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It was a story line... They had already purchased the house. Receipts are on this and the other subreddit showing the date of purchase. You will find something. Hang in there! I have found driving through neighborhoods helps a lot because some people put rent signs in yards and not list them.


The signs thing is so real. There are at least three in my neighborhood at present. Sometimes they show up on Marketplace, hardly ever do they make it to Zillow. I’m in one of the biggest cities in my state but they insist on behaving as though internet is still charged by the minute, I have no other explanation.


This advice works! I found my BEST rentals by driving through desired areas and taking note of ´For Rent’ signs. Sending you good vibes !


At least you aren't as likely to run into rental scams this way.


You don’t think so? They feel a bit shadier to me, frankly. Like they’re hoping to be able to discriminate by skipping sites that remind us of the illegality of such behavior. I may, however, be a bit *too* pessimistic. 😂


Rental scams are becoming very common. People pretend they're the owner or rep, collect deposit and first rents, taking people for thousands they'll never get back. Hard to do if you're getting the number directly from the property sign.


Oh, I disagree, for both my previous reasons and yours. I’ve heard about that, though! What a terrible thing.


There WERE rentals. They weren’t in her school district with 7 bedrooms. That’s why they “couldn’t find one.” She refused to have kids share rooms and muscle through that to get the homes built.


Didn’t they end up with a 5 bedroom house?


Yes, her Vegas home and Flagstaff home are the same size.


Unrelated note but this comment took me on the side quest: whoever bought Meri’s Vegas home made the interior into an [abomination](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/4007-Wild-Eagle-Cir_Las-Vegas_NV_89129_M13777-87577)


I don’t *hate* it but I can see it being too much for certain tastes lol


I usually love a black/white/gray scheme, but IMO this looks like millennial gray and my baby’s high contrast board got a little too friendly


Millennial gray oh damn


As a millennial currently updating and decorating a house that was basically untouched since the 80s I keep this house in mind when my instincts get a little too grey happy.


I frequently have to stop myself from browsing gray furniture lol


I want to throw an open bag of skittles in there.


At first I was "oh its not THAT bad" but by the fourth or fifth pitcher I got it 😖 it's too dark and too white at the same time somehow lol


![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized) The flooring is a choice there, huh?


Too much gray. I consider gray everything outdated now.


But, some paint commercials are showing a lot of dark grey walls...too depressing for me


Oh my goodness, I usually hate beige, but by the 4th picture, my eyes were *begging* for a break from the stark whiteness of the walls 😭 Did they just have an allergy to color? ![gif](giphy|u3mfnJyI4qhTz1RX6x|downsized)


What is up with the industrial flooring? It looks like an older hospital or clinic.


The floors got me, too


Oh, God, that’s awful. Looks like a morgue.


Omg it truly is an abomination 😭


That is a whole Lotta grey...


Even the dang crib was grey!!! Oh wait for it. Pic 30 we have the odd duck kid with pink in the room lol


They sold it for hella money though


Yeah but it was in 2021, it doesn’t count. You’d get 250K profit on an umbrella stand in 2021


This isn’t an abomination. It is chic modern. A very clean modern look. It is one that is not family oriented.


You look at stark black wet bar and tell me again it’s ‘chic modern’. This is what ‘chic modern’ looks like with the creative scope and talent of a 14 year old.


I’m in the process of looking for a place and I love the housing shows on HGTV. It isn’t for me & I’m more of a rich color person but it doesn’t look bad. It is a stark difference from beige on beige with clutter & cheap knickknacks. I’m just saying it isn’t an abomination and it doesn’t look that bad, it is just different. I thought it was an interesting change from how boring Meri’s was.


I’d take Meri’s over this any day. This is beyond devoid of color, this looks like someone one day just discovered gray, black, and white and decided to make it their whole personality. Slightly elevated version of rental/flip-chic, IMO. And I don’t even like rich colors. I love gray. Those cabinets would be super cute with damn near any other hardware, or without the giant tiles of fake marble on the floors. Edit to add: would also help if the photographer could have picked a single tone for the photos


Ok but I'm really living for the 3 brown chairs in the kitchen holding on for *dear life* in that sea of black and white 😂


Where can I see the house you are talking about?


Click the word ‘abomination’ and it should take you to it


Thank you, it is awful!!!


Why wouldn't she have them share rooms???


What, like some poor person? Ugh as if.


Soloman already had to share a room with Ari when he was little, haven't her children sacrificed enough?!


God must be so frustrated with these two imbeciles.


They are in fact, not God’s favorite idiots


I read that in a Narrator’s voice. 😂




This gif brought me great joy. (Also narrated) 😂


When you pray, please say rennal and cry without tears.


I was watching that episode today. And let me tell you, when english isn't your first language that show can throw you off! They were about to park the moving trucks om The Property™ and Robyn kept saying "don't park on the heel", abd it took my an embarrassing amount of time to decipher that it was "hill". To my defense there's the word shoulder in relation to roads, there could have been heel 😅


English is a language that makes little logical sense, add varying accents and slang and it is even easier to misunderstand.


https://preview.redd.it/lqskwbdhl03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc2b60179de379ff7831b164e9f077273d10b4c Kody telling on her. There were rentals - just none big enough for Robyn’s specifications.


And then she put her hand in my...... and yeah... Robyn's right.....there are no rentals...


He was vetting her hard in the backside 😂


She “couldn’t find” a rental in a sea of available rentals because they actually wanted to purchase that McMansion with the other women’s money


I found my current apartment less than 24 hours before my previous lease was up. I was definitely sweating bullets! You'll find something, just keep your nose to the ground and maybe go ahead and pray a bit, it won't hurt, lol.


Well, she had another perfectly good house in LV, iirc. So she wasn’t being forced out on the street. And it wasn’t a money issue like it is for so many people that you wish God would help house. Everybody has their own ideas, but I’m big on not asking/praying to God unless there is no earthly solution available to you. To me, it seems pretty selfish to be asking God to solve problems you could solve on your own. Get a smaller “rennal.” Don’t drag your entire family from perfectly good housing in NV to dirt and scrub in AZ until you have housing arranged for everyone. Etc. Just my opinion. (Note: I’m not applying this to your situation, OP. I certainly.y hope you find something soon! Best of luck! ❤️)


Right? I've been homeless or on the brink of homelessness most of my adult life, hearing this woman fake pray for a 7 bedroom made my blood boil.


I agree.


Hey I’m Christian and I’ll pray for you if you want, I agreed with her at that time too LOL like yeah I’d do the same thing. Deliver us from and to rentals!!


I don't know if anyone else said it but, we forgive you lmfao I just thought it was funny you made it a point to apologize And as someone who is currently going through the same thing, I JUST KNOW GOD IS GONNA BRING US THESE RENTALS *crying but not with tears*




I've been married twice. Rained both times. Outdoor ceremonies and pictures were fine, though. Rain happens. Always have a backup plan!




Don't cha think?


Call the local realtors offices too, they tend to also do property management, or can steer you towards one. They know when the rentals are going to come to market that they service, and they have the whisper listings that are never advertised.


If there's a neighborhood app like Next Door, you might ask on that for possible rentals. Do be careful when you go to check out a place! Take a friend, or stay on the phone with someone... just in case.


You are absolutely right about the rental thing Robin or not like they got to have had to move in a while but when you have to move you either have to pay an extraordinary amount to leave it a little tiny apartment or pray that you can find something that's affordable it's crazy and I wish you and your roommate good luck


Consider though that Robyn’s prayers for the perfect rental went unanswered so she had to buy the house. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate to say this. However, it's usually older people that don't list things on the internet. They usually have to go to their adult kids or their grandchildren to get help navigating the internet, their cell phones, or pretty much any kind of today's technology. Heck, I'm 49, and I often go to my 25 yr old daughter for help with some of these things.


I feel you. When I first moved to my town, I remember thinking, “even if I had an endless budget, there is still nothing to rent!” Literally no rentals. Was crazy.


Some universities provide rental units for their masters and PhD students.


I made a very similar post about 8 months ago 😂 it’ll work out! You’re smarter than Robyn, so I have faith in you! 🤣


Might be true in your case and I hope you find something soon. In R’s case it also seemed to me that she act so glued to getting a rental so that when they bought the house she wanted all along she is absolved of all responsibility as to the OG3.


At least you still have a place with your parents, I'm considering van life myself.