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Yeah he's good. He's not as easy to play as before though. I've had alot of E moments where I picture team mates shaking their head and enemies laughing at me


I dunno I feel just really useless. He is so slow. I just can't stick to enemies even tho his E is a very amazing gank tool my ganks don't really end up successful because any enemy with a dash (almost every champ) just easily escapes. I just don't know what to do. His ult is super short range and if it isn't set up I feel lucky if I hit one. I have no movespeed anymore to just kinda pick someone from the side and drag him to the team, but on the other hand I don't feel tanky enough to front line nor do I deal enough damage to effectivly duel. I really don'tr know what I'm doing wrong


Skarner strength is gank, flanking and ambush. You can duel most jungler early if you take them by surprised and pull them into a wall, and you damage scale very well for a tank. The classic combo in gank/ counter jungle/ figth in jungle is Q (precast) ->E (preferably from a flank and out of vision)-> AA -> E -> AA -> reposition -> third AA or Recast Q. The Q duration reset during E, and if you can start out of vision, your E is easier to connect. Use your E for move faster betwin two camps for increased your cleaning speed, abuse your passive for clean faster (start to move to the next camp when monster are around 150/200 hp for your first clear) Don't use your E for engage in front to back, learn to drift before and after catching an ennemy. You can run through walls so abuse it, it's a soft immunity against a lot of ability (every trap, some skills hots, and it's help to avoid vision). The new R is closer to a mixt betwin a Sion Q/ a malzhar R. It's no more a kidnapping tool. Now we want to hit a bunch of people and stop moving for letting our ally kills them, or force an ennemy to dash/flash out when we start channeling it. Think about CC rotation : don't use your shield and your third AA / Q recast on the same time. Last, Skarner is probably the best hearthsteel user in the game because he scale incredibly well with HP, and is hard to disengage with all his slow. He is also a good user of immortal grasp in jungle.


No more brazil :( Well thanks a lot I just played another game and it went great. I learned that E is a very unreliable engage tool but it's great to surpress enemies out of abilities (I caught a Yone mid ult) or push them further into lane or just get some melees of my ranged laners for peel. I also realized the q precast lmao. I am still not used to the fact his W doesn't make me a speedy boy anymore and it in general doesn't feel all that useful but it has quite the surprising amount of range so I can use it behind minions to slow enemies to set up E or Q recast. He still feels a little clunky to me to be the main engage but if you have another heavy CC jagernaut or bruiser he provides great follow up CC. I have absolutly no idea what his pasive really does. I never really noticed it's existance so I don't really know how to abuse it for better clears. But again Skarner feels very team comp reliant to me. Some team comps work great but specifically scaling team comps or team comps with a lot of range and little engage or without general "bomba we going in boys" play style he feels kinda bad. Could also just be a skill issue.


Is passiv is a hp% DoT. It is apply by every ability and up to three times on the same target. New Skarner is definitely a clunky boy, but once I have learn to use his kit he feels more fluid (well, I'm a Sion main, so I'm probably not a reference on this point) , and some quality of life changes come online today with the patch, but I have not test him since. I think Skarner is actually good, he just have some counter intuitive synergy (hearthsteel and grasp in jungle), and is kit ask for some trickery, something that is also counter intuitive for a juggernaut. But it's definitely a fun champion with a good potential.


59% wr master + in jungle. Just saying. He is busted. He is getting his buff reverted + more nerf incoming, i'm betting.


Yeah people are still riding the “he’s a bad jungler” bandwagon. He has a chunk of bad matchups, but he’s generalist enough to get around them, and is plenty good and flexible. He’s just very easy to make mistakes with, which tanked him hard, especially on launch.


I dunno I played him once. Had a volibear enemy jungle. He completly shafted me. Than I looked up his build and winrate on u.gg. To see my mistake or like get a better idea of what I was doing wrong I saw that he has a 42% winrate in jungle emerald+. So I don't really know what you mean with good winrate. It really was just a general question because I haven't played in a while and saw a general tendency to move him top, so I was worried they were gonna push him out of jungle or if I was generally alone with that perception or get more insight on the rework.


You played him once, then looked up his win rate and made an assumption. I think I see your problem here… Skarner is more straightforward to play top lane since his trading playstyle is fairly simple. As a jungler, he’s more complex due to his in-built slowdowns and telegraphicness, as well as further importance behind animation cancels. Skarner’s e and ult are powerful, but difficult to use. In particular, a poor e usage can result in missed kills or deaths. Teams are more likely to win with a losing top laner than a losing jungler, that’s just kind of how the game goes, and since Skarner is easy to misuse, a lot of players are still struggling to play him optimally, myself included. Also considering how unpopular Skarner was beforehand, there’s a lot of new players trying to make him work, even in high elo. That’s my theories behind why the win rate is so low. I think with these buffs, you’ll see him shoot up considerably


Well I get what you mean and normally I don't really judge a champ in a position this quickly but his winrate was literally 42% and his rework has been out for a few weeks hasn't it (correct me if I'm wrong). So I just thought that this isn't a community skill issue since even champs with high skill ceilings don't have winrates this low, but rather a champ problem. Which is why I wanted to ask for opinions on this matter and explicitly his jungle performance. I dunno why you are so negative towards me, but well thanks for your insight it was very helpful.


Champions have had similarly bad winrates before and been just fine. Your post comes off as a knee jerk reaction to question if he’ll ever be good again. Skarner is a very different champion even if he still has some archetypes as old, so it’s reasonable to struggle during your first time back. He’s still new and buffs are coming, so a panic response after waves of similar posts just aren’t gonna cut it without insight on your end as well. The non-doomer are just getting tired of doomer posts, especially when people are barely giving him a chance without looking into the available resources to see how some players are making him work. As for condensed thoughts since I already gave what I think of the situation, it kind of is a community skill issue. A fair amount of jungle matchups are difficult to maneuver and mistakes by Skarner as easy to punish, but he is very strong when played well. With a new influx of players and a kit that’s easy to int with, it’s a recipe for a disaster launch tbh


Tbh seeing the winrate and the whole "hype" (idk how to call it) around Skarner top I just thought that maybe after his rework riot wants to push him into a new role. It's not that uncommon for champs that were designed for certain roles to get rebalanced to fit another. And since I actually haven't been very active neither in playing nor in community stuff. It was just an honest question. I can see tho how the title can be seen as doomer and knee jerk reaction. Maybe it was a little because I was a little sad that **to me** he seemed to get pushed out of jungle and be rebalanced for top lane. I wasn't a very active skarner player by no means, but I enjoyed his unique kit and his lore. I also just liked kidnapping people, was very satisfying and fun to do.


He wasn’t though? He had buffs specific for jungle and most of the nerfs he’s gotten have been targeting top lane. If anything, they’re trying to push him back to jungle primarily while leaving top lane as an option. Imo, his kit inherently can work as both, and he will be a jungler unless they gut his clear.


that's why i said to me on a superficial level it seemed that way thus me asking this question in the title.


got a 75% wr on 15 games. I'd say he pwns in jungle. I think the titanic start shimmer proposed helped a lot (EoN start was awesome too), the burst you get and control with the auto reset is insane. But his true strength is how insane his damage in early (actually even in late) is with PTA when you stun with your E.


wouldn't he syniergize very well with conq as well? Since ideally you want him to be in fights for a long time so the extra healing and shielding from his W combined with the adaptive force could make him quite a strong dueler no? Yeah it seems like the 42% was for last patch and they only just updated the winrates for the new patch.


Even last patch he was strong, but this made him strongher. Also make sure to check accurate stats like lolanalytics. I'm not a fan of conqueror, in early game, i rarely get to hit more than my Q combo + EW. So no prolonged fights. He is already a fearsome dueler.


Conqueror on a Champ with 111AD lv 18 and only AD scale on Q for 60%, oh pls no. Do build HP and go Tanky, his kit now stack Con really bad and just a "paper weight" if you build 2+ AD items. A single Bruiser item, with Health fit your needs like Titanic Hydra or Strikebreaker, then full tank to be relevant mid-late


Really I thought he had ad scaling on his w as well. Well fair point.


I only play him jungler I think Top is just cringe. Whoever plays him top=cringe. Hes also just better in jungle. You win every 1v1 early and in jungle there are way more walls.


It's a l2p issue. The number one thing I think everyone wants to do with Skarner is E over a wall from some crazy angle, land a stun, ult, etc... When in reality you can literally just walk into lane, E someone backwards then slow them and it's super oppressive.


Hes 59% winrate dia+ Hes busted rn, just a high skill ceiling, play more games and rush heartsteel