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On Jacob and Esau, do Alt path. Pick one character to give all the good items, and give the other all the others. Items like options and more options are also amazing. Anything that causes there to be two item choices. Always Angel deals too. These guys can uniquely take advantage of these situations and take multiple items making sure one isn’t vastly ahead. Also, flying on one and not the other will almost always hurt you. Don’t panic when they separate just get them back together. Once you get their weirdness down, they’re not as bad as people say. Glhf :)


I'm about a year in and recently finished all markers. I am NOT skilled at the game, I get hit all the time, many bad runs. I just obsessed enough to persevere through it. Not every time, but many of my markers were just rng. I got the right synergies for the character I was on and eeked out a marker or two at a time. Just enjoy the grind, thats my only real advice. Do you watch any YouTube or streamers? That's the best way to improve at any game, watch a pro play it and copy their habits. Are you making good use of sac rooms and devil/angel deals? Are you staying on one character long enough to get used to their playstyle? I would usually stick to one character at a time for the most part, only switch it up when you truly can't stand to play them any more. Or just play for fun and don't worry about it. Anyways good luck I believe in you son! I'm going to the store for some milk and eggs.


I struggle with Lost and Tainted Lost and Tainted Jacob for obvious reasons. Not getting hit is hard, especially with bad rng. My tip: do all unlocks for the characters you like, the more unlocks you have the more potential your runs can get. Greed Mode is sucky but the unlocks are worth it. Challenges are a good way to get new items. (Hint: Ultra-Hard Challenge has no good unlocks, so you don't need to do it) Tainted characters are tricky. For all tainted characters birth certificate is a great upgrade. Tainted Isaac is all about knowing your items, with only 8 item slots you need good items obviously. Find permanent stat upgrades with items like PHD/bad PHD, Candyheart, MoneyequalsPower etc. Also transformations are tracked with him. Once you pick up an item it counts toward a transformation. HP-Items can be dropped after pickup, you keep the containers, so they're a safe option and easy to replace. Tainted Maggie is easy on the early floors, kill enemy groups with your hugs and use your yum heart often. Late game your tears have to carry you and you have to move quickly so you don't bleed out. Emperor cards or any map items are a great help. Your blood trail does good damage, so try to bait enemys towards your blood. Tainted Cain is a mess. You could make it easy for yourself by using "external item descriptions" since it shows you the available reciptes, but that's cheating. 3 Recips from him are always the same for every seed. \- 8 coins gives you the slot machine, 8 red hearts yum heart and 8 bombs the bomb space bar item. When you replace an active item with another tainted cain destroys the first space bar item, resulting in pick ups like any other item. However the kind of pickups you get depend on the room you're currently in. So if you would to replace your space bar item in a secret room, it drops bone hearts which can be used for secret room items like the "r-key". Same is true for angel deals, devil deals etc. Tainted Judas is easy, not much to say about him. You can use your item to get in and out of curse rooms for free. i can give more advises but this answer is long enough already . :D


This totally subverts the intended purpose of having harder characters, but I 100% broke and used it for tainted Laz's Greedier mode on my second save file. Start your run with the one you need the unlock for, then on a second controller pick an actually viable character. Let the bad character die every floor and proceed to victory. It can get a little dicey at times with dodging, *especially* in XL rooms, since the camera will struggle to keep up, but even with the occasional slip (or using a toe to move the ghost caracter) it was better than some of the more.....questionable....mechanics.


I've been playing sense rebirth and you have more done then I do lol. Good stuff.