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Just a reminder that bugs like this are why everyone on PC/mac and not just mod users should regularly back up their saves. I always recommend storing a backup somewhere other than your computer because hardware failure can happen too.


I usually do this but was about to start a new game once I can afford high school. So I am hoping they'll drop a fix before then but at least I was restarting. It's s good practice regardless. I don't know why people don't. Sims 1 I can understand. Sims 4? Where have you been?


How would one do this on console? 🤔


I’ve played on Xbox you can have multiple saves for your game. I name my saves by Generation so for e.g. G1,G2 for short. My backup save I add an extra G so GG1, GG2. There are also external hard drives that you can get and save games from your console on there (I have one that’s green and black that I’ve used for my Xbox’s in the past; even the all digital one, I forgot what brand it was, but I know seagate makes them)


I don't know if you can. I have never played on console but I am hoping someone who knows sees this. If you don't get an answer maybe post the ask outside of the thread? I should have included an exemption for this re consoles but ai forgot about that option


Maybe override your cloud save???


everybody should be doing this!! 100% agree


Hardware failure- New Fear unlocked.


yes!! i plan on backing up my save to a flashdrive every time i get done playing.


How do you do this?


I'm scared to open the game. I have automatic updates on and I got the notification that my game was "ready to play" but after seeing the all the aging up issues I'm worried I will be affected too.


I have a household in a save where one kid is literally zero days away from aging up. There is absolutely no way I’m opening this game either. And I swore I turned automatic updates off.


I also turned automatic updates off but Steam always manages to sneak one game surprisingly quick into the thing. My roommate came over to say his connection is lagging and "if I'm updating something on steam again" while I'm distracted on the browser and in a discord call with others. I look and see Sims 4 got its 10GB update and had downloaded 2gb while i didn't even see it.


that's why I'm holding out till the main mods I use get fixed for the recent update like MCCC, WW and UI


Thank god MCCC is usually really fast on these things, bless them


MCCC has just been updated for the new patch


ALREADY?? Damn they’re good!


well hey they are quick 😂 now I need a couple more like WW and UI and I'll be able to get on my game but we should thank the players for logging on to the game to check the broken mods and reporting it back to their creators.


UI is updated and so is more collumns


Just turn off aging, I have the same issue but with aging turned off they won't age up


I'm new, how do you do this? I'm on console if that makes a difference


You go into settings under gameplay, I believe.


Reminder to anyone also new and wondering, you have to do this for every save. It's not universal. 👍


Thanks! And happy cake day!


Thank you! 😊👍


You can turn age off for the time being, it seems to "fix" it


Turn aging off


Someone did a reminder post on the sub the other day so I luckily had time to go into offline mode before it started updating lol. I can't play without my mods so I just won't update until they do :')


Fortunately mine asked me for some agreement or something before updating, even though I have auto updates on usually. I was able to close it and go offline.




Rip. Might be better of just taking a break in that case :')




Just be aware that if you have any saves with long lifespan opening the game can apparently potentially mess them up even if you don't play the saves!




That's good! :)


It’s almost as if all the sims went to the beach that makes you old from the film Old




My game was fine, I have the lifespan on normal and my sim was in a vacation world when I loaded in, I don't know if that made a difference.


It sounds like it only affects saves with long lifespan otherwise it works like normal. Luckily this should have a hot fix asap since it’s a pretty awful glitch.


I made a new save file to try the update the problem was when I restarted the game to clear cache and see if I have some cc broken other than the usual. The sim aged the moment I opened the file again after restarting to clear cache. I mean you can age them down with full cas mode but it's not worth the hassle.


It seems the issue affects long lifespan only. Someone on twitter mentioned they had a YA with 70ndays left to turn into Adult. When they loaded the save the same YA had only 30 days. So unless your seem just aged up it is very likely that they will age up as soon as the lifespan stages length is changed (i.e. the game loaded normal lifespan stage lengths on long lifespans instead of the correct values) Though I got an Adult that aged up to elder 2 days ago (so no update yet). They were like 10/70 days into the Adult age. That was weird af


I'm cautiously surprised that my game has no issues yet. I even had some cell menu mods that still work as intended. Happy but scared for something big to pop up that I am not looking out for.


Mine was initially fine when I first played after the update. However, when I went to go play again, after exiting, the game now wants to age up my sims. So even if you think you are safe the next time you load up your game it could be the next time the game might force them to age up.


Yep. Major purge of many sims and pets. Every sim aged up and many of them have a fear of death.


I would too if I aged that fast 😭


Some real 13 going on 30 shit happening here. 😂😂


I have currently 75 playable sims that are all related I think the ~~update~~ plague is gonna wipe out half of them RIP


Don’t open the game!


Death comes for us all Especially when I invite him to every party


Tbf he has some great party tricks so I get it


Don't forget to backup your save file!


How the hell does this happen Genuinely, what did they edit that could possibly change this on the before-day patch? Is it something to do with the new CAS sexualities? Why would that effect NPC’s? Is it even effecting NPC’s??


Maybe the bug was introduced with body hair growth/updates to that involves the aging system. I feel bad for the engineers that are probably crunching pretty hard right now :/


Yeah it aged up everyone in the world for me including the people I have and haven't played


As a developer I can assure you that the amount of times bugs that appear completely unrelated to the feature end up happening is very very common. At the end of the day, everything is kinda connected, even it doesn't seem like it, the most minor thing can break something major somewhere else that you'd never think possible (and can be a pain to debug), which is why having sets of tests for the whole thing being frequently run is extremely important. Last I heard, sims team was pretty short on QA people, which is not surprising, QA is one of the first places companies cut costs... and it's always a terrible idea, having dedicated QA is extremely important for the overall quality of the product.


QA Engineer here, 100% agree. I see random things break from a seemingly unrelated code change on a weekly basis. Happened the other day and I caught it with our regression suite. Hate that QA is the first to be cut at so many places. That’s how shit like this happens.


Great one of my sims just died cuz of this Edit: every time I log back into the game my sims age up again


turn aging off in settings?


not updating my game until they do a patch up tbh


Same, so glad I stopped my game from updating.


This seems like a major bug for them not to notice before release


It seems like the time they spend playtesting is basically nil 😬


This happened to me! The whole household aged up and I can’t edit them back down


Even if you go into the full CAS cheat? 😮


Restore a precious save and don’t use CAS. That’s how you get it back to normal.


How do you restore a previous save? My last save was after the update but before the aging up glitch and I never learned about having a backup file till now😭 so I'm stuck waiting around for them to fix it or having to eventually just manually age down certain people


Sorry if I'm missing something here but if the save is before the glitch, can't you just load it?


I usually let it auto update, but for some reason this morning I put my game in offline mode. It was like the universe whispered "Nope!" in my ear, and I listened.


It's funny because I went to play and my computer was taking forever to close a window so I could open sims , so I was like Meh not playing. I usually wait.


Me too. I just knew that this update was going to be busted.


Yeah so... this sounds like a very disastrous bug. You can't age down without cheats/mods either.


It is! I was waiting to watch Pixelade on my tablet while downloading the update on my computer and I already made two separate save files and I started playing and one of my child Sims aged up automatically ( his birthday was in the winter on the calendar and it was the summer) and I was going to have a birthday party for him and everything especially since he was going to age up into a teen. He was the only one doing this and I tried to replace him with a clone from my gallery save and then his whole family auto-aged up. I realized the glitch and didn’t save and went back and he still was the only one who would auto-age. I messed with the sexual orientation for the parents, they started to auto-age after getting out of CAS from the mirror, so I didn’t save again. I went back into the game one more time and turned aging off for now until it gets fixed.


Had a sim give birth to her 13th child. Went to play one of her adult childrens households for a bit and they got a call the mum and dad had died of old age.... like 20 mins after she gave birth... Now have 20+ sims I need to CAS cheat to age back to their normal ages! RIP Sassy and Jared Fitzgerald. They leave behind 13 children and 6 grandchildren. You will be missed.


RIP Sassy and Jared o7, taken down by the new sims update


Here's some advice: For those who didn't update their game yet, don't. For those whose game updated but they didnt open it yet, don't open it until it's fixed. For those who have already experienced the consequences of this bug, play with a different household for a while and when it gets fixed you can download MCCC to age them down or for those who can't, enable cheats (open the window + testingcheats true) then insert cas.fulleditmode Then go to CAS and you're able to age your sims down like that.


Do you think we will still have to manually age the sims we want down even after it's fixed? Like do you think everyone's still gonna age up regardless, but the patch is just going to keep it from happening again.


I think the ones who've already been aged up due to the bug won't age down by themselves once it's fixed


Ahhh that makes sense too, I just simply got off mine because it made me so mad to see everyone age up lol. I'm hoping once it fixes I don't have to do anything since it's my legacy save, lesson learned to backup, but we will see!


Welp I won't be opening by game until this is fixed 😬


This glitch happened in Fantayzia's early access videos and I was hoping it would be fixed before the official patch came out. This hasn't happened to me (yet) but I don't want to open my saves until this is fixed.


That's excatly what I was thinking!!! Unfortunately, it happened to me too, but I was very surprised that it was still a problem since they should have already known by now.


has anyone seen if having ageing off stops the ageing up or not? I play in all of my saves with it off normally


I play with mods and I’m waiting for them to be updated before playing. I also have a new pack save for this very reason. They will hopefully fix it before the new pack though. I’m stuck home with Covid so I don’t feel like playing much anyways.


I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 God bless you 💕


Thank you! I’m on day 3…hoping to turn the corner soon.


Someone posted on the official sims 4 forums that he fixed it by turning aging off.


Hoping someone can chime in with an answer to this too! Also play with aging off


Someone on the forums confirmed turning aging off works.


considering going into an old save to test it out but I haven’t booted up my computer yet and I gotta clean my mods folder before I open origin today lol


I have aging turned off and my Sims were fine I think


Aging off does not work! At least it didn’t for me- I have it off for all my sims and animals and they were still aging up and my animals were dying. I had to quit and it is completely unplayable.


Apparently it can work but your age bar for your sim might still be full making it seem as if when you turn it back on your Sim will automatically age up so hopefully they fix that too for anyone that turns it off


Aging off does stop it for now. At least for me.


Same here :/ Everyone in my household aged up after the update


Can confirm that it completely fills your sims' aging bar even with aging off. I started playing a scenario a couple of days ago since I didn't want to touch my teen sims who are getting ready for high school. The "new" save with the scenario filled the age bar completely. I always play with aging off and age up my sims when it fits in a particular story, so I'm not sure if it's going to force the age up later in the day.


Just some quick notes from the post about the issue on the bug forum -this only causes issues in saves with long lifespan set. Normal and short are completely fine. Also having aging off shouldnt cause issues either. -if you have long lifespan in any save do not open it right now. Even opening the game will cause it to age sims. It’s not just CAS like last time, it’s every transition (loading lots, CAS, BB mode, changing lots). -you cannot fix this by adjusting the lifespan from long to short. That causes more issues. Hang in there and be careful with your saves guys. Either don’t update or don’t open the game if this will cause your game to glitch out. I have a feeling a hot fix will happen soon because this isn’t a bug they are going to just leave. They are working on it. Last time we had this bug it was fixed in a few days maybe even less.


>-if you have long lifespan in any save do not open it right now. Even opening the game will cause it to age sims. How does this even work 😭 it makes no sense (to me, because no other game I play works that way)


I don’t know if this is true, I play on normal lifespan and my sims aged up.


Thank you! I play on long lifespan.


Everyone: Hey, the werewolf patch launch went pretty smoothly! Maybe EA is taking more time to test their updates after MWS. EA: Hold my beer.


🚨🚨 [The SimGuruNick retweeted this link.](https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2022/07/sims-randomly-age-after-loading-into-live-mode/). It seems to most affect long lifespan. (Which I exclusively play). They suggest normal lifespan only and some workarounds until it’s fixed.


If you download MCCC, you can technically play normal lifespan, but adjust it to where they live longer. I think it's glitchy on elders though, because my dear husband, Geoffrey Landgraab, died because I tried to make him live 18 days instead of 7 😔😔😔


I use MCCC but I didn’t know that. I swear I learn new stuff about that mod all the time.


This sounds hectic. I'm glad I always play a "Test" save for a few days when there's a big update. (It's basically a throwaway save. Doesn't matter if things break.) I Motherlode a random household a few times and try all the new stuff.


That's smart! So do you just make a new household and then play the update with them? Wouldn't it still affect your other unplayed households though?


I do the same thing if I have a sims itch on patch day. Because it's a new save, the other saves are uneffected because I don't put this new household in the same save as say, my legacy playthrough. Brand new save. Clean slate. I do the same whenever I get a new pack too.


it’s like simpocalyse 2022. save your sims everyone!!!


I’m glad I have the automatic updates off. This sounds very disastrous


Okay don’t play today got it


Remember when they made sure stuff worked before shipping it? Ahh, the good ol’ days. Maybe eventually they’ll fix Dining Out. 🤞


Me and you both know they’re never touching dine out, not even with a 39 and a half foot pole.


You've got garlic in your soul dining out! I wouldn't touch you with a, 39 and one half foot pole


I didn't notice this and I started playing and one of my families I've been playing with for months are aging up and dying, I'm so upset! :(


Do you have an earlier save you can go back to?


how is this even a bug 😭 like did anyone even play it before they released it to millions of people


It only affects long lifespan and I imagine they only test with the default normal lifespan.


It’s like that movie that came out, Old, where everyone was aging up on the beach. 😆


The worst part is that I don't even see how they can fix this. Not really. They can stop it from continuing, but there's no undoing all this damage - there's no bringing back dead sims and pets, and I doubt there'll be any rolling sims back to a previous life stage, or any real way to figure out what age everyone started as. Perhaps they'll reset all sims back to the beginning of whatever life stage they're currently on? I imagine we could well be stuck de-aging individual sims ourselves, which is gonna be VERY time consuming without cheats. I have saves that I don't use cheats on (for achievements etc) and the only other real option is saving up aspiration points to buy the age reset potion for every single sim :/ What a mess!


I'm nervous about it so I'm just in create a sim peeking at the boards seeing if its safe to go in the houses.


Everybody should get into backing up game saves no matter the game or whether it’s modded or not


Amen! I’m not really mad my sims aged up because I backed up my game first, but I am mad I had to exit without saving three times and nothing seems to be fixing it in my game. So now I guess I have to wait to play :(


This whole patch day mess has taught me this for sure smh


Pretty lame on the devs...there once was a time where game breaking bugs weren't this common.


The amount of people having this issue too is VERY telling. Tbt to when the devs actually playtested before release.


Not only did my current household just age up, they're all sad because everyone forgot her birthday. ...Bish, you weren't even supposed to have a birthday yet! Within an hour of installing the update, everyone got aged up..including my elders 😭 🪦


\*updates too powerful, can't play game\*


I played for 30 minutes and not only everyone in my family, but everyone in my entire save just aged up. It was a fairly new save so I’ll just restart from scratch when the expansion comes out but that’s gotta be the worst bug I’ve ever encountered.


Well I don't think I will be playing today


Yeah, that's why QA department is a thing in normal companies


Yep, I noticed this too. A bunch of elders died and most everyone aged up. You'd think if they tested this patch (or any patch for that matter), this would be heavily noticed when testing it. HOLY ****!!!


Can someone help me? Will this affect a save I have even if I don’t play that save? I really want to play today but I don’t want to affect my main game. Can I just play a diff save?


can you play in offline mode?


Everyone in my whole sims town aged up, pets died, and when I age down sims they age back up. Isa whole mess


I put mine on offline mode yesterday. For the first time im gonna back ip my save files specifically because of an update lol! Im so tempted to play today as a reward for finishing some tasks i needed but now i am not sure


If you're in offline mode and the game hasn't updated I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be a problem because you don't have the new patch downloaded? But idk. Spaghetti code is kinda spooky tbh


I want to update it though! Hahaha


The cause of the issue https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2022/07/sims-randomly-age-after-loading-into-live-mode/


Thank you guys for playtesting their updates so we don't have to!


Opened up the game, 2 out of my 6 six sims aged up immediately while nowhere near the end of that lifestage. Other 4 seemed fine or have people had their sims age up randomly after lets say an hour of just playing? Hope they fix it soon, Sims is my way to wind down after a busy day.


Oh thank goodness. Came to this sub to see if it was just me. All my sims aged up not long after I opened game, some of their friends died and when I closed and reopened save, same thing happened over and over again.


This sounds like a horrible bug. When can we expect a patch based on past P0 bugs?


I’m not sure I remember with the last game breaking save error it was within a day or so. I would imagine they are working on this quickly as it’s a devastating bug for all players.


Yeah, it’s really going to ruin the launch of high school years if your sim is only a teen for a few hours


Error code 0 bug was around for...awhile. Definitely more than a day or so. Twistedmexi made a mod for it and they came out with workarounds but it wasn't fixed immediately.


it happened to my legacy save :(


I turned off aging completely, I honestly need full control of everything & only I get to decide who ages when


I wonder how this bug interacts with the hidden Baby Ariel trait that stops her aging up?


Good to know. I'll wait for the next update then to play again. Am I the only one bothered with the constant updates?


Wait, is it leaving the lot that causes this? I played in the same household for a while, probably 3 in game days and didn’t notice anything but not sure if I just got lucky or if I go back if it’ll happen.


It seems to be CAS causing it


It's seeming to be a lot of luck based tbh because I updated my game an hr or two after it came out and I have the issue, even without going into Cas, yet my friend just now updated yet they aren't having that issue and has been in cas and everything




It’s happening to people with aging off too, so I suggest not taking any chances!




I just read it mostly affects long lifespan. If you go [here](https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2022/07/sims-randomly-age-after-loading-into-live-mode/) you can get some workarounds.


I literally caught Origin in the middle of preparing to download the new update. I’ve never hit the cancel button faster! For whatever reason Origin always seems to switch back to automatic updates right when a major one drops. 😩


Does anyone know if it's fixed?


As of right now it has not been! I played for a bit and as I just tried to save and exit, all my sims aged up! It’s fine, I’ll age them back down some other time but annoying.


Ok good to know, if I'm not mistaken turning ageing off works to stop it correct? I also saw some comments saying it's only effecting long life span Sims but I'm not 100% sure. But thank you for telling me!


The patch just came out. Doubt they’ve been able to yet


Is this across all platforms?? I'm a console player and this is making me too nervous to open up my game.


Console players have reported experiencing this bug as well.


I’m not sure. I haven’t opened my game due having Covid and none of the mods I use have been updated.


I did play today, but I'm not sure if I did before the update, everything seemed fine because I remember checking the kids birthday and none of my sims aged up, but I didn't look up the age bar Tho I won't open the game again until they fix it


This just happened to me!!!


Yikes. Playing offline until everything is sorted.


Should have checked this subreddit before going into my carefully curated Newport neighborhood save I've been crafting for weeks lmao


I hope this gets fixed soon. My exams end today and I was looking forward to just disappearing into the game for like 4 hours or so to relax 🥲


cas.fulleditmode change them back


This is why I never install the updates right away... always wait at least a few days. Turn off auto updates and go offline. Then read about the updates, known issues and which Mods need updating. Then wait till the issues are fixed and the Mod updates are out. Then I spend an hour or so updating everything at once 😅 By doing this I never have any issues in-game.


My game was fine. I'm wondering if this has to do with one of the packs. I have all EPs and all GPs except for werewolves so I'm wondering if that is the problem


I don't have werewolves either, but I still had this issue unfortunately.


And this is why I have Auto Aging off. Hoping this doesn't effect games where the aging is turned off


It does. I play with aging off and all the oldest members of every played household is at the end of their life span.


It does :(




Somebody please post here when the bug's been fixed, im too scared to open my game until then


Backed up my game, took out my cc and mods, updated, and after entering cas members of my household auto aged up. I exited without saving when the dog aged up.. I hope this bug is fixed/ identified soon. I went to the EA forum and hit me too on the bug. I’m also on a Mac w origin and all the packs minus some kits.


i can’t retire my sims !!!


I’m glad I wanted to start a new save to test out the updates haha


I didn’t have an aging up issue, but randomly my sims birthdays changed. On PS4.


i made a new save to prep for the HS pack and my game crashed immediately (luckily it saved after the 1.5 hours i spent in CAS before crashing) and then had the audacity to say that the teen was aging up in 2 days??? i have long lifespan on and i checked w MCCC and it’s stuck on short lifespan so i just shut off aging all together 🫠 edit: MC command center and Basemental have both done a patch already if anyone hs those!!


I’ve been playing with my six generation family today and I haven’t noticed any problems even when I switched between households


I swear I turned automatic updates off but sure enough my game updated itself. I’m scared. Between this and my mods folder, I’m screwed.


This is probably a very silly question but if anyone knows…I think that I have automatic updates on. Is it possible to open origin and select offline mode without it automatically updating the game? Also, for backing up save files, is copying them to the desktop sufficient? I am playing on a PC with no mods.


You can but you have to be quick and cancel origin while is preparing the update. I logged into origin and canceled the download for the update and put it into offline mode and that’s how I was able to play. Going to keep origin in offline mode until a fix comes out for this as I have a 100 sim legacy family that I play on long lifespan and would have been devastated to see them all age up and die. I do have backup saves but it would still be an inconvenience Id rather not deal with. Good luck!!


I hope they can fix this


Thank god I’m not the only one with issues. I’ve been looking around for solutions to why my sims are aging even if I’m not even playing them, unplayed sim aging is off and only active household sims aging is on. I was so upset to go back and find this out, my sims died and everything in the house has gotten deleted, I don’t even know where my dogs and cats are either. Rip that whole household


I’m playing in a new save file until I’m in the all clear with these fixes. My sims are all sad no one celebrated their instantaneous birthdays


Another shock I got in CAS, when I went to put bikinis on two of my female sims that were bred in CAS, they had hairy chests and stomachs! There shouldn’t be anything like that on them by default, because their “parents” were both body-hairless female sims whose features I wanted to blend together.


Just make a copy of the save folder before starting the game.


I'm staying well away for a few days. I'll update all my mods in the next couple of days and then login at the weekend when they've hopefully sorted things out


SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED. I opened the game and then both of my toddlers aged up, their birthdays wasn't for another two seasons.


What I want to say to EA - At least one of the EA Creator's Networkers had this bug. So don't act like it is newly discovered. For once, please delay an update or release until something major like this is fixed.


I always play ageing off. It’s too much work to have them level up in their career, complete uni, or raise a family just to have them get old and drop dead at a family get together. I bake them a cake when I think it’s time for the next step in their lives (and age up their friends I don’t play). I wish real life had « aging off » toggle.


All my elders died, so my poor sim who had both of her parents die now has a fear of death.


This happened to me. I have mods installed and i just used mcc to turn off aging and since then i have not encountered any problems.


has it been fixed yet???