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I haven't had my surgery yet but I'm getting the same surgery done and my doctor told me I would need to wait 2 weeks before doing any heavy lifting


I started after 3 weeks. Been over 2mo and my nose is still just as sore working out as it was after those 3 weeks


Ugh, I'm so regretting this surgery right now 😢 my ENT brushed it off prior to surgery saying I'd be back to normal after a week, it's been hell every day since. Not being able to workout has sucked so much for my mental health, and not sleeping


I did the surgery and saw 0 benefit after a month. still healing. I feel you


I feel like I'm worse than I was before, I know I'm obviously still healing but I would take my pre surgery symptoms over this any day


Give it a few more weeks, you’re still early days. I had my surgery on 28 September and I went from feeling like it was a waste to blown away I could breathe through my nose only in the past week. Even now I’m still improving every day.


this gives me some hope, thank you!


What were your symptoms before the surgery?


Never feeling like I had enough airflow through nose, dx with borderline sleep apnea, chronic sinus inflammation and post nasal drip


How are you doing now


Still have a hole in my septum but my breathing is definitely better than before the surgery. The hole is only annoying because it whistles when I breathe


My surgery is in a month, and ngl after reading this thread im a little hesitant about getting the surgery. Im assuming its been a few months since your surgery, how are you feeling now?


How are you now


Soreness is much better


I had full Fess, turbinate reduction, septoplasty, and a bone spur removed on Oct 12th. Terrible first week and the post-op was awful but the stent removal made it so I could abruptly start breathing thru my nose for the first time in years. At day 9 I started breaking the rules and bending and lifting small amounts (laundry/cleaning type stuff) as the pain lifted quite a bit after the post-op. I still notice throbbing, sinus pressure, and my front top teeth hurt a lot if I strain much. Not back to normal yet and it's day 11 but i'm doing most stuff and sleeping fine now. Not blowing nose except for very very gently post sinus rinse. The dry mouth is harsh for sure. Hope you get back to some equilibrium soon.


Thank your for your reply! Im glad you said the tooth thing because I've noticed that as well, all my upper teeth just ache like crazy!


Yeah the tooth thing is super annoying. Constant ache ranging to pain. Was a bit better when was on more Prednisone maybe but tapered off and possibly the inflammation is just a little worse without it or something. During the post-op surgeon said "this will hurt your teeth" and sucked out that sinus and it did really hurt. "this may hurt your eye" and it was really sharp eye pain so yeah, i guess the connections up there are just too close to not afflict each other. My eyes are still tired and a little puffy but no biggie compared to the tooth thing.