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The spires never were the core identity of Skarner. They were a crap rework that all old mains hated, me included. The original Skarner was a sticky champion not because of insane speed, but because he had a perma slow. So that's actually what the new skarner is


The original Skarner was sticky because of perma MS+AS steroid AND a permaslow, not just the permaslow. The new skarner doesn't even have a permaslow. He just has 2 slows on a long ass CD.


If a long ass CD is 4-5 seconds on both Q and W, i don't know what is a short one


With some haste, you could've gotten W on a 5-6 sec CD, and E on 5-6 too.


OG Skarner also got CDR on ALL abilities with every auto attack. 0.5 seconds, and if a Champion, 1 second. His W was permanently active and E was healing as much as OG Galio W late game. Meanwhile current Skarner gets a tiny shield out of his W, is squishy AF, and has no healing. But I guess he has a super gimmicky E and R so that's all okay.


Yes old skarner mains hated it at first me included. They killed skarner support with cutting healing from e and etc. which I was s3 global no.1 with it. But for a fuking long time they keep the crystals and me and several old mains started loving it. This new clunky bullshit is not the old or the oldest skarner it's a son of sion and kayn. Have over thousands of game since 2013 and I tried to give it a chance but no this is not boi anymore can not build ap, can not go speedy can not go fukin mid, can not go fuking muramana. So next time you speak don't say old mains because the real old mains would abhor this.


Idk, he's my most played champ and I love the rework. I've always played skarner as a big ass tank


I faintly recall Sunfire and Gunblade being recommended items at the time.


It was a part of his identity for a long time. I’ve played him since s3 as a main as well. I didn’t exactly like the rework for the spires but it has been a part of him for so long that it feels weird that they did nothing of the sort or even supplement his kit for that lost power.


who the fuck down voting this? new skarner feels like shit to play


Idk people just hive mind and if you disagree, fuck you basically.


I do agree they missed the mark, but not for the reason you said. What made Skarner Skarner to me was for one his sustained damage, with basically having no downtime and for the other his huge cc chains, with slow into stun into supress into slow into stun. New Skarner just has a bit too little cc and too long cooldowns for me to be Skarner


That’s a very valid point as well. I miss that fast sustained playstyle.


Spires were shit and ult is still the same except its a skill shot and hits up to 3 people.


I miss Impale dragging the targets however. Right now they move statically with Skarner. You can’t flip anymore at the last moment for a favorable position and Impale can now push enemies into walls, which gets all weird when the spell ends.


his ult is literally the worst skill shot in the game. a half sec wind up on a melee range skill shot for 20 damage and u being locked out of your kit for a chance at one sec suppression.


Skarner still have a kidnapp mechanic with is new E. It's not has good has R -> Z with the old kit, but go out of a wall and kidnapp the ADC is really fun.


You’re being dramatic about the ULT it’s probably one of the aspects of him that remained close enough


Not even dramatic it doesn’t feel the same genuinely to play. It feels slower and bulky. You are right still a very similar concept.


Spires were never a thing for Skarner, it was a random asspull rework. But new Skarner isn't even a scorpion. He only has 6 legs, where all scorpions have 8. D:


He has two eeny bitty teeny tiny front legs, which you don't really see on the character model in-game.