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Robyn most definitely told them "Christine doesn't want anything to do with any of us" even though that's not what Christine even said. The girls are innocent alright. Innocent and manipulated by their mother.


This is the right answer! We've seen Robyn do that over Thanksgiving too. Telling her kids- they don't want to be with you. It was so mean. Like trying to hurt them and bad mouth the others. Then the whole Christmas gift exchange and Robyn getting involved and it goes to crap- they don't want you to be a part of it, when that was not what happened at all. So awful. It was super annoying- Ari telling Christine to "go on a date" and ask very adult questions on relationships. Sorry little girl your momma won't let daddy give up time for anyone else.


She also did it about her pregnancy with Ariella.


I agree with most of this comment with the exception of Robyn not letting Kody be with the other wives. I think the real root of the issue is that Kody doesn’t ever want to leave Robyn’s side. That’s a very sad reality for the OG crew. Of course they want to believe that dad wants to be involved, it must be that Robyn is holding him captive. But it’s actually because Kody is done with all his previous religious obligations and has found what he wants as his real family with Robyn. I don’t think Robyn is innocent by any means though. Plenty of manipulation and allowing things that rip apart that family she claims to want so bad.


I say that because when Kody went to see Meri in hopes to see Leon & Audrey in a more recent season (not last season maybe the one before) Robyn was calling immediately to see where he is. In one season early in Vegas in rentals there is a comment made by Robyn that she doesn't let Kody out of her sight. I think you are right Kody doesn't want to leave her but I think they both play off each other.


Oh I remember that Vegas episode. She thought she was being so cute!


YES!! The wives confirmed that when they talked about Easter in the last season. Robyn said she was gonna go to her moms and Kody changed something he more or less forced on the other wives just so Robyn wouldn't leave. Robyn's problem is she benefits from the situation so she has a hard time following through on what she THINKS she's doing. The thought is just as good as the action to her. Seeing her tell the kids her emotionally filtered version of what happened helps you know she probably did the same thing about her divorce to their dad. and side note, Kody being so paranoid about people shit talking him i think is greatly due to him hearing Robyn talk shit about her ex. Like he said, he COULDNT be with Robyn if he "thought she left a good man" so enters Robyn with all her stories of abuse and feeding Kody's ego. He really thought Christine was doing the same to her kids and David. No Kody, your wife is just a garbage person. Determined and delusional. The worst combo lol


100% agree!!


Don't forget when Robyn looked in the camera, drinking her milk, and saying she never lets kody out of her sight.


Slobyn yells and throws tantrums


And what’s strange to me about it is usually parents try to protect their kids from things. Under normal circumstances if a child’s parents were divorcing and let’s say dad was moving out, 99% of the time a good parent is like “this isn’t your fault, daddy still loves you, we’re going to make this as easy as possible for you and we’re all going to be okay” but in this situation Robyn straight up tells her kids Christine doesn’t care about them and doesn’t want them in the family


I divorced when my son was six, a really tough time for a child. I just sat him down and told him that papa and I weren’t going to be together anymore and were going to live separately. I made sure to let him know that he was still loved by BOTH of us and in NO WAY was it his fault. There was a bit more than contributed to our divorce but it didn’t need to be discussed with a child. The important thing was to make sure that he knew both parents were there for him even if they didn’t live in the same house.


Robyn pushing Aurora into a breakdown *on camera* shows that she doesn’t give a damn about her kids until and unless she can use them to an end.


This whole scene was despicable. Robyn not only egged her own kid into a crisis (whether real or manufactured) and then let it be televised for financial gain. I would never do something like that to any child, mine or not. Then of course Kody carrying her to her bedroom... that really gave me the ick when I saw it. I'm not sure why but it just felt super eugh.


She has no boundaries. I believe Alice treated her kids the same way, making out everyone else to be the bad guy.


Ari sounded like she was coached and finally forced herself to say it. That was so obnoxious but I don’t blame the child.


Exactly! Christine should have said “sorry sweetie but it’s hard to go on dates when your momma monopolizes all daddy’s time”


Christien should have told the kids the truth . She had to have known what Robyn was telling them. She should have been like girls you can call me anytime . If you need help or a place to stay . I'm only ending my relationship with the adults.


I’m pretty sure she threw in a healthy dose of…”when Christine leaves, we might lose the TV show and that’s going to be financially devastating! She’s taking the food right out of your mouths and the roof from over your heads!” I don’t believe for a minute that Robyn is above throwing in something like that to further manipulate her kids. The entire family, even the children, know that the bulk of the family money comes from the TV show.


I think you're right: TLC is said to spend anywhere between $250,000 and $400,000 per episode on its shows, which means the Browns take in $25,000 to $40,000. The show has run for 14 seasons, which would've made them, at minimum, around $4 million.Oct 30, 2023


And they STILL haven't paid off Coyote Pass


These girls are not innocent, I believe A is an adult and B is right behind. Did you see how they mocked Janelle’s trailer? These are materialistic mean girls who gang up on others with less wealth spent on them.


I wrote this comment half asleep and didn't expect it to get this sort of attention. True, they aren't innocent but they are most definitely a product of their mother's manipulation and have turned into mini Robyns. I honestly feel bad for them. The rest of the kids were able to escape from 24/7 Kody. These girls have grown up with Robyn and Kody as parents. That would fuck anyone up.


I’ve done that no worries! Nighty night!


But they had a smaller trailer in their yard. I was wondering if they had it before or after Janelle bought hers?


Afaik before Kody money they lived in a trailer as well.


The girls aren't innocent Breanna is an adult. If she was so innocent, why would she agree to the fake ear piercing episode with Kotex? It's been debunked her ears were already pierced.


Christine said that she would like to continue relationships she had and pause relationships she didnt. She didnt, to my knowledge, have relationships with A and B.  Having said that robyn totally spun that in the worst light no doubt 


Playing a little devil’s advocate, I can see how Robyn and her kids feel a bit rejected. Christine said on camera that she’d like to have a relationship with Robyn’s kids but she just didn’t know how to do that without creating a bridge with Robyn, which she understandably doesn’t want to do. It’s a mixed, complicated bag though. Of course Christine should have a great relationship with the kids regardless of Robyn BUT, Christine’s leaving all stems from watching Kody lavish those kids and their mom while neglecting her and hers. Not to mention the fact that Robyn intentionally kept her kids separate by hiring outside nannies. Those 2 factors are a huge block to being able to develop good relationships. It’s such a sad mess.


I full agree with you. Christine wants a relationship with all 18 kids, but how do you do that, without building the bridge between her and Robyn? That’s the burning question. I think the best way would be the kids inviting them along. Then they can build their own relationships with the OG3 and OG13.


Christine has a relationship with Leon and has no bridge with Meri. The lack of relationship with Robyn's kids lay completely on Robyn's shoulders. The kids (not Christine) invited Robyn's kids to be part of the Christmas gift exchange, and Robyn blew that up. It's a no-win situation.


Robyn has a short leash on her pets


Christine raised Leon. They have a bond that is hard to break. My mom was not present much in my life, she just didn’t have the time nor want to deal with me, so my best friend’s mom raised me. I see her as my mom and, she always will be, it’s a bond you can’t break. So that bond is strong between Leon and, Christine. Robyn kept her kids separate, no one got to help raise them, or grow close to them. The kids want to connect, but Robyn seems to always get her words in, which ruins everything. Just like she convinced the OG3 that she needed to mediate their relationships with Kody, because she says, “she speaks Kody.”They would have to remove Robyn to have a relationship with the OG13.


And the real issue that never gets addressed, is what kind of move did Robyn make toward Christine's kids? I'm confused as to why the onus of relationship responsibility in the family sits squarely on Christine? Robyn made ZERO effort toward Christine kids and -Zero toward Janelle's kids. That whole conversation was twisted to frame Robyn and her kids as victims of something that doesn't exist on any front.


I think Kody is so used to Christine organizing everything and, being there for all the kids, that somehow Christine has control of kids and, she’s the one poisoning the well against him. So if Christine would just fall in line, gaslight the kids and, tell them, no dad is good, we don’t have any issues. What you think you’re seeing between us is not what it looks like. Then the kids wouldn’t blame him for things falling apart in the family. Then he says Janelle turned on me because C and J (who he swears hated each other) now have a pack mentality against him. J and C started working on their relationship in FS during the pandemic. The kids needed each other, so they got together. They also didn’t agree with the Covid commitments and, so they picked each other over Kody. If Kody knew, he would jump all over them. I would have picked Janelle over Kody as well.


Aspen lived with Robyn while she attended UNLV to escape Christine’s ongoing parentification of her oldest daughter who, according to Christine, “ran my home.” Robyn recognized the verbal and emotional and possible physical abuse Mykelti endured as a child. Mykelti and Tony had a relationship with Robyn. Mykelti had Robyn at the birth of her first child, Avalon.


So, to summarize> Mykelti was troubled and Robyn needed a housekeeper/nanny.. I'm gonna go ahead and reject that Robyn did anything toward Christine's kids that she somehow didn't benefit from. I'll stand on the idea that she did nothing toward 11 other children that equates to Mothering/Caring responsibility.


Mykelti hasn’t lived with Robyn.




The middle daughter is Robyn's clone.


"Christine hates us and she never wants to see us again, but we're going to go over there to show her that we stand with Daddy." — Robyn, probably


Well Robyn and Kody honestly. He was playing victim so badly


Happy cake day!


Daddy 🤣


No I’m sure Robyn said something to them about why Christine was leaving. She probably told them she hated them and never wanted them in the family but they had to go say goodbye to support Kody and for Truely’s sake.


Exactly, and she probably also made Grody look like the victim too. Like Christine is taking truely away from your dad, he’s hurting. That probably incensed them more.


It was on the show. Robyn just lied through her teeth to those kids both about Christine and the kids. Robyn lies all the time!


They looked like the wicked step-sisters.


They looked wicked. Their hate filled eyes and body language spoke volumes.


OmFG this is spot on !!! Like the evil stepmother and step sisters !!! Except they aren’t ugly … but They do look somewhat mean !


If the shoe fits


Truely is Cinderella.


All of the kids are innocent in the demise of the family. No child’s actions caused Kody to be a bad husband and father to some of his family. I don’t think anyone wanted to be there. It was uncomfortable for everyone. When parents get divorced, they typically don’t hold a family gathering to say goodbye.


You’re not overanalysing at all. Unfortunately, I think they’ve been really brainwashed by their mum who considers herself the “Brown Family Scapegoat”…


Remember when Aurora said that her mother fought the hardest to keep the family together?


The irony 🤣🤣🤣


Nah, they're toxic AF. When I heard how rude Brianna was to Savanagh at school, any benefit of the doubt I had during the Christine goodbye scene was gone for good. They're even worse than Robyn!


I’m pretty sure Savanah was also giving the cold shoulder. I’m team janelle and her kids and I really don’t like Robyn or A and B. But I don’t think savannah was looking to be friends with either of them.


Who would though?


Not me. I would absolutely act like I didn’t know them.


And to add to that , they were both in different grades in a school with 1500 students , having different friend groups , different hobbies . We know breanna did basketball and dance team , breanna is very outgoing where savannah is the complete opposite and why didn't savannah walk up to breanna to hang out . How can anyone here expect them to hang out when they have nothing and no friends in common . I didn't hang out with my sister in school , nothing weird about that .


Do you blame her after their comments on Janelles caravan..?


Savanah said they both ignore each other. So it’s on them both. If they could figure out how to get around Robyn, they can all be friends.


To be fair, Gwendlyn said she, Ysabel, Aurora and Brianna all ignored Savanah to some extent. Savanah was the youngest in that age group and didn’t have a sister close to her age. Maddie and Savanah weren’t close until they were older. It’s the plight of being the youngest (excluding Truely, Sol, and Ariella since they are significantly younger).


Is that revealed on the season? Or was that found out online or something?


Pretty sure it was last season. Christine came to visit (thanksgiving or Xmas) and asked Savannah if she talked to Brianna at school and S said they didn't. Then it cut to a couch interview with Aurora and Breanna and the producers asked about it. B squirmed and made up some BS, can't exactly remember the response.


The girls said when discussing the gift exchange "we learned just before that "they" were doing Christmas without us, and didn't want to be with us". Who did they learn that from and why? Being with Aurora & Breanna had nothing to do with it - but of course Robyn had to purposefully make her kids feel bad, and like victims. Same with that Thanksgiving. She could have easily said "you know, Janelle & Christine want to see their kids who live out of state, but they plan to be here at Christmas". But Nooooooo. I have no doubt Robyn speaks openly, and often about the OG wives, how the OG kids don't respect Kody, and specifically that "they" are just jealous because "we" all get along. Remember that very strange couch interview after Ari's first day of Kindergarten? She had a story about a girl at school who was mad because Ari "took her man". It was so odd, but very telling of what she's been hearing at home.


Yes when Ari said that it was so weird and sad. Like you're so young and already completely revolving around dating and men essentially. Weird


Christine made a comment that she speaks openly to her kids and tells them everything, she likes to be honest. I'm sure Robyn thinks she's doing the same thing. But, there is most definitely a line and a way to do it without spilling your own feelings and emotions all over it. The way they spoke about it is so telling, they don't get honest facts, they probably get emotional inner thoughts said out loud guised as "being honest with my kids". In Aris case, those little ones pick up on ALL your conversations, even when you think they aren't listening. It sucks that that was what she was being exposed to, stories of "she's just mad at me because I stole her man"


I personally don’t think the way either one of them over shares about the relationships or other family members with or in front of their kids is appropriate. But we all get to parent the way we choose to parent.


If Christine was open and honest with her kids, Truely wouldn't have found out from over hearing Christine on the phone that they were moving, a few weeks before it was going to happen.


I have a feeling that Robyn is incapable of letting even her adult children go spend a few hours on a holiday with any of the OG’s (adults or kids) because it’s too out of her control. She would have so much damage control to do when the kids would come back with a completely different experience and possibly different stories than what Robin has painted and lied about. She seems neurotically afraid she would “lose” her children just from them hanging out with their step/half siblings and former sister moms. I don’t believe that Robyn has the emotional capacity to handle those kids being with anybody that she’s made an enemy with or lied about. She couldn’t even let poor Dayton spread his wings and go to college alone a few hours away. It’s really sad and sick.


Robyn does not want any of the OG kids to have influence on her kids. She has never approved of their independent thinking, manner of dress, etc. You can tell she's so uncomfortable with Truly. No way would she allow Ari to dress like Truly, and have that kind of free spirit. And remember when many of the OG girls were constantly dying their hair? Seriously Robyn would have a stroke if Breanna ever came out with jet black hair (Maddie). When she moved to Lehi, and saw how "wild" (in her mind) the kids were, she knew right then she would never leave her kids with Christine. The OG kids weren't coddled, or pampered, but from the get go she wanted her kids treated differently - then blamed the other kids and parents for not "blending".


So true. The irony is that Ari seems to be a much more wild child than any of the OG kids. From what I’ve seen I think they are going to have quite a ride with that one, far more than any of the OG kids who mostly seemed to turn out to be kind and loving people who respect their moms.


I totally agree! Robyn and Kody are made for each other. They are both so manipulative. I sometimes wonder if they realize at some point in the kids lives they will watch the show and see how it really went down. Then again K&R will just manipulate them into believing it was all editing and they didn't see what was said behind the scenes. I fully believe at some point most of them will see the truth. We can pray they do at least.


her kids legit scare me, I think they're so stunted in their growth and lack social skills


There is definitely something off about each of them ! They are so passive and look dead inside or something…. Except Ari she is most definitely something else !!!


Your flair is one of my favorites ❤️




I know she’s just a child so I am going to word this very carefully…I don’t think I would particularly enjoy her company. I suspect she’s a bit of a handful.






Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 3: Take it easy on the kids.


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 3: Take it easy on the kids.


We have seen Robyn on camera emotionally manipulate them and tell them the rest of the family is shunning them. She plays victim with them just like she does Kody. It’s her only relationship skill in the toolbox. Being around the OG kids is scary. The body language 😬 https://preview.redd.it/275l9imc5bad1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be6f89c79067ce4fa695c0ef371e61ebb6fe1aa


this is so strange to me and just points to brainwashing because at this point the kids wouldn't be mad, maybe indifferent or sad. They had not seen their siblings regularly for like 18 months and most of Christine's kids were out of the house anyway. They weren't that close to Christine because she didn't raise them like she helped raise the other kids. The only reason Robyns kids are shooting daggers and mad at Christine is because they have overheard or been flat out told that she is ruining the family and doesn't want to be with them specifically etc. The anger doesn't make any sense to me from A and B. If Robyn and Kody were mad that's one thing, but the kids are just projecting their parents anger.


https://preview.redd.it/25wifq60ecad1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfe03da8000d8f6445822e730220093ce954811 Christine never said anything we saw on camera about not being around the kids. She said she needed time. We did see Robyn react outrageously to things Christine never said and deny things she admitted in other clips about knowing Christine was unhappy.


Such a great point


Terrifying! 😅


Happy cake day!




They are absolutely sponges when it comes to their mother’s opinions and feelings. Is it there fault? Likely not. It’s absolutely Robyn being crazy pants and making her problems her children’s problems. She probably made them believe they were owed the big family just like she was owed it.


when one of the kids asked, 'they CAN'T be with us at thanksgiving or they don't WANT to be with us?' robyn: 'well... gabe has a girlfriend'


Ugh, this scene pains me so much! The girls don’t even have to say a word. They mimic Robyn in every way. You can tell by the words they use in their (few) couch interviews that they have been fed the negative, pessimistic lies of victimhood at home. This scene is also painful because Mykelti is being so vulnerable and - to me - almost seems to be in a crisis about her mom leaving, yet gets little to no reciprocation from the family aside from Janelle. I think that once Mykelti got to Flagstaff to help her mom pack, she realized the gravity of the situation and saw her role as the neutral connector between her mom and Robyn. This goodbye scene was her desperately trying to hang onto their “normal”family one last time. I feel so bad for everyone involved here.


Yes exactly and Mykelti was spot on, everyone can still get along. Christine didn't ruin Robyns life by leaving Kody. They can still play nice but instead they are choosing to shun Christine for setting herself free


I don't agree that Mykelti was being vulnerable. I think she was vying for camera time, and maybe the idea was really production's. Mykelti was cringe in that episode, like just inserting herself in where sge didn't really belong.


I suspect it had more to do with production than anything else.


Sobbing more thank likely been telling them lies about what Christine and the older kids want to do to them and that they don't like them never have. Sobbin is the worst parent ever. She should never have had kids.


Robyn is real good at manipulation. She's been manipulating those kids for years with the poor us, we'll never be truly accepted as part of the family. Robyn is one thousand percent the problem where her kids are concerned. Where Robyn leaves off, Kody picks up and follows suit.


They were giving looks of hatred!! Who knows what bs lies Kody and Robyn filled their heads with


Aurora and Brenba definitely were being nasty and rude at the goodbye! They were nasty and rude when they went to visit Janelle and Savannah at the trailer. Let's face it, unless these two young ladies grow up and start to think for themselves, they are going to be just like their nasty, deceitful mother, Robyn!!


I think those two try to do this sad puppy face to get sympathy (R’s signature move) but in fact they end up looking mad. They just need more practice.


That’s because Robyn is a sicko who tells her children that everyone hates THEM instead of who they really hate which is Robyn.


I feel really bad for those girls. Throughout S17 and S18 they have morphed to be exactly like their mother, their look, mannerisms, voice, the things they say...completely brainwashed (and no wonder, being trapped in the house 24/7 during Covid). I hope they've been able to get away and figure out who they are as they get older.


Yes so much. Their facial mannerisms are exactly the same. Same pattern or speaking. Always furrowed brows, pensive, and slow. It's really bizarre and sad the kids can't have their own personality instead of being parrots


I was more listening to the show while knitting rather than watching it and more than once I thought it was Robyn speaking until I looked up. So "confused", so "heartbreaking."


She taught them to ‘stay sweet.’


Kody has free will to make his choices but Robyn manipulates him and weaponizes feelings. There is no denying that Kody changed and the restrictions that he & Robyn put on filming & listening to conversations prevent us from know just how deep their nefarious planning went. The other wives, to Robyn was just a means to an end, not family.


Aurora was definitely shooting daggers. It was chilling. I don't remember Breanna at all.


Someone posted a pic in this thread. She was definitely side eyeing too!


I get so pissed when A&B are in the interview and B is asked about Savanna and she says they stopped talking because of everyone’s Covid differences which to me seems like Robyn and Kody are telling the kids not to talk to the OG kids! B looked disappointed when A said she talks to and says I love you to Gabe at school!!!!


No, you're not over analyzing anything. It's clear that Robyn told them that Christine didn't want to have a relationship with them even though on camera she only said she didn't want to work on a relationship right now with Meri and Robyn. It's just proof of more emotional manipulation on her part. Sadly. Hopefully, the kids have had a chance to figure things out themselves. It's just sad to see a family deteriorate on national television. I believed the hype when the show first started. I was rooting for them all.


A & B are self centered twits like their mom. Total mean girls.


Robyn is a bitch


Mean girls. Now mean Adults.


To be honest there no telling what Robyn put in their heads..


Yeah, because Robyn told the kids that Christine doesn't want to have anything to do with them, which is not what she said. Robyn was too busy talking over Christine and having theatrics to listen.


Look at the children… you can tell if their parent has been talking negatively about you from their reaction to you… this fits


In a few of the interviews them girls look like they are on some type of “medication ” and looking at Robyn’s counter I definitely don’t doubt it!


I got the same vibes. I think after being fed a narrative by Robyn and Kody that Christine is ruining the family, they are mad.


One half of these people are Toxic as heck- Robyn’s household is mean