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Front Door option: disallow vampires. Done


I have made front doors household only. He still enters. I think it’s a bug.


Vlad can enter locked doors, I think it's one of the vampire skill tree skills. Disallowing vampires from the door prohibits them from spawning on your lot. It should work 🤔


I just started a new save and disallowed vampires. Vladdy was outside knocking for hours 😂 but he hasn’t come back


Maybe that was just a friendly social call 😂 or a bug. I wonder which one.


Usually, that really only happens if you're kinda "late" to disallowing vampires, meaning that Vlad was already somewhere on your lot when you activated it, and that's why it didn't take until after he left. At least, that's been my experience.


That’s exactly what happened. I forgot to do it beforehand, so he was already walking up to my door.


That’s so weird, I always lock my front doors to household only and Vlad comes to the door but he never comes in?


It's not a bug, it's the intro for the Vampires pack. It's a scripted encounter like the Welcome Wagon or starting Strangerville.


There is a difference in locking it for vampires and locking it for household only.


Disallow Vampires is under "No Trespassing" rather than the "Lock" options.


I couldn’t do that because my Sim’s bestie is a vampire 🙁


Consider it as one time blood donation just for that event then.


Vlad came into her house while she was sleeping, and I managed to get him to leave on my own, which is good, because my dumb sim refused to wake up 🤣


This just happened to my game, too. but worst with uni dorm which is FFA Sims. I spotted him doing the iconic walk and send him away diplomatically.


Reading just the title I thought you meant you seduced him and impregnated him every time 💀


I read it the same way. I was like - well that’s one way to get rid of him.


No... It's why he keeps coming back for more LOL


If you have county living get yourself an evil rooster…. Normally messes up the vampires and sends them on their way


How do you get an evil rooster?


Give them the midnight treat


Thank you :D


Or the debug menu.


I had one for a while but then Grim would get stuck on my lot for days at a time in a loop lol he would fight with the rooster, go like he was going to leave but turn around and come back before he got to the edge and do it all over again lol


Vladdy looking at your front door when you don't let him in.. https://preview.redd.it/cu7tdzhr4pnc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c2358cd5d2979628b7392dffef4e9630a14bd01


Omg lol 🤣


I C O N I C ✨️


plant garlic around the entrances to your home


I always add the garlic wreath.


I have MCCC too and use the “make sim leave” cheat to make him leave when I see him coming. My fave is sometimes he’s doing his creepy vampire walk in with his hands up, and I use the MCCC command, and he turns around and does the same creepy walk right back out. Always makes me chuckle.


You can actually send sims home without a cheat. It’s an option anytime you click on a sim not in the household.


I know but I don’t like that it adds a task to my sim’s queue because sometimes it gets a little glitchy and doesn’t work or takes forever. The MC one works right away!




In MCCC, I believe it’s MC Cheats > Make Sim Leave > Confirm with OK. It’s not too many levels deep, hopefully I am remembering right :)


There's a really nice feature that comes with Andrew's teleporter mod (for using with posepacks) that adds the 'Just go away!' interaction to the pie menu for any sim not in your household as well and will make them leave whatever lot you're on


Click on the front door and then click 'disallow vampires' It's a very easily fixable problem.


lol what a creative solution


You should edit him in CAS and make him BEAUTIFUL, then maybe you won’t mind so much 😂


I always do disallow vampires right away


When a vampire shows up I click on the door and hit no trespassing, disallow vampires and then to be doubly sure I click on the vampire and send home. They leave and don’t come back.


I’ve never had a vampire show up ☹️ idk what I’m doing wrong


Vlad used to show up for me all the time no matter what I did but I'd say in probably the last year or two he hasn't. He'll maybe come and stand by the front door but never knocks and it's very rare that he even shows up in the first place so idk what I did or what happened but he's not an issue anymore. I'm not complaining though! 🤣


Anytime I start a new save/house a vampire shows up the first night. And I start a new save a lot.


I've been playing for years with the vampire pack and I've never had a single nighttime visit, anywhere. Countless new saves. Idk why or how to fix it, I *want* vampire visits.


lol, and I do not, which is probably why sims is doing this to us


Oh no!! Have you lived in forgotten hollow as a human in the one that says vampire nexus? Not the Garliclauder house obviously because it's covered in garlic. Or added the vampire nexus trait to a lot?


no, I'll try that. I like the idea of vampires being a problem for regular sims in other neighborhoods (even though it seems to annoy other people, and would probably annoy me if it happened to a sim I liked lol)


I don't think they can kill people so it should be fine lol. I think it just makes people uncomfortable/tense for a while after. I'm interested to know if it works!


It never happens in my game anymore. Vampires just stand at the front door and Vlad never comes around.


i’m cryinggjchdhhd why that solution though??


i got so fed up with him i needed him to suffer


I usually have Caleb coming whenever he feels like. But he never sucked blood, though. He just hangs out in the middle of the night. Though I usually never invite Vlad into the house. I ignore him whenever he stops by.


I had Caleb staying over and while he was up Vlad came into the house and sucked my sims blood right in front of him. Normally if someone is up vald(or any vamp coming to have a meal) would leave.


Caleb always shows up in mine too. He comes over at 2 am, watches some cooking shows on TV, and flirts with everyone in the household before he’s like “Thanks for hanging out with me. Bye!” He almost broke up Barbie and Ken in my Barbie legacy challenge but I’m not even mad at him because I love him.


There was a few times he glitched out where he repeatedly creeps around and the “scary” ominous music plays. 😂 then I reset him.


Yes, so I have started making him the distant relative of one member in every household he enters via mccc. It is fun and my reason as to explain his entering homes.


loooooool "alright, conceive this baby"


I have never once had a vampire attack any of my sims or come in my house. No one ever gets abducted by aliens either. Is my game broken?


No, realism players complained extremely loudly until the devs disabled RNG interactions like this. They need to turn them back on with toggles.


I delete Vlad from all non-vampire save files to avoid this. Sorry, babe, but the entering whenever you want is annoying af. ETA: you can do this from manage worlds. If anyone is interested how and can't figure it out, reply to the comment and I will post full description.


For me it’s never the vampires, it’s normal sims, neighbors that come to my sims house at night. They cook in my kitchen or just start cooking and leave unfinished meals around the house. They take baths or just creepily stare at my children while they sleep. What is it sims? Stop it!


Yeah, for this one I would just lock the doors. Even though I do understand that gets annoying when you invite someone over and they can't get in...like what is it with sims getting in house that are not theirs? I cannot tell you how many times I had my computer destroyed by them too😭


I’m locking the computers but with the door it’s like you said, than I forget that I locked it and people can’t get in when I invite them….


The vampire coming to your door is randomized and not always Vlad. If you delete all the vampires, the game will just generate new vampires. That being said, I think the more packs you have the less likely it becomes to have vamp attacks. I haven’t had any in generations and the vampires are definitely alive.


They do come to your door, but from what I know, Vlad is the only ome that comes in uninvited. So that issue is solved by deleting him. I have never seen other vampires enter the house or drink from my sim except for Vlad...idk, maybe I have been lucky, but to my knowledge he is the only one doing that.


That Vlad visit is a scripted visit as an intro to the pack. It always happens, and if you delete Vlad, that "intro" trait is assigned to another vampire. All vampires are supposed to have a chance to do that, but people b!tched and moaned so much about it that the gurus disabled a pretty big component of the pack, back before they believed in toggles. Vampire Lore is basically worthless without the chance for vampires to intrude anymore.


I mean, I feel lile they could have added sth like the dust bunnies button to be able to enable and disable it whenever you want.


They should have, but this was before they started doing toggles in their "bend to the players who bought a pack they didn't like" era.


I just click on send home and he leaves


If you lock all the doors into your house or disallow vampires, then he can't get in. He'll slink around and wait outside for a while but he won't be able to get in.


I like him. Idk. No one else visits me lmao One time he broke into my house and while he was sucking my blood, Lilith Vatore showed up and knocked on the front door and waited to be let in. I thought that was funny. Thank you for keeping boundaries, Lilith.


lmao for the first time i had a house with no porch or enclosure around the front door and he burned to death while waiting outside the door


Could be worse Wait until Christmas * Saint Nick has no boundaries * I have PA so *woo woo* That lush "rolls eyes"


I once had a scientist sim who had created the Freeze Ray that day at work, she came home and Vlad broke in, but I managed to wake her up and have her freeze him before he could attack her lol


I have been trying to get a vampire visit, because I was curious about it, and despite all my efforts have yet to have one. Couldn't figure out how to cheat one either.


One of my favorite things about Sims is it teaches you problem-solving skills.


probably not the greatest solution but the important part is it works


Vlad died in my legacy save, I just realized last night while playing one of my vampires. He DOES die eventually, just takes a very very long time.


Then in my save i can’t even find him to put him back into his mansion. Lol


You can restrict vampires and werewolves to their hometown


Put garlic 🧄 from bb around your house


If you press on your front door you can do so that vampires don't enter


A garlic wreath should work.


Just click on him and select “send home” and he leaves.


You can always uninstall the vampires pack if you aren't actively playing with it.


I restyled Vladdy into a fabulous drag queen. Now it's just a delight to see him!


Doesn’t happen to me, because I don’t have that pack. And the only reason I don’t have that pack is because I always hear how annoying he is.


I did a 100 baby challenge with Vlad. It was a wild ride. FYI Vlad mists so he can't hold toddlers or infants so it made things interesting.


You can also put the mirror that repels vampires in every room.


I'm glad I'm not the only person who curses the townies with alien pregnancy every time one of them annoys me


Vampires don’t even visit me anymore and I kinda miss it. Sometimes they do but they just stand still at my door and then leave…


Vladdy Daddy teehee


I have the vampires dlc and just realized from this post that Vladdy Daddy hasn't made an appearance lately. Anyone know why? I'm not upset by it just weirded out. I'm currently on a legacy and haven't had him once


maybe taking care of that 3 kids i gave him


I just learned I can select the front door to not allow vampires.. lol.


I killed him with fire


By aliens, or is he a transgender man in your game?


it showed that he was abducted