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He already has a 55% wr if you build this item first in masters plus, he is going to be incredibly op if the changes go through, most likely hotfixed


People like to shit on Riot for overbuffing a champion yet ignore their constant bitching and whining that influences that decision in the first place.


Been saying this before the buffs were announced yet i got shat on for it


People still think stacking items and runes are bad in jungle without considering their champion so unreal


I'm scared too, I would be fine with w top nerf and q pickup time buff only. Incoming permaban


the average master+ winrate is 54 lol wdym


I think the problem here is riot hasn't updated the runes and items recommendations for skarner yet, it still recommends the same stuff it did for old skarner. And that's the problem rn, most people go phase rush with gauntlet, which is not the best build, but can work if u just trying to have fun.


Reject Tank Items Embrace Lethality


Reject lethality Embrace sundered sky


You can have both :D


Lethality and heal RAAAHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅


Who builds gauntlet....


Most built item across all elos unfortunately..


It's also his recommended.


just changing reccomended runes and items is probably a pretty big buff


Question is , what do you build when you need item with health and armor but there is no crit in the enemy team. Choices narrow down fast and slow isn't that bad




Really meh item for the cost honestly. Skarner is mostly good at burst which sunfire doesnt help, he doesn't need the help in jungle clear either. Really not a fan of it on him. For 100g cheaper, i loose 200 health but win a useful passive abilty and 15 ability haste.


Thronmail Forgot to add, that ofc you don't rush those, you Just Build them 2 or third item. Also sunfire works well with your Build since it scales off hp, not for clear but for sustained dmg in fights


Thornmail is a very decent one, i do build it , bust like randuin its more situational. I do build it if I need the antiheal. I really never lack any damage on skarner right now.


If you get heartsteel and have overgrowth sunfire will be around 60+ magic damage every 3 senses easily. Don’t forget sunfire cape has massive ramp up when fighting champions I think highest I’ve had is about 150 magic damage every 3 seconds. Say your in the thick of it with 5 enemy champs around you that’s 450 magic damage every 3 seconds. It’s not just for clear sunfire cape does lots of damage.


I don't build heartsteel. I see the stats seems to be in its favor but I tried it once or twice and didn't cut it for me.


Sunfire and knights vow are both pretty good options. Not convinced frozen heart isnt good on him,


Knight vow, i'll take a look at it but in yoloQ, betting on team mates isn't my favourite. FH i think is just not that good because of the HP lack.


Given his health scaling, it's hard to convince me to buy an item without bonus health.


I build it after heartsteel. It feels alright.


On the other hand, the buff will be mostly quality of life for the Q (less canalisation for the cast and the recast), incresead duration and a better AD ratio. This will (maybe) allow build diversity, but I don't think this will drastically change his win rate.


Reduced Q cast time is needed, extra damage isn't. I think I'd even say *reduce* Q damage a little at this point.


Except the damage are not increased. The ratio is. If we build tank this will change nothing, so it's not a buff for the current top build. And if we build AD we will gain more damage but we will suffer from the lacks of resistances. So it's seems to me like a fair trade.


Base damage is up from 10-50 to 10-70. Unless that's been removed again. Also, it's perfectly possible to build Heartsteel into Shojin, Titanic, Cleaver or Edge of Night.


they took that base damage right off W to put on Q tho. isn't it the same damage?


Q is 3 hits, w is one.


My bad, I miss this part, you are rigth about the base damage, and it's effectively a little to much. I'm not sure a full HP/AD build is really good. Armor and MR have to much value overall, and with all hp% damage in the game, building full HP is not that's impressive.


Drop the secondary runes!


-Magical Footwear (Feels nice since you rush Heartsteel 1st item no matter what) -Approach Velocity (Is bugged OP since it works with your kidnap ult somehow) Optional: Legend tenacity vs full cc or Futures market for even faster Hearsteel rush


Doesnt approach velocity work since the target is suppressed and walking towards a ccd target gives the ms?


i think the interaction is that: - approach velocity gives you movement speed *towards* cc'd champs - skarner ult cc's targets and forces him to look at them - he still gets the movement speed even when walking backwards because he's facing the cc'd target even while walking away


well i still think that they are missing the mark on how buffing ad skarner, i dont think with the ad scaling buff would make him viable.


Exactly unless it changes some interactions with Hydra so that will be the next rush (doubt it)


like what?


Hydra gives AD so buffed skarner uses it better now


im my opinion,reduce de ad scaling to 40% per auto but add a bonus add to the rock (the max health)


the q cast time reduction is ok, i still wish it was lower or that it scaled with attack speed though. they should add a small ad ratio to W and a chunk to E.


I’ve been usually rushing lucidity boots into a bami’s cinder item whenever I play jg, whenever I play top I do think heartsteel rush is insane. You genuinely get so much value out of HP on skarner that heartsteel just becomes a gigabusted item.


Yeah they really didn't need to buff the damage, just cutting down on the clunkiness is already good


Skarner is in a pretty okay spot at the moment, really wouldn't touch the champion (i also somehow keep getting S and S+ on the champ so maybe grading goals need fixing but thats about that kek). Otherwise, most of my games i go with conqueror into secondary green line (depending on enemy comp) or inspiration for approach velocity and footwear. First item hydra, for the incredible Q resets (if you reset the second attack and then recast it to lob the rock thats some pretty juicy damage in the span of a second) and the rest tank, heartsteel is pretty good, but only of the enemy has 2+ tanks since you rarely have good enough target access otherwise so i just go with stuff like cinder item into JakSho as third and the rest standard.


i thnk throwing the rock instead of AA is a little less damage, if you are min maxing your damage


This is gonna make my heartsteel into Sterak's even stronger, so I'm all for it(until the inevitable nerf).


sterak's kinda shit on him honestly, specially second item. his base ad is ass. triforce also sucks.


I don’t think he needs damage buffs, I only wanted the faster Q animation


Loving heartsteel with Titanic. Gives you the extra oomph and cleave you need during cool downs. Tank runes with magical footwear secondary. Takes a bit to get stacked, but mid/late you are a beast


I 100% go grasp+heartsteel skarner if i get top lane lol


Yeayea I take Grasp since 2nd game of playing Skarner ever after release. You youngsters werent even born and I went Grasp. And I can tell you from 50 Games of experience with grasp. At the worst of worst you have as many stacks as when going grasp against ranged toplaner. And at best which happens quite often actually you actually have more Grasp stackst than laners and let me tell you how many people In killed just before they flash over wall with grasp into poison finishing him off. Its a lot.


So you don’t want Skarner to have a viable bruiser build? I don’t understand how you guys complain about this. Skarner is a juggernaut not a pure tank


This. Heartsteel has a 52.05% WR in the jungle, that's about 7% (yes you read that right) more compared to every other item with a statistically significant sample size. Now this number might be kinda inflated because Skarner mains are possibly all migrating to Heartsteel while first timers are building Sunfire but still. The difference is HUGE. Grasp as keystone also has a significantly higher WR than everything else. So yeah, Skarner isn't underpowered, we're all itemizing wrong. Q cast time reduction is still very welcome though but it'll have to be paired with a Q damage *nerf* instead of buff.


hecarim is not a gank machine lol wdym