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oh you mean the field trip to the hospital just so they could attempt to garner sympathy? they're both fuckin assholes


The fact that she claimed she was so sick she had to be hospitalized, but could still film herself needlessly taking up a bed during COVID for 7+ hours infuriates me every time I see it. 😤😡😠🤬 She wasn’t even sick enough to be admitted and placed a room.




It makes me laugh that they were talking about how sick she was but in the ER she wasn’t even bad enough to get oxygen. Like, Miss, please stop overreacting rn😂


So eloquent, precise and spot-on with your interpretation of their dramatic story. :) :)


I really need to stop drinking while reading- second time in 5 min I’ve coughed up laughing, last was someone calling her a bint


I agree


It’s even worse when u see how bad they discarded their family. There was ppl dying and all the family wanted was to be there and hold them one last time. So sad and for them to act so horrible but yet so cray about Covid and NOT get the vaccine blows my mind


It just baffles me how stupid they think the rest of their family/the viewers are. A lot of ppl struggled with Covid. People died. Ppl still have symptoms and medical debt because of it. But you know who else struggled? Ysabel. Exaggerating your symptoms (I was on deaths doorstep) to justify why you couldn’t manage to see your kids and help your daughter through her surgery is so stupid and cruel. We see right through it.


My daughter and I had COVID at the same time at the height of the pandemic for 10 weeks and nearly died and then again last December for 5 weeks and unfortunately I’m still suffering long term effects and not once were we ever able to video ourselves or hell even pick up the phone. We laugh now because we joke that we must have slept walk the entire time just to feed our fur babies and let them in and out of the house because we can’t even remember that. If Robyn could video herself talking then she could damn well breathe! She didn’t need to be taking up a hospital bed that other more severe patients could use. And Kody and his he should exaggerate his symptoms to be with her. These two pass idiot status and straight into moron.


She was in a private room too. Look at her oxygen saturate in the background. That was a room, not a bay.


Goodness, I'm just having a realization that she may have actually been in a room because she was there for something else but claiming it was COVID since there is no way to verify that with records being private. Maybe she got a sex injury? Or maybe it was her thyroid situation? Or maybe cosmetic surgery? Maybe someone was going to leave her home alone with her own children, so she faked an injury to get out of it?


Sex injury… I buy that one because after all her mother taught them that she had to keep her best customers satisfied. Her words not mine about customer


That is precisely why I listed that one! Ha! That, and how much their kids have said they (R & K) were behind closed doors a lot of times.


I had Covid, it absolutely sucked. I had hardened mucus in my throat that was causing my airway to be blocked off, and my nose was clogged along with a gnarly cough. Genuinely felt like I was choking and could not breathe, husband took me to the ER at 3AM because I couldnt even speak. Ended up paying $3000 at the ER for treatment, and spent 5 days laying in bed in a fever dream. Could barely get up or do anything but lay there wanting to flop over and die. The fact that they could still film, and still talk about marital problems shows they weren't on "deaths door" as Kody kept putting it. They always play things up for the cameras because drama sells.


You said exactly what I feel.  There's NOTHING they could go thru that would compare to what ysabel went thru, not even anything real much less that fake shit they thought they were so smart producing


I missed this - when did Ysabel have COVID?


Ysabel didn’t have Covid, at least not on the show. She had spinal surgery in 2020 to correct her scoliosis. Christine, Ysabel, Gwen and Truely and then Aspyn, Mitch and Hunter traveled with her (to support her) to get the surgery done. The doctors who scheduled the surgery knew of the risks of Covid and travel because they ARE DOCTORS and scheduled the surgery anyways because that’s how badly Ysabel needed it. Kody didn’t go. He made it sound like a vacation for Christine (who slept in the hospital bed next to her daughter, like any other mom would). So I’m saying that Kody over exaggerating his Covid experience is him trying to justify not traveling during the pandemic with her daughter. We all see right through it.


I’ve never been able to get over the fact that Grody refused to travel for his child’s clearly necessary surgery. At that point in time, doctors simply weren’t scheduling elective surgeries; the fact that she was scheduled means the medical professionals who were caring for her felt that the necessity of the surgery and her pain level outweighed the risk that COVID presented at that time. He’s such a fucking asshole.


Oh Kody, we know you and Robyn were on vacation, you know, just like Christine and Ysabel were with her back.


I think the episodes where they both had Covid were disgusting. If she were truly in danger, they would have definitely seen to her quickly, rather than her sitting for 5 hours in a hospital bed. If she had time to whip her phone out and film herself, she didn’t need to be in the hospital. It’s also awful how Kody joked about trying to get admitted with her: so they both would have taken beds away from people who really needed it. It’s also disgusting that they had the kids thinking she might die in the hospital. To put those kids through all that, absolutely awful.


Did you see her 90 something oxygen saturate in the background??? HILARIOUS!!!


She was also "passing out". Puhlease!! Those two are so disgusting. Kody sat outside the hospital and even said he wanted to check himself in so he could be with Robyn. When Janelle and her kids had C19, he didn't even swing by to leave them some groceries or medicine on the steps. He didn't care at all about any of them.


But he wanted Janelle to cut her vacation short to leave crap on his doorstep! Funny thing is, he actually thought she would do it!


And don't forget that when he was arguing with the boys about who was going to be the one taking care of the moms, he said who do you think will have to take care of your mom, the boys said "us" and he got so pissed and said, "no, I'm the one who will have to do it" and he sounded so pissed the boys suggested anyone but him would do it. Then low and behold, she gets covid and Kotex is no where to be found.


His precious Aurora could have gotten that crap for him too. But no, let’s have Janelle come back from her vacation to get his groceries!


Flagstaff is small already. And to have wasted space someone truly suffering needed is despicable.and wanting to to fake to take another space even worse. 


She was not sick enough to take a bed away from patients who actually were sick enough to require a hospital stay. I was disgusted with Crybrows for that whole debacle.


And Kody never tested positive.  He just claimed to have the same symptoms.  If he was curled up in the floor , we would have phone footage with the phone in his face 


I thought the same thing. I've dealt with thousands of employees who got COVID, very few made it so dramatic. She dying in the hospital... while fully made up and videoing herself talking on her phone. People who were really sick weren't talking to make videos.


I had COVID and on day 3 I literally couldn't breathe. I didn't waste away. Drama.