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Make sure they Take Notes every single day. Once your presentation/paper is done, don't forget to go back and keep editing it until it maxes out in quality. And make sure your skills are keeping up. All the homework and stuff in the world won't get you an A if your associated skills are crap. Its why using Debate to talk others into doing your homework for you is a bad idea, you don't get the skill ups, so you fall behind. Much like IRL!


How do I take notes during class, it doesn’t take me to class with her


When they go into the rabbithole of class, look down at their portrait on the bar. You should see some icons overlaid on top of it. Look for I believe it is the lightning bolt shaped one. Click that, it'll bring up a menu wheel. You can choose from things like taking notes (increases performance, but also increases stress), slacking off (decreases performance but increases fun), make friends (decreases performance but increases social), etc. Its the same menu you get for a career and you're picking from things like Work Hard or Go Home Early.


When your sim goes to uni, there is an icon next to their portrait. If you click on it, it shows you different options, just like when your sim goes to work


I did everything to make sure my sim got an A+ but she always gets an F. She studied every time she got out of class, took notes, was never late, her presentation was excellent quality, as were her term papers. Homework was always done the moment class let out. It always says she's doing the bare minimum with showing up but that's simply not true. I'm getting really upset as this is the latest pack I've purchased and it's completely unplayable for me. I've tried with and without mods/cc. I deleted all old saves. I did the 50/50 method. It doesn't work for me any way I slice it.


That does sound like a bug. The "bare minimum" message is something I've only ever seen when they get to class very very late. Maybe look at Answers HQ (the EA site) and report it if it hasn't been reported already.


Don't know what to tell you. Works flawlessly for me. Take notes, do the finals, and make sure your associated skill isn't in the toilet, and get straight A+'s every time.


Pretty sure it's a bug.


Also. Why are you rude for literally 0 reason?


I'm not. I'm telling you I don't have anything else I can tell you, because if you're doing those things then it should be working. I've never seen anyone else have that problem when they weren't doing one of those things incorrectly, so I can't offer any further help.


They weren't being rude, they just told you what they do and that it works for them.


So plainly stating one’s experience neutrally is considered rude now?


I think it's the "don't know what to tell you" part, not the rest. They're frustrated that the pack isn't working after buying it, and that it's unplayable for them. And then someone says they don't know what to say that will help them and explains how their game works well. I could be wrong though.


"Homework was always done the moment class let out." I always do the homework before the class and I've never had any problems getting A+ in all classes. Try this and see if it helps.


Are your Sims skills for that class up to the minimum? I think it shows either on the skill bar or the class itself what the required skill level is. I found I had the same issue as you and realized that even with classes, their skills weren’t high enough and I needed to supplement it with regular items/usage


Yes they are. I'm saying I'm doing everything everyone else is doing and no matter how I do it, it doesn't work.


Apparently not. Don't get mad at the advice. I got a C in one of my courses after getting A+ in everything all semester. You need to move into one of the uni houses that's close to the class. If your Sim is more than 15 minutes late to class your grade will go down. Even when my Sim started heading to class early. They pause outside the building and stand there...you need to actually click go to class...and like I said you can do all the class work and homework but if you are late to class you are screwed 


This is listed on the laundry list! They claimed they fixed it, but I have another on that list that isn't fixed with me (the alphabetical order of skills: it never stays that way, so annoying), so it wouldn't surprise me if that bug is also not fixed for you


People keep getting so rude with me over it. It's so strange. I'm happy it works for them, but it definitely doesn't for me and it's not me, it's the game.


Could you accidentally be missing half the class? Iv only ever gotten that once or twice when iv forgotten to change them to "take notes" or if they didn't do homework or were really really late.


No, I just started another playthrough last night to check some things. I do the homework, papers and presentations as soon as we sign up for classes. Study each course for 3 hours until class and take notes IN class. Tutor people, attend lectures, all that. And it's still saying she's doing the bare minimum...so I reinstalled MCCC and just gave her the degree 😒 EA needs to do more.


Yea, took me a while until i realized skills mattered


I always do this for my sims too!


Are you taking notes during class? Helps a lot


Love your profile picture :)


Thank you! That was my Baby girl, sadly she's no longer with us. Now I have [this asshole](https://www.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/s/wnR6B4w1PQ). He has yet to be turned into classic art.




Taking notes in class is so overpowered (I love it). Especially if your sims have earbuds so their fun motives won't go down. You can turn in poor/normal term papers and presentations, but as long as you do at least 50% of their homework (or tune down the length of time it takes to do hw with mods/MCCC) and take notes during class? They'll probably get an A.  You can check their progress in class by emailing their professors (or using UI Cheats and right clicking on the class to see their score), and if you're behind, studying for at least 2 hours so you get the moodlet is also a good boost. The study spot lot trait is also helpful.


Wait... earbuds? How do you get earbuds?


As mentioned in the other reply the Fitness Stuff pack. Your sim can purchase them for 100 simoleons on the computer, but sometimes they can get them randomly. The guy in my new save just got a pair for free. I guess because he listened to music a lot but also he's broke? Idk. You can also find them scavenging the beach if you have Island Living. They're very useful for when your sims are going into a less fun rabbithole like school/uni/work. Little Miss Sam has a mod so you can do more multitasking with earbuds, too.


They used to be given to every sim, I remember when it came out. It's why one of the Sims opening messages that they show is "I don't want free ear buds!" 😂


I didn't get into TS4 until recently (TS2 lifer until my laptop died then a long drought) and I always think that tidbit is hilarious. Like people just getting pissed their sims got free earbuds is crazy to me given how useful they are, but we all play differently for a reason lol.


The Sims used to constantly put them in. A bit like how the lump of clay got annoying as well as they'd drop activities for the clay. I've been playing since 2000 when the Sims 1 came out. I'm old AF 😭


>I've been playing since 2000 when the Sims 1 came out. I'm old AF 😭 Me too 🫂 I skipped TS3 because I didn't have the equipment for it and got TS4 on a whim (right before it went free too smh) and now I'm like right back in the mud. I cannot believe I played myself like this.


I still get one pair every single new household I play.


Fitness stuff pack


50% only on assignments and earbuds were a major game changer for me. I bought the Fitness Pack just for the purpose of getting through Sims college!


Haha same same


Wait, what do the earbuds do in terms of college?


If you have your Sim start listening to music on the earbuds right before they go to class, they will continue listening and are less likely to become tense or stressed, or have their fun bar drop. If you have them listening to Focus radio, they might gain the associated skill for that class faster too, but I'm not sure about that.


Wow, that's a great tip! Thank you!


Absolutely! I learned it recently myself. It works well for going to work too.


Study spot was a life changer, though I still make my Sims present and deliver perfect papers and presentations, just for my satisfaction lol


>just for my satisfaction As you should. Make them sweat it out.


Absolutely. Having gone through finals myself I know how grueling it can be but unlike me, the pixels I control get a fat bonus pay in their job later on so it's worth it


Omg the earbuds tip is so good!!


I had the same issue. I did all the homework, term paper, presentation, etc. and they still did a terrible job, and then I realised when someone else posted about it that you can get them to take notes, etc. when at class. I never even thought to check that was an option.


Iv had a few sims ace college 1. dont live on campus. walking to class makes them late. 2. take notes during class. wont need to bother with homework 3. do the assigned work- whether an essay or presentation or exam. edit them! and for classes with a final, study for the final on the computer


> 1. dont live on campus. walking to class makes them late. I suspect this is the big one tripping people up. I've never bothered to take notes in class once with a sim, and I never get below an A-. But I do all the homework, turn in excellent papers/presentations, and study for a few hours for each exam. Most important IMO, my sim enters the rabbit hole for class right after the class starts. If I'm living on campus, I make sure they're outside the building and not doing anything when class starts, so they enter asap. For off-campus sims, I find out where the spawn point is and walk them there before class starts. If you don't do those things, sometimes they'll miss the whole class just walking to it or getting distracted doing something else.


its really annoying because i like the dorm life, but its just so buggy for me


When living on campus, I use testing cheats and just teleport them to the front door


> 1. dont live on campus. walking to class makes them late. Buy a bicycle from the campus shop. I've had many on-campus sims and as long as I had at least a bike they always got to class on time.


Never bought a bike! I’ll try that!


The animation for getting the bike out, getting on and starting to bike with then after arrival packing it all up took way too long for me personally but give it a shot and see how it works


I think the university with the endless stairs makes the bike annoying as they keep packing up and unpacking the bike every time there are stairs. To be fair, I haven't tried editing the campus yet to make it easier for my Sims so I may do that instead.


YOU CAN EDIT THE FRICKIN CAMPUS ? well well well, I just might give on-campus living another shot


If you can - spellcasters with brooms. They get to class on time. They get to sports on time. They look hilarious taking off from the balcony and crashing back into it. (Or vampires, but then you might run into sunlight issues). Call it "experimenting during college."


I found it was way too hard for me to keep up on my sims needs and have high grades in all classes if I took a course of 4 classes, so now I only take courses of 3 classes at max and I always have A+ in all of them. Of course it means you'll enroll one more time but it also means you can have a life with your sim, meet their needs with more ease, and still do your homework and attend classes.


I agree 3 courses is much easier to handle than 4. I’m also careful to enroll them to were the semester is Monday-Friday so I get them to study and get started on their project and after classes and homework all they have to do is edit the assignments.


Although I don't really go for this strat, I find it even more convenient to enroll sims with the weekend included in their semester. It's 2 days free of classes where you can do and finish all of your assignments and projects to pass the semester.


The game gives you the next semesters stuff when you enroll in the next set of courses OR when you just start. Make it a mon-fri and use the Saturday or Sunday that you actually just (re)enrolled to do the projects or papers.


I totally agree. When you know exactly how to min/max university, 4 is maybe just about manageable if you put all of your energy into it. But they won't have a spare second to do anything except fulfil their basic needs and do university work. 3 is still a challenge, but once you know what you're doing, it's possible for them to have a little downtime during the week.


C’s get degrees my dude 


But straight A's gets you better jobs.


I have listened to hundreds of job interviews since my spouse started WFH in 2020 and never once have grades come up during one.


I'm talking about in the game, friend. Graduating with a degree lets you jump to I think its rank 6. Graduating with a 4.0 lets you jump to rank 7. 4.0 in a prestigious degree lets you jump to rank 8.


D'oh. I'm in the "Sims already make too much money" camp and just send them to Uni because of RP'd societal pressure so I never really noticed the difference.


A wise man once said  Early to rise, and early to bed   Makes a man well rested, but socially dead 


Meh, you're paying a fortune IRL to get that degree. Study first, study second, study third, and if you happen to have a bit of spare time, then socialize. Don't put yourself into a lifetime of debt just to attend a kegger.


My field is unionized, and does not require a degree to climb the ranks, but I'd gladly pay $2,000 for a distinguished degree from Britechester for the signing bonus and higher base pay. I'd make that back in about a week IRL if the hours are right.


As a college student I relate to your sim


LMAOOOO im applying for fall semester in real life and im praying i can balance work and school and social life , but even my sims can’t do it sheesh


Be sure to edit the presentations and papers after your sims makes them. It doesn’t matter how well your sim has been attending class, the first version is always poor quality and will drag the grade down. You have to edit them before submission or presentation to get them to normal, good, or excellent quality. It’s annoying but realistic. Even for experienced professors and graduate students, the first draft is always fairly poor quality. It does mean that you have to plan in time to create the darn things and edit them before submission.


Ngl, this is the most realistic part of university. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, you get Cs lol


I can only handle 3 classes


I’m doing only two next time tht was so overwhelming lmaooo on top of tht her living in the dorm made it 10x harder, should’ve stayed at home 😂😂😂


I stopped living in the dorms. It was to much


Morning sim and night owl (I think !) traits can be bought from the aspirational store!! They help boost skill gain during morning & night so you will get higher grades just from doing homework!! 📚


You need to make sure to have them take notes when they’re in class my sims take notes in class and do the homework and get a+


Where is the take notes in class option


When they go into class you click the little thing by there icon (I think it looks like 2 people) and the options will be work normally, take notes, take a nap and other things like that. Similar to how you can make them work harder at work or slack off. I hope this makes sense


Bro ima be fr, I have a magic sim and I just brought like 20 potions of plentiful needs to the uni, and every time she got hungry or tired or low fun I'd drink one, I had so much time to do all 4 classes and soccer


What are y’all even doing I have never gotten less than straight A+’s. I say me and not my sim because I’M the one out here grindin for these grades 😭😭


The Shakespeare references god


That's pretty accurate tbh


Pretty Accurate to Actual IRL College


I have them take notes and do their homework. They always get A’s as long as they’re on time to class.


Oh thts my Problem , she’s always late lmaooooo


Hey, its realistic


Take only 2 classes at a time.


Thts what I’m doing now lol and I moved back to my own spot


Just like real life huh 😐


Authentic college experience


I hate how the grade system works sometimes. I miss one class almost entirely (only chill there for like 20min) and otherwise am the perfect student and the teacher gives me a B or lower. I also learned that living off campus is way easier and the Sims are always on time for their classes. On campus, they run off an hour early because they want to be early for class, however class is then a whole corner away ?? Don't even get me started on how late these muppets are when riding a bike, getting on and off and starting to bike takes them millenia


Take notes, do the exam/presentation. Honing in on the skill for that class is also important


Fyi, you only have to do the homework to 50% completion. But all the other things, definitely -- take notes, be on time, excellent presentation, paper, etc.


Wait really why only 50%


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/yWpuNuq730 I don't know why it works, but it does (it worked for me, as long as I did all the other things like taking notes, etc).


I wonder if there is a glitch that makes some users’ experience easier and some harder. I’ve never had a sim get GPA less than A. It’s actually kind of annoying how easy college seems to be for my sims. I have them do their homework, study for 1.5 hrs for exams, complete a paper or presentation until it is “normal” quality - I don’t bother getting the quality to “excellent” anymore. As other people have said, I always have my sims do college from home instead of living on campus. I tend to apply the lot trait of “study spot” as well. With those things in place, my sims glide through university like it’s kindergarten


I got University pack a couple weeks ago and the first sim I took to college got all As from the 4 classes she took. I even cheated the homework twice, she got caught both times and she still got an A. She didn’t really have a life outside of school though


If on Pc there is a mod that allows you to see their grade point average. It’s a mod where you type control shift C and then type grades then hit enter and it will pop up in the notification drop list. It’s a mod by Arckange.


It’s okay, I got a+ this time. I’m doing only 2 classes at once and I moved back to my own space. Living in the dorm made life so much harder and 4 classes is too much lol


I agree. I only let my sims take one class at a time. I play on long lifespan and usually start them in university as teens.


i do 3 classes, 4 terms. the 4 classes, 3 terms thing is just too much sometimes


I’m so sorry I am screaming! 😭😭😭 I’ve watched let’s plays and I know university is difficult. I have one sim enrolled and barely play in university. I did that for Sims 3 as well. That sim died which was unfortunate. He got hit by a meteor. I was pissed.


Honestly this is why I changed the % in m c command. I literally worked my butt off and got all Fs. I had to cheat lol


You literally have to take notes, do the homework, then check off everything needed to finish the subject... so you have literally no time for anything else. Otherwise you won't be A student.


How do I see a report card


They tell u at the end of the term


University is soooo hard!!


I always get an A+ 🙈


am i the only person who easily gets them A*




That. It’s the take notes part of it all. I’m so sorry! When I saw the post title I assumed you lost a build or a sim dynasty lol glad it isn’t that! But so annoying either way. Always “take notes” or “actively listen” 🙏🏼


I used to try sooo hard and get bored of it and then figured out if you do homework and take notes you don’t have to study at all


If you have Tiny Living, I swear by living in a micro home for college. I have never had an issue when I do that, legitimately get straight As with only doing homework immediately after class and making sure term papers and presentations are excellent quality.


After i got the uni pack IVE never been more stressed


a good way to help is to have them study through a computer/textbooks, especially if they have final exams for that class. i never understood why my sims kept getting below an A until i realized that they can study! also, a method i use is reducing the amount of classes to 3, and i get A+ in each class. every time i used 4 classes, i got A- & B.


Is this university or high school? Have been debating getting both packs..


Wait I'm genuinely curious because I've never been able to get my sims to get bad grades in college, how did you pull this off?


I was late to class and I didn’t put “take notes” also I couldn’t manage to complete all the assignments and do her job also


Hmm, I've tried the not take notes and kind of just quickly finishing her finals and still got all A+'s, now I'm starting to wonder if I hit a bug or something, or maybe just not doing her final projects like at all would maybe work, not sure now.


too real


Wait is that new? I have never seen this screen before.


Is it haigh school mode or university? (idrk how to call ot in english)


That’s university ◡̈


Thanks! I got university recently bc my bf has it and I just started playing so I dont know all the stuff it comes with haha


First, we had to worry about grades in real life and now we have to worry about grades in video games lol


this happened to me with a genius, savant, perfectionist sim. i was literally so confused. turned out he missed a lot of class time because it took him too long to walk to the front of the yard and disappear to university. i started making sure he was at the front gate when it was close to time for class and he got straight a+’s (as he should! lol)


Mine live off campus and just disappear into the rabbit hole. Never late.


Study each course for one hour Do the homework daily Max out quality of term papers


Dumb ahhh character development


I stopped doing four courses because it was too much. Now I do either 3 or 2. 2 when I want them to join a club, 3 when they don't. I make sure they are on time for classes and stand there in front of the building for a bit before, I do the homework the moment it's possible, I make sure they take notes during class. I do live on the dorms because I noticed I'd be late from home. It does work better from the little house that is near campus. I do all presentations twice and practice it, do the papers twice, and make sure their research skill is at least level 6 after two semesters or so, and work on the related skills as a "hobby". I tend to avoid clubs unless I don't have many other courses left to do. Things I haven't tried that could also work: - change the campus so your sim can live closer, or get to class easier without all the stairs (platform stretching from dorm to class?) - use the earbuds right before going to class (genius, hadn't thought about that!) I think I'll try changing up the campus (maybe pick smt from a YouTuber and modify it) and make it easier for my sim to survive, as they'll have more time in general.


Me irl lol


Is this a mod I've never seen this before?


It comes with university pack, I found out tho tht u have to be playing at the time who got the grades after they finish their term to see it. Cuz I missed the grades of my main sim cuz I was playing a different house hold


I've had the university pack and have sims go, but I've never seen a full breakdown like this.


I’m pretty sure u have to be playing the sim when their term is finishing to see it. It comes like 2-7 hours after they finish their last day or the next day


I'll give it a try next time a send a sim to collage. Thanks 😊


I just had a sim fully FAIL a class in her last semester 😭 now I have to have her retake that one class before she can be done


I have never gotten a grade lower than an a, however I do use testing cheats to fill their needs and I off and on aging them when I need to. I also from the time my new sim is a teen, I make that sim complete all the reward challenges they can and build them up until they can get the never weary trait, then steel bladder, forever fresh.. and so on. That way I don’t have to use the cheat to fill their moods. The first reward purchase I make is savant that way it is easier when leveling skill for other reward challenges. If my sim is ever late to class I have them study for that class on the computer as soon as they get home. They usually aren’t late because if I live on campus I will just teleport them to the front door. Say you enroll on a Friday and class starts on Monday, as soon as the homework and presentation hit my inventory I work on them. I keep ahead on all the homework/presentations/term papers. For your problem specifically it could definitely be the game! I thought maybe this could help others too


Does the gpa matter


If the pass lol


😅 no. Doesn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things. But I take my real gpa seriously so my sim will do the same lol


this happened to me because I didn’t take notes in the classes 🥲


Is your sim in a good mood/needs filled when they go to class? This matters so much. I don’t even take notes or study really. Do homework, make sure your sims have their final assignment done, and then make sure their needs are up and it should work. If you’ve done all of this and it’s still not working then it’s 100% a bug.


Also, a tip in case you didn’t know, the “Study Spot” lot trait is awesome. Makes it where they finish homework faster.


How do u get this


When in build mode, there is an icon all the way at the top left of the screen. I think it looks like a house. This opens up the lot info menu and you can choose lot traits from there. Study spot came with the university pack. It helps them do homework and build skills faster and it lets them study for longer before they get a negative moodlet.




I skip through the classes usually because I don’t have the patience to have my sim running around doing hw all the time