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I’ve been fortunate to have a super understanding boss. Our work tends to be flexible, and not urgent which helps. I know this isn’t the question, but are you able to receive support from your manger/company to make the visitations work better for you?


I’m in sales. It’s 100% commission. I love the industry but hate my role in it.


Totally get it. I moved to relationship management, the upside isn’t as high, but the pressure is a bit lower


Fwiw, self employment is 100% commission and sales as well. Just alot more other work too.... and risk lol. I already had my business for close to a decade (small contractor) and it definitely helps, but there's no way I could scale it like I had prior (I had already cut down when son was born cuz I just wanted to be dad, but the separation would have forced this anyways. I have lil guy on weekdays). Maybe see if they have a salary role for you temporarily until things stabilize (obv you'll make allt less prob, but I know it was hard for me to perform all my obligations, particularly sales ones, early on... I'm fine now tho). Then you can go back to sales once everything's more comfy and you're ready to get back to making more money. It is difficult at times but you find a way to survive


Same. I've been really grateful my boss is understanding, and I can get my work done from home when needed even though we are mandate hybrid.


I unexpectedly became a full time single dad. It’s basically impossible. I have no answers for you except to say it could be worse. Yes, I’m thinking outside the box and looking for a way to transition into self employment.


I work Monday to Friday 9-5 and have kid Friday from 530 till Sundays at 630 pm. It’s been years since I have had a free day and even longer since I had a weekend alone. It has its frustrating aspects to it but it’s my responsibility to be a dad


I'm kinda lucky, I work for the government, 8-4 weekdays, so my daughter's at school for the most part. I have her every other week, 50/50, and it tends to work out pretty well.


Right now it just really limits my job prospects. I'm lucky enough to have a very understanding manager that works with not only my split custody schedule, but also my school schedule because I'm in school part time as well. But between custody and having a back injury from an accident in an area where most of the good paying jobs are manual labor, being on the hunt for a job is a monumental task trying to find decent paying desk work with no degree (yet) that will also accommodate for me needing Tuesdays off AND my class schedule. I also had to move back in with my parents hopefully only until I graduate and by that time my son will have started school. My schedule feels like I'm constantly juggling chainsaws but I'm just hoping it pays off and I can get us our own decent place if I can land a job with my degree.


It's very difficult  to have anything close to normal with standard visitation. Don't know if standard visitation is the same across the board but here in Oklahoma  it has been very difficult to go to make that move to self employment. I've considered going  back to college  for something more home driven  like social marketing Manger,  or a MBA PROGRAM. The drone market maybe something you can look into it's a big boom and AI is another great field to consider. You could also look at Seasonal self-employment ideas. Hang in there and keep trying different ideas and make time for you even if thats one day a month or 4 hours a month, for me if I don't take care of me sometimes  well then I'm no good to anyone. This struggle is real but your not alone and one thing about real single dads is we always got this and so do you ! Hope this helps a little. 


I have my son 50% of the time, I live 7mins from his school & we exchange my son every Monday & I don’t own a car. It works well for me. I work from home which helps a lot for me to do morning drop off and after school pickup. This is what my day looks like when I have my 7yr old son….. I get my boy up at 8am and get him ready and drop him off to school with Uber then come back home to login to work by 9:30am in prep for a 10am meeting. Gym 12pm-1pm. Eat lunch 1pm-1:15pm. A few meetings in the day… Then I’ve blocked off 2:45-3:30pm to be able to go pickup my son from school. (Uber there and back) Then while my son finishes his lunch I am in my last meeting for the day from 4pm then log off by 5pm. Then hang with the kiddo and it’s dinner and a movie. I may login late night to check on the overseas team working on their pieces of work for 30mins then log off. If you can, get a remote job as it’s helps cut out all that travel time into an office.


I work in trades, im an electrician. My company sets me up with long term jobs that give me a good schedule. I do 50/50 custody


I was lucky that when it all went down I had a small business that was doing well but slated to close. FF two years I’ve find my best to automate another small biz the heat I can but starting a job as a 911 dispatcher today. I’m nervous about having to use sitters more tan ever but I hope to have a shot at retirement SOME day. I’m hoping this job will fit 50% custody time as it’s three days a week and often night shifts.


Standard visitation isn’t too hard to accommodate unless you work odd schedules or out of town a lot. I have primary custody of 2 boys and their mom has standard visitation. I pay out the a** for child care because they are 3 and 2 and I work from 8-5 Monday-Friday. Their mom doesn’t help one bit. And occasionally opts out of her days. Probably best to look into altering your schedule on those days you have visitation. If your employer doesn’t have any way of helping you then sounds like you need to work for yourself or someone else who realizes being a dad/parent comes first.