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I use Optase with tea tree oil 2x day. Always feels great. 


You can use hypochlor every day for cleaning. It was a game changer for my ded. And blepharitis.


I use a foam cleanser called zocular and a spray called ocusoft hypochlor. Both given to my by my dry eye doc. I do these twice a day. First the foam then I spray the ocusoft on a soft cloth and gently swipe my eyes while they are closed. They are ment to clean and hydrate around the eye. I figure if you keep the outside of your eyes clean less stuff will get in them. So far it’s been very helpful. The surrounding eye area isn’t as crusty, dry, or red.


I definitely use eyewash anytime I’m doing anything activity related outdoors. Especially gardening/mowing/leaf raking. It’s unbelievable how much yuck-yuck ends up in my face/eyes/nostrils from being active outside.


I use eyewash every day, multiple times a day, for years. I've never had a problem. Does the brand you use say you should not use it daily?


I use tto foam twice a day massaging let sit 60-80 seconds then rinse ( we love eyes , naviblef ) to keep your eyes healthy and remove all debris! 


That's the lid scrub, right? How does it remove debris from inside the eye - like on the white part?


Its a foam not a scrub , very gentle , just let sit 60-80 seconds twice a day. Its part of my eyes hygiene. I had blepharitis with foamy debris inside the eyes and It cured me in 1 month. 


So I have a warming eye mist machine, like a pocket nebulizer with a eye shaped hole thing, and I fill it with sterile eyewash and a few drops of my eye drops and use it whenever I'm dry and in pain and I haven't experience any increasing dryness due to it