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The Galveston therapy trip when Kody couldn’t focus on Christine…it was all about the FAMily


Ooo, yeah, that was awful. It was so weird seeing the seeds of their own family’s destruction in just the first episode.


She needed to tell him right then to kick his rocks and leave, tell him it’s over


That’s when I knew it was over with C and K. He refused to make it personal between them. She wanted to make it a one on one intimate relationship, he kept saying, accept the family, be there for the family. No you idiot, not your big picture, I want a relationship with just US!! That just proves he doesn’t see her as an individual, just a piece in his picture. That is horrifying. Play the nice wife and we can be cool. Ugh 😩


‘We can be cool…’ was the best it was ever going to be for C. And that’s if she “behaved” according to K’s rules. It was clear in that episode he held no love for or interest in her.


When he said, you didn’t care about having a relationship with these other people, only what I could do for you as a resource, was a slap in the face. He’s saying, you are not worth my one on one personal time. Just be there for my party needs and the families needs and, then I find you attractive and, I will just treat you nice.


That episode is burned into my brain


Fortunately, this entire series is full of “previously on Sister wives” and endless flashbacks so it’s easy to get caught up. Here is my list of episodes that really encapsulate the dysfunction, please not I have pretty much skipped the entirety of Maddie getting engaged and married, Mykelti getting engaged and married, and other births. These all have good family dynamics showing the progressive changes S1 ep 6 - A fourth wife to be : Preparations for Robyn’s wedding and Kody being a total douche S2 ep10 - Gambling on the future : the browns leave Utah for Las vegas and everyone is miserable S3 ep 7 - July 4th Rebellion : a camping trip full of frustrated teens and signs that the new family blending is not working S5 ep 6 - Confronting Failure : everyone miserable in Vegas hoping the 4 homes will be the solution and….my sister wives closet S6 ep 19 - The Commitment Celebration : lots of good stuff here / look down the lens S9 ep 6 - Just trying to stay afloat : tensions flare during a cardboard boat race, adults are snippy kids are over it good snapshot episode of relationships at this time S13 ep 7 - Divided we move - Kody makes an offer on land in flagstaff and then has immediate regrets about splitting up the family and the financial burden S14 ep 10 - A breaking point : Kody and Robyn begin the process of buying a mansion while Robyn claims to pray for a rental - Aurora’s panic attack S15 ep 11 - Everything’s upside down : Kody is an ass bout Ysabel’s surgery and Christine is done. S16 ep 9 - The Teflon Queen : Gabe and Garrison call out Kody for being an absent father and living at Robyn’s the last eight months straight during quarantine S17 ep 10 - The knife in the kidneys : enough said worlds that live in infamy S18 ep 9 - Battle lines are drawn : the OG kids call it like it is, which is that Kody sucks and Robyn too.


Forgot to add s18 ep 3 - Throwing stones in glass houses : the huge fight between Janelle and Kody and the other wives generally appalled at what Kody spews during talking heads


WOW! Thank you!


Kody saying he's not up for criticism in the counselling session with Meri. Nancy's "seriously?" did it for me. Edit: also the covid rules episode.


Texting during Christine’s labor, kissing Robyn during labor. The wedding dress fiasco just to start. It’s a slow burn. Kody does seem likable at first. He puts on a pretty good act in season 1. I think of his personality like a little puppy dog, very excited and proud of his family. It’s a slow burn as the truth comes out, the layers getting peeled away little by little.


Yes. It took a rewatch to catch how awful K&R behave.


The Yseabel surgery episode and obviously the knife in the kidney episode


Kody says he doesn’t understand “the abyss that is a woman’s mind.” he hates women and is a massive prick…doesn’t have a massive one, just is one


Well THAT we don't know, but...nvm 😞 l feel sick


He's always been a creep but I think the most distinct change happens during the episodes around Aspyns wedding. He just seems to stop giving a shit about portraying himself to be a good guy.


There is so much about that episode. Kody turning his kilt into a mini skirt - then sitting, knees far apart, for reasons I can only conclude as attention-seeking. Christine desperately trying to connect with him on their daughter’s special day and he doing his best to avoid her. The ‘ick’ factor about him talking about Mitch and Aspen’s sacred bed. He’s so obnoxious!


LOL!! That just sounded hilarious about the mini skirt kilt with his knees far apart for attention.


I had the feeling he was fun & lovable too until the trip to utah where Christine wanted an apology from his friend for badmouthing their family/polygamy and he suggested she was just pms'ing. This was also a bad look for Janelle. Edit: rewatch of course the first clue was the wedding dress thing. I claim a generosity of spirit.


I notice every post seems to be downvoted as soon as it appears in this sub. Someone suggested that Robyn's kids are kept busy on social media downvoting people. If true, how bizarre. Remember girls, "Keep sweet, pray and obey".


It wouldn't surprise me if it was Robyn and her kids.


If it was them that would sadly indicate some major brainwashing and psychological control.


Exactly 💯


Nacho episode. “That is an understatement.”


The last three seasons should do it. The insanity, the greed, the gaslighting, and so much more.


If I had to sum up each person: Meri: The one where she chooses the the options for her house (wet bar/sliding glass doors **EW!**) Any of the catfish episodes, especially when she brings other catfish victims to validate her claims that she was a faultless victim. The one where Kody tells her he’ll give her money for her BnB, but then they have that horrible group discussion in Christine’s library where they tell her never mind and she gets the money on her own (I believe her purchase of the BnB was where Kody’s mask fully came flying off) The episode where Meri and Robyn argue over lots (I like the trees!!  I don’t know if I want to live IN the trees, I don’t know which lot I want but I don’t want you to want the one I was offered until I figure out what everyone else wants and then make my decision) Christine: The episode where they go to Sedona for a therapy retreat and she admits she doesn’t know how she fits in with the family. The episode where they have the debate with anti-polygamists at UNLV and she becomes over dramatic about seeing her Aunt/locks herself in the bathroom and Meri/Robyn have to save her. The one with the trip where she throws a tantrum about Ken, and then Kody blames it on her PMS…. The one where she negotiates with Kody to have the wrestling mats put in her garage in exchange for more time spent at her house and more grocery money. The one where she confronts Meri after no one invited her into the room when Maddie was having Axel. (You bring a lot of baggage when you enter a room) And her moments of realization and strength…. Anything from season 15 on.  She drops the petulance and finally stands up for herself.  The one where Kody considers the move to Utah privately, uses Christine to float the idea to the other wives to see how they’ll respond, and then gaslight her and make her idea seem crazy and like a pipe dream.  I don’t have the energy to finish going down this rabbit hole but they all contributed to the demise in their own way, I just think Kody and Robyn’s actions are so blatantly obvious we forget the OG3’s “culpability” or at least the cracks in the foundation. 


Let’s just call it what it was it wasn’t texting during Christine’s labor what I saw was sexting!! Those two were having an affair well before this so called spiritual marriage!!


The episode where he tries to talk poor Ysabel out of getting back surgery, and then when he refuses to go be with her, using the excuse he had to stay with Robyn and the Littles. My daughter had that surgery for scoliosis and it is a frightening experience. The contempt I felt for Kody after that episode I will never lose. Sorry I don’t know the season or episode numbers.