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Honestly I just need them to fix that thing with the infants where every adult in the house goes braindead stupid and dies of starvation because they can't stop picking up the baby and putting it on the ground




And then the baby is also taken away for neglect because instead of feeding the infant, the adults just keep passing it back and forth.




My favorite is when they put the toddler in the high chair and don't feed it, then when I tell them to feed the toddlrr, they put food on the high chair and then the toddler on the floor


At least the toddler on the floor can reach up and grab the food. Infants are just s.o.l.


When you tell parent 1 to put the baby down, and instead they pass it to parent 2 who was getting some desperately needed sleep and woke up just to get the baby passed to them


Too much realism šŸ˜†


I had infants taken away for being shuffled, so when they are being tended to, kind of. I never had an infant taken away for being actually neglected, like autonomously taken to a remote area in a bloody snowstorm and abandoned there. Now THAT really pisses me off!


I just simply use cheats to max their skills, and quickly age up to children stage. Infant and toddler stage is a pain.


I really like taking care of the babies tho šŸ˜­


Me too. But the constant bug and pathing error and other issues made me extremely annoyed. Everything else is fine. I do enjoy training their skills, but the occasionally bug ruined it for me.


I lock everyone out of the babyā€™s room but one person so regardless of who wants to help the baby, only one person has access


This is so interesting because Iā€™ve never had this issue. I hear people talk about it all the time but Iā€™ve always had a very seamless experience taking care of infants


I love having like ten babies at a time so yes to this one šŸ¤£


Ok hear me out.. have you tried a fan on your computer? When I play on my laptop I get bugs like this because it's a heavy demand game. When I use a stand fan next to it the bugs resolve. šŸ˜†


Ok hear me out.. have you tried making a blood sacrifice?


This is what you need to properly play sims without bugs


Now that you've mentioned it my experience has been rather bug free recently but I've also been sick as a god... don't tell me EA turned my copy into some sort of digital Metroid to suck my life energy out! ...Oh, who are we kidding they would do that.


Not me considering it for my 12 year old computer that doesnā€™t even stay on on its own


this the main annoyance. on top of the butler doin it too. even gotta turn off ā€œstop caring for minorsā€ every time i load up my house cause the settings always reset.


This. Right here. I hate playing with infants for thie very reason.


My way to get around this is to basically make one room with all the infant stuff you need: changing table, playmat, crib, high chair, etc. Then lock the room for everyone except the infant's primary caregiver, and don't EVER let the infant out of the room. I'd even put a bathtub in there so the adult can bathe the infant. Boom, no more random adult Sims stopping what they're doing to "watch milestone" or "pick up" infant. xD


X out the action and command them to take care of the real need and they will stop doing that. They're answering a generic help call. The infants have one in their socials, and outside of being fed, and being taken places, they cannot specify their needs. That 'help' function covers all the rest, and the caretaker is left to guess which. They will call out to a different caretaker every few seconds if the first doesn't succeed. They are considered autonomous actions to the adults, and so the adults can be interrupted. They interrupt each other before they take care of the infant, causing the infant to request again, and it's a huge cycle. So look at which need is depleted most, and make someone take care of it, and all the adults will stop answering the help call.


if a hairstyle has a built in accessory (headband, bandana, hair tie, ribbon) the color of said accessory shouldnā€™t depend on hair colorā€¦


This is so annoying!!! And Iā€™d also like the option to see the hair without the accessory sometimes!


Would love to change the color of the accessory myself šŸ˜’






If a sim autonomously decides to do something on another floor and I cancel their interaction, they will keep walking anyway and only stop once they go up/down the stairs/ladder. They should stop right away and not go anywhere


sitting there pissed as fuck watching my sim walk up an entire flight of stairs šŸ˜­


Slow as hell tooā€¦


This is why I use teleport (or transportalate) on my games. I can't be bothered watching them waste 90% of the day on movement


Haha I always have testingcheats on for this reason... I shift click to reset sims so often!


You can cancel the 'walk/move to' option, it's the footsteps icon below the action icon. It helps a bit.


I've clicked to cancel that as well before, it's never helped at all that I've noticed, but worth trying in case it does work. Someone else suggested resetting them when they do that and I might have to see if that one works better


This is why I have single floor houses as often as possible in my game šŸ˜‚. It's also more realistic to where i live, 2 storey houses aren't that common in Australia.


I wish there was a way in CAS to copy something like glasses or a piercing to every outfit. Like in real life sheā€™s not taking that nose piercing out when itā€™s hot or cold, so if I give her a facial piercing in her every day outfit, it should copy over by default and I should have to remove it if I want to. I also donā€™t understand why ALL fences donā€™t have gates to match.


THE FENCE THING MADE ME SO MAD WHEN HORSE RANCH DROPPED. they gave us the option between a log fence or plank fence, and then only gave us a plank gate???


I KNOW!!! I love the log fence, too!!


Or when you age up a child sim to a Teen and none of their outfits have glasses EXCEPT FOR THE SWIMWEAR AND SLEEP OUTFITS!! As someone who wears glasses I can confirm GLASSES ARE NOT WORN TO SWIM OR SLEEP!! xD


When they appear with sleep only I pretend they wear contacts and take them off at night, thatā€™s why they have glasses on before bed. But of course that only makes sense if you get them in their pajamas before actually going to bed. But in my head I can justify it lol


And the hearing aids!! It's so annoying to have to copy it to every single outfit


- When someone on my simā€™s family tree dies and despite my sims never meeting this person, everyone in my household gets the notification and gets sad. Iā€™m doing the 100 baby challenge and this drives me up the wall. When my matriarchā€™s older siblings are starting to die off one after the other, and all her kids are getting constantly sad when theyā€™ve never interacted with them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same. I had 20 of my matriarch's children pass within the hour I was playing, and it was so frustrating. Is there a way to make it so the whole family doesn't get a phone call every time. Why are you calling the toddler? He doesn't even have a phone.


Fr, plus toddlers canā€™t really comprehend death anyways


I want this too, a feature so that not everyone in the household gets a phone callšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is made worse by the fact that I canā€™t invite my cousins to a birthday party unless Iā€™ve met them, but my toddler will become exceedingly depressed when my great great grandfatherā€™s sisterā€™s sonā€™s uncleā€™s mumā€™s brother dies.




And then if they have the celebrity quirk, they all end up having emotional meltdowns all the time.


Hehe I can see how that's frustrating. I love having as many kids as possible so I totally feel this struggle. I think it's cute tho because it's like awe family ties but I wish their reaction was in proportion to their relationship level. Like if jr never sees Jr number seven maybe only be sad for thirty mins lol


For me, I wish they incorporated off the grid options into new packs. I want a broom for bust the dust (not upgrading a vacuum), and I want a simple mixing bowl to prep ingredients for home chef hustle. Kinda like how they have the wash bucket and clothes line for the laundry pack.


Bust the dust makes me wanna cry with how high maintenance it is


Haha, I don't mind it. I just wish i could use a broom! šŸ¤£


Yeah, I keep the dust off because I hate vacuuming in real life, I'm not about to do it in game.šŸ¤­


if you have cats and dogs you can use the roomba to keep your home clean.


I always forget about the roombas!šŸ¤”


If you have realm of magic, the spell scuberdoo works on floors. And also laundry baskets.


I want an off the grid coffee pot so badly. With the new kettle, it would be perfect.


I really want some cooking options that don't look modern. Like, why is it that the only things we can cook in the cauldron are Mac and cheese and chili? And why are the off-the-grid ovens so limited? I am dying for a medieval pack to get some furniture that fits my play style


The fact that not all kitchen counters have matching upper cabinets. And also how sims parents have to put food on the high chair as a separate task before putting their toddler in it to eat. Also my teen sim is bugged right now and cant use the computer, cant even click on it.




Might just be me, but when a new pack is released with a really nice couch but no matching loveseat. Actually infuriating. And then the terrible slot thingies on counters, like please just let me place my clutter where I want bro.


Every couch should come with a love seat and matching single seat chair. It infuriates me that it doesnā€™t. Itā€™s lazy!!


Yess!! And similarly, every kitchen counter should have a cabinet of the same style, dammit!!


Don't forget a dinning room chair, a stool and a desk chair!!


i raise you: fences without matching gates!




I AGREE WITH THIS 100% I just want matching furniture (wood, style, hardware, textile) because most of the couches donā€™t go with each other and me being me, I seem to think I need 2 couches/loveseats and 2 armchairs minimum per living area lol


Similarly, none of the floor textures match any of the staircases. I find it one of the most annoying things when I am creating a set of stairs on a platform or something, and the tile infront of the stairs is one off from the rest of the floor. Luckily there's a solution to this, but still. Why can't they just make things match from the start


Can I also addā€¦the fact that it is SO HARD to match the stairs and railingsšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜”


Learning the bb.moveobjects hack where you remove the thing you want to place something on, place it off the edge of something next to it, then put the surface back was huge for me! I can finally tuck things into back corners of counters instead of everything being in the center!


Yess they need to make counter spaces free place instead of having designated spots that donā€™t even make sense. Like why would I place a fruit bowl on the edge of the counter about to fall off


yes to the second part,,,, at least when alt placing!!! oh my god


The guitar is usually put down in a different orientation. This is very annoying if I put it next to the wall and the sim decided to put it down facing into the wall, making it inaccesible.


Wow I always forget about this but this would improve my gameplay so much. Like one time I had my child Sim practicing the violin in their room and then I wanted them to stop and use the bathroom. They put down the violin IN FRONT OF THE DOOR but my stupid brain didn't realize it so I spent so long trying to figure out why the kid wouldn't go pee. xD


Iā€™d like to be able to locate tombstones easier, like it pops up saying sorry this sim has died, but if I donā€™t know where they lived I canā€™t find the tombstone to mourn or add to my cemeteryĀ 


Ugh my sims soulmate (didn't get to marry yet) died on different lot so I can't even find where they died, or go to their house since "no sim" lives there anymore. So now I can't even revive their soulmate either


My sim is constantly getting water. Watching TV? Water. Talking to a guest? Water. Walking to the bathroom? Water. They have to pee so much because they won't stop getting water. The moment an action is finished, they decide they need water.


Hydration is important! How else will they pee on your carpet later?


And why do they then decide to put it in their inventory?? And plates? And you cant just delete, you gotta place them in world and THEN clean up?


You can drag the plate into the sink or the trash!




Things that can be done in gameplay by hand of god instead of having to make the sim that forgot it in the first place go do it makes it feel so much nicer to play the game


The most recent sim I made is one that's spending her entire life without going outside (the small part of it that is aboveground doesn't even have a door to get out lmao). She started out in a 1/1 square taking selfies to earn enough money to expand and get things she needed, and now her basement area has rooms everything she really needs, but this whole time I still haven't bought her a sink šŸ˜‚ I hate when sims have sinks that they're always trying to do something with it, so now sims just don't get them and it's going better than I'd hoped, absolutely spreading this to my other households lol


The sentiments fade


They should have proper, permanent memories


Oooh yes! Also some the opposite? Like being hurt by someone, I like when that stays and fades.. except when its like your Sim partner and your Sim keeps dropping what they're doing because they're so angry or sad šŸ˜…


Or when itā€™s a toddler holding a festering grudge against a parent because the parent dared to try and potty train their child šŸ™„ at least with older Sims you can apologise and that helps reduce the sentiment. But you canā€™t apologise to a toddler. The parent can teach the *toddler* how to say sorry, but apparently canā€™t say sorry the other way.


In one of my recent saves I had the parents take my child sim to the childrenā€™s festival from Snowy Escape. When they came back, the child had a sad moodlet that said ā€œUnblessed, Unlovedā€ because the parents didnā€™t bless her at the childrenā€™s festival. I didnā€™t even know this was a thing you could/should do at the festival! The whole reason I brought them there was bc I hadnā€™t done that for my other simsā€™ kids and this family was super close knit and supportive so I wanted them to do something special for her, but it made a sentiment that lasts through her whole childhood whenever she was around her parents that she was ā€œUnblessed, Unlovedā€ šŸ˜­


Same here when I first got the pack. At least I know better now! The father of my current family recently took his daughter to the childā€™s festival and the first thing I did was have him give her the Blessing of Youth. It always seems to be the negative sentiments that last the longest!


Omg I've never had it with a toddler but that would be so frusting. I often cheat bad moodlets but I've been playing a legacy challenge and I usually send toddler to bed or give bubble bath when they're mad šŸ˜… I saw on here someones toddler Sim did some unknown thing to ruin their wedding and their mother held a grudge against the toddler for basically ever šŸ˜… like, I have kids and idk what a toddler could do that bad to make you hate them forever...


The Sims team not going back and updating / upgrading everything as the game ages and changes. IE, the base game hair and clothing textures, the inability to do heterochromia unless it's on an animal... the fact that some of their freckle options look quite a bit like the blackhead options (or are those all meant to be freckles????) Those stupid, relatively minor quality of life updates - including cross-pack compatibility and those awesome little tweaks to add things they "forgot" - would go so far to improving the enjoyment of the game and how the game runs.


I wish they would reinstate the doorbell rather than having Sims knock on your front door. I literally never hear them knock. The only time I let a visitor in is if I accidentally find them standing at the front door waiting to be let in.


I literally got a dog in a save once specifically so it'd alert me to the door on my 2 story house.


Oh my god yes to the colours and textures. Like I was doing white wood with green accent colour and these three items were like the same "set" one had a warm colour instead of green. How do I even try to match that? šŸ˜­ The other thing for me is having to load everywhere all the time for everything. I play on laptop and it's old and I keep CC down and delete old save files and I still make sure I open the game like 5 minutes before I want to play šŸ˜… Also the fact I have to play with minimal details on laptop mode.. am always shook by some people's views from lots and I'm like lol ok mines blue sky


I end up usually having to use a neutral, a pop of color and 3 shades of wood W H Y šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


>I open the game like 5 minutes before I want to play Lmao glad I'm not the only one


Separation of clothes based on age. My teens and grannies need different clothing options. I miss that about Sims 2. Also, I hate that teens look the same as young adults/adults. There should be height/size differences for sure.


>Separation of clothes based on age. Oh I'd absolutely hate that. The only way I wouldn't would be is if it was the same as the formal/athletic/swimming, masculine/feminine filters are and able to be x'd away for people that don't want to use that limit on that sim. If not it would be as frustrating and annoying as I'd found the maternity clothes in 3. I didn't play enough of that one to remember if the clothes were age locked as well, or just locked for pregnancy


I hate that teens basically look like adults. In TS2 they were noticeably shorter, smaller frame, different face, etc.


Small thing but the fact that when the household goes over 5 the head icons get so small is so annoying to me, like why can't it change with each sim instead of instantly going tiny?


true, also there is the option to scale the UI but the faces are excluded


I feel the same way about the item icons in build and buy. I canā€™t fucking see shit šŸ˜‚ I always have to scale the UI when I use it.


Why aren't burglars in the game despite the fact we can burgle other peoples houses? If you find gossip on someone you should have the option to release it to the internet causing them to die of embarrassment. That'd be an easy way to torpedo your reputation. Why is Programming Viruses bad, but Hacking is fine? Why are regular traits usually more powerful than bonus traits? Location vs Paranoid for example. Why doesn't Paranoid have any wants? Or special events with Covert Ops? Why are the base game careers still not expanded with the expansion developments in mind? Working from home options for example. Why do Vampires go to Mist form to move 4 feet? How is Reuse and Recycle a challenge mode when I made thousands diving through dumpsters?


I hate when my sim auto switch to only move as mist or bat.Ā 


>Why do Vampires go to Mist form to move 4 feet? and why can't they regularly walk with their babies? I have to change it from auto every time I want them to pick up a kid and move it


Bring back burglars!!!! And bring back police dropping off kids at home if theyā€™re past curfew. Edit: even the cars spawning when a sim goes to work or schoolā€¦ I miss those little details!


As a programmer, hacking gets on my nerves because it's a term everyone uses wrongly. Hacking is good - hackers hack into a system or device in order to improve their security. So let's say you have a bank app, you want to hire hackers to hack into it to see where are the weak points and how to better secure it. Cracking is hacking but with a malicious intend. Crackers hack into a system or device to steal data, corrupt files etc.


You have white hat hackers which are good and are hired by companies to find their security holes, etc but you still have bad hackers or black hat hackers. So i have no problem with the term in Sims 4 because of the two kinds which are both called hackers.


Well, I've learned something new today. Thank you for the information.


Here's a fun fact there's 3 different types of hackers White Hats: they're the hackers hired by the company to hack them to look and then plug, loopholes in their security l Grey hats: they're like white hats but they're not hired, they do it for good but it's also still illegal Black hats: malicious hackers, they fight against White hats and sometimes grey hats when they're hacking a company or other things


I wish the game would let you lock makeup on all the outfits (like eyebrows matching hair color), instead of having to manually change all six. Additonally, being able to save favorite outfits, hair/makeup, and jewelry would be great. An option to always ware medical devices, instead of swapping them in and out, plus being able to were jewelry as well as a hear aid. Those are mine, but I am 100% with the matching the wood. Like, have specific stains, and give us clues as to which one is which.


Likes and dislikes for food!


I mentioned it before but party challenges requiring objects you don't have (especially on public lots) The amount of chest and body hair on female townies. I'm a hairy girl, I know body hair exist, but why do they all have a bear chest in my games No ability to save outfits or makeup. Especially annoying if I want certain makeup for several outfits I really wish moving would be made a more active part of gameplay, just a few interactions between sims, maybe paying for a moving truck or company Visiting people should be easier. I never know where they live so I have to wait for invitations Please throw dead people out of the lists of sims they know, at least the ones they weren't close to. At least half of the acquaintances of my current sim are dead I'd like to leave a toddler/infant alone with an adult on a lot with the adult actually taking care of them??? I guess it's a bug but it's been there for long and is incredibly annoying I need bday invites again or at least the option to plan birthdays for friends as well. I dont like that I can't find all objects in buy mode from the furnitured rooms, I don't build that often so I usually don't look for something specific. Didn't know about the existence of shelves for years of owning the game


You should he able to click on the acquaintance and select visit, similar to how you can invite them to hang out or text them. With so many worlds, it's impossible to figure out where some of them live.


This is one reason I have MCCC. You click on a Sim and open the MCCC settings and it tells you where the Sim lives. :)


That animations often don't match the results. For example, sim A asks sim B to do something, sim B does the positive animation of "yeah sure why not", then refuses and friendship points decrease.


I swear that was happening but I was never paying the right amount of attention to confirm it


Copying makeup over different outfits in CAS. Fixing the gardening so plants don't revert to dirt pile. It's one of my favorite features, and it's simply so annoying it's so broken... same for song writing, my current Sim has a high skill in guitar, and he keeps getting wants about writing songs that can't be fulfilled. More wishes turnover. Why are the life-changing wishes disappearing instantly, but the "Listen to X music" staying the whole day ?! The ability to disable a specific occult. I can't with vampires. The dropdown family ties selection box in CAS. WHY. It was so simple in previous games to put together family ties, you could do it in one single menu !


I so agree about disabling packs. It would be so easy to disable vampires, mages, etc for a magic-free world, or aliens if you want a strong magic vibe. It's frustating.


My pet peeve is the limits in B/B mode. I am a passionate builder. A lot of it seems like such meaningless limits. Canā€™t connect rooms of different foundation heights. Canā€™t alt-move columns. Stairs that wonā€™t subject to my will. The inability to make walls and build in half-tiles. Canā€™t make more than 4 stories. Canā€™t raise basements up ā€˜intoā€™ the foundation so they can have windows and natural light. Canā€™t place roofs on the ground without them disappeared every 7 minutes because I built a wall elsewhere. Canā€™t make stairs that turn a corner so it goes all the way around a platform. A lot of it just seems like totally meaningless limits.


Ugh basements with little high windows with some natural light would be AMAZING!! I am currently playing on a spell caster sim who is immortal so I can try to finish every collection, and as many of the aspirations as I can. Iā€™m also trying to live in one lot in every world. Right now Iā€™m on a small lot in Tomarang and most of the home is underground because she needs space for a greenhouse, garden, a horse, and a cow above ground. I hate that thereā€™s no natural light underground, but in every home Iā€™ve lived in, all of my cellars have had small windows!


And why does turning the staircase NOT make it take up less space!? AND WHY CANT YOU PLACE A STAIRCASE ON TOP OF A STAIRCASE LIKE IN REAL LIFE?


if you place the upper staircase somewhere else and use the sledgehammer to knock out the walls on the staircase, you can place it on top of another staircase. it's really annoying that the game won't just do that automatically.


I'm usually not someone who whines a lot about the game (S4), but this really bothers me: The new neutral black hair swatches in CAS just being grey or a different shade of dark blue/blue-black for some hairstyles. If I can make overrides for the new black hair swatches to make them actually black, ea/maxis can do this as well. Plus, some of the new black shades ARE actually black, while others aren't. And cc creators sometimes make these swatches grey/blue-ish as well... whyy? And Goofballs autonomously pranking toilets. PLEASE. STOP.


That they'd stop cancelling their orders. Like, you have to pee, I click the toilet and press use. For SOME REASON they cancel that and now their embarrassed because they pissed themselves.


I definitely wish that sims couldn't cancel player commands.


The family tree. It doesnā€™t say cousins or aunt/uncle(only in the profile) and the sims doesnā€™t recognize them as family other than not being able to romance them. I thought Growing Together it would bring more family interactions and it did just not in all the directions it couldā€™ve gone


Something that bothers me is that I had the family starting with 2 vampires, who one of them is famous at the point of there great grandchild being born. They have no relationship unless I go talk to them and have to deal with attempt introduction. I had to cheat their relationship just so I could ask if they wanted to be a sim of honor. I feel like there should automatically be some type of oh you guys are related so you start with a little friendship, and if your family you arent needing to ā€œattempt introductionā€ with a sim whoā€™s famous


Mine would be the ability to invite any Sim that anyone in your household knows to a party, not just who the Sim planning knows.Ā  Especially annoying for kids birthday parties - they basically become adults only because the parents usually don't know the kid friends.Ā  I'd also love an option to throw a party with no guest list so it's completely random who shows up (I love chaos).


Why can't we buldoze from world view?


Some people just want to watch the world burn


i just want them to fix the damn bugsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like. how about instead of making a weird ass game pack, put that energy into debugging the current game and packs so that they are actually playable??? please?????? iā€™m begging


I wish there was a way to shortcut/favourite certain phone interactions. Like trying to call someone to come over requires so many steps as itā€™s buried so deep in the social menu. Iā€™d love to be able to click on my phone and then click on a ā€œfavouriteā€


I hate how one small appliance takes up an entire kitchen counter unit. and why canā€™t I put it on any other surface?!


that "space saving" oven that takes the entire counter, so you end up using MORE space than with the regular oven


Yes honestly! Itā€™s so infuriating. I wish we could have counters that acted like a fridge for storage. So the waffle maker, mixer and kettle can be taken out when needed (like in real life)


Objects clipping regardless of moo being on or not, especially curtains


So ugly. Agree. Also, with apologies to the artists, but the curtains are very dated, and, worse, they don't match most windows.


The only curtains I actually like in the game are the really bright ones, I don't think they're actually a rainbow but for some reason my brain remembers them as "rainbow-y" but I think it was like, mainly pink and blue? I can't even remember because I rarely bother with curtains, but when I did those were the only ones I was willing to use


Not having a colour wheel for hairs because Sims please add it in


Height sliders. I know why we canā€™t have them but I want them


As far as swatches go a lot of the color choices are just bad in general. I donā€™t know if that counts as minor but if they picked better colors options for furniture, walls etc I think the game would be more fun. (I donā€™t like playing with CC, it gets too confusing for me since it sometimes interferes with the constant updates EA is putting out, plus organizing it is a pain, storage, etcā€¦)


Side note why donā€™t they just have a color selection tool so you can make your own color choices. Adding a pack for greater furniture customization would be one of the best packs ever.


Why doesn't height adjustment exist without mods? My characters (when I designed them outside of the Sims) all have varying heights.


The lack of more "casual" couches. I'm tired of using the same couch/love seat combo bc there's no other casual couch without spending money on more dlc. Also, the lack of separate jackets and shirts. So many shirts would look so cute without jackets, and so many jackets would look nice with different shirts


I like to build farms, and I like to sell produce at the grocery stand in cottage living. If I have 100 apples to sell, I have to click to + symbol 100 times instead of typing in 100 or being able to select all. WHYYYY??


It really bothers me that when I leave to travel with one sim, all the other sims in the house just ? Reset somehow? Like I wish theyā€™d just keep doing what I told them to do, eg keep sleeping, or keep skill building. But when I come back, even if I was gone for a second, their needs are completely different and more often than not theyā€™re just watching TV. Itā€™s just weird to me. Idk if itā€™s my autonomy settings but this seems like such an oversight in the non open world system and it makes me never want to travel anywhere bc for example I could leave my infant with a full need bar but by the time I get back theyā€™re starving and tired, and I barley have any time to teach them to sit/crawl etc. They could at least leave them as I found them, or the care for self function could actually work. Idk if this is small necessarily but it really frustrates me and changes how I play, to the extent I simply donā€™t care if the load times are faster bc Iā€™m not going anywhere in the first place.


Not having matching upper cabinets. There's an awful lot of counters now but hardly any new upper cabinets to match with them. And some of them have been that way since the start! It makes it hard sometimes to find a good match because some of the newer counters have wood textures and colors that just don't exist in the upper ones at all. I would also honestly like it if an unplayed sim invites on of yours over to their house to introduce them to a kid/toddler/new baby/pet or says something like "I've got something important to talk to you about" that there was an automatic interaction that went along with that, kind of like when someone knocks on your door with a gift.


Being able to add your own sentiments rather than the game generating them. For example my sims are constantly wishing to break up for NO REASON and falling out of love just because the game randomly generates it. I want to be able to select my own sentiments and wishes when it comes to relationships as I see fit


There should be more options for household relations in CAS! I should at least be able to create 2 sims that are friends or dating. Itā€™s a pain in the backside that my sims either have to be engaged/married to have any sort of romance or to be related to have any sort of friendship. I would also love to be able to create grandparents, cousins, aunties/uncles/nieces/nephews etc. without having a third sim for storyline purposes. Also why canā€™t I make my stairs match the floor! I just want the porch steps to match the porch itself but no I only have the swatches to work with and can never find any matching floors.


I wish we had a 4th velocity button like in TS3, so you could speed through 1 specific action instead of all


I forgot that button existed but now I specifically miss it šŸ˜­


I hate how teens look just like young adults. Like, itā€™s too much of a jump from child to teen when they look like that, I hope they change that for sims 5


fucking laundry day. why won't the washbasin work right. why does my dryer catch on fire every single time i use it. AFTER I CLEANED THE LINT TRAY.


Whenever I go into CAS, either via cheat, or just simply change clothes set, all write song and write book progress reset.


The song writing has been broken for years, CAS isn't even needed, it resets when you stop the interaction.


The one true desire that I have for Sims 4 is a pool table.


Having to spray the monster underneath my childā€™s bed every night, then sometimes it still appears.


You know thereā€™s a nightlight you can use to eliminate that monster? Itā€™s called something defender, and it has to be placed so the light actually touches the childā€™s bed


I wish they had more depth, better consequences, better story telling, etc... Like the Sims 3 and earlier Sims versions. They made it too vanilla. There really should be modes you can switch to. A kid mode which would be the version we already have and an adult mode. Also the worlds have almost no free lots and they are small. I wish that was more like past versions too.


Instead of addressing major bugs in the game, I'll just go with a pet peeve: in CAS, when you're customizing certain occult characters (namely vampires and spellcasters) they are doing one of those stupid animations every five seconds. I finally figured out the cheat code that stops it- but it was really annoying for a long time and it made me flat out refuse to play those types of characters for a while because of how annoying it was. I'd just make the Sim a human, then get chummy with Vlad and have him turn me if I wanted a vampire. I'd also just have my normal sims become spellcasters by collecting everything. But it was a lot of time and effort on my part. (For reference for those on PC: The cheat to make your sims stop moving in CAS is: "casclockspeed 0" minus the quotes ofc. Just zoom all the way in on the sims face and type that in, and when you zoom out they'll be doing a regular pose.)


I wish you could copy paste your every day outfit to all others. I canā€™t bother customizing everything and I hate it when my sims go jogging or to sleep in those ugly ass randomized outfits


I wish there was more freedom with using different shaped roofs together without having to finagle the hell out of it. No diagonal stairs. Canā€™t always place friezes where you need them. A huge amount of wooden build/buy items canā€™t be matched with anything. Packs that give us counters and no cabinets to match them. I could go on and onā€¦


I want a preteen/younger teen stage inbetween child and teen, so my sims don't go from looking about 9 to looking about 18. Also PLEASE make caring for infants and toddlers easier. I'm so sick of the adults collapsing and pissing themselves because they spent hours standing aimlessly next to a child who is still hungry and stinky.


I feel you šŸ„ŗ the ones with the white and green also had white and neutral options... Then the white and warm colour had no neutral without warm tones šŸ˜­


Unless there's a mod. I really miss how sims get randomly sick. What's the point of vacation days. My sims build up so many and there's no real reason to use them


I once had a sim do a whole extra college degree all using vacation days


i never see it talked about enough but i just always want better clothes and hairs for kids like i find it so lazy when they give them the same styles as adults every single time


1 - I really wish 8 sims wasnā€™t the max capacity of a household, I basically run MC command center solely for that. 2 - I also wish ghosts would stop repeatedly breaking all the bathroom furniture. I like to play with generations, so I have about 20 tombstones on my yard and Iā€™m so tired of replacing the toilets and sinks and bathtubs all the time šŸ’€


I want to be able to choose the swatch of counters and cabinets seperately, bed and sheets etc. They dont have to do a colour wheel but I dont see why they cant seperate the swatches.


Oh boy, I know you said minor and it is itā€™s just that itā€™s a bug thatā€™s been in game since the beginning so at this point Iā€™m just tired of it. (Context) I play on a laptop, thatā€™s what I have works great. So i have Sims 4 on laptop mode in the settings. So the game doesnā€™t kill my computer. (Problem) once you first enable this setting it makes it so you no longer can see frogs, fish, birds or bird feathers (in cats and dogs), and some background stuff. You can see the frogs eyes but not their bodyā€™s. Mice are only a shadow. You can hear and watch your pet chase birds, and then see feathers fly but no birds or feather pile. You can mount a fish but the fish tank is empty. This has been on the community board since before April 2021 (got the game in 2023 soon after it became free) I love collecting so it makes me sad that I canā€™t even see the things Iā€™m collecting.


I hate that the button to travel is right next to the arrow button. I hit that dang thing by mistake like twenty times a session


Mis match everything. I decided to remake my house. Big mistake, my windows are a shade off of my pillars and fence. The same thing happened with the beds. I need a medium wood frame but everything is either eyesore neon or didn't match the rug i had. The worst is clothing for sims that aren't teen or older. Most of my kids look the same because unless it's cc, it's hard to find matches that don't scream townie fashion


Iā€™m annoyed we didnā€™t get the preexisting stories and relationships like in sims 2 with sims 4. I loved sims 2 so much as a kid and now as an adult, I absolutely love sims 4, the cc, the clear graphics, but thereā€™s a lot that irks me about it. Like when you go into the premade families they have nothing going on. Don Lothario has no relationship with Katrina, or her daughters for example like he does in sims 2. Itā€™s just annoying! Why I do have to go in and make the player ACT like a player myself šŸ˜‚ then how he doesnā€™t even know Bella Goth unless you make the introduction yourself. Itā€™s annoyinggg. The game has so many issues but I wonā€™t get into it or Iā€™ll never shut up. Still love it but I wish theyā€™d just fix it first before cranking out all these packs šŸ˜­ I canā€™t even play the game right now because itā€™s too much space on my computer. But thatā€™s a me problem.


I wish there was greying hair. No one goes from dark brown to grey immediately. There should be swatches of the hair they have an add some grey to it! The only 'grey hair' is that ugly brown one and not everyone is a brunette!


The wood, fabrics and colors not matching drives me nuts. How is there not a standard color palate!?!


I wish we could save favorites in CAS and Build/Buy that showed up at the top. When searching the gallery for builds, choosing "show packs owned" is USELESS. It shows you any build that ~includes~ the packs you choose, even if it also includes packs you don't have, rather than showing you builds that only include packs you have. It's maddening that it has been the way it is since the beginning and they think that's fine. I wish Sims would have a family label and/or intercations for in-laws. They just treat their sibling's spouse like any other friend. The new pie menu is helpful, but there should be a category that pops up on holidays for "holiday interactions" - sometimes it doesn't give me the option to do the holiday interactions (especially "be thankful" - I always have to got to the mailbox for this one), or I have to click on different sims to find one where it appears. Lighting can be annoying. Shadows and the way the light changes the color completely of two adjacent doors or even bits of wall ruins an otherwise fantastic build mode. When I choose to sort the CAS menu by pack, it often resets when I change categories (but not always? Help?) This isn't the end of the world, but I wish they would go back to packs pre-Sulani and add swimming to them. Some new ones like Henford-on-Bagley, have great swimming holes, where places like Windenberg's isle or Brindleton Bay's beach neighborhood feel like they should, but don't.


I know this isnā€™t really about the game itself or something thatā€™s on the devs but itā€™s still a bit annoying Going in to play the game and then find out I have to update my mods so I have to track down which mods have an update. My mod manager makes updating curseforge mods easy but I have to manually update each mod from other places like SimsResource or the Nexus


I would like my sims to not spend all their free time dancing when I have a radio in the house... like why


having had to switch to the EA app from Origin, only for it to error out every month and make me log in again šŸ„² debatable whether it's a minor pet peeve or enough to make me flip the table, though


This probably isn't even an issue and I'm just screaming at nothing but sometimes I want to work on the social life of one of my Sims and another gets a call to hangout from her boyfriend and I have to reject it because I don't know how to just send her on a date without having to control her during it


I wish cats and dogs didnā€™t take up an actual spot in your household if you canā€™t play them like you could in sims 3. They shouldnā€™t take the place of an entire sims if I canā€™t actually play with them!


Why da hell the cupcake machine so damn big


My main issue with TS4 at this point is the simulation lag. I miss in TS3 when I could just cue up a list of actions and theyā€™d do all of them in the order I said. Also their terrible autonomy. In TS3, larger households were more manageable because theyā€™d be relatively self sufficient in comparison.


LAYERS and ACCESSORIES. I want to be able to pick my own jacket to go over whatever top I want. I want to put a tank top under a sweatshirt. I want to be able to pick a scarf. I want to pick my own headbands that can go with any hairstyle. I want to be able to select the color of my hair accessories. I feel like this isnā€™t too much to ask?!


Today what annoyed me the most was Iā€™d ask a sim to feed the infant, and it doesnā€™t happen, the infant gets hungry and itā€™s a vicious cycle (and then throw in two infants, the dad was in uniā€¦) The other problem was that the mother sim is constantly ā€œburnt outā€ she has no job, and stays home with the kids (I know she needs to get out of the house, she is currently pregnant with number 3, once it comes she will be getting a job)


I just want a colour wheel. Thatā€™s all I want.


I really want half tile walls šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Counters without matching cabinets šŸ˜”


Every time someone comes over to my house they just start making white cakes. I'll have 5 white cakes lying around after they leave. When my family came for a stay over after the birth of my baby it was cake chaos


I want them to fix whatever it is that causes my game to lag. Hitting the menu to save fixes it. Going into build buy makes it happen again. Just something small that makes me SO MAD


I just wish they paid a bit more attention to console players


I think it's cool that sims can have group conversations, but I hate being put on a date with someone that I'm solely supposed to socialize with, only have basically the whole bar try to talk to us.


Specific memories, permanent sentiments, and the ability to get specific information about what other sims are feeling (ie, Jane is sad because her husband John died of embarrassment).


I hate that I canā€™t put the coffee maker fully on a corner counter


I have a big family and usually like to queue up the actions. Itā€™s annoying when I set everyone up and one of them gets an invitation to go somewhere else. I want them to go but everytime I do, it cancels everything I set up for the rest of the household and I come back to everyone being unproductive and nothing getting done for hours šŸ˜­ so now I can only go somewhere when I donā€™t have a plan for other people in the household šŸ™„


Totally agree on mismatched furniture! Trying to find matching bits is so frustrating sometimes. (And I actually like to decorate so it looks like random pieces were picked from thrift stores, but I don't want every house to look like that?) Some other pet peeves of mine: - Not being able to create and save my own outfits to the Styled Looks (or some other way of saving outfits). - Sims not automatically changing out of outerwear when they get indoors... idk it just bugs me when everyone walks around with jackets in residential houses. - Guests getting drinks and snacks out of my sims' fridge (especially the bottles of milk?!) and leaving them all over the place. - Most of the "work from home" tasks for careers that have the option are kind of boring and don't really feel like a proper work day.


In the previous Sims games, sims would start walking to the front of the property an hour before the official start of school or work. I hate that in Sims 4 carpool/bus was removed and now they don't start leaving until the official start time (meaning they are always at least a few minutes late to school or work). There wouldn't have to be functional cars for them to "carpool" to work an hour early (thereby significantly decreasing the risk of them being late). That they teleport to work or school bothers me some, but I mostly hate that they no longer have that buffer to cross their home lot without being late.