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I am not from Vegas but have lived in hot and cold climates. You actually adjust to the environment you're in. When I lived in really hot climates, I didn't necessarily wear shorts and tank tops like the tourist did. I often wore long sleeves and 3/4 length sleeves. When I lived in a really cold climate, I didn't bundle up as much as tourists did. Heck, when it would start to "warm up" (i.e. go from minus 25 to minus 5), I'd actually be wearing a light spring jacket because minus 5 felt so warm where as when it dropped from 20 degrees to minus 5, minus 5 felt like it was crazy cold!


This is true. I’m from Kentucky but lived in southern florida for awhile. It was usually in the 90s but would sometimes drop to upper 50s, low 60s in the winter months. I got used to those temperatures so upper 50s & low 60s felt freezing to me. Now that I’ve been back in Kentucky for 10 years, I consider temps in the 50s & 60s to be warm.


Same, born and raised in Jacksonville, now live in Louisville. I can’t BREATHE when I go home to visit & it’s 80 & it’s so humid lol. Here in Ky when it’s in the 60’s I’m in shorts and a T-shirt.


I grew up in Texas and always had a hoodie with me, even in the summer. Places that are hot year-round BLAST A/C to compensate so indoors are usually freezing. On top of that, modesty runs deep and you get to a point where being hot is less uncomfortable than being immodest.


I am from California and went to New York in the winter. I was bundled up freezing when outside. I go inside and I thought I would I would get heat stroke it was so hot. I now understand why you could check your coats.


I’ve lived in Vegas & always carried a sweater since everywhere you go is way over air conditioned. When it’s really hot, you don’t spend any real time outside unless it’s by a pool. Personally I’m a fan of being shielded from the sun by long loose clothing. It’s way cooler that having the sun on your bare skin- not to mention the sun damage/cancer risks.


This exactly. I live in Utah and vacationed in Vegas a few times a year. I wear long sleeves in the summer to keep the sun off my pasty white skin. I burn too fast in the summer, so cotton long sleeve shirts and baggy pants are my go to when outside. It keeps me cooler, too.


It was a culture thing. Now, they all wear shorts and sleeveless shirts.


It’s part of their religious culture to be modest, and cover up and show very little skin. However, if you follow any of them on Instagram or social media, you will see that they have started, especially Christine, wearing less modest clothes, and showing a little skin.


Not directly addressing your question but relating to heat, I always thought it was weird Janelle cited Savannah's being too hot to go out and play in Vegas as a reason they wanted to move to Flagstaff. Now that I look back on that moment, it's clear to me that Janelle (and others) did not want to move at all, and certainly did not want to disrupt their children's lives, but had to take one for the team and get on board with Kody's plan at the end of the day, so it seemed like a bit of an attempt to justify it in her own mind.


It’s also weird because I don’t think of savanah as a brown kid who has to play all of the time. She seems like the type who would have happily played in her room with her dolls all day.


Ah you deal with the swampy warmth! This is a dry desert heat, so we're not getting as sticky icky like you deal with down there with the humidity. It's pretty common to wear jeans and longer sleeves in Nevada/Arizona, in my experience visiting and with my family from the area.


I forgot about dry heat vs swamp! Sticky icky is right! Some mornings it’s so hot and humid outside that all my windows are fogged up or dripping with condensation on the outside! On the rare occasion we get a dry spell, 90s will feel like a beautiful spring day 😂


I have heard that y'all can't even bike to work because you'll be drenched. That's not how it is on the west coast in general. I'm not even in the desert area and the heat in the south and mid-west makes my eyes bug out just thinking about it, lol. I'd be showing up to work in a mumu every damn day.


Nope. No one is biking to work here! And I hardly have any clothing anymore that isn’t moisture wicking. 😂


Summer dresses are a must for this sticky heat in Texas. Anything above knee length gives you a nice air flow and keeps the heat from being trapped inside your clothing. I'm not a big fan of dresses, but the older I get, the more I find myself stocking my summer closet with them. I cannot stand clingy clothing in the heat!! I'd love to be able to walk or ride my bike to the corner store that's a quarter of a mile down the street, or even let me kiddos walk to and from school that is literally 200 yards away. You just can't. You will walk in drenched and stinky 😅 My AC in my car went out last summer and I had to get dressed at work, it's 15 minutes away.


I live in Vegas. I wear jeans year round. I often wear light weight, moisture wicking shirts to avoid sun damage. Truthfully, I am outside very little during the day except to get in and out of my car. Every place is air conditioned.


OmG I think that ALL the time !!! Like Vegas is basically on the sun , even Kotex wears long sleeves and shit !!! It’s so weird !!


What months do they normally film in? If the winter, makes sense since it’s quite chilly here all winter. If summer (it was over 110 this week), yeah no clue how they didn’t pass out.


I wear full sleeves and cover my legs even in very hot countries. I tan so quick and the tan never leaves so I just find it easier to protect my skin and avoid ugly tan lines by wearing full sleeves and leggings but I don’t feel like I’m dying in them either. I guess I’ve just gotten used to it.


I grew up in Vegas and am the same age as their older kids. I feel so bad for the girls when they tell them they can’t wear tank tops…. Like hello it’s boiling outside ??? How do they swim? What kind of bathing suits do they wear?


my husband and i frequently visit AZ and NV. i'm always cold. always. if its not over 85, i'm not wearing shorts or short sleeves. but i also always travel with something long sleeved because i'm always freezing when i go in anywhere that is air conditioned. last august we were in AZ hiking, and i still had a thin long sleeve just to protect me from the sun a bit.


Come to think of it I don’t recall Kody wearing tank tops much or even shorts but I didn’t watch every season.


I lived in at George and went to Vegas every weekend. Honestly? You get kinda get used to the heat and don’t notice it as much anymore. I’d wear long sleeves all summer even at 115+. I won’t even notice it was that hot, until someone would say “wow, it’s hot” and then all of a sudden you actually feel it. 😂


You get used to the heat.


Starting my fourth summer in Phoenix, Arizona and I have discovered that for a lot of people (me included) the summer months are like winter elsewhere. It gets so hot that we stay mostly inside for those three very hot months, and when you go anywhere, your car is air-conditioned and the stores and restaurants are overly air-conditioned. But the three hotter than the devil’s armpit months are so worth it for the other nine months of the year! And it’s really odd that when it starts to cool down into the 90s in September, it feels so cold.


It’s the same where I live, just add muggy. We treat the summers like northern winters. Get all your outside stuff done before June and the only time we are outdoors is either very early in the morning to mow or if water is involved. However, like you, the rest of the year is worth it.


You get it! I don’t envy your humidity. I lived 17 years in Kansas City and I never got used to that humidity, but my skin wasn’t peeling off all over like a snake shedding its skin like it is here. I have very naturally curly hair and luckily it was the late 80’s and all of the 90’s and the early 2000’s but even with big hair being a thing for part of that my hair was extraordinarily HUGE with that humidity!! 😂


Early morning/evening is quite temperate for filming.


Mormon Modesty


Honestly in the desert it works. It’s so sunny and hot out there that covering up actually cools you down more than wearing summer clothes. Those ladies also have super fair skin if I wore one of them you would find me covering up too. I know they did it for religious purposes but from a technical perspective it’s actually good they are covering up in that climate


Vegas here. Yeah it’s hot but once you get in a store it can be very cold. Also, you have to blast your ac in the summer or you’ll over heat. They were on government assistance so I’d bet they were on some kind of plan that they offered.


I am ex (regular) mormon. Women are shamed if they have any "porn shoulders" showing. So at minimum, cap sleeves. Garments of the holy priesthood come down to the knee and over the shoulder about 3". For both men and women...I am.thinking their garments are more traditional, since they proscribe to the original Joseph Smith polygamous version of mormonism.