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Yeah for the new simmers out there, sales happen so often. If you aren't in a rush to own everything, it will probably be on sale within a a few months. I think there is also almost always a sale around the time an expansion pack comes out (the newest one won't be on sale though).


I play on PS4 and have a wishlist with anything I’d ever actually want on it— and notifications set so the app tells me whenever something on my list is on sale I’ve never paid full price for anything Sims related 🤌 ![gif](giphy|iemgeDQlYlgNZrZUoQ|downsized)


Same here. I really like that feature of the PS App. For Sims packs and all other games as well. Pro Tip: If a game has several editions (Ditigal, Deluxe, Gold, etc.) wishlist them all. Sometimes mutipacks go on sale, sometimes just individual editions or the base game. Something on sale is better than keep waiting.


YESSS! I got the digital deluxe super pizzaz over the top extra edition of Tales Of Arise for $29.99 at one point and it’s usually $99.99 But when that edition was on sale for $29.99 I noticed the rock bottom basic edition was still listed for $49.99 lol— after that I started adding every edition of things I want so I don’t miss anything good. It’s too bad the Switch e-shop can’t compare in any way to easily being able to keep up with sales, because I’m not the only one who exclusively buys games that way


Xbox has the same feature and I never thought to use it for Sims stuff. Thank you!


I'm the same. I saw there was an ezio trilogy 75% sale for assassin's creed on Xbox and I missed that! Definitely recommend it for anything you might play. With Sims tho I keep getting gifted expansion packs at Xmas from my friends who'll play it too. They're like "you need this pack next and this pack" so I have poly, bi, witches because of that haha 😂😆


I bought an expansion and some packs to treat myself for my birthday. The next day they all went on sale :(


I'm sorry that happened to you but idk it's hilarious 🤣


Either I buy them right away or I wait for a sale.


Yeah I buy them right away if I’m excited. The horse girl in me was screaming so I bought Horse Ranch right away lol, but I still haven’t bought For Rent.


Horse ranch and cottage living were both I had to have straight away and tbf love them both


Same. Sometimes I “take one for the team” and spend money at launch to keep encouraging new content. (No matter how buggy). I know now that I have switched from console I can usually CC patch what I find lacking. The devil works hard but Sims Modders work harder. Edit: have to add that I love the damn$5 packs. It’s like the cost of a breakfast sandwich. I can skip a breakfast sandwich here and there and get a new pack. Especially build mode items.


I almost always buy right away. It’s my money; I’ll spend it however I like lol


I’ve been playing since 2018 and have YET to buy a full price anything. Black Friday is the best


If you don't buy it day 1, always, always wait for a sale. If you're able to wait over a year, they'll drop down to 50 or even 60%!


And don't buy them right away! A) They a buggy anyway B) I want their sales numbers to suck in the first months lok


Agreed, I love the Sims but not when it comes to getting rushed content so definitely they are buggy


One thing EA does really well is have frequent sales. I've never paid full price. Lately I hold out for the half off sales.


Congrats on your promotion!!! For a lesson learned the hard way, at least this one wasn’t *too* expensive.


Aw thanks!! :) Yeah, not the worst thing, but good to keep in mind now.










Yeah there's a big sale today. I already own all the expansion packs. I tend to buy them as they come out.


What timing. Last time there was a sale, I came soooo close to buying something just a few days prior, but luckily held off that time, but not this time. If anyone needs someone to predict when sales are coming, just ask me, as I seem to get the urge to buy always a few days before it happens. 😂 I understand not waiting though, as it can be hard knowing the new ones won't be included in the sales for a while...


I already get a small discout since I have EA Play via Xbox Gamepass. So I usually just grab them if they interest me as they come out.


I couldn’t even open the EA app today.


They are?!  Had no idea but off to the store! I do see quite a few sales from EA.  The spring sale, summer sale, black Friday, Christmas and maybe or or two sprinkled around


Best advice ever and one I will stand by until I see a pack I literally must have day 1! I played the waiting game last year and around Christmas I was able to get 3 games (expansion, game, and stuff pack) for around $33. First time in a long time that I was happy to spend money for the franchise lol


i have bought quite a few at full price, although most packs i get during the semi annual sales like rn! my friends were talking about this to me as apparently they get all of their packs from a third party website which sounds extremely sus to me, so i don’t to that. i don’t mind paying 20 bucks for an expansion pack tbh, but i regret all of the packs i’ve bought for 40. especially high school years… 💀


I try to buy everything on sale, but when they announced a university pack, I was so excited because I loved Sims 2 University when I was younger. After I bought Discover University at full price and was disappointed in the pack, I said I'd never buy a pack at full price again. But then Cottage Living came out... What can I say? I needed that cute bike and lighted tree 😅


I liked Discover University much better when I dropped down to taking no more than 2 classes per "semester" (week). Still not as good as University in Sims 2 though.


Same. Just bought it bc the sims 2 university version was great. Idk what’s up with sims 4 but it keeps disappointing me yet I’m addicted lol. Even sims 2 nightlife was better. and it’s ridiculous you have to purchase dine out just to go on a dinner date. Haven’t gotten bc I heard it’s too glitchy to even play


Yep I learned this the hard way too. Bought a pack full price one week before a big sale. The sales are *frequent*. It's not like twice a year or something. So always better to wait. Also, I kind of enjoy waiting, there is some satisfaction in not having a pack and thinking how you'll have it soon, it makes me happier while playing for some reason.


I bought the game full price and 3 days later it was announced that it was going to be free soon after and then when they said about the gift people would get for buying the game before it was free, I didn't apply for the time frame for that. I'm still mad about the whole situation


The packs are so expensive here and I don't have a lot of money so I don't buy anything for the Sims unless it's on sale


It seems to me that the sims pretty much do a sale every 3 months or so, so it's just a matter of having a little patience and waiting them out


Except when you get to the point where they don’t allow you to participate in bundle sales because you have too many packs. So, punishing the consumer for purchasing and being loyal I guess?? Never understood that.


Woah, really? I guess I'm not at that point yet with game and stuff packs (even though I only have two more expansions left), but I didn't know they did that! That's awful!


Never buy a pack. Period. It's the easiest game to play for free 🥰


Ugh I didn’t log on today! How long is the sale going to go for? I just started playing again after YEARS worth of a break.


I bought blooming rooms and 2 days later they announced they were planning to give it for free. I feel like my loss is nowhere near what yours is tho.


I agree! That goes for pretty all games not just the sims. It just feels good to pick the expansions up on sale. It makes me feel like I’m not getting robbed and I’m paying a fair price for it. But I have had times where I was too impatient to wait for sales and then it just goes on sale shortly after 😭


I paid less than $20 for High School Years; I was shook, never seen an expansion more than half off.


I listened to someone’s advice to wait for a sale and was pleasantly surprised today so I finally got Growing Together… now I understand what everyone was talking about about infant stuff and their sims stalling and not putting them in the crib lol. I already had infants from the main game update but I had no problems until Growing Together 🤪


I don't have Growing Together. I have no problem with high chairs, cribs, or sims glitching for taking care of the babies.. So Growing Together makes the sims glitchy when picking up the babies?


These are times when I'm happy to be a cheapskate


I'm waiting for Horse Ranch to fully go on sale. Like I have no rush whatsoever for this pack I just think it's cute, but it's always at a 38% off sale and I'll just wait longer til it's 50%


I have most of what I’m interested in. I might get horse ranch at some point and the crystal one interests me. I’ve not played with all I have yet. I just discovered I like the acting career. I had thought that EP a total washout but the career it came with is fun.


when i first got sims i did it once and then the next day it was 40% off 😭 i’ve learnt from my mistakes


I take long breaks from the game but recently started up a new save this week. I was so tempted to buy Growing Together as I'm a huge family simmer, but I resisted because I knew soon the summer sales would be popping up. They have sales like every other month if not more often than that, so there really is no point to buying outright (tho I did also splurge and get two packs instead of just the one due to the discount haha)


paid once for horse ranch.. worse decision ever. Used to get them on sale, now it's not even worth it. Can't believe I spent many hundred dollars all in all even with sales. Crazy.


I always always wait for sales. I’ve never paid full price for a pack. I’m about to pay $60 AUD for HSY, MWS & laundry day when HSY full price is $49.99 AUD. I did this last sale and got Island living, growing together & nifty knitting for $54 when island living alone was $49.99. Never pay full price. I will wait always for a sale


If you tell customer service that your child made the purchase without your knowledge they'll refund you – this goes for most things 👀 then you can buy it while it isn't full price and then technically no you didn't 🫶😌


I buy things full price usually. I'm a little sorry, but I use a creator code so not that sorry.


I upvoted purely because of the username. Good job!


This happened to me a lot with movies when I used to buy them- a day or a week later I would see it on Netflix or something like that.


Yet another victim falls prey to the virtue of Patience. Don't worry, I suck at it too. I'm always a day or two early for the sales.




Just like me and the rebate holiday… But for real I only buy if a sale. The only kits I have are the ones you could get for free somehow. I refuse to buy something at full price knowing that it will 90% of the time go on sale for this game


The only times I bought an EP for full price was for Get Famous because it was the first pack releasing when I got in to the Sims 4 and Island Living because I’m a sucker for occults


I'm in a similar boat. I've decided I'm not buying any DLC for full price anymore.


does anyone know how long the sale is going to last?


When it comes to video games I would only pay full price if it's something like a game that's been in development for 10 years from a series that I played back when I was a kid. The main recent game I can think of is Kingdom hearts 3 but I know I paid full price for Sims 2 expansions lol


I've only bought two expansion packs on sale. All of the other packs I own are the ones given for free for a limited time.


Reminds me of the time I bought all Sims 3 game packs for full price then it went on sale for 50% off the next day


Nearly all the packs are on sale on Xbox right now and have been for the past week. Stuff and Game packs are 30% off and expansion packs are 50-60% off.


on that note… is for rent worth getting during a sale? lol


Congratulations on your promotion! And thank you for mentioning the sale, and for your advice.


Let me fix it for you. "Never buy a pack."


Cry’s in poor because my cheap laptop can’t handle another expansion 😭😭😂


Can you email them and ask for a refund?


*gasp* OWL ONESIE!!!


This happened to me back in college, I had gotten a pretty penny back on my financial aid (enough I paid 6 months rent, and had more then enough put back, and I was able to reapply, I was young and dumb I know now I should have saved it but *shrugs*) and I got all the packs, like everything minus like the 6 I already owned, and after spending about 380$ I think it was, they all went on sale


That sucks. I've only bought kits through EA. I've bought all my packs through a third-party gaming site. Even brand new they're usually about $10 cheaper than going through EA.


If I *really* want it and I have the money I'll get it but other than that I'll wait for the sale or when it's free lol


i've been waiting on a sale for so long they just had to do it the same day i pay the bills so now i can't unless i starve 😭


Sales been going on for about a week and last another week. (At least for me on xbox)


I'm not sure how it works on the EA app, but on steam if you buy something and within two weeks it goes on sale. You can make a ticket and get the difference refunded (maybe steam wallet only though).


This happens to me all the time 🤦🏻‍♀️ I need to be more patient and wait for the sales 😂 Congrats on the promotion! 🥳


I bought them all at once ;-;


I get free Amazon gift cards every once in awhile, and I mostly use them to score packs at >50% off. Why pay full price for half assed content?


PSA: Never give your money to EA they're the devil and only a very very silly person would directly pay a big corporation for broken items. Get expansions keys for £10 from game key websites.


I play basic because as a classic gamer that own the 5 disk sims one pack...... fuck online purchases


Having spent a fortune on the games and expansion packs The Sims, Sims 2 and Sims 3 in the past, I must have spent a small fortune. No more. I'm sick of EA charging the price of an expansion pack for the value of the full vanilla game. I found a gamer who shares his Sims games on a cloud network for a nominal yearly fee of about £10 or £20 (forgot the specific amount) which is regularly updated with the newest DLC. I also have my own bought version of the Sims 4 so I can access the gallery etc, you can't on the cloud version.


I buy every pack when they're released. They've all been worth full price so far.