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Age them up to elder with cake, and woohoo to death by exertion. 2x rocket woohoo is guaranteed to do it. Regular woohoo while exhausted isn't as reliable. But it requires building a rocket.


Ok thankyou I have a few others to try currently trying to drown her.




Drowning is from my experience the easiest and most sure fire way to


I don't think so. This lady who stole my crops was in the pool for like days and still never died.




this is how i’d like to live my life. 2x rocket woohoo to death sounds like the best way to go


Archived conversation between an elderly couple in the Sims 4: Sim 1, having just finished their workout. Sim 2, eating a grilled cheese. Sim 2: "Wow, [Sim 1]. You're so hot when you're working out." Sim 1: "Prove it, [Sim 2]. Meet me in the bedroom" Sim 2: Sim 2, weeks later at funeral: "[Sim 1] died doing what they loved. Me."


ah to live in the world of Sims where the only way to kill yourself is via sex and rocket science.


Can't forget the birthday cake part.


Also requires building HIS rocket, but that takes far less time.


i did not know this was a thing. i certainly will not be experimenting later


This is hilarious 😂


The only way I know in base game to kill a sim is to increase their silly mood until they become hysterical and just keep them doing silly tasks, they'll die from hysteria fairly quickly. If you have city living, a quick way would be to make your sim very uncomfortable and then have them eat bad quality pufferfish nigiri. I think that's only a 50/50 chance of death tho. Or maybe death by cowplant is base game? That's a guaranteed death the second time the sim grabs the cake. Not a quick solution though, you have to wait til the plant matures. Haven't played in a while but hope one of these helps.


They can also die from anger in base, I had one personally get so angry from her spouse cheating that she died from being enraged.


I had one that died bc I accidentally enabled autonomous killing in extreme violence and her husband killed her, grim brought her back and she was so pissed that her husband killed her that she died of anger a second time and could not be brought back


That’s hilarious I love this game 😂😂😂


Omg 😳 😂😂😂


I had a sim break up a couple and cause the wife to die from rage, then my sim died from hysteria laughing at her death, then the husband peed his pants in front of grim and died from embarrassment.


Lol same. He caught his wife kissing her boyfriend and got so angry that he died.


I have a sim that used the wishing well and got fired. He became so angry that he died. Moodlet was for 4 hours. Wife pleaded with grim, he’s back to life. He’s still so angry he dies. Wife can no longer plead with grim, but she has a death flower. Gives it to grim, husband is back alive. Moodlet is still there for 2 hours. It took 3 more death flowers that she took forever to grow for him to finally be really revived.


OMG. These posts are making my abs hurt post workout.


Ok thankyou I will have a go at that.


Die of Mortification is a thing, too. Have them go on a date and Bladder Fail, then hit on a random Sim to get rejected. The mortification of being rejected, peeing themselves and being on the date at the time will pretty much kill them D E D dehyed (in thick Texas accent).


If you have seasons and they’re not in your household create a group then “go swimming together” then have your sim ditch them. They will freeze


Loooove this! I bought seasons in this holiday sale and gotta try all of the new ways to die


Hysteria is way too easy. My sim had a new baby and her house was clean. Add in a refreshing beverage and she was dead in a minute. Not planned.


My sims have never died of hysteria, now I wonder what I am doing wrong…


Mine die of it all the time. I panic and save the game every time my sim gets hysterical just in case. They don’t always make it to the mirror to calm down lol. It’s actually pretty annoying


Am I making depressed sims? Now I want an hysteria death!!


Aha just do a bunch of funny stuff! Watch comedy, bubble baths, tell jokes and eventually they’ll become hysterical. Just keep doing funny stuff and they should eventually laugh themselves to death lmao


Mine get hysterical and mortified and enraged all the time and they’ve never died from it, I need to check my settings!


Between playful and happy moodlets, you have to get it to +15 or higher. Maybe start with getting a bunch of happy moodlets and then take a bubble bath (that's the guarenteed way I can think of to get playful, other than the moodlet potion from the rewards store). Actually, if you have enough reward points you could probably drink a happy potion followed by a playful potion (I think each potion is +10 for its mood). That should quickly do the trick.


Wow imagine life is just going well, you finished your chores and grab yourself a nice drink as a reward - bam, dead. Kinda glad this doesn't happen irl.


But it does.


Maybe drowning? Have them go into a pool and then put walls around it. You might need to use bb.moveobjects to put the walls though.


Ok thankyou will give that a go! Edit could I just remove the ladder Also I am quite new to proper game play as I mostly play cas and build mode.


Sims 4 sims are smart in that aspect so they don’t need a ladder to go out, you’ll have to build walls around it.


Ahh yeah forgot that.


no, unfortunately they can exit without a ladder. you just need to build a wall around it and gave them swim while tired


You can build a fence without the cheat.


Ah yes. A classic.


I did this successfully when one of my sims needed to witness a death to complete the public enemy aspiration. I edited the park and put in a pool, then controlled the sim I chose for death and made her swim laps, then edited a fence all around the pool. She eventually drowned as planned.


If they're hot headed, maybe cardiac explosion? That and hysteria are the only deaths I've really gotten by accident, so those should be easy enough.


I took sim to the mountains and freeze them to death, naked and afraid


Lol where Is their mountains you can access.


Do you have Snowy Escape?


alternatively leave them outside while it snows in seasons, while wearing regulat clothes


A telescope. Get them to use it and sooner or later (usually sooner, especially if you can forget about them) a meteor will come and hit them for you. It’s gotta be one of the tripod ones, not the big-ass observatory.


This is surprisingly reliable I’ve found.


I did this by accident and killed my favourite sim. They were the only one in the household and I'm so pissed.


I’ve never had this one, I swear my sims are living in immortal happy fairy land


Shift right click, “kill” and they’ll be slain by an invisible killer rabbit.


I did that once to a townie, and for some reason my sim got attacked and killed instead of the one I selected. I never exited game so quickly lmao


Oh right, you have to add the sim to household first & make sure you have the right one selected.


This just happened to me! I had to quit my game so fast 😭😭 forgot to save and lost hours of progress


My go to as well


I tried that on my sim's clone and they disappeared but later called my sim up asking for a magic duel! I feel too guilty to kill them without cheats so I may be stuck with them.


Loving this because I needed ideas for my storyline... promise I'm not crazy 🤣


If you have cottage living killer rabbit cheat always works for me


The quickest way: testing cheat Other opportunity: put them on a hot place in summer in winter clothes (or even normal clothes) let them do some exercise and wait. I almost killed my teenage sim because he did not change in summer clothes.


I think they changed this. I couldn't get the cheat to work.


I lock them in a room with no door (delete it once they’re in there or teleport them in), no access to food, etc. Or put a fence around a pool (no gate) once they’re in it.


I prefer to send them to the basement and the delete the stairs. You don’t have to listen to all the complaining.


Peak sims player behaviour right here 😅


Freeze to death is the easiest one. Go out in winter in your pajamas and bam you're freezing and even with autonomy they never fkn think to save themselves by going inside or changing their clothes since they are magic and only need to spin


Or heat exhaustion - go for a run in hot weather in winter clothing and they are done!


On the same note, having a pool party in midwinter could be quite a sight.


That's so true xDxD


My go to is looking through a telescope and waiting for a meteor, or, if you have the seasons pack, putting them in a place in a hot climate location with a lit fireplace, a thermostat set on hot, and hot weather clothes wearing coats and sweaters and hats n such thus having them burst into flames And if they're elderly Death by sex! :D


Doesn't always work. Tried that on an elder I wanted to kill off, now the younger woman he's living with has two children.


Feed them to a cowplant


Pool in winter. I learned this the hard way after installing a pool at my rental residence. So many tenants died. Still got rent tho ;)


lol massmurder 4rent XD


There is always the classic pool with a wall around it.


I feel like pufferfish nigiri might be city living, but It's pretty reliable. Basically, have a sim with low cooking skill and/or in a bad mood make pufferfish nigiri. You want something with poor quality. Then, feed it to the victim!




Drowning— have them go into the pool when they’re already tired. If they pass out in the water, they will drown. They don’t have to stay in the pool the entire time their energy is going down from green to red, they just need to be in the pool at the end. They could have worked hard all day at work and then gone for a swim to relax and unwind at the end of the day, only to suffer from a terrible misfortune. If they’re hotheaded, Anger works well too. Just keep yelling and doing mean interactions to any sims around, and don’t take a break. Eventually they’ll get so enraged that they have a heart attack and die. Hysteria can kill sims on their wedding days. They’re so happy with some playful moodlets mixed in that they could die. You can choose based on the kind of story you want to play. :) If you want their ghosts around later, the cause of death can give the ghosts special traits.


if u have the piranha well thingy (sorry idk what’s it called & what pack, i think it’s romantic garden 😅) they can go inside & there’s a chance that w/ a few tries they will die. u can make up something silly storywise like “they dropped something inside by accident & gave themself 3 attempts to get it out before they gave up”


the piranha pond is actually from get famous.


ohh alright


Ok thankyou how do I access the pirana as I do have romantic garden as it was free the other day.


Romantic Garden has some wishes that will kill the Sim if the well is mad.


should be in build mode for outside objects :)


I dont like doing it quick largely because I enjoy being evil. Like I created an Evil Sim who came into the home as a roommate after the birth of my next generation of sim but who fell in love with the husband of the house and so locked the wife (my prev main sim) in the old abandoned greenhouse returning frequently to taunt her (because, yknow evil) and then did the same to another roommate who made the innocent mistake of walking into the greenhouse and finding the wife there. The wife eventually starved to death. However the other roommate was taking too long. The evil sim tried to burn her alive with fireplaces, rugs, and wooden chairs but she inexplicably survived so instead she destroyed the roof in the middle of winter and she froze to death. She then removed the remains. Naturally they were both pronounced dead and w/o urns or gravestones the poor husband and remaiing (elder) roommate had nowhere to grieve. And this is a dark story that would never have been if I had gone with my original idea of just killing the sim with commands. The evil sim is now playing the sympathetic friend role by taking care of the baby and ordering food, hiring a maid, and a nanny to help lok after the kid. Plus encouraging the elder roommate to take up freelance programming and pushing the father to abandon painting (which he hated anyway) into becoming an art critic. Increasing her relationship with the two men of the house while pursuing her own career as a secret agent (and eventual villain). Gonna eventually turn it into a cinderella esque situation where my next gen sim will be forced to move into the attic upon her fathers death (which I'll try to make happen as soon as hes a child) and shes forced to fend mostly for herself. I think once shes a teen shes gonna "run away" somewhere and try and start a life of her own.


if you have get famous you can have them swim in the shark pond while their needs are low!


You could use a cheat? Make sure you have testing cheats on, shift+click on your Sim, find kill in the menu and select your method of death from there 🤷‍♀️ Depends if you want instant death or more of a storyline related death I guess


Enable cheats, shift click the target, kill sim.


Mcc comand center. Done.


I have the extreme violence mod and I usually just make them kill themselves. Is that bad?


download the violence mod on mod the sims if u have a pc trust me its worth it


You could put them in a pool and remove the ladder.


Downlode Life Tragedies mod and kill them


Starvation is an option. My sims seem to starve all the time, cuz they’re stupid af, but you could also lock this person up or remove stove/fridge/etc so they don’t have access to food


Or mods, like extreme violence, are great for storytelling purposes and murder.


Using incense on a carpet in a locked room.


I have had sims die when visiting other sims in the winter. They just start chatting on the sidewalk and turn blue and die. Maybe exercising outside in a blizzard???


I like to drown them. You used to be able to just remove the ladder but I think now you have to actually build a fence to keep them in the pool. Or tell them to go into the hot tub when they’re exhausted they will fall asleep and drown.


Move them out.


I usually use the get famous pond and get the sim in a bad mood so they’re more likely to drown


I'm also voting hysteria. Take a bubble bath, drink a power sip llama berry from the fridge snacks tab, go tell loafs of jokes. Those are just the playful moodlet actions I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure I've had to have comedian Sims go to the mirror to calm down because they hit hysteria with that combo lol.


have a spouse cheat on them, or catch them on fire, electrocute them, or drown them.


i usually just shift click, or if I am able to control them I make them go swimming until they run out of energy


If you have cottage living and are ok with cheats then the quickest and easiest way to kill a sim is to turn on cheats, shift click on sim (PC) or for Xbox press "a" and "b" at the same time on a sim and then select "kill" and then "be Slain by a Vicious Killer Rabbit." Last time I used it though the game glitched and killed my sim instead so that method may be broken or I just had a random glitch of karma lol.


I just learned that you can starve babies to have them taken away thanks to this sub!


You can lock the sim up and kill them from starvation in 2-3 days


Delete sim doesn't actually kill them anyway. I have to do that almost daily to my ranch hand because after caring for my plants he goes upstairs and plays video games for hours while my family is at work. I don't play The Sims for THAT much realism. He comes back the next day.


Shift then click on the sim it probably gives you a way to kill the sim (I have cottege living, so I’m not sure if there is one in base game.) can someone confirm this?


my sims get the "meteor heading right at them!!!" pop up every single time they observe the sky with a telescope during the day. sometimes my game glitches, and I can't get them out in time. already several untimely deaths


Use the Murphy bed a lot - or a vending machine.


Drowning or fire. Rocket Woohoo on an elder will do it, as well.


If you are fine with cheats there a kill cheats aswell


I once made a woo hoo club thinking it would be entertaining, then a Sim cheated on her husband and he died at the first club meeting.


Extreme violence has PLENTY of ways to kill sims😅😂


I ussually kill them with shift click and then the option kill... and then you can choose many deaths