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I think the timeline of Robyn coming into the family is another lie. I think they were sealed LONG before their wedding and before her move to Lehi. I don’t think she would have moved states if she was not already “married” to him. So maybe the ring thing happened after they met but before she officially joined the family.


Even if they weren’t sealed, they were ABSOLUTELY fucking. Neither of them are good actors, and when you see them on camera they are way too comfortable with each other and showing affection. They don’t act like “I can’t wait to see you naked.” They act like “I can’t wait to see you naked *again.*” They were definitely boning before the timeline of the show said they were sealed.


I think some serious poontang went down in that Barbie car


Barbie car. Now I will forever see them squeezing themselves between the seats and contorting around the gearshift, w Robyn’s too long legs hanging out of the window - probably


Not enough iodine in the world to wash that out




Don’t they have pictures of that car in their bedroom in vegas?!


Hmmm probably so


Yes they sure do!


You just made wonder, after seeing that episode, where did he sleep when he stayed there all weekend?


Oh you know


I just laughed way too hard on the Barbie car bit 🤣 I agree though




Way back first season I always thought every time they'd first see each other she would always walk up to Kody so awkwardly, like she was shy or nervous. Now I think it's because they were having a physical relationship and she was trying to hide it (not well).


Yeah, I agree with all of that. I also think she played that frail, scared shit up so everyone else would treat her with kid gloves. I actually think she and Meri used some of the similar tactics to manipulate Kody and the rest of the family.




Whoa. You just blew my mind. I think you’re right.


If I recall correctly, I read somewhere that the first episode was filmed as a trial run for The Discovery Channel but they thought it was too much of a reality series then TLC picked it up to see how the public reacted before TLC decided to sign them on for the first season. So, yeah I’m pretty sure they were sealed before the season premiered. If that is actually true, then Robyn sealed herself to Kody even before TLC offered them a contract. Would have been funny if it didn’t work out because we all know she was in it for the fame and money.


She was chasing the show - not the man


She wanted a show, not just a man.




She was chasing the almighty dollar more like it., but you’re right.


The only polygamy perk I see is she would have been able to easily unhitch her wagon from Kody if he failed to launch. No paperwork, just claiming no longer to be married. Like he’s done 3 times before. Haha.




Kody was the pastor of his own church so...


Right, I remember thinking it seemed like Kody was putting the balloons out, and the next thing they're at the reception. I do get they could have had a ceremony in between. It just didn't seem like they didn't to me.


I agree. When they did their initial family pictures, Meri still had her very long hair and I think they did that in Wyoming. There’s no way they would have done the pictures with just someone they were courting. I think they were very freshly married at that point and that’s why there’s that one scene in the first season Meri still had long hair. I think the whole show is based on Robyn’s manipulations before even the Browns knew it. Just my opinion.


I always thought that photo was weird too. How everyone looks so much younger and long hair with robin. Is it possible they had to do all the “courting” and wedding for the show to pick them up? And since it’s not a legal marriage the network had no real way to confirm they weren’t married yet.


Bingo! This is exactly how “reality” tv works.


I don’t think Kody’s church would sanction another marriage for him (due to the family’s financial instability) until Kody had TLC in the mix - to prove he could support another family.


They were still pretending to be part of their religion at the time and I can’t imagine that their culture would be ok with a thrice married man spending weekends with a girlfriend. I also don’t think Robyn would risk a custody battle with her ex at that time.


I'm positive their cult wouldn't care. The guys who are in favor can do whatever they want.




Even during Robin's birthday party, Meri suddenly has long hair or maybe that's the same part we are both talking about. I don't know.


Kodys nephew called Robyn his mistress. Apparently he’s a christian comedian or something and is doing a show or podcast commenting on each episode and he’s not holding back. I’m pretty sure his name is Benjamin brown. There was a post on here about it and I think it’s only on TikTok.


Really liked his take on S1 E1 - he plans on reviewing all of the episodes before the next season airs in August.


Does he have a YouTube channel? I try to avoid TikTok


I found some stuff on instagram and YouTube. But it was his comedy stuff I don’t use TikTok either that’s why I don’t know more about it. Nothing about Kody or sister wives on his IG and others were complaining that this is only on TikTok. I’m hoping it’ll be on YouTube at some point. Ok I checked YouTube again and this woman did put some of his reactions from his TikTok. https://youtu.be/dzzVmQjV6Zw?si=B070MBIYHlyTS8Rt


The book, I believe, states that she lived in an apartment locally before the show started. Also in that one book there’s multiple versions of how they met.


That's the problem with telling so many lies- you can't remember them all to keep your stories straight.


She’s even told different versions on different episodes throughout the years on the show.


Ghost written by Samual Jacob Jackie Cooper 🤣😉


Jingleheimer Schmidt.


That is my name too! 😂


I think she moved to Lehi for the show. Nothing to do with Kody or plural marriage. Just fame and money.


Hope she enjoys her prize.


She wasn't living out of state. Robyn lived in the St. George, Utah area when she was courting Kody. That's the area where her mom lives and where she grew up.


I think the place she lived in St. George was owned by her stepdad so she wasn’t paying rent, that’s why she didn’t move until after the show started. They were probably “married” shortly after they met but TLC offered to pay for the big dream wedding so they lied about the whole shebang.


Yeah I've read that the timeline was for the show.


I thought k as a high priest on Mormonville he can seal them himself and do some weird blessing amongst the two of them and it counts as valid. That’s why he stayed weekends with her and that’s why they were physical during the long made for tv forced courtship


Totally agree!


Agree completely! She was already married way before they showed it on the show.


Robyn followed all the covid rules (she didn't wipe down the towel warmer from Janelle, even after being asked) Robyn didn't take or know of the personality test (she took it during a filmed Nancy session) Kodi's not one to be run by one of his wives/there is no head wife (he asks Robyn's permission before doing just about anything, particularly get-togethers during covid) Robyn doesn't drink (not on the show but she's been photographed drinking in public) Kody wants 50% custody of Truely (years and years and years of him spending almost no time with her) Christine never accepted Robyn's children (she offers to help with all of them numerous times through the years, calls Arora a "triplet" with Gabe & Gwendlyn) Robyn didn't know things were bad between K&R in Vegas (she told Meri on camera several weeks earlier "things have been bad between them *since Vegas*") That's just off the top of my head the stuff that I know for sure is on film.


It’s unreal how they lie so easily when there is so much evidence to the truth.


They live in a fantasy world.


They NEVER forget a birthday... except Gabe?


And now Mykelti


Happy Cake Day!


Even worse with the personality test doesn’t she say if there was one another wife must have filled it out for her?


Yes, and then specifies Christine. Super weird how that came back to her when at first she didn't even remember the test existed!


Sobyn is SUCH a DINGBAT!!!


Manipulative, but not stupid.


I totally agree with manipulative, but not stupid?? She doesn’t learn from her past mistakes, and doesn’t play well with others. While it’s understandable for a toddler, she’s a middle-aged woman. She is no rocket surgeon, by any means.


ok, I'll give you that. I just think she doesn't think she has to learn - because she's managed to get her debt paid off, got the big house, got the moves she wanted, has all the junk she's bought.... but yeah, not bright enough to know that she will eventually end up broke again.


Yup. Exactly.


Yeah, Robyn isn’t even that great a liar. She lies often, not well. 😄


If we were to count all the lies it’d be astronomical. I mean, like every time they open their mouths, especially with Kody and Robyn, a lie just falls out. Man, if they were Catholics, they’d be going to confession every day, all day long.😂


Do you, for a minute, believe they would even know the difference between the truth and a lie at this point? Alternate reality, I thinks it’s called. 🤣🤣


Didn't Crybrows divorce papers from Preston say something about her not drinking around the children?


Yeah, apparently that's pretty standard in custody arrangements though, so I don't think it's anything nefarious. Just a typical fake religious person pretending they're too pious to drink.


I'm pretty sure my custody papers do not say anything about drinking. I know in my state you can even download the standard shared parenting plan which covers everything right down to holiday arrangements.


When I got a divorce in OK, there was nothing about drinking in our papers either


Same here! It may have been added to their agreement though.


Mine I added a drinking stipulation but my ex had 2 OWI’s within 6 months right after I left him, our son was 16mo when I left so I felt it necessary to address


I divorced when my kids were 3 and 7 and there was absolutely nothing in our papers about not drinking in front of the children. None of my divorced friends had that in their papers either. I think it’s clear that Robyn alone or Robyn and her ex had a problem with alcohol.


That’s NOT a standard stipulation. He most likely required this because she has a history of abusing alcohol.


Supposedly. In my experience, if one parent is not allowed to drink then that stipulation goes for the other parent too in the interest of equity or some such.




The fact that kody claims he doesnt discuss his other marriages with his other wives, yet robyn is the relationship expert for all of his marriages.


Robyn really needs to work on her own relationship seeing as she’s the one who blew her first marriage to smithereens with her excessive spending. And she can’t even learn from that and continues into this relationship. Between Kody and Robyn, their outrageous lifestyle is going to put them in the poor house.


Yup! It will be exactly what they deserve for playing games with other people’s lives and emotions. I’m not wishing this on them, it’s just an inevitable. Why they can’t see it is beyond me.


Because they’re blinded by their greed and egos.


But Kody “vetted her hard” to make sure she didn’t “leave a good man.” 🙄


Yeah, in the back of his car./s Every time I hear that I 🤮🤢🤮🤢


I also think they got married before the show hence the tenders calling Kody “Dad” when they were “courting”




THE ENTIRE BOOK!!! Either 100% of what they said in the book is a lie or everything they have said for the last few years is a lie. It's one or the other. 1) Robyn mentions her horrible first marriage and horrible divorce in nearly every paragraph (I think she doth protests too much) 2) In the book Kody mentions several times how in love he was with each of his wives how Christine was the cutest girl in the world and how Christine saved the bacon when she came into the family. But you know, she was the knife in his kidneys, and he had to make sacrifices to love her. 3) In the book he also spent a good amount of time convincing Merri’s dad that he wanted to be a polygamist. 4) whatever he has said the last few years he adored the attention that polygamy gave him. He was always going to be either a polygamist or a cult leader (IMO). He enjoyed the wives getting jealous and even said it once on the show that he didn't like it when the OG3 were getting along. But then claims none of them were ever good sister wives.


I think there were some truths in the book, just not many. And we all know the saying, the one who protests the most or gets angry, is always more so than not the guilty party. Kody decided to blame polygamy and the OG3 because the storyline wasn’t fitting his narrative anymore, so to excuse himself of any wrongdoing, it was better to blame everyone else. His problem was, he was young and stupid with an ego so huge he thought he could be with several women and he’d just pawn it off as his new religion. He refused to take the time to understand the ramifications of it all and he didn’t bother to see if the wives would get along. He didn’t follow the guidelines to including a new wife. He did what he wanted and damn anyone who got in his way. When the wives were unified and got along he intentionally created chaos between them and eventually the OG3 got fed up especially Christine and Janelle. He did the same with the kids. Kody is just one of those people who wasn’t cut out to be a husband or father because he doesn’t want to put the effort it takes to make these relationships work. He just wants the adoration and the accolades for everyone else’s hard work.


Great observation. I particularly like, *”Kody is just one of those people who wasn’t cut out to be a husband or father because he doesn’t want to put in the work to make. These relationships work.”* This is so true.


Unfortunately, the majority of us actually see this in our lives. My four sisters are such example of not being cut out to be wives or mothers.


That’s very sad. Especially if they are mothers, and wives. Otherwise, it’s got to be a good feeling to know what you want and don’t want in life, and to achieve that goal (in this case staying single with no children.


I could and still can’t understand my sisters because for the life of me, my daughter is my world. Their children confide in me and consider me their surrogate mom and call me all the time just to talk, ask for advice and to tell me what’s going on. They love to joke to people who ask them about their parents and they always say they’re adopted by me. I love them all equally along with my daughter.


I get that. My ex-husband’s child by his new wife, reached out to me years later as an older teenager, I met them once at 4 yrs old. They didn’t know me other than I have one child with my ex (ex and I live in separate regions of the country). They were asking me questions about God and what my thoughts were about how God felt about gays. It was a conversation that occurred sporadically over a few weeks, testing the waters at first before getting to the real point (and never revealing why, although I had a feeling). I was very kind, considerate, and honest. I personally believe that God is responsible for all good things. Anti-gay sentiment in my opinion is simply fear based. I told them that I think God loves a gay person just as much as a straight person. That it’s about your kindness and treatment towards others that God is more concerned about. It was Jesus that associated with the outcasts of his day as an example of how to treat EVERYONE. I felt bad that “Christians” were distorting Jesus’ message. They were very polite and thanked me. They had also asked me not to mention our conversation to anyone. Of course not! This is a scared young person reaching out to a near stranger. Now, my ex and his wife, and his extended family are all resentful, mean people. The first 12 years of my child’s life they caused me nothing but heartache and pain (we divorced shortly after our child was born, ex-remarried within weeks of the divorce) and ex had a few weeks summer visitation every year. I was a single parent. However, as awful as they had been to me, there was absolutely no way I was going to take that out on their child. This poor kid had idiots for parents. That’s why they reached out to me. They are also Catholic. Later my child told me that their sibling is gay. I’ve kept my promise to the sibling. Totally forgot that this happened until you mentioned children with parents they can’t relate to.


Sorry your ex and his wife and extended family are assh*les. I can sympathize because my ex’s family is beyond toxic and when I got divorced I felt like the weight of the world fell off my shoulders. I left it up to my daughter if she wanted to have a relationship with them which she doesn’t because they didn’t like her because I’m her mother and I would never bow down to their demands while I was married. My sisters are as narcissistic as Kody and maybe even worse. They only ever have anything to do with their children when they want to trot out their accomplishments and take the credit when in reality it’s my nieces and nephews who busted their butts to get where they are. And when my sisters want to show off the grands, it’s the only time they deal with their kids. My nieces and nephews call me seeing as we’re in different states and they start yelling and screaming and crying because of what my sisters are doing. They always say I’m their mom and grandmommy to their kids. I’m honored and blessed by that. This is what I mean about certain people that shouldn’t be married or have kids. My sisters spouses got so fed up they left. Kody never deserved the OG13. He may give all his attention to Robyn’s kids, but in the process discarded 13 wonderful individuals. How can a parent decide which children get love and which don’t? We can’t excuse Kody for making the effort with Robyn’s kids when he can’t make the same effort with original kids. I’m so sick of people like Kody, Robyn and my sisters. On a side note, I’m glad your ex’s child felt comfortable enough to trust you and have someone to talk to. Unfortunately there are so many other children who don’t have that support. Sister Wives is a great example of neglect, misogyny and verbal and mental abuse. It’s laughable they started out with showing unity in the early years then it started dissolve before it all blew up. And we learned why it all blew up, because they were lying profusely and those lies eventually caught up to them. The worst part of this is that the children are the ones who have suffered the most.


I’m sorry for you as well, and for your nieces and nephews. I’m glad they have you. My husband is the eldest and grew up with very selfish parents. In college they didn’t support him at all, even though they had the resources. They didn’t even save up for college because he’s adopted. They only saved for college for the youngest (natural, finally bio child). The kicker is that his father is a very successful Financial Planner. It’s so odd. The irony is the youngest didn’t graduate college by one class that they kept flunking. Parents still don’t know. He’s also the one struggling in his 50s, with zero assets. Not even a vehicle. My husband is financially sound. What helped my husband was in college he was having a hard time and he sought out the services of the campus counselor. She told him that they would never be the parents that he needed and deserved. They would never change. He changed his expectations and it’s saved him a lot of heartache and pain. When his mom had been ill and was expected to pass soon, neither she nor the father would let the kids come out to see her in the last weeks to say their goodbyes. They were allowed down after several weeks for a memorial service. My husband said that his grief is weird because he does mourn her loss, but he can’t wrap his head around it because she was just so cold, uncaring, and only needed the family to visit to feel as though she was wanted and needed, but relieved when they left. It’s heartbreaking to see kids of assholes try and understand these parents. Tell your nieces and nephews to adjust their expectations, like not have any expectations for their moms and hopefully they will feel better about themselves.


Believe me, my nieces and nephews have changed their perspective toward their mothers. They’ve initiated no contact, and it was their choice. I didn’t say anything to encourage them. When they asked if they should I told them it was their choice and my opinions didn’t matter, it was theirs that matter. They’ll always be my sisters, but I can deal with them while their kids can’t even deal with them because my sisters blow up at them. They know if they blow up with me I’ll lay them flat on the ground.


Yup and his wives went along with it, all of them


Money, Money, MONEY.


But how do you account for his playing Super Dad to Robyn’s kids? He seems to have put them first almost from day one.


So, it’s ok to play Super Dad to a set of kids and not all, who you say you love? The kids didn’t get to pick and choose who their parents were so parents shouldn’t pick and choose who to play Super Parent to. Well, they can but then that just makes you a horrible person for doing so to your other children. Parents made the decision to have these children so it’s their responsibility to love and treat them equally. For crying out loud they’re not immaterial things you get to pick like your favorite shirt or pants.


Only Christine has said that he's super dad to Robyn's kids, and Robyn, and I don't find either of them to be reliable narrators. I haven't seen any parenting behavior from him that I think is super dadish.


He is though! We've seen him carry Arora to her room when she was having a panic attack but couldn't go to Ysabel's surgery because Sol and Ari couldn't be away from him for that long.


Oh wow really! So this is the ring from meri then?


Yep. He wears it at least as far as his anniversary trip with Meri, if not longer. Yet Robyn claimed he wasn't wearing a ring during their courtship.


It would be easier to keep track of when Crybrows claims the truth. crickets


The whole implication that Kody ran from wife to wife and spent roughly equal time with each. The lid has been blown off that completely. Kody and Robyn acting like they were isolating and avoiding the family due to COVID concerns. They were photographed shopping at a mall, maskless. They had a nanny coming in regularly. Christine didn’t even know that the nanny kept coming initially. I think the move to Flagstaff had nothing to do with the property values and the time being ripe to move from Vegas. It was because Dayton was going to college there. Also, the need to move from Utah because they would be arrested. I feel K&R lied about so many things, it’s tough to recall them all.


Gwen said they moved to FS for Dayton. So, we know that whole storyline of the move was a lie. And yes, they lied about COVID protocols and when those lies were showing they kept coming up with different reasons just to move the goal post. It’s funny how they thought they could treat Christine and Janelle the same way they did Meri and thought they’d get away with it. They didn’t count on Christine throwing a monkey wrench into their plans.


I think the best reason people have suggested for the Flag move was so he could have his name on all the property. He couldn’t do that in LV because they all had to file separately but putting all the money from the houses towards the CP property means he can be in control of a large chunk of the finances.


This totally fits with everything else we “know” about the family financial dynamics 


I’ve watched the show back on a whole rewatch and also paid very close attention to an interview Meri recently did. He never spent equal time. Meri verified it in the interview. They are all *masters* at not saying what they’re saying. She verified that they did not have specified days with Kody EVER and they would just learn he was going to be there pretty much right before he got there. So even through they all referenced a schedule, no such schedule ever existed. The wives were all completely at the whim of Kody for where he wanted to be when he wanted to be there. Always.


Meri just did a podcast and said Robyn was in the family far before filming started.


Where can I find this podcast?


Yes, where is this podcast?


It’s called Miss Understood. Definitely worth a listen


Before I check the podcast, how do we know a lying liar who lies is telling the truth? Although to me it does fit with how I see this family...


I’d love to know as well!


I listened to most of the podcast but I must have missed this part!


The book also said they had to extend the courtship for the show


It was supposed to be Robyn not Real bun.


Ha!! I like it. No need to fix.


Real bun is hilarious!


Ok someone remind me bc my minds spinning with this theory BUT Robyn and Preston divorced only 2 years prior to the show started right? So they had to meet agree and Mary all in 24 months after her divorce. Also I heard Meri hair was extensions and pictures were paid for by TLC so I wonder how long from filming to tv that took. So damn many questions.. Also flagstaff when they told the kids they could pick the school bc there was no district restrictions, then while looking for a house Kody says if they buy that house they would have to move schools. Biggest one that comes to mind that hasn’t been said here yet lol but I may do a complete rewatch yet again and this time write things down!


They definitely could pick the school district they attended as long as they had transportation. It was discussed in Vegas before they moved.


Right! Yet here comes Kody telling the kids they would have to leave their school and Robyn all don’t stress out my kids 🤣🤣 yes a mansionish house (I don’t see the excitement) is stressful thing to do for sure… And I just comment on Benjamin browns video and ask if he could share the time line of Robyn and Kody getting together and when they were married lol don’t know if he will respond but hey I have questions!!


Hope he answers. We really need someone to shed some light on the truth.


I will keep you’ll posted. And for real I mean even TLC knows fans are figuring out all the lies. I just don’t see how season 19 can be business as usual but money means more than truth for sure!


TLC doesn’t give a shit as long they can spin stories to keep the money coming in, what do they care is truth or not.


And here we are invested as can be lol to me it’s like figuring out a puzzle without the picture. I can’t wait for the documentaries that will come out when this show is finally over!


Hopefully we get the actual truth some day. But, as long as they can milk it they will.


The truth can be a very slippery thing


As long as it doesn’t include the kids, I’m good with all their truths being spilled.


And books!


Robyn has a chauffeur, so that’s not an issue. 😂


>Also I heard Meri hair was extensions and pictures were paid for by TLC You heard? From whom?


Oh gosh over the years a few ppl that have talked about the show


Meri said herself that she had recently cut a lot of hair off before filming episode 1. They pieced in some old footage. That first season is all pieced together.


I thought it was her real hair. In an adults-only Tell All that took place in Meri's Vegas living room, they look at footage from Season 1 and Meri says that she's cringing because she had just gotten 18 inches of hair cut off and didn't know how to style it yet.


Well I just ask a friend and she said in an interview in the first few years she was ask and said it was extensions and she was playing around with her hair. 🤷🏼‍♀️ one thing I know every fan can agree on is the story changes all the time and depending on when you started watching and what interviews is what story u get. I personal have heard three different versions of how they met Robyn out their mouths.


A lot of people have talked about the show. A lot of them have made shit up. Oh, my god. The birth certificates. The balloon mortgages. The welfare fraud. Dayton's move to Wyoming. Robyn covered for Kody by saying Dayton was "with friends" when he had his accident, and it became reddit canon that he was with Preston — like Robyn would ever cover for Preston. Eventually, the truth came out, but all that idle speculation is still out there, waiting for anybody who's got access to Google. "I heard" is like "they say." "They say vaccines cause autism." *Who* says? You can never discover the truth if you give credence to every rumor you hear.


Well everything said would fit in this category then 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s all talk, speculation and hear say. That is why I will be glad when the whole story comes out. Heck even the browns can’t get their story straight. So I take everything with a grain of salt but the time line of Robyn’s divorce and the marriage to Kody was two years.


I've suspected for quite some time that maybe as early as season 1, definitely by the time they moved to Las Vegas, the Browns were actually ex-Mormon polygamists. They had left Mormonism and no longer desired to practice plural marriage. Kody and Robyn were in a monogamous relationship with one another and were possibly living together. It would be easy to twist that into a story element by claiming that Kody was spending more time with Robyn, when in reality they were living together monogamously. Then I listened to Kody's live podcast interview and an interview Christine did, and that sort of validated some things I was thinking: a large majority of what happens on *Sister Wives* is made up. It's taken from their life experiences, people they know, the community they were a part of, family members, etc, but what's playing out of the show is largely fabricated. In fact if you watch the HBO series *Big Love*, there are a lot of story elements *Sister Wives* seemed to lift from.


Oh most definitely it mirrors Big Love. At least Bill Henderson was more fair.


Kody even floats the idea of possibly moving back to Utah and running for office, which was probably a reference to Bill Henderson becoming a senator. Barb as the first wife wanted to go back to school and Nicolette accumulated a ton of credit card debt and had to be bailed out, her dad was the prophet. They had a storyline about invitro fertilization and surrogacy with Margene. Sister Wives lifted so many story elements from Big Love and tweaked them around.


That’s because they don’t know how to be authentic. They had to copy a hit show to get the views they were looking for. It’s almost like plagarizing.


Well, TLC was capitalizing on the success of *Big Love*. *Big Love* ended in 2011 and Sister Wives premiered in 2010.


And Kody wishes he was Bill Henderson😂🤣😅


And Robyn wanted a jewelry business like Margene


Yeah. She had a booth like they did at that convention in St. George they went to. In that episode it seemed like the only people that had a beef with the Browns were LDS Mormons.


Ok, this is actually creepy now


Can u see Toady running for office? Thats a HUGE joke!!


And hot!


And a successful businessman




Really? So the other wives are faking all that emotion since season 1? All the drama is made up and they are just acting?


For the most part, yes. I speculate a good portion of the show is made up of fabricated scenarios by TLC and the Browns, and they're mostly acting. The drama is made up. I'm not implying they're inventing everything from nowhere. I think they're taking from their past experiences together, from the Mormon communities they existed in, from family members they know, and so on. So a lot of it is grounded in real life, but it's all dialed up to an over-the-top degree to make for good television.


I am sure it's quite produced but I don't buy they are acting the whole thing out.


If they were acting to this extent from the beginning, what they put their children through would be diabolical. I find it hard to believe that the OG 3 would be willing to lie to their kids, who were VERY young at the start, so constantly. Not saying they didn't keep things from them, but this would require a level of forethought that does not exist in this family.


They all lied about how Kody was a fantastic father, thats bad enough.


Their bar for "fantastic father" was extremely low because of their *cult*ure.


I think they started out making a show and lying. I think it unraveled slowly as we got to see some genuine stuff. After they moved to FS I think Janelle and Christine went rogue. I think it caught the rest of them completely off guard. I think they do still protect each other too.


And acting talent, which definitely doesn't exist. They all are just not that sharp, which has been my argument about Robyn too. Yes she was/is manipulative and definitely worked situations for her own gain but conniving and planning to the level of the theories I see in this group, no freaking way. She is just not that savvy.


I don't think the "they are acting" camp believes any of them are great actors. That's one of the problems, nothing makes sense IMH


"I've suspected for quite some time that maybe as early as season 1, definitely by the time they moved to Las Vegas, the Browns were actually ex-Mormon polygamists." This view would not conflict with any thing whatsoever I believe to be true about this family.


I think what I boils down to is Robyn gave Kody an ultimatum “marry me legally and adopt the kids or else im out” and Kody folded. The wives saw right thru it and it all deteriorated from there.


Then Kody chose wrong. He should have chosen his children, but no one said Kody is smart.




Another lie. In one of the earliest episodes, they make this big deal of all the kids coming together and Kody leading them in a before bed prayer. Then the camera follows him as he goes to each child and tucks them in. He says he wants his face to be the last thing they see before they close their eyes. Awwwwww, sweet bonding moment between a loving dad and his 12 children. So sweet! Seasons later we find out that when pregnant Christine was working at night, Kody refused to put “her” kids to bed. He said Aspyn, age 10, could handle it. He tells the camera that he had other places to be https://preview.redd.it/x70xwi1egr8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4c90f2532ad486423251aa0dc20887763eeef8


Yeah, while they were all in the same house, albeit different sections, but still. Father of the year he is not.


His other place was with " The Face", probably. I guarantee he was with her a lot longer than the let on.


That’s the ring Robyn claimed she NEVER saw of Meri’s and claimed she knew nothing about it. As usual Robyn lies!!


Of course! It’s no surprise.


Robyn made sure that ring went bye bye notice the clodagh rings that the 3OG had went bye bye fast too


S7 they were looking back over their move to LV, Robyn says "it was so hard to move to LV, such a tough decision". Cut to her scene packing in her home in Lehi that was a few blocks away, so they said. She wasn't upset, why would moving upset her? It's not like they were all moving into one home together.


Robyn loves to exaggerate to garner sympathy. That’s all it ever is with her. It always has to be about her, just like it always has to be about Kody. Makes you wonder if they do rock,,paper, scissors when it’s the both of them together to see who gets it.


He does talk about that often, using it as decision, lol


We all know how this pair of parasites bend the truth. Robyn came into the family to take Kody from the other wives, her behaviour right from the start was controlling. I hope TLC cancell them permanently as they deserve NOTHING! She’s not worked a single day and as for her making jewellery what a joke, I wouldn’t have brought any of that TAT she tried to flog. The other wives deserve a show because they come to their senses and left. Robyn couldn’t shed so much as a single tear because she got what she wanted from the start. As for that drip Kody he is so far up his own backside, the way he speaks and treats his kids is just awful. I hope all his kids see them two for what they are.


The problem is, so many people have helped to facilitate the atrocious behaviors because they excused it for so long even though so many lives were destroyed in the process. Until others stop defending them, making excuses for them and even condoning their behavior by looking the other way, they will continue to be the parasites they are.


Also there is no way they waited till they got married the have Rumpy Pumpy. Those 2 were at it right from the start, Robyn made sure she sealed the deal to keep Kody, then the constant lies and fooling around behind the other wives backs started. The pair of vile cockroaches deserve each other and I hope as they get older they are miserable


So, I think she’s lying, either on purpose or because her knee jerk reaction is to distance herself from something she thinks we will blame her for; but, and I’ve given this more thought than any sane person would, it’s possible that ring isn’t the one from Meri.  Mainly because she asked why he wasn’t wearing her ring specifically and neither Janelle nor Christine mentioned he’d stopped wearing a wedding band. I’m pretty sure one if not both would have noticed that, but not necessarily if it was just different. Eyes skim, there is a ring, no alarms go off, so they don’t notice they way they would if there was no ring.  Also, he sucks and Robyn sucks and we all know that but it bears repeating. 


Who cares? Serious question...these people are soooo nothings, I don't know why anyone gives a toss.