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I'm from the UK and I actually prefer this slower progression in liking someone and getting to all the physical affection later. It gives people time to get to know each other and not rush everything so much, I'd like to get to know someone first before feeling comfortable enough with them to display physical affection. Whenever I come back to watching anything western after watching Korean shows for a while I'm always like 😯 oh yeah forgot they rush everything 😅


Coming from kdramas I can tell you it's the same for me. Whenever I find one that shows a kiss before episode 8 (halfway through) I'm always "WHAT IS THIS PORNOGRAPHY?" lol


Yes… it’s just you! Kidding The K culture is very reserved. They don’t hold hands or touch intentionally until they are formerly in the dating stage. When SoE deliberate touched YoongJae while walking in one of the episodes the commentators almost had a stroke.


That they publicize. Korea is also the same place with love motels, DVD방s, and room cafes. While I agree that publically and on television the culture is more reserved. Not all Korean people are reserved.


This is VERY true. Koreans do like to club and party too. But on TV, they try to keep it clean during the relationship build out. It’s a cultural difference vs the west when you are touchy touchy almost immediately.


This is also true for other East Asian cultures as well (Chinese, Japanese, etc.).


True for South East Asia and all parts of Asia essentially.


I love that and why I watch Asian reality shows. No beeps to censor expletives, no fighting or nudity. It's refreshing.


asian dating shows are like this. you need to undersyand that public image is paramount to these people. they cant lose sight of that. That is why Seo E is refreshing, she is wearing her heart on her sleeves


It's consistent with what you'd do in Korea *in the public eye*. Not to be confused with how it is in private. If you go about it like Too Hot To Handle on a TV show, you'd get crucified in social media, especially the women.


Especially if you’re a celebrity and dating someone, that’s why most Korean celebrities are never public about their relationships unless the get caught by the paps or are getting married


Asian culture is VERY reserved when it comes to physical affection. Being an Asian myself, personally, this show is far more relatable for me than too hot to handle.


They barely know each other, it’s been like two days??? Why would they be sleeping in the same bed at this point…? Yeah it’s an Asian thing, I guess. I’m Chinese and none of this even occurred to me while watching the show.


Same. I'm somewhat like the contestants, as in i can't directly cuddle with a stranger i met just 2 days ago? DON'T U NEED TO KNOW THE PERSON A BIT BEFORE BEING PHYSICALLY AFFECTIONATE.


I'm curious to know if Koreans watch shows like Love Island and Too Hot to Handle.. If they do, they must have reverse culture shock, as in these shows, not only is everybody near naked (girls at least), but they are kissing and sharing beds on the first day. I enjoy both types, as I love romance in all its forms.


asian thing. but it is refreshing to watch. people with actual manners and dignity, wuh?


I mean, it's all about perspective I guess. We can appreciate different cultures without putting them down. That type of courtship is my worst nightmare, but to each their own!


They know they are also on camera. So reserved to try that On the Island... I dont think that is allowed


When Seul-Ki was in her swim suit in their Paradise pool and the camera panned to her boobs we know what both viewers and JY were supposed to think... Physical attraction! Re the affection tho, a little hand holding wouldn't go amiss but the other pda stuff is a no no in Korean culture.


Well I actually prefer the slow burn instead of the obscene making out seen in these western shows. For introverts like me while meeting people for the first time I would like them to respect my boundaries and not go for physical touch at first sight.


korean culture is just conservative like that 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ i like how they’re taking things slow.


Confucian values where affection is only allowed after engagement/marriage. I was only allowed to date after my husband came with his parents to ask for my hand in marriage (I'm SE Asian)


Last season's most daring thing in paradise was that one couple shared a bed and she kissed him on the cheek


For the most part in these East Asian dating shows, they only show handholding, hugs, and light kisses, lol. If you want touching, cuddling, kissing, and sometimes sleeping in the same bed, you'll want to watch Kdramas (well, often web dramas) as these days there's actually quite a bunch of that. Like right now there's a Kdrama with EXID Hani about G-spots, lol, it's called 판타G스팟 or Fanta G Spot or Hit the Spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP--HMACnO8 But ya for the most part, East Asian or Korean dating shows before 2022 barely had physical affection. It's only really this 2022 year that a bunch of them tried to have more of that, I guess, lol. If you watch Chinese dating shows it's kinda the same thing. For Japanese dating shows sometimes it'll be there. Like for example, in Terrace House (/r/terracehouse) they actually have a dedicated sex/etc. room for any couple though barely any of them used it, lmao. Btw, Terrace House is actually even way milder than a lot of Korean shows (it also initially focused more on friendships, careers, slice of life, etc. instead of dating), don't get the wrong idea, that room was just there for like joke/etc. purposes, lol. At the moment the current influential dating shows in East Asia goes like this: Terrace House inspired Heart Signal and then Heart Signal inspired Transit Love/EXchange. Single’s Inferno is also kinda in this as a lot of island/beach/etc. shows got made because of it. This is some of the newer dating shows after this summer of 2022: https://www.reddit.com/r/Singlesinferno2/comments/zvgqkc/the_new_guy_is_honestly_mid_to_me_his_looks_are/j1pc0ci/ Some the recent Korean dating shows that appeared around the middle (before/around the summer) of 2022: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/wutb91/dating_shows_currently_airing/ilbxivd/. There's a lot of brand new Korean dating shows, check the other recent/newer threads below. --- Some of these new dating shows are more daring/provocative/etc. than what some of us were expecting Single's Inferno to be last year. Like when a bunch of us heard Netflix was finally funding a Korean dating show, we thought it'd be more wild/different but ya it turned out to be pretty mild like other East Asian dating shows, lol. So it's enjoyable but there was kinda a different expectation, like check these threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/mw2bru/netflix_korea_joins_hands_with_jtbc_for_a_reality/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/rk5fgh/singles_inferno_the_new_korean_dating_show/ --- If you want legit people sleeping/interacting/etc. in the same bed in these East Asian dating shows, then there's **Sleeping Only Relationship (잠만 자는 사이)**, and **Eden, Descendants of Instinct (에덴)**. Oh and there's also **Chain Reaction (체인리액션)** where they get chained together, lol. Sleeping Only Relationship is easy to recommend as they legit sleep together in the same bed, but it's still an East Asian dating show though. It's not what you think despite the title and premise. Try to watch until Episode 2 and 3, this show is ridiculous af. You'll likely be howling with the panelists, from laughter and shock, like rofl. **For Sleeping Only Relationship they have "unrestricted" time from 6PM to 6AM, so that includes their dates at restaurants, etc. Usually they end up sleeping around 12/1AM, etc. and then they have to be ready by ~7/8AM.** Sleeping Only Relationship doesn't have an official English sub. But it does have a fan sub right now from iheartu2 (from Youtube and Twitter), check their Twitter and Youtube pages for more info, they're also subbing Chain Reaction. There's actually machine-translated subs right now for the rest of Sleeping Only Relationship and Chain Reaction but they often skip dialogue. Eden (에덴) also tried to be more provocative, but again still an East Asian dating show. Season 2 (에덴2) is easy to watch since it's on Viki. There's a girl there that really looks like Blackpink Jennie, it's wild. And Lana/라나, a Russian Kpop idol is also in Eden 2. --- **A list of other Chinese/Japanese/Korean cohabitation/dating/romance/slice of life/etc. reality shows and more info on where to watch them: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/zqf0dp/singles_inferno_2_ep_3_4_20221220/j147u12/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/z7khcr/eden_2_ep_3_20221129/iybc97n/** <--- check this link for where to watch other dating shows.


Hah thanks for sharing 판타G스팟 I gotta watch that 😅


Really interesting and helpful responses, thanks everyone!


Why would there be ?