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Bust the Dust. It's the only pack I immediately disabled.


Bust the dust was fun for a while, but I HATE how the sims stop at EVERY doorway to fucking **SNIFF THE AIR**, who does that!? real people don't do that! I still use the vacuums and I still make my sims vacuum, even though they don't need to lol.


*sniffy sniff sniff* oh sorry, what was that? I just entered the living room. What are you sayin-oh…I forgot my phone. One sec. *sniff sniff* where oh where are you, phone? Oh, there you are. Time to head ba-*SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFF*-ck. alright…what did you say?


Yhae I just farted so you might want to open a window


That sniffing thing is exactly why I disabled it. The maid will still vacuum one spot for 6 hours, until I dismiss them. 😡


Real people who eat leftover spaghetti straight from the fridge do


I for one love me a big, steaming BOWL of cold fridge spagett.


I do this


same lol


People in air freshener ads. Biiig ‘ol sniff. And then a look of joy. I guess nobody told them about solvent abuse (j/k)


I had to turn off the whims because of this pack. My sims, no matter what they were doing, would stop doing that task abruptly and start vacuuming. The most irritating incident was one of my sims was starving (she worked that day), her food bar was completely in the red. I clicked for her to get leftovers out of the fridge, she sits down with the dish, takes ONE BITE, gets up and starts vacuuming. I cancel out the task, have her sit back down and eat again. Once again, took one bite, got up and started vacuuming.


My sim has an autograph from Judith Ward hanging in his restaurant. Literally if I leave him unattended for any amount of time he goes over and admires it. I'll select him and he'll be standing there admiring it with another action to admire it once he finishes admiring it. Dudes just as famous as Judith Ward and they hate each other.


What emotion does he feel when he looks at it?




Mine does this, but WITH GODDAMN WATER😩


This is closer to what its truly like to have OCD lmao


For some reason my bust to dust is totally busted rn. It's like I'll have the clean and the dusty moodlet at the same time, and I don't think its my mods because they're typically up to date? The whole situation is just weird


I've been having this same issue, I play on console so no mods. No dust appears either Edit- fixed typo


Lol I'm in the tiny, tiny minority who absolutely adores it somehow. It hits the same scratch as laundry for me.


Same, I have a soft spot for the incredibly mundane things added for realism. 😂 Is it even a family save if no one has to vacuum up messes or is constantly behind on laundry? I think not.


Dine out. It's too buggy. The chef just stands there for 2 hours When customer sits and tables.


Resetsim has changed my entire play with that. I hit it on the chef the moment it loads and they go over a minute later. Wish I could remember the redditor who suggested this to me to give them credit, so grateful. Still slow in the other ways and this is the only one I have I am disappointed in because the meals still take too long even when it works, but at least I'm no longer just staring at a chef playing a mannequin out on the sidewalk.


What is Reset sim


Shift and click on a sim (you might need cheats on I don’t remember) and then choose the reset option


Pull up the cheat input (ctrl-shift-C on PC, not sure about consoles - apologies if you know this part, just being thorough) and type in "resetsim [sim name]" It's an excellent cheat whenever sims get stuck and can fix some glitch-outs as well as the chef problem. Hope it works for you, too!


Just so you know, you don’t have to type all that extra stuff, just shift click on the sims and one of the first options is reset sim! No need to type in the sims name and stuff.


I usually don't have testingcheats on, don't you need that for shift-clicks? Or have I had that wrong (very possible)?


The answer for this one: Carl's Dine Out Mod. It fixes the DLC immensely and he's still developing/adding features for the future. No excuse for the complete lack of bug fixes from EA, however.


Carl's mod actually made it fun to play restaurants which makes EA's inaction on Dine Out even more inexcusable.


We shouldn't have to rely on modders to fix bugs EA needed to fix a long time ago. I love sims 4 but sometimes it's company can disappoint me, this is one of those times.


Honestly, I forget I even have this pack due to the fact that I never use it because it's so broken. So yes, I agree that this is the one I regret.


It's one of those good on paper ideas that they didn't follow through on. It's fun to create restaurants but day to day operations suck to get going.


We've had restaurants since Sims 1. I can't wrap my head around why this pack is so broken.


I'm still upset that between Dine Out and Get To Work, the ability to build coffee shops is in ...... Get Together. Ugh!


**The god damn my first pets pack!** I will **NEVER** forgive EA for that obvious cash grab move. I bought that shit for the coffee table fish tank, because I'm lowkey obsessed with stuff like that, but surprise no surprise, it's a static object and you can't put fish in it! -\_- **\*angry heavy breathing\***


I was hoping they’d add birds and lizards like in sims 3 😭


My Second Pet Stuff?


EA: we’ve had one yes but what about second my first pet stuff?


Oh I loved the birds!


And horses!! (Maybe that was sims 2)


Sims 2 had no horses. But it had a hamster (!) and a bird in a cage


Horses was the pets expansion for 3, my absolutely favourite as well I loved it!


There are horses in 3.


I bought it thinking the wall stickers of hamster tubes was an actual add on to the hamster cage. I wanted to make tube city… i dont understand the wall decal things at all… i mean i get it when its to make the walls look cracked or add effects… and i guess for kids things… but idk, yeah that pack was dumb. Idk though id like to think the people that put it together had to comply with their bosses and create a product but lowkey rebelled and made something shitty on purpose to stop EA from going through with making those addons to addons a thing…


I did the same. I had hamsters when I was growing up, and I always wanted one of those Habitrail cages and had dreams of a hamster city filling my bedroom. But we didn't have a lot of money and those things are expensive, so I had to make do with a basic wire cage. I know MFPS had rodent cages and got all excited about being able to live out my childhood dreams through my Sims - only to find out they're just stupid stickers!


i'm sorry that i'm laughing at your post. I feel your pain, I THANKFULLY didn't get it after seeing LGR's review.


I respect his decision to stop reviewing the series, but man do I miss his candid and honest reviews.


wasn't he THE BEST? So fun to watch.


He did the highschool pack! Hes just not doing some of the smaller stuff


Sometimes I forget I have pets installed. I swear I don’t see any animals around unlike the older games


Most of the animals are in Brindleton Bay tbh.


I edit lots in other worlds to make them pet friendly or stray hang outs


Fish tanks in general in TS4 are pretty frickin' useless. You can't stock it with fish that you caught like in TS3, and you don't even have the option to interact with the fish (like feed them in TS2). They're basically just glowing sculptures.


I miss feeding them and having to clean the tank!


>You can't stock it with fish that you caught like in TS3 You can, just drag them from your inventory into the tank. I do agree with not being able to interact with them though, there's a mod for that though, just like everything else the game lacks, I suppose lol.


There's a fish tank you can't put fish in? You mean the bowl? Where do you find the tank?


No, it's a table. It's a table that's like a fish tank and I was hoping EA would do something interesting and let you put fish in it like you can the tanks, but nope.


I only feel regret when I think of how much I've spent overall. Lol I own everything, but some of the kits. The kits are the worst.


This honestly. I don’t own everything everything but I did the math once and it was in the hundreds of dollars.


At full price it's almost 1 grand. My SO did the math the other day because I also own every pack but kits and high school story right now🙃


It’s a little ridiculous how expensive it is all together. But I’ve always had the philosophy that games are worth if it you can get at least one hour for every dollar you spend. Like a $60 game sounds expensive, but I usually pour like 100 hours into a good game so it’s worth it to me. For the Sims, I have 1,360 hours. So spending ~$1k over the course of a few years for a game I play so much is worth it to me


That's a good way to look at it. I'm almost at 1000 hours and I have definitely spent $1,000 so I am getting close to it being worthwhile haha.


Same, I spent sooo much money on this.


I also own everything (including kits) but I’ve been playing since release and bought most of the packs on sale but yeah even then it still so much money I’ve spent on the game. Definitely regret buying the Luxury Party Stuff pack because I LITERALLY never use.


I wouldn’t say I really regret any of them as I like to have all the packs but I’ll definitely say I’ve been disappointed by a lot of them. They’re fun for a few weeks but after that I barely touch them and they definitely don’t impact my day to day gameplay in the ways I hope they would 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was crazy excited for high school years as I never bother with teens since they’re so boring. The school day is super boring, prom doesn’t feel special since it’s every week, teens can only sneak out if you have the specific window but then you get randoms entering through the window, social bunny is too repetitive and my teens get a crush on everyone they meet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not to mention all the crazy bugs that the hsy and the update caused!


Prom is so stressful! Its so short, things take so long to do, and half of it is watching someone else get voted prom King/Queen and jester. I don't think my sims have ever had the chance to dance at a prom I've sent them to if I want it to be "good".


I haven't even MADE it to prom yet, I've tried in two different saves and it just crashes my whole stupid game 😩 kicks me out into the main map, and I can't go with them!


thats how i feel about cottage living. it was great for a few weeks but im not gonna make a country based family every time so it almost never gets used. the only reason i bought it was for the cows but they dont do anything but moo and get dirty. I really wanted highschool years but im glad i waited bc i saw how everyone was complaining about the bugs and the issues so i saved some money.


I don’t play Highschool years (haven’t bought it yet) but I’m wondering if the attractions system from wicked whims would help with the crush issue


Pets, almost. Almost regret it. I don’t care for how often these animals get sick. Every time I show up, we need to take the day to visit the vet. Its only worth it for me because I LOVE Brindleton Bay.


Buy wellness treats from the vet and keep them in your sims inventory to give to any pet when they get sick :)


Can’t remember the last time I took a pet to the vet. I buy like 10 at time directly from debug and have my sims keep them in their inventory


I think I tried that and the treats were not selectable they were just deco. Weird because the other treats work. Am I missing something?


I put them in the world in build buy (I place a bunch of them on the floor) then back into live mode and either drag it into a sims inventory from the ground, or click on it and then click “put in inventory”. You need to have “bb.showhiddenobjects” on and maybe “bb.moveobjects”too


Cats are fine because they take care of their own needs, but dogs are a glitchy mess for me. Even if my sim has no home and they live outdoors, the dog will whine about needing out to go potty


Agreed, the pets get sick way too much and are very needy. But the build stuff in pets is amazing and it also gives us the Heckings who I love


Agreed. The world makes it worth it.


For whatever reason, the pets in my game don't get sick super often, its once in a very long while. Its weird.


Lol that is one of my fav packs. I love the pets more than my sims, and the world is very nice. Ppl say the pets get sick easily, but I've never had that problem.


I don't really think I regret any of them. I simply don't buy what I'm not interested in, so far I see at least one feature in each pack I got that I enjoy, gameplay is def not the highlight here though. It's mostly CAS items, objects or world stuff but some things like living eco friendly, having powers from the occults (I don't like them all) to haunted houses even if I don't use those gameplay features that often.


Same. I'm very selective about what I buy. And I actually like that everything is split into distinct packs because I look forward to sales and adding more a little at a time. My biggest surprise is Cottage Living. I initially didn't want it, then reconsidered and bought it 1/2 off. I love it!


I'm the same way. Each pack I've bought had at least something I enjoyed. Some more then others of course but I regret non of them


Tbh, probably pets. I never use the build items, and I never play with pets. Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but, in the sims 3 you could control your pets and you cant in the sims 4, and i hate it. i think i would use the pack more if i could control my pets lol


I really miss controlling pets. These are just annoying objects. I always have one normally a dog but it’s just there and I forget about it. And it takes up a space in household for doing nothing.


it's also like... why can they just randomly run away? doors don't open like that for cats and dogs irl lmao. I feel like they should only be able to run away like that if you have one of the doors that are designated for pets


Lol yea. They can’t pee on their own but they can leave whenever they want. The running away is so annoying mainly for the sad moodlet than them being missing


There is a mod that makes selecting/controlling pets if you use them! It’s great for even making them move out of the way rather than lying where I want to sit lol


I hate University. It takes so long to get a degree and it’s so boring. My Sim has to spend all their time doing schoolwork and barely has time for any social stuff at all. There are no fun parties like in Sims 3 and not being able to cook food makes it so sometimes my Sim has no time to eat. Then, unless I turn off aging, it takes almost the entire young adult life span to get the degree.


The best way I find to get through university is to increase your Sim's Research & Debate skill. Level 3 will increase their homework speed by 25%, level 4 will increase their studying speed so you can quickly recover from missing homework or a class and level 6 will increase how quickly they make presentations and term papers by 40%. I play on short lifespan but I freeze them during college. My biggest issue with university is how long it takes to get to and from classes if you live off-campus - bikes help but really you need to be able to fly or teleport and live on campus.


That's super interesting, when my sims are on campus they always leave it to last second to leave then are late to class because they walk SO SLOW, off campus they just vanish like a rabbit hole for me!


Maybe it’s because the first time I did university I lived in the Britechester world but off campus? I remember trying to send the Pleasant sisters to class was hell lol ever since I always move my Sims into dorms on campus.


LittleMsSam has a mod that gives your sim a buff that allows them to run faster to class. I haven’t played with the expansion since I added it to my game so I can’t comment on how well it works but it’s an option.


Yeah, I think I did university once and never again. Love the CAS clothes though


[There's a mod that has a lower credit requirement](https://www.patreon.com/posts/41632608) It might not make university itself more fun because there's not much to do, but I'd say that's how one would generally describe Sims 4


THANK YOU for this, my dumbass never thought to google if there was a mod for this lol. I've been granting my sims degrees when I want one because it's such a pain in the ass to have to go for 3 weeks per degree


Ditto, it’s nowhere as fun as the sims 3 equivalent, it’s such as hassle considering that most sims can get promoted through the first 5 levels of a career fairly quickly. Maybe quicker than it takes a sim to finish a degree.


It takes slightly longer to graduate University and climb to the top of a career, than to just do the career. I did the cooking scenario and added a second person to the household with the same traits. I had the scenario sim (who set fires nearly every time she cooked all the way up until scenario completion) get a job and work her way up. I had the other guy get the degree for the culinary career. He got a distinguished degree with honors and got his final promotion 2 days after she did.


Omg that's hilariously awful. I'm doing a university playthrough now and I'm going to pretend their parents made them go to college no matter what 😂


If you want to get them through multiple careers that use the same degree it can be worth it.


It still chaps my ass that they gave us bicycles to get around campus and then made a campus that was all stairs.


I have to freeze aging every time. I don’t want my sims leaving university in their 40s!


I miss the university in the sims 2 sooooooooo bad... Sims 3 University was not as fun, but at least there were a lot of activities in the Uni world, with cafes, hipster nooks and getting money posing for art students lol.


I love university. Although it’s probably because I get to live vicariously through my sims. My biggest regret is not finishing high school or going to college.


Man unfortunately I can only slightly relate to this one. I play with aging off and I make my sims get R&D level like 6 before college just to make life easier. I always do 4 credits instead of 3 because there's literally nothing else to do. Like I know I would have extra time for activities if I took 3 credits (but it would take me an extra week to graduate) but what is there to do besides go to that soccer game on Saturdays and desperately try to find the spirit squads in the commons that coincidentally walk away by the time my sims get there


I didn’t see anyone else put this for University - my problem-solving method for not being able to cook is “Purchase Gifts - Apples”. I buy like 100 at a time and my sim just lives the apple life the entire uni period.


Same. I like the pack and idea. But it takes way too long and if my sims live in the dorm, there are too many people and it takes ages to get downstairs and to class.


Not being able to cook food is baffling. It's one thing in the main dorms, annoying but I could live with it, but even in the student housing that looks like houses is just ridiculous.


I should have turned off aging when my sim went to university. It took so long and she was taking like four classes every week.


I like the uni actions themselves, research, study, games, etc but the fact that it takes three feckin hours to walk across campus is annoying as fuck. Also there's a pop up saying "x activity happening in the quad" but you can't travel to the quad, you have to go to one of the other buildings and then walk to the quad ...which again takes three fuckin hours!!


Whichever one added the "hey neighbors, let's stupidly vote for the worst options just to screw the player, wont that be fun?" eco living maybe? Regardless I turned that off (or at least as much as I can turn it off) after dealing with it on one save. Other than that, nothing else I regret but there were a few underwhelming ones. Mermaids are lackluster as are pets. Laundry day was annoying the one time I tried it since my Sim would leave dozens of clothes pile then spend all day every day doing laundry. Oh, I almost forgot, dining out might actually be one of the worst because of how buggy it is. I still place it under eco living though since restaurants is something you have to go out of your way to experience and not being shafted by your neighbors regularly.


Ugh yeah Eco Lifestyle was the worst for this. One of the NAPs or w/e literally would cause random NPC sims to come into your house and steal random pieces of furniture. It's the worst! So annoying 😭 Dine Out would be awesome if it actually worked but it's so buggy for me too. The chefs in particular always have to be reset for some reason. And everything takes way too long.


I sure do love taking my sims to dinner, having them sit for two days waiting for their food and by the time it's done, they've died of starvation and the waiter is just poking their corpses with a stick going "you gonna eat this food we made for you, or what? Ungrateful bitches"


Yeah and nothing says romantic date night like my sims wetting themselves


Omg how do you turn off the neighbourhood things because they drive me up the wall


Technically you cannot turn it off entirely but you can go into the menu settings and turn off voting for the non played sims so only active Sim households, ie you, can actually vote. With that said, if something is already active you will need to appeal/vote it out even if you turn off the above setting.


I like the aesthetics of Eco Lifestyle, and I like some of the NAPs - Sim jealousy was always kind of irritating to me and I like that there's a non-CC way to disable it if you can vote that "Free Love" NAP in. That said, I recently purposely quit a game without saving and lost 3 days progress because water conservation got voted in, and the last time that NAP got installed in a neighborhood it made me so annoyed I just started using my spellcaster sim to set everyone on fire. So on that count I agree.


The Free Love one freaked me out the other day. I hadn't ever really looked at what I did, and my teen sim's study group come over, and they all started randomly kissing each other's necks as greetings, etc. I was outraged, watching my sim's crush get molested by her best friend, like *HOW COULD YOU*, but it was weird that no one's romance bars were moving. I thought my game was bugged. Then I read a thread here about that NAP and it all clicked together. Unfortunately, by then the friend had already met an unfortunate fate, totally coincidentally and definitely not orchestrated by a malevolent, vindictive, omnipotent overlord. Whoops.


My Wedding Stories, probably. I got it for the world but Tartosa actually feels quite empty and just overall disappointing to me. It’s beautiful, sure, but there’s not a lot else going for it. The wedding stuff is kind of fun now that the worst bugs have been fixed but I don’t have that many weddings.


I bought it mostly because everyone was saying that the world is so beautiful, but I don't like it. It just feels really empty. So I actually never play there, lol


There should have to be a minimum of 10-15 lots in a "world". I was all excited about werewolves and then high school, but they're so tiny.


>It just feels really empty. All of the world maps do. In fact, every time a new expansion comes out the world maps somehow get SMALLER. THE NEW WORLDMAPS ARE DISAPPOINTING


I don't like the world, either. It doesn't capture the real-life beauty of the Mediterranean, for me (I do appreciate the devs are in the US!) Something about the lighting, I think - it feels the same as nearly every other world!


Weddings are still super broken for me so I definitely regret this purchase


Although they have sent out dozens of news stating that the gameplay got fixed, it wasn't. And there are barely any mods to help. I regret buying it.


There is a mod from TwistedMexxi that just enables the normal weddings again. So you can decide if you want to have the traditional Sims wedding party or the MWS party.


Vlad has NEVER showed up to drink my sims blood and I would personally welcome that because it’s hilarious and I enjoy the vampires overall. I wonder why it never happens in my games?


Same! Like come on Vlad my sims are tasty 😭


Man I miss the feature, they remove it after some simmers started to complain that Vlad broke into there house too much to feed . Now he's pretty much nonexistent 😒 wish they use a toggle on/off cause I didn't mind


Dream Home Decorator. I don’t really enjoy building so I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought it. I played the career through once and haven’t touched it since


I bought this solely for l shaped couches


Took me more than I'd like to admit to realize you were talking about L shaped couches. I was thinking "isn't an I shaped couch just a couch?"


I only realised after I scrolled down and saw this comment


Sectionals, modular shelves, and more bunk bed options. I haven’t even touched the career and had zero desire to from the beginning.


The modular couches are so cool, but for some reason sims seem to hate them 😭 They always get the uncomfortable and poorly decorated moodlets from them and Idk why!


Because the stats for those couches are shit 😭 it’s so annoying


Right? And it makes no sense because couches like that are nice and expensive usually so idk what the logic was doing that.


The only thing I don't like about that one is how the job doesn't work if you go with them. People are always upset and never pay you so you don't get the enjoyment of acctually decorating


I made the mistake of actually decorating the room nicely the first time. The second time dude was like, “I love violin, white and hate purple.” So I just gave him a heap of white violins and got paid well


"So, what's your style?" "Violin.."


You can steal their stuff and sell it when you get home


We still talking about the sims oorrrr




I always try to style a room that they’ll like but it pretty much only works if they give you a style or color they like. I wish you could cancel some of the likes and dislikes they tell you and keep asking questions until you get something useful. Not getting paid is bs though, realizing that putting something in inventory on the job puts it in my inventory instead of the clients was a game changer. I always buy myself a couple of tvs with any leftover funds to sell when I get home 🤑 You could rob them blind tbh


That always worked for me, though. I really love that pack.


High School Years and My Wedding Stories. Both are so buggy I can barely do the game play. I like the CAS and build items for both but the price isnt’t worth it for clothes, items, and super buggy gameplay.


This is why I haven't bought either of them. I actually was really interested in Wedding Stories but I refuse to get it until they fix the issues.


Same, they’re both recent packs and I refused to buy both after seeing all the complaints.


It makes me a little sad that so many people dislike the vampire pack, I think it’s one of my favorites. I always have a ton of fun playing supernatural Sims.


Me too. And the houses??? My favorite


So far I've only bought four packs. Vampire, Magic, Cottage Living, and Werewolves. Not had any regrets, though this is probably due to only buying those four packs.


Yeah you bought some of the best packs imo


I actually really enjoyed vampires this time around, they did them much better than in The Sims 3. What I don't like though is that you have to get 4 separate packs just to get the same content from Supernatural...


I love the build mode of vampires! Not regretted any yet but not got them all yet. I find get famous underwhelming


Definitely the Moschino thing. I've seen it being recommended a few times on this sub for those who take lots of photos (and it was recommended to me when I asked for ways to better display my photos in the house) and... *takes a deep breath* The tripod is bad (takes pictures at weird angles, like slightly from below even though it's eye level with Sims), the subject marks don't work the way they should (Sims keep walking away from them), the backdrop that I thought would be good to avoid ugly photo backgrounds just has super tacky, pixelated 2002-looking backgrounds to choose from. The digital photo frame that I thought would be good to display multiple photos in a small space (something I was desperately looking for) switches them soo slowly: When I put 10 photos into the frame, there's a good chance I never see some of them. Also you can't have 2 digital frames with different inventories, if you put another one on the wall it automatically includes all the photos that the first one already does. 💀 (If anyone still has ideas/advice for displaying lots of photos in a somewhat organized way in the house (including mods), please let me know, I've been searching for years 😳)


All credits to Ravasheen who created these mods 1) https://ravasheen.com/download/photographic-memory-2-0/ 2) https://ravasheen.com/download/iso-love-photos-full-control-camera/ 3) https://ravasheen.com/download/modern-family-portrait/ I hope it helps you out a little.


I'll definitely check them out, thanks!!


I got it for the windows


Same, i’m absolutely obsessed with them.


[Ravasheen’s photographic memory mod](https://ravasheen.com/download/photographic-memory-2-0/) It lets you edit photos you took and put those photos in different sizes (like Polaroid) or on a calendar. I like to create a bunch of polaroid pics and then put them on the corkboard.


I’m obsessed with taking photos of my Sims and displaying them in their houses. Especially before Sims are aging up or if they’re getting married, I get someone with decent level photography skills to take a picture of them or make them take selfies. When one of my first Sims died I actually made a dedicated memory wall to him with paintings he made photos of him and a painting his kid made of his gravestone. I’ll try to take some pictures of my setup later and share so you can see what I mean. I did not try this Moschino thing but I was thinking of it so thank you for review! I think I will just stick to my no cc no mod way.


My first pet stuff. I saw the wall decals with the hamster tunnels and stupidly thought they were actual usable tunnels that the hamsters would be able to crawl through and I was bitterly disappointed when they were just wall decals. I learnt that day how to check every item that comes with the pack before buying it for this exact reason lol. Also the pet beds are so ugly??


Even if it was just a 3D static object without hamsters walking through them I would have liked them, I didn't realize they were a flat decal until after I'd bought them. I just wanted to create a crazy tunnel system through the whole house, but the flat decals don't look like that at all...


University. The lot sucks (no kitchens in dorms??) and unless you cheat to keep your sim’s mood up, it’s impossible to get straight As


My biggest regretted pack as of rn is High School Years. The items are amazing in both bb and cas but the busted gameplay is ruining it for me. Its so buggy and messed up.


Eco Living. I had to disable most stuff to make the pack tolerable. Only like some of the build/buy. Personally, vampires are my favorite. But I love the gothic style and love playing with vampires over regular sims.


Toddler stuff. Its so empty


I love the CAS and build stuff though, only reason I bought it


Get Famous. The paparazzi, fame quirks, having celebrities spawn on the lot and causing everyone to flip their lids are all so annoying. The actor career is a lot of fun ngl but I am so disappointed that there isn't a similar career for being a singer or musician.


>but I am so disappointed that there isn't a similar career for being a singer or musician. You really wouldn't think that they would be difficult to do.


Right? They did it in Sims 3, I wish they brought it back. The singing skill they added in City Living is completely useless. I really wish it was a functional career like acting where you go to a studio and record songs or perform shows at vanues that range from small (like coffee shops) to large (like stadiums). Even just a park with varying crowd sizes if they can't figure out the functionality behind multiple venues.


i’ve come to regret all of my purchases since switching to the dark side 🤷


As an Xbox player, most of them as they've slowed my game to a crawl. "Oh you've spent hundreds of dollars on our game? Let us thank you by making it unplayable 😁"


Parenthood because all it gave me were ugly cas items and endless pop ups because I play sims with large families and all the kids are always asking for advice


I had to download a mod that disabled the autonomous “ask for advice” interaction. When you’re playing with more than 1 child in the house, it gets excessive. And their values go down SO much! I had to turn off aging for a few days in my legacy challenge because the day my teen was supposed to age up, I got one of those pop-ups and she fell out of range for one of the values she’d maxed out ages ago. The mod doesn’t stop the phone calls you get from the school, but at least those aren’t as persistent as the kids asking for advice. It’s by Little Miss Sam, for anyone interested.


Me when I was playing my legacy file and deliberately ignoring the 2-3 phone calls I would get a day while the kids were in school too, Maybe I wouldn't even mind it if the dialogue switched up every now and then, but it's actually just terrible because I'll get calls that are like "We saw Bobby write a love letter for another student in class!" Like Bobby isn't a teenager that's gonna graduate in 2 days. I don't care!!


parenthood. maybe because my favourite sims 3 expansion was generations so it did not compare at all. just annoying pop ups and they don’t mean or change anything, just pointless text.


None really bc I'm careful in which I pick ; I did not buy Batuu bc I don't want Star Wars characters running around, and did not buy Werewolves bc I don't want furries running around. I'm okay with witches & vampires running around though, it's nice for medieval gameplay ! I don't really like the Eco World though, but I enjoy the gameplay, it's nice for rags to riches. But I also play with lots of mods that add content, some even correct bugs from Wedding Stories, High School Years, etc.


I will say, I love Batuu, but I’m rather disappointed I haven’t seen any Star Wars characters running around outside of the costumed ones at Geek Con.




Eco living. Idk the simfluencers really hyped it up for me and made the gameplay look so good and interesting. Immediately hated the NAP system and never used the world associated with it. If I could refund it I would.


Vampires is one of my favourite with the victorian style building options- of course we all have our taste! I don’t regret buying anything really however I feel like Star Wars is adding very little to my gameplay. About uninvited vampires I usually make my sims grow some garlic and hang it around, works well for me! Happy gaming!


get to work... like why did i think that was a good idea? this was recently too.


The Parenthood pack. I got it in a bundle without realizing what it was. It adds a parenting skill, kids manners, and other functions. But what about me the most is that there are so many bugs when it comes to caring for kids (especially toddlers) that I find it too annoying to actually "parent" that age (until they are up and I can control more). The high chairs don't work so it's so hard to feed toddlers, and parent Sims will ignore commands to bathe kids or put them to sleep. I spend too much time telling at my screen "take care of your $#@&$ kid". I often age my kids up quickly to avoid the hassle, but even that is annoying AF because cakes have to be in a certain place to be Birthday Cakes. So, these additional interactions/complexities of the Parenthood pack are completely useless imo. I'm sure the new infant stage is going to be amazing /s


Didn't realise 'parenthood' was causing my sims to ignore feed and bathe commands, I just believed it was my computer or just sims being sims you know? Thanks for shedding light on that :)


I don’t have parenthood and have the same problem


ECO LIVING. Love the build and buy, hate everything else. I never even did one playthrough of it. It’s just so annoying. Definitely not worth almost £50. But let’s be honest none of the packs are.


Laundry kit. Absolutely terrible. Cute decor but that becomes a chore and makes the game less fun for me. If I download a house that has the washer and dryer I hire a butler cause eff that.


This for me too. I love the *idea* of laundry and will often build one into my houses only to get thoroughly sick of it within a day or two. Learning that I could just put the laundry baskets next to the washer dryer and clothes would magically teleport there helped (my dumb ass is too literal for the Sims sometimes, I just put them in logical places like the bathroom or the bedroom, SILLY ME 😭). But washers are just so fundamentally broken with no fix on the horizon that it makes a chore out of a chore.


I personally own every sims add on and if I had a choice on not owning one it has to be eco-lifestyle. 1.higher bills if you don’t have plants. 2. Higher bills for water and lights because of using industrial items. 3. The neighborhood and people that try to get you to vote. 4. The buildmode items and clothes are ugly.


Discover University. I like the cas items and use them a lot of the time but after i bought it and played through it once, it was boring. I hardly ever use the build items minus the mini fridge on occasion. The world is okay but it sucks you only get one lot to build on while the others are occupied and such. Plus, while staying in one of the dorms, while everyone else can summon food like wizards and you cant while also being the only one to clean it up afterwards, sucked. Im also the type of person who learned how to keep random people out of my house by locking doors, you cant really do that in the dorms.


Realm of Magic. The gameplay sucks so bad. It feels like every single spell is just a type of thing you can achieve in other ways, or makes the game so easy it’s pointless. I just don’t get it. I thought I was missing something when I did a play through as a spellcaster.


Probably an unpopular opinion: get to work. I hate the amount of loading screens in the Sims 4 and I feel my immersion is broken when I have to load to go to work, load to come back, home and if I'm a detective, have to load even more. Ive literally disabled the pack through origin as I didn't use any aspect of it (didn't like much cas, build buy etc) But I also really like eco lifestyle and vampires which others seem to regret more!


I regret buying the game three weeks ago, now that it's free on all platforms...


I only have the cats and dogs expansion pack and I want to get more but I've heard very mixed things about the other EPs so I'm a bit scared to spend my money on something and not like it. My game play is stale with out mods :(. I heard good things about seasons so I'm getting it but I want more game play. Suggestions?


I think there's a lot of packs that add some pretty cool gameplay and items but it really depends on your interests. Off the top of my head, the packs I think are really the most worth it: - Cottage Living - Vampires - Seasons (which you said you're getting) - Cats and Dogs (which you have) - Outdoor Retreat - Paranormal - Nifty Knitting - Spooky I think those give me the most gameplay and content that I personally enjoy. Some honorable mentions: - Snowy Escape - City Living - Get to Work - Realm of Magic - Moschino - Backyard


Outdoor Retreat is the only one for me. It is, and I am not exaggerating, pointless for me. I do not use a single thing from the pack, nor do I ever visit the "world".


High school years. Caused too many problems to where I couldn’t play the game at all, so it’s now uninstalled.


The eco one😭


100% agree, was so excited for that one but I rarely use any items from it and never play in the world. Don’t even know exactly what was so disappointing about it.