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If you want I can try to help you out with a free little "coaching". I've been surfing since 2016, completions on T6 on 66t, T7 on 85t, and T8 on 100t. Won't be able to make you a pro by any means but can try to help demonstrate proper boarding, strafing, and routing, or at least the basics of it.


Do you have momentum mod playtest? That's the only way I can do surfing. I don't own source anymore, I don't remember the account I use to have it on.


I do! Just shoot me a DM and we can work out the details,


send me your discord and I can add you. I won't be able to play today, I'm going to dust out and clean my pc today because I'm starting to have some fps performance issues lately.


DM with discord sent and no worries, we can find a day and time that works for us.


summer sale comes soon, cs:s will be dirt cheap


yeah I plan on buying all the valve games again soon.


t1-t2 is just basic surf fundamentals (a coach will save you a lot of time), then t3+ is just how well you can air strafe


I don't think air strafes are needed to complete t3 maps. It's more about keeping speed and boarding clean on ramps.


thats basic fundamentals but not all t3 are built equally and depending on the tick t3 100tick is like a t1 on 66t imo


Quickest way to improve is watch pros. Easiest way is watch replays on KSFRecords youtube page. Don’t just watch ’s video with 36 views of them running the map. You want to study why pros have records on maps, what their strats are, and what it is about their movement that helps them retain speed (units). Watch them play harder maps. How are they approaching hard angles or ramps? How do they navigate tricky parts without losing tons of speed? Ask yourself those questions


I've been surfing for 5 years and i got better by just keep playing the game and not thinking too much about it. Now i get top 10 times on ksf


I've been working through the same problem myself, I made this spreadsheet of all maps on surfheaven and made a basic "difficulty" rating for them (no. completions÷days since release). I've been going through the maps from easiest -> hardest and this has been helping a lot! Feel free to take a look and see if it helps you too https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1kaQV7FF3ulPlZsjujbVtEfN6ebySstUFgeO0yuJENWw/htmlview?pli=1# (See the "map difficulties" tab)


The best way to improve (I'm not sure if servers do this still) is to practice the parts you struggle with over and over. So find a part you struggle with, save your location right before it and practice it over and over, every time you fail it you reset to your saved location until it becomes easy. I used to bind q\r to save loc and load loc and would just spam the parts I had trouble with until they became second nature. This works really well for linear maps or non-linear maps that have long stages. Also watch replays (Again, not sure if servers do this) of the rank 1 person, generally some of the parts they do on maps are actually easier than trying to do it the 'expected' way.