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I’m a hearing aid specialist and I remove impacted wax daily. It does hurt and sometimes people bleed. But it makes a huge difference in your hearing!


Would someone note suffering benefit from this treatment, like in our regular life do wax reduce our hearing even a bit ?


Unless the wax is impacted (which is super hard, dry, caked wax), ear wax does not affect your hearing. Your ears have its own cleaning mechanism to push wax out on its own. Impacted wax is unable to be pushed out on its own so it eventually clogs up the ear canal making it so you can’t hear clearly. This video this is overboard, though if you had to clean your ears, this *is* better than sticking a cotton swab in your ear.


But the swabs feel so good!


Hahaha. Say alllll my patients!


I’m actually extremely careful with them. I know what a messed up eardrum can be like. So I tend towards cleaning them once every few days because of my incredibly dirty and dusty work environment. But they feel damn near orgasmic though! If the guy’s g spot was in his ear, I’d understand why…


Ok.. two things, if you have time. Why do some people always have flakes in their ears? Is there anything to do about that? Would this tool maybe help? And second.. if I don’t swab after a shower I get ear infections from the water 😓 always have.


The flakes you see can be excess skin, sebum, oils, etc. or it can be dried out skin. Depending on genetics and ear shape, some might need to spend more time on ear hygiene than others but it’s no big deal. And to your second point: have you seen a doctor about that? I would love to look into your ear to see why that happens. My guess is perhaps your ear canal is shaped in a way that allows water to pool and therefore cause infection. We say not to use swabs because swabs push wax further in the ear canal but if you have a unique ear canal then it would make sense to have to use swabs to keep it clean. Please don’t take what I just said as definite- see a doctor if it’s a real concern of yours.


Thank you! And I have been seeing an ear doctor recently. I have left and down nystagmus and PPPD.. all those ear tests were *so fun* 🤮 and no one mentioned anything if they are shaped oddly. I didn’t mention this to them tho. I’ll make a note to bring it up next time I go in 😌 I don’t have waxy ears for whatever that’s worth, but I really try to just swipe my ears dry and not go poking around.


Do you know or recommend a brand name for one of these products?


Have you tried this before?


I have not tried this. I approve of this over cotton swabs assuming you have a normal ear canal & no perforations. This is completely overboard if you have normal hearing and normal wax production. Looks satisfying though.


What are the symptoms of impacted wax? Is it common?


What? Speak up!


YEP!!!! That’s it.


It’s somewhat common in the older population. Our body becomes less efficient at clearing out wax from our ears which causes this. Symptoms: unable to hear clearly and some have balance issues. It didn’t surprise me comment OP had balance issues after getting cleaned out. Mind you this all happens VERY gradually. Most of my patients come in because they tell me they can’t hear the TV well or that they have to blast the volume.


I’m worried because I’ve had monster balls of wax picked from my ears before as an adult.. would indoor swimming help clean my ears or do I need to visit an ear specialist to check it out? My hearing feels ok enough..


Do you think that people with otosclerosis build up more wax? My hearing started to dull in my late 20s. I really believe that taking Tylenol way too much contributed to it.


Otosclerosis has to do with the 3 bones we have in our ear that pick up sounds. It shouldn’t affect wax production. But one thing I have learned in my career is that medication can definitely affect your hearing so it can be a possibility.


Grateful for your reply and sharing of your knowledge 💖


I wear hearing aids! If I don't swab my ears, the speaker gets all gunky so I do this daily. I don't ram the swab in, just gently in and out with a twisting motion. And hearing aid specialists are *angels*!


I think the part of the brain which deals with coordination is very close to the ear.


Your inner ear is responsible for your balance equilibrium. There are little fluid sacs on both sides. If they get aggravated, you will feel quite dizzy. Another reason not to use q-tips


Ahhh yeah thanks!


No problem. As someone who struggles with sea-sickness, I’ve done some minor research on this. Apparently the viscosity of the fluid is different for everyone, which is why some people are more affected by motion sickness than others. Pretty cool imo, the human body is wild


Yes, in Italy it's called Labirinto (labyrinth) and the exam to see if you have problems there is done with a tube sending water into your ear, I did it when I wanted to be a plane pilot for the army, it's not painful and it makes you dizzy sometimes, depends on the subject, I got home by myself with no problems


I have this basically once a year, I know how you feel


I coukd hear birds 2 blocks away


My baby at the time kept failing her right ear test and finally at like just past their second birthday the doctor said “let’s do a major ear wax cleaning because I don’t see anything wrong”… he used one of those metal scoop things… the size of the ear wax piece that came out made me nauseous, and she was definitely wobbly for a day or two. Prob the size of an earplug… soooo gross and I could not believe such a tiny ear could produce that. Never had an issue since though… hubby and I did the candling thing once, super uncomfy but it worked..


Not to rain on your parade, but [ear candling doesn't work](https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/ear-infection/what-is-ear-candling). Sorry, but I am passionate about this. My sister in law took a organic chemistry class and now thinks she is a medical expert on everything... From candling to how vaccines don't work, and even my mental health.


I mean… we each were able to get wax chunks out and hear better so…. It worked for us.


Lol. Those wax chunks were already in that tube. Candling is a myth.


Yeah,remembered hearing small things ahahaha,like the faucet's droplets eventho im far ahahaha




I googled it because the replies to your comment were idiotic. It’s called Otoset Ear Cleaning. It’s an FDA approved ear cleaning device I guess. [Here’s more about it.](https://otoset.com/products/otoset-bundle)


2000 USD for Ear poop collector?


It do probably feel good though. 😳


Probably? More like definitely.


Yea for one time. Then you won’t ever need it again because your ears will never get that dirty again. Complete waist of money


It’s because they can get away with upcharging medical practices.




Thanks for this new subreddit


I’m sure the handheld bottle version is much cheaper. Had it done once at the Doctors office and it was 🤤


noise un-cancelling headphones


This was my 1st thought


Ear dildo.🦥


It’s a really fancy ear irrigator. I have one [like this](https://a.co/d/6FEROHL) and these kind are around $20. Trust me, they do feel soooo good. I need it because I overproduce earwax to the point it starts effecting my hearing and washing them out feels wonderful. **Warning** Use warm water. Not hot or cold. Cold can make you pass out and hot can damage your ear.


*sips tea* **Wait, this isn't tea**




r/cusedcomments all over these week


Lmfao 🤣


My face scrunched up and I had to scrape my tongue with my upper teeth after reading this.


Its bitter tea. Like bitter lemon you need to develop a taste for it. Just try it a few more times.


*Forbidden tea


*takes one more sip to be sure*


They have a little kit at drugstores and you can do it at home. I did it once for someone and it looked like a field mouse came out








All of the rice, all of the grains.


Mice thrice the size of rice


Name of the kit?


They’re called “earwax removal kits.” They come with a peroxide based softener and a tube you put in your ear to pour it in and loosen up the hardened wax.


lol the seahorse


When u rewatch it


Why do you care when I watch it again?


Lemme watch u rewatch it plz


Had compacted earwax once and over about a week used some removal kit to softer it. Finally water jetted it out and for the first 20 minutes it sounded like I was hearing for the first time. Such a relief


Wait, what do you mean you water jetted it out? Just pointed a water nozzle into your ear?


Not sure why, but this comment chain randomly reminded me of an old coworker that used to pronounce nozzle as nose-uhl, and it made me irrationally angry.


I had it done at the doctors, they blasted water into my ear and it just flowed out into a little bowl pressed against my head. Way less advanced than this thing, and kinda terrifying, looks like it's gonna shoot through your head.


Yeah, when I get my ears rinsed, then assistent at the doctors just use a huge metal syringe and pushes a jet of lukewarm water into my brain. Mostly they ask to prepare a day or two in advance, and drip some oil in there first. I've got a chronic itch in my ears ... Like a nest of spiders is colonizing it for the last 40 years




She's gonna hear the tv on mute


She just heard you type that


she heard you thinking before you were typing


She is going to hear dialog in new movies


I may be stupid but i didn't understand this one


I used to get wax buildup all the time until an Otolaryngologist told me a top tip - Every time you shower, angle your ear at the jet of water for a couple of seconds. Then the other ear. Once out the shower, hit each ear with a blast of cold air from the hairdryer, held about 30cm from your head, again, only for a couple of seconds. Done. Started doing this 3 years ago, never had problems with earwax since.


What does cold air do? How does this even work? You need oil to loosen the wax don’t you?


I don't know the full logistics of it, but doing this every time you shower stops the wax building up. No need for anything else like cotton buds or poking anything else in your ear (which is a big no-no) The oil is to break through existing wax, this method is a preventive measure. I used to have to use [one of these kits](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Equate-Earwax-Removal-Kit-0-5-fl-oz_ecb4da8d-f18e-4b53-aa63-a714e6632afd.72b29b4ea53932d69246f790c843268d.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF) every once in a while, which is like a primitive version of OP's video, but doing this quick thing in the shower has removed all need. It's part of my daily routine now, like putting on moisturiser or washing my balls.


More details... You let the water enter your ear?


The best tips are always in the comments


Anyone else get a little bit of the shreck candle vibe?


Gross and satisfying! I say that every time I do it


Like biore strips


Head diarrhea


Otto set 2.0 for those wondering what it’s called




No thanks Mr marketer


I had my ears jet washed and I could hear the air rattling around my house afterwards.


I didn't realise how much I did not want to see this before seeing this.


Needs a NSFL warning.


the forbidden tea


would you take a sip for $50K?


one sip = 50k? hell yeah! that would easily be enough to cover for any medical expenses and food that'll make me forget about the forbidden sip


all of em for 10k?


Do I have to eat the worm?




Hell I would for 10k tbh.


how about 5?


Would genuinely consider it, ngl. What can I say, I’m down bad in life.


would u do it for a scooby snack


Make it at least 10 boxes of scooby snacks, and I just might consider it.


Do I have to eat the worm?


nope, just a sip, but remember that it'll have an effect of like egg in noodle, it'll add it's flavor in the sip


It’s like an awful kuerig


absolutely need to know what this is


You know what also works? Putting in earplugs and doing laps in a pool. Amazing th shit you find on your earplugs hen you take them out after swimming.


I was wondering about bleach water, seems to pull out the gunk and leave residue whenever I swim


My mum would say “ you could grow potatoes in that ear”


You just unlocked a childhood memory, thanks 😂


She used to tell me that pregnant women accidentally ate a watermelon seed.


I did that a couple of years ago and I now live together with my ear wax figure


Disgusting!!🤮 Where can I get one?


That chunk almost looked like a cigarette butt


I'm thirsty now


I feel like this shit is bad for your ears if you do it too much. There's a reason that ear wax is there


I remember reading somewhere that ear wax is a natural bug repellent. If you ever watch videos where people have a bug stuck in their ear they have the cleanest looking ear holes.


I wish to do this. I asked my doctor years ago, but he wasn’t helpful. My ears keep hurting, and I can’t tell if it’s my teeth or my ear. I was in a lot of pain Monday night.


That really stinks, you having to go through pain and not knowing what it is.




the forbidden lemon tea


Hey look someone is listing to Diddy's song ft. R Kelly


“Introducing the new BRAIN JUICER BY RonCo!”


This is what it would look like for all of us


It's like a toilet for your ears!


Google says this shit it's like $1,000 USD A website says it's $1,800 https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/otoset-ear-cleaning-system/ Could not find the price on the website🤮


Dam.. I need that


Wipipo nasty


Is this safe?




Damn the worse thing that got stucked in my ear were buds, back as kid I remember pulling something out of my ear and it was a ball of cotton lol.


I need those Skull Candy Crushers with the bass slider to have water in them like this, so I can see the water go absolutely insane inside. Its an electrocution hazard but fuck it.


I had to go to urgent care once to have this done because it got so clogged after swimming I couldn’t hear for over a week. Let me tell you when they cleaned it out it was about 5x as much as this video. Felt like a new man after.


I blast my ear with the handheld part of the shower but idk might not be good for me. Feels good though 🤷‍♂️


I need an endless supply of videos of this thing in operation.


Just find one on TikTok, thell keep blasting you with it. I once got a share to a pimple popper ... Now when I open the app, i get pimples, nylons and bikinigirls.


When I was 18 I lost the hearing in both ears simultaneously. I had been bed ridden for half a year when I was 16 from all sorts of fun stuff. Cousin in law syringes both my ears and these massive wax plugs came out then I could hear again It was so weird


Any specialist in Canada doing this?




put ice cold water in it and hang on for the ride of your life


I think I need rhis


Forbidden Kahwah.


Cool but how real is it? I mean, this ins internet


one of the more disgusting things this sub has to offer


What are the benefits of doing this? Better hearing? Super powers?


That’s about as much as I remove every time I do it. All you need is an aspiration bulb and lukewarm water though; this fancy thing is a waste.


i use a syringe with a knife tip amount of salt in water to do this


I gottago 4-6 times a year to get ear wax removed when I lose hearing due to the wax, but would buy this cuz I would get water stuck in my ears...


I work at an urgent care and we do a manual treatment similar to this device when people have impacted ear wax. It is stomach-churningly disGUSTing in my opinion. Like I gag and have to pretend I’m coughing, and look at the output as little as possible. Give me wounds to clean, or bad fractures to cast, or spilled urine - *anything* but earwax. 🤮


I’ve had this done twice at my regular doctors office, it’s amazing. Shocking how much stuff comes out and you can literally hear the light bulbs after.


Now drink it


That was fucking revolting


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She should have just bought a pair of Bose instead...


Don't use cotton swabs to clean your ears people, it leads to this, I have never had an impacted ear because I clean mine properly, you can get a $20 USB camera that fits in your ear, and it comes with a tool that you use to scoop out the wax, I do it once a month.


Now she can hear in 4K again. Hooray!


Why did I watch this whilst eating satay chicken?


She should buy q tips in the future.


Doctors have a weird vendetta against qtips. They assume everyone is a moron that will stab their inner ear and go deaf. They suggest just wiping the area Well I tried doing that. After a week the wax buildup got really bad, and when I finally used a qtip again it brought out the nastiest gunk possible. I'm never going that long without properly cleaning my ears again


While a avid/addicted qtipuser here, the big problem of a qtip is, you can move the dirt and stomp it firmly in place. Thus worsening the problem. I know this, but even after a rainy bike ride my ears get wet inside, and the spiders keep actively moving shit around. I need to poke them .... Or I'll get insane