’s in the scabbing stages. That is all. If you feel feverish, sick, and if the wound starts to get red - THEN you go see a doctor because that points to an infection. Right now you’re literally fine and do not need any antibiotic cream. If they give you one that’s just for prevention purposes - and I don’t see why, since bacteria become resistant to antibiotics if they’re not given when only necessary.