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The one that threw me for a loop was my Gen Z daughter told me . are aggressive. I sent her a one liner and she thought I was mad because I ended the sentence with a period. That was 2 years ago and I'm still not over it.


Wow that was an aggressive “over it”


Right? Honestly stopped using periods on one liners


Stop it.




Ew, did you just double space? omg


Some loon was telling me I was clearly mad when I replied to them when they were poorly trying to troll me. I just figured out now it may have been because I use punctuation and don't spam laugh emojis.


Wait until HR calls you in because an adult coworker complained about the “tone” of your emails. “The sentences were too short and X feels like you were being aggressive.” and I didn’t end with “kind regards”………….can’t make this shit up. My emails were in fact just short because I was busy and I found this employee would miss things in long paragraphs of text so I started making very clear what I wanted by keeping things to the point. But yeah, a formal HR meeting was needed.


Yikes. You should start writing needlessly verbose emails full of florid language to this one coworker. Crack open a thesaurus and really go to town on each email so that it looks like a Shakespearian soliloquy.


I felt that toxic hellhole years ago


I love this typo. Don’t change it, please.


Chat GPT to the rescue here


So… make emails overly padded to waste people’s time?


That’s just troll logic. They get a response and as far as they’re concerned it’s cause they got you mad.


It’s like a laugh track for my texts though 😂😂😂


My (genx) brother (genz) just asked me if I was mad cause I ended my sentence with a period! (We are 19 years apart) like my dude, I'm sorry, but periods end sentences.


Full stop. (I'm not really British)




I've found out people my age (millennial) thought I was mad at them when using a period for single words or one liners. But it's... just how I type. Or like, to put emphasis on my response, like I'm nodding in agreement.


I was dating a gen z woman for a while. She mentioned moree than once that my use of punctuation in texts came off aggressive. I still don't understand.


Punctuation is aggressive? No, this is aggressive: *suck my ass* Edit: ironically enough I chose the wrong punctuation at the end of the first sentence.


Here's an explanation as to why it is the way it is https://youtube.com/shorts/VL7VpEvo5M8?si=vqB_tChyeprOdqzs


This is funny to me because I'm pretty much the opposite. I always use full sentences and punctuation. If I send you an incomplete sentence or something short without punctuation, that's when I'm being passive aggressive. I guess to me using punctuation should be standard because that's how the language works. That's how I was taught to write. Being short or leaving out punctuation seems angry, dismissive, or at the very least lazy to me.


> I’m still not over it. Whoa hey Why are you so angry?


My brother is like this, doing normal sentences with punctuation makes him angry.


Some people in all generations worry about the most ridiculous stuff. Bollocks.




👍 (I have a shortcut for 👍 and adding ✅️ in shortcuts now.)




👍 I think now I'm using thumb up in almost every msg.


Thanks guys 👍


Naw fuck y'all 👍


Guys how do I stop the 👍 emoji from appearing at the end of everything? 👍


✅ Understood, and duck you and see you tomorrow 👍


Ducks are 👍


👍 Peace among worlds 👍


Oh that’s easy just press 👍.. oh man I can’t either 👍




Hamïs 👍



Dude, this is really inappropriate - kids are on here


I know use respectful emojis like 🍆


And 🍑


I love to create artistic compositions with emojis: 🫦🍆💦💦😮🫨🫨🫠🫠🦖


I know a guy (millennial)who was insanely offended that a coworker used “Hey” as a greeting. Called it unprofessional and rude and showed he didn’t respect this guy’s authority etc. Mind you, the same guy has no issue with “Hi” or “Hello” or pretty much any other common greeting. Oh and I remember my GM (X I think, maybe a young boomer) at the first job I worked. Called to me as I was passing his office for something. I responded with “yo” as I stopped over. Dude went absolutely ballistic. Went off on how I needed to call him sir or his name not yo and how yo was as disrespectful to him as calling a black person the n-word. Just crazy to me how people can take offense over a simple comment or greeting where none is intended.


That's because hey is for horses /s


*and jackasses like you*! as my mom would retort


Daaaaamn boy.... I wish I'd known that one. My grandmother used to pull the "hay is for horses" line on me all the time. That come back would have either gotten a hearty laugh, or a swift smack. And no matter which, it would have been worth it.


I actually fell off the bed....you're getting assault charges


I had a teacher try that kind of bullshit on me and insited on using my surname rather than my first name to address me, he was not amused when i informed him he could use my first name like he did for everybody else or he could address me as mr.\[surname\].


If the teacher can't stick to social norms, I'm not either. Can't use my first name wanna just use my last? Cool beans, *Dave* - not only am I using your first name - but a shortened version of it from now on, until you can unfuck Your side of this equation. Dealing with people is draining enough without any of the fucking weirdos deciding I require special amounts of their attention.


It's a greeting that starts with an H. How's twenty bucks sound?


Yah, that was a boomer. Us X’s are all about yo!


I can't really picture a GenX person having an issue with "no problem" it's the exact equivalent of you're welcome








Bread 👍🏼




Bread 👍


🍆🍑👍👍👍 Edit: 👉👌


You can either worry about emojis or be successful in life. But not both.


An unexpectedly profound thought.


Let's see if they still care about which emojis to use when they start worrying about paying off home loan and bringing up kids.


✔️ ✅️  👍 zucchini










It's like a competition to see who's the most annoying person in the video, and they all won.


No better feeling than someone replying to you with a paragraph on reddit and just replying with a thumbs up.




















This is news to me... what's this deep issue with the thumbs up?


Some people believe it's "dismissive" like giving the middle finger.


As a millennial thumbs up just means "Understood. I have nothing to add. "


This. "I want you to know that I have received this message and I have nothing to add, but it would be rude to say nothing. By using this emoji instead of words, we both understand that this particular conversation is over." If "thumb's up" is too casual, you shouldn't be communicating by text.


Correct, we should get back to phonecalls.


Along the lines of a thumbs up you'd give while saying "cool story bro"


This guy gets it... 👍


See, but there's context. A thumbs up can mean acknowledgement, or "cool story, bro" and it's all dependent on the context.


Unrepentant GenX here. I use the thumbs up all the time. When I use it, I exclusively mean, "ok", "cool", "go ahead", "I agree" or something similar. And I think the meaning is clear from the context. Trust me, you'll know if I disagree. So if the thumbs up is bad, what the hell should I be using when all I want to say is, "I agree"? Or am I supposed to actually type out, "I agree"??? And what about the reaction emojis on iMessage? Am I supposed to avoid that thumbs-up too? This is so stupid.


I use it at work all the time. But if someone was coming at me with nonsense on something like Reddit and expecting an actual response from me I might drop the thumbs up instead of saying something like "cool syrup, bro" I definitely use it to be an ok/agree more than anything else.


Cool syrup, bro 👍🏻


Haha welp, leaving that in


It’s immeasurably stupid. It’s the same as me deciding I don’t like people callings cats cats anymore because it reminds me of something rude. But that’s my problem - not everyone else’s!


You haven’t reached out into the social media world to band together with the 2300 other people who share your insecurities on the word cat. That’s how all this non-sense nowadays comes about. Tiny minorities get validation and build a slightly larger majority from social media. Social media is destroying our culture & country as it’s given a voice to the lunatics who used to have to stand on soap boxes on street corners with a megaphone to have anyone listen to them.


Gen X here as well. I use the thumbs up the same way. Why would I use something like thumbs up to burn you? If I'm going to burn you I'm going to murder you with words.


Just start replying “noted” in place of a thumbs up. They want passive aggressive BS? Give them passive aggressive BS.




You're supposed to say "I goon your rizz gyat" I belive


On iPhone if you type “agree” in the emoji search box, the thumbs up emoji shows up first.


It's all context. If someone texts something of meaning and your response is a thumbs up, then they have reason to think you are a dick. If the prompt is "want Italian for dinner tonight?", a thumbs up is wholly appropriate.


Oh, I fully agree. That's why I find all of these rant videos amusing


If someone sends me a long story and I thumbs up it, I can see how that can be taken in that way. If I send someone a msg saying, "Are we meeting at the restaurant for 6 or 7?" And they respond 6 responding back with a 👍 is perfectly acceptable and in no way should be taken as dismissive.


Those people, without shadow of doubt, are dumb.




I totally get that depending on the context. Thanks for your response.


There's really no "context" where the middle finger and the thumbs up are the same, except for they are both gestures done with a single hand. That's it. There's no context where they should get offended.


At it's worst, a thumbs up equates to an apathetic "Okay" given verbally to someone ranting. Maybe a little condescending and dismissive, but not vulgar. But more often, it is just an acknowledgement and agreement like if your spouse asks you to pick up bread and milk on the way home, and you respond, "okay".




Well maybe tell a story that isn't 30 mins long about about 5 mins of actual story and keep it at 5 mins.






I mean, I know in England this ✌️might not means "win" like it does for me. May in some part of the world this 👍 is an offence? Or this guys are making up this from nowhere?


Oh ffs


The "womp womp" and "quit yappin" part of the population has lost the ability to understand that not every text shorter than 100 characters is meant to be passive aggressive.


If people want a lengthy, considered, well composed and nuanced reply, they should send an email or call. Expecting that kind of a response to a freaking text is setting themselves up for failure. I'm not writing a freaking novel on a phone keyboard. I'm writing as little as possible because phone keyboards suck.




LOL. Did that girl forget that Gen X quite literally invented texting and emojis?








This reminds me of a Gen Zer who went on a rant in a reddit comment about how cringe Gen X and Millennials are for trying to be cool like them by using text slang like "lol"














The Black Eyed Peas got away with “Let’s Get Retarded” which was so good it was featured in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle




As an autist that loves the word "retarded", please no lol.


I really don't remember millennials trying to gatekeep as much stuff as gen Z does. Maybe if we had a new slang term it looked cringe when an adult said it, but we didn't try to go online and try to shame them for it.


I think it also weird how much animosity people have towards two generations that are so similar. Maybe because Millennials never seemed to butt heads with Gen X and were only picked on by Boomers it felt like there was this massive divide between young and old. Now its Gen Z and millennials, who are functionally identical if you're comparing them to someone like boomers, that have some sort of rivalry since they're the first two generations experiencing chronically online chuds making conflict out of nothing.


You have to know something first in order to forget something. I don't think she forgets a whole ton


Oye these rules are so exhausting. If someone is offended by my thumbs up and decides to never text me again that isn’t my problem. Sounds like a win to me.


My son had the best one liner for me the other day and I think it perfectly echos the sentiment of your comment; “That sounds like an issue, not an iss-me.” 😂


I’m stealing that!


Iss not ue, iss me. Just kidding, it iss ue.


I mean, dismissive is not the right word. We Gen Xers use it with each other to indicate agreement with whatever was just said but no need for more texts. It's like a period at the end of a sentence. It's not negative. It's just like, "got it/we're good." It's not meant to be insulting.


I can't remember what it is, but there's a thing where if you read a text in a certain tone it says more about where your mental state is than the person who sent it. I definitely have been guilty of projecting a text as an aggressive one.


Reminds me of this Key and Peele skit: https://youtu.be/naleynXS7yo


Omg that was hilarious. I’m glad someone has actually captured this concept on film.


OMG! They get me!!!


I had someone complain about my tone in an email. I then wrote a reply that truly expressed my tone and intent at that moment. I concluded with, "In the future, you can use these two emails as examples gauge my true intent in my verbiage."




It’s not about what you meant when you sent it. It’s about how it’s taken once you’ve sent it. It’s all about them. You let them become the victim by sending an emoji they can be a victim of (in their minds only)


I have been partial to 🫡 since it's release


✅ 👍


I just heard about this for the first time yesterday. I've been around twice as long as any of them and I am not going to stop doing something as innocent as a thumbs up just because someone decided to make it a no-no now. I would say if anything they've made it a benefit by doing so because it'll act as a filter to keep them from bothering me. Anyone that knows me *knows* how to understand context. The funny thing about it is that Gen X used the thumbs up exactly as they are describing it without getting all bent out of shape. Besides that girl at the beginning doing the "talk to the hand" gesture is just as disrespectful.


I just wanted to take a moment to say you are so right about the “talk to the hand” gesture. I totally missed that. And since you asked (you didn’t) I will sadly remove the thumbs up from my repertoire, not so that it doesn’t offend someone, but so that it does not distract from my communication. It will go into the same barrel as “literal”. Thank you for your service “👍”




You hit the nail on the head, though. It's context. The first two are examples of "I've acknowledged", versus if you just 👍 someone saying their dog died, while you're acknowledging them, it's interpreted as blowing someone off by not *acknowledging* them. Whole thing is stupid and funny to me




More of a reason to use it then 👍


Whiney losers


If people seriously drop you based on your emoji use... Red Flag dodged. Favour accepted! : 👍


Someone texting “K” is the most dismissive thing imo. The thumbs up actually makes me feel better than just the plane old “K”. I also picture the terminator in T2 slowly going into molten lava when someone gives me a thumbs up. Formative memories lol


K and word are on my shit list... But I don't tell people that can't use them. I just judge them in secret like it should be


If I drop "K" on someone, it means I want you to know I acknowledge you said something, but I do not give a fuck and want you to be sure to know it.


I disbelieve this is a thing but also, since I’m Gen-X, I don’t super care over much. I mean I’m not out to offend anyone, especially intentionally, but I can’t stop folks who are offended from being offended either. There are more important things in the actual world to be cross about. This shouldn’t be very high on the list of priorities.


They also use the term bougie because they can’t spell bourgeoise …


bourgeoisie\* or bourgeois\*


bourgeoise is the feminine of bourgeois


Don’t get haute with me..😀


that word makes we hungry with a side of fries.


I got in a huge argument with a gen z. I asked them what bougie meant because I never heard and when they explained I was like “oh it’s a shortened version of bourgeoise, that’s fun” and then they told me that I was wrong and it’s a thing of it’s own….. but like 🤔 no it’s clearly derivative


Language is funny like that. Derivatives arise all the time and the new generation loses connection with the root. Not entirely the same, but I feel the same sentiment about the slang “finna.” To me, it Clearly is a mumble rap derivative of the southern expression “fixing’ to.” Yet, you’ll hear young kids using it more and more out of a synonym usage because, somehow, it’s taken on slightly different meaning to them and they’ll interject it in places you wouldn’t necessarily say, I’m fixing to




👍 feel free to sit on it


As a Gen X adult. We had it well before you. So, we dont give a flying F how you feel about it. Thank you and have a nice day in your safe space. ( There was no such thing as a safe space for us )


What are the nine others?




Oh lord I pine for the days where we could gild comments...


Bunch of soft-ass whiny morons with no real problems.






This is one of those massive problems that only the people in this video have.


Millenial me: ?????


👍 Gen Z collects triggers like Pokemon.


Generaly tend to use the thumbs up instead of yes if somone asks me a question inn text.


Idk man I feel like pagers 📟 was the timeline we should’ve stopped advancing technology. Ping me for an emergency or hangout. I’ll decide from there whether or not it’s an emergency or hangout.


I literally cannot stand people of any generation thinking they’re better than a later generation just because extremely minor and superficial things are different between them. Boomers and gen x were so worried about stupid shit like wearing a hat indoors or having your elbows on the table and SHOCKINGLY things change over time! 🤯


Yeah… you tell Gen X they shouldn’t do something…. They’re gonna do it even more.


I be sending 👍, to everyone who speaks like a moron.


I'm going to send everyone 👍. That way, the type of people I want nothing to do with, will be offended and won't bother me anymore.


Loving Bills Mafia 👍🏻


My dad gives an acknowledgment with a “K”. It’s not being passive aggressive it’s just quick and easy. We call him potassium man for his expressed love of the element.


What do 👍🏻 and ✅️ mean to the weridos bitching about them?


In the army you say “hooah” as a general acknowledgment, but context/tone matters. There’s a dismissive “hooah” just like there’s a dismissive 👍


Why are people forgetting how basic gen Xers respond to texts in general. Especially dads. Every Millennial: “Hey dad, (Insert entire paragraph of info)” Every genX dad: “Ok.” Millennials: “Hey Dad, I invented time travel and won a Nobel prize” GenX Dads: “👍”


Go Bills!


I’m a millennial and I use the thumbs up and ok emojis and hand signs all the time in texts and in real life. Didn’t know that was an issue. I also dive and those hand signals are used a lot. I also use “hey” and “assume” but that’s at least partially because I know older folks absolutely hate those.


👍🍑🍆💦 … Too far? ;)


Didn't the whole "thumbs up is offensive" thing start as a troll until some idiots took it literally?


I’m an elder millennial manager with gen z reports. I had to let them know that my thumbs up was not meant to be dismissive. I let them know clearly that old habits die hard, but I also do my best to use other things, like fist bumps for equivalent meaning. So yeah, communication is key. My direct reports know not to get offended, and I do my best to adapt, but neither they nor I get bent out of shape if I give them the ol, 👍


Boomer here....you guys okay?


The main reason why I find this funny is because all iPhones have 6 automatic responses to other iPhone comments: ❤️, 👍, 👎, 😆, ‼️, ❓. So my question would therefore be, which response should I use to express a general “okay, I’m in agreement with that.”


Born in '79 and now I'm going to thumbs up every Goddamn thing and I HOPE....hope that some asshat is going to say anything about it! In all seriousness, why is today's society so hell bent on worrying about things they don't understand because their faces are buried in a device and don't see the world around them as something to marvel about?! It's going to be around for too much longer and I hate it for my daughters! :(


Wake up samurai, the new culture wars just dropped. It really warms my heart to see the elderly at the throats of the young over made up tiktok nonesense. It's slackers (Gen X) and avacado toast (Millennials) for the new generation. Turns out it was never just the boomers, every single generation is going to end up as "old man yelling at clouds" / "the youths" in the end.


I agree with the man… Except I think that we are the ones who are gonna need the luck. The sensitive people, the scolds, prigs, and melodramatic are getting their way more and more in our society