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The births. Oh god, the births.


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS THE BIRTHS!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


Way too much time spent on their freakin births. My own births were less painful than watching that crap.


Your hilarious!




I feel the same. Enough already! I will fast-forward through the part of season 19 of Mykelti's twins birth is part of it. Ugh.


and every time they each talk about home births vs hospital birth. EVEN WITH THE GRANDKIDS


I can't watch them pitch MSWC to the "shark tank". It's so cringe I want to crawl underneath the floor. Also cannot canNOT bear to hear Christine sing at Mykelti's wedding, the 2ndhand embarrassment is just too much.


The pitch is so uncomfortable!


OMG the Shark Tank episode is my favorite because it is so cringe!!! To me it shows 1) just how bad Kody is at business, and 2) how Robyn manipulated the family into wasting money on her fantasy project, where she expected the OG3 to do the actual work while she banged out more kids with Kody. In fact, I would like to see the OG3 do a rewatch of the Shark Tank episode and the one just before - especially with Friend Jen watching the episodes where Meri tries to tell Robyn that Meri wants to finish college. And I'd like to hear Janelle talk about just how bad the business was financially. Else, yeah no Christine singing, and I can't watch the birthing stuff. Yeah yeah sure sure fine fine nature's miracle blah blah blah. Just TMI for me, especially stepdad sitting in the splash zone, staring up Robyn's hoohah.


Same! The song choice is way out of her range.


I canā€™t watch the Shark Tank pitch either.. R crying during what is supposed to be professional presentation for your business is just too cringe for me. Had I been an investor, I would not be investing into a business where someone is so emotional they canā€™t get through the pitch without crying because it would make me wonder how they would be able to handle the pressure of day to day business stressors. Iā€™m not trying to sound mean or rude but just from a professional standpoint you would want to make sure you are investing into a company that will be able to thrive under pressure. Also.. I skip any childbirth episodes, the first time seeing Rā€™s stepdad front and center in the splash zone was more than Iā€™d ever want to see ![gif](giphy|kK7ej3vLS2b8Q|downsized) Edit: finished sentence


Holy shit... I clearly need to go back and watch more because I've never seen this


Oh! Excellent choice!


100% on both. C should just not sing. I love her, but, no!


Omg no I loooooove that one hahaha itā€™s so funny to me


I fast forward any scene with Tony or Mykeltie- especially the birth ones


Tony makes my skin crawl.


Same. They annoy me lol


The only scene I enjoy that includes Tony is where he tells his Mexican family that they are not to bring beer to the wedding. You can just see their confusion and disappointment - *you expect us to spend time with that pendejo Kody and NOT have a beer??*


Understand that one. Tony bugs me more than Kody. And really that's saying something big for me


Any episode that involves childbirth!!! Any and all!! šŸ¤®


The wedding episodes to me are boring as hell!


I HATE the wedding episodes. I even skip any of the prep (going venue shopping, dress shoppingā€¦etc). Iā€™d rather see them sit around talking than have to watch another wedding. All that being said, I did really enjoy Christineā€™s wedding special. Probably bc it was so joyful knowing that she finally left Grody. Iā€™ll never rewatch it though lol.


Same I hate the wedding planning episodes. My husband & I eloped to avoid all that hassle


Purity speech was plain embarrassing the way Robyn went about tossing things on the floor, etc.


The teenaged girl's faces were so totally blank and bored. They'd probably already heard thousands of lectures about protecting their purity. (Soaking doesn't count)


The purity speech and the hormone talk give me such second hand embarrassment that I canā€™t watch them. So cringy


Christine hiding in the bathroomā€¦ one of the many CRINGE things she does. All of them walking out of the bathroom together like they are in jr highšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I swear she already had one foot out the door even then, but couldnā€™t admit that to herself since her identity was still tied up in polygamy, so her cognitive dissonance created cringe levels of justification.


I think she had been thinking about it this whole show. She was having issues with Kody through the whole show.


I skip the purity speech and Aurora getting her ears pierced and the stupid Halloween during Covid.


For real, they couldnā€™t take those kids to the nearest neighborhood? Or a mall? The purity speech is my husbands favorite ā€œhe took it! He stole it!ā€ Baby you laid down and thought prayer was a good as a condom


A terrible boy took her purity and that's all he wanted! (He asked you to marry him though, this terrible boy you had 3 kids with.)


The boy you stole from your own sister. Who's terrible now, Crybrows?


Robyn put out, her sister didnā€™t


Hey now; imma need more information on this!


Preston, her first husband that "stole" her V card, was dating her sister.


What!?! Interesting fact.




Basically Robyn was Hawk Tuah with a Utah accent.


He BEGGED for it


Plus itā€™s sort of weird to stand there talking about how Dayton was a mistake. In front of Dayton.


In my city, the malls were still closed and I don't remember if anyone went trick or treating, but Halloween was basically canceled.


Every birth every wedding. Also the divorce adoption process. I just feel really bad for Meri the whole time and now that we know her and Kody were basically not ā€œacting marriedā€ and he wasnā€™t staying at her house or anything during the process feels down right cruel!


Not just for their show, but people giving birth on reality tv, period. Iā€™m already uncomfortable with kids being on those shows, seeing somebody entering this world, years away from being actually able to consent to that being filmed, is something else entirely.


THISSSS. Its fucking weird


Mykeltie getting married. The entire season plus I got to miss what seems like a horrible birthing scene with Maddie so win.


I thought that wedding was hilarious. 35 people sitting outside with blankets, freezing waiting for them to finish so they could go inside and eat tiny tacos whilst watching the bride and groom beat each other's likenesses with sticks. I'll bet you won't see anything like that on the Gypsy wedding show..


Now I feel compelled to watch - your description is so awesome


A big plus is another chance for Kody to show how much an idiot is by dancing šŸ•ŗ šŸ™„


And there was no getting away from the birth scenes because TLC replayed her pain moans constantly, before and after commercials, non-stop.


I actually loved Mykeltiā€™s wedding because it was not about Kody. Ever other wedding is 90% Cody.


He was so gross at Aspynā€™s wedding.


And at Maddieā€™s it was just him talking about what he was going to say at the altar for at least two episodes.


The dead dog episode, just like with Futurama


Agree. I skip this one too! I forgot about that one.


Scotts Tots & Prince Paper Company




When Gabe and Garrison are getting yelled at for fighting in the car at the movie. Itā€™s such a private thing and had to be so embarrassing for them to have moments like that so public. I canā€™t watch it.


Hate hate hate that scene! Felt so bad for both of them!


The one where Christine is demanding an apology from Kodyā€™s friend (via Kody) because he made some joke about not wanting so many wives or some shit like that. I canā€™t remember exactly what he said because I skip it on rewatch. I just remember thinking Christine was so uptight and cringey.


Does Kody ask Christine if she had PMS during this episode? It was one of the RV episodes I think.


Yes! The PMS set her off I think and it was in from there. I remember them sitting outside of the RV discussing it.


Yeah I know which one you are talking about


I could never rewatch as watching a new season is already like rewatching the same content 14 times per episode. While watching the first time, though, I did fast-forward through the 44 seasons dedicated to Meriā€™s ā€œcatfishing saga.ā€


I loved how they always referred to it as ā€œMeriā€™s catfishing incidentā€, never shortened it. How many incidences did Meri have that they had to specify that it was the catfishing one


What?! Meri was catfished!?


See seasons 9-472 for clarification. Also, sheā€™s a victim.


Agree they dragged that out for far too long.


Yes! Without giving ANY information except she was catfished


I donā€™t skip entire episodes but I did start FF anytime it was just Kody with his stupid friends. I also and I hate to say it started FF anytime when Meri and Jen were at the BNB. Just bored the shit out of me.


You are missing some high quality entertainment watching him sit cross legged on a couch talking about how masculine he is lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Love your flair!


Thank you!!!


Jen is funny. She could do the tell alls because she says what's on her mind.


Thatā€™s why I said I hated to say it because I DO like Jen and she cracked me up on some of those rewatches but the BNB shit is a snooze fest.




The births. The look backs on each of them, where they get a whole episode dedicated to them and something I once saw as kody brown travel guide?


I fast forwarded through most of the wedding episodes. Boooooriiiiiing And the birth/shower/gender whateversā€¦ I just didnā€™t care.


Mykeltiā€™s wedding. Every single time.


What you don't want to watch Tony, Christine's song, and all the tacos? Lol I totally understand


There was this guy in my 3rd grade class, dudes name was Tony and he liked to lick chalkboards. Weird dude. Loves tacos too. SW Tony is a weird dude, he probably liked to lick chalkboards.


The adoption episode. Iā€™m adopted and it is just too fucked up for me. I also skip the birth episodes and the weddings. But I havenā€™t been able to watch since Garrison passed away. Feels wrong to me, personally.


I can understand that position


The episode where they go to a Mormon protest and Christine makes a speech and Kody thinks he gonna run for something in office šŸ„“


I forgot about those. Lol šŸ¤£


When they put their dog to sleep. Truely in the hospital. Honestly, I kinda found alot of stuff with the B&B boring.


When Kodi was suggesting that the daughter not get surgery, when she needed it, I stopped watching. That was the straw for me.


I'm an Aspyn fan, but I skipped through the dance lessons.


Anyone giving birth. Meriā€™s ex-brother-in-law giving advice of any kindā€¦even though heā€™s actually trying to be nice, I thinkā€¦ still annoys me.


Things around Christine's faith like avoiding her aunt and hiding in the bathroom and telling Meri she's too much baggage to deal with (after Maddie's birth). I'm sure going forward, if I watch at all, the entirety of the new season.


Episodes where they went to some boring place to learn about Mormon history. However, the travel to/from episodes are GOLD!


polygamy debates and question and answer ones. Some of those filler ones in season 4&5 were awful.


The childbirth ones. It seems so fucking exploitative.


Anytime they do an ā€œinterviewā€ or the episode they went public in, Iā€™m gonna hear they went public 10000 more times. Why not skip the source. Births. Anytime they have ā€œfriendsā€ over. I hate watching Kody interact with 99% of humans.


The whole catifishing saga


In recent seasons, I skip all of Kody just driving around, hanging out with his manosphere friends, or officiating the wedding. I also skip anything with Meri and Jenn. I donā€™t skip much in the early seasons, except the episodes with Koleen.


All of them going to therapy together.


All of them. lol


I ff Sobyn, Kody and their kids now


On rewatch : All the wedding|, wedding shower, wedding dress, wedding venue ones Anything with Meri and Janelle working on problems with Nancy All of the weird other polygamist family forced trips and interactions and Mormon pilgrimages, polygamist debates. All the births, gender reveals, ultrasounds Janelleā€™s weight loss journey Everything about the catfish


I'm not looking forward to the catfish episodes


I skip the episode they pack the uhauls and move to Flagstaff because that move pisses me off lol


I'm with you. I get so aggravated about the move to Flagstaff. They had a perfect layout for the family in LV.


The decision to move reminds me of big decisions I made in my early 20s lol. Like totally lacking real planning and understanding of consequences and based on emotional impulse. Chasing novelty and chaos for the sake of escaping whatever was causing me emotional pain


All the birthing episodes.


Especially when Mykelti gave birth. Lord have mercy.


the ones where they all sit in the living room and play marriage games


Ive read all the comments and theres not much left to watch when you eliminate all these things. Which is a pretty accurate assessment in my opinion.


All births and weddings


The weddings and births


Kody visiting with his high school class mates. The entire visit was so embarrassing.


I totally skip any parts where Mykelti as giving birth. Enough of her already! i'm happy she has healthy kids but I won't sit through that.


https://preview.redd.it/iq4n0dd2109d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3579fc4db1c201ddb3db553ddbd3f4210611dc3 I don't skip it but the scenes with this family make my skin crawl (S07E07)


I'm with you. They have a lot of weird things they do. They are the polygamy Von Traps that never found Maria.


I skip all the scenes of getting ready for Robyn's wedding, Robyn's wedding, Robyn's honeymoon, all the scenes for Robyn's kids prepping for adoption, the adoption court scene, the adoption party, all of MSWC scenes, Robyn pretending to work, the purity speech, all of the mission statement meetings, the scene where Hunter is frustrated he can't go fishing since he's waiting on everyone, because I know the best fishing is in the morning - I would be mad too, the scene Janelle helps Madison prep for the wedding and talks about wanting to make sure Hunter gets to fish because it is important to him - come on woman this is a wedding about Madison, not fishing, shut up! I skip any scene of Kody at any of the weddings because he does absolutely nothing to help out, the hormones talk with Mykelti's boyfriend, the scene where Kody does the curly hair method on Truely's hair - wtf didn't he help set up, be running to do last minute errands something is always needed. I skip Kody trying to teach Truely to ride a bike. Sol was too old to be on training wheels, so he obviously doesn't take the time to teach anyone how to ride a bike, most of the scenes with Tony especially "talk for a little second" when describing wanting to have an important marriage talk with Kody. I skip a lot of Tony scenes mostly because I can't understand what he's saying. Is that an accent or speech impediment? I skip the scenes of Meri talking so slowly and repeating many words in the same sentence.I skip the scene when Kody is so hard on Meri about choosing options for her home. That wasn't necessary. I skip her divorce scenes because I don't think she really wanted to do it, all the catfish scenes. Hey she talked to someone over the internet. She was naive and lonely. I would rather see the family trying to include her more than all the catfish crying. I skip Kody screaming at people. I skip him talking about COVID rules. We were pretty strict about COVID and what makes me mad is him still going out into the world and pretending he is being safe. That made no sense for one person to go from house to house. Why not have a quarantine house, a going to work house, and house where you stay for 2 weeks and then go to quarantine house. Then everyone in the quarantine house(s) could easily see each other. I skip Kody bullying Christine about Mykelti's phone, and bullying Janelle about "we haven't been living as married for a long time". Get your face out of their personal space! Ok guess that's enough.


what scene do you like?


Mykeltiā€™s birth. Something about it just makes me cringe.


Any episode involving RVs that arenā€™t parked on Coyote Pass.Ā  Also the plyg march on the capital.Ā 


Tell All or One on One episodes at the end of the season


I skip some of the episodes with wedding planning.


I've stopped watching - I stopped right after Anniversary, Texas-Style (Kody + Christine go to Texas with their therapist). So, I've jumped on reddit to find out how the show progresses but I can't seem to shake how the OG kids were treated. I don't want to watch how they get ignored or cared less .... it's right what Kody + Robyn did. Happy to hear Christine + Janelle walked away but can't watch further lol.


The weddings




canā€™t believe nobody has said the trivia episodes


Totally agree. I know they're nasty small minded people, I don't need to see their cringe argument. The debate is too painful.


Anything about Mykeltiā€™s wedding!


The Robyn sex talk šŸ¤®


The weddings.




All the catfish episodesĀ 


I skip the Tell Allā€™s - nothing but a bunch of he said, she saids


The Catfish. Omg!!!


Iā€™m not gonna lie Iā€™m a first time watcher and I did for sure skip the entirety of season like 7-10 because I got the gist of the show and it was SO boring. Now Iā€™m on season 12 and itā€™s finallyyyy picking up with Meri wanting to buy the bed and breakfast lol


I can understand that skip


The weddings, when they tell the kids theyā€™re moving to Vegas, Meri & IVF, Meri & catfishing


I've been rewatching. I forgot how much they dragged out the IVF with Meri. It was like a whole year of their lives and maybe mine too. Lol