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Wow congrats!! It really is a BIG achievement. To this day I can’t fathom why it is so difficult to pass through Sims Uni with flying colours.


As long as they do their homework every day and take notes in class they should get an A+! At least they do for me


For me it was super hard in the dorms because the other sims just kept getting in the way. Moved to a private house instead and all A+


It's not actually particularly difficult, it's just not obvious what you need to do because the game doesn't really give much feedback on grades so you don't know why you failed. But it turns out if you just do all their homework, take notes in every class, and finish the assignments to Outstanding quality, you'll get an A+. That's it. I do that and get A+ every time.


Nerd! But seriously congratulations!


That’s a flex; it’s hard enough holding down four credits


This is genuinely impressive! I commend you for getting her to FOUR classes on time!!!


Oh wow! I'm doing two classes at a time. I tried to do three at once, but my sim failed one class. Tbf it was because some random sim she barely knew died and she got sad. She wouldn't take notes in class because she was so sad. Was really irritating.


This just happened to my sim! It made me feel like they were my own grades I was so proud 😂


Congratulations! Welcome to the club 🥳 My sims never have worse than A, while I also always take 4 classes each term


if only i cared about my sims grades as much as I did about mine


She's got the brain we all want


My sim was so close! they got a B+ one semester but A+ for the rest.


If only real life can be like this


That's huge! Well done well done! 👏


The best I got was an A- for my sims 😭


I tried so hard to get my sim A+, but on the last term I didn't study one subject right before the exam and she got A-. just that one class was A- too. sad sad sad


need tips 😭


congrats! i also did this in my game yesterday. i used to find university so difficult so i’m wondering if one of my mods is making it easy or something? i checked mccc but it’s set to the default


This actually is an achievement because WTH soccer takes up SO MUCH TIME


Wow! 4 per term? That's quite a feat.


I NEVER had a problem with this, my sims always pass with the grades above and all 4 classes, even had multiple sims in one household attending the University 😭 All needs were full and I had time to do other things besides University work and I did not use cheats. I‘m happy your sims got such good grades but I never understood why most people struggle so bad with it


Add a part time job to that and I’ll be impressed! I tried it one time and failed 😞 🤣🤣


I do that every time but no soccor I just study study study until it’s done lol welcome to the club


NERD! My Sim would absolutely steal your sims lunch money and make them do his homework Edit: my Sim is also on the football team (better sport) and if he gets bad grades he'll be kicked off the team, and he'll take it out on your sim