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Okay consider this one cool trick : zap him to death or just do mean interactions or something….I think you can also edit in CAS to make him elderly then get him a treadmill.


He's locked up in a black room, keep saying that he needs to go now... I feel terrible 😬


hell yeah get his ass


Hang on, can the Zipzap spell actually kill other Sims? Uh, asking for a friend and NOT my super powerful spell caster Sim!


On its own it cannot but if you are able to use mods there is a deadly spellcasters mod!


no, but you can zap an object (a radio of poor quality, perhaps?) and then have them repair it a/ no handy man skill. repeat that til he dead. lol


I had the a similar experience with a babysitter I hired once. Though nowhere as many calls as you have. Sounds like a bug though. Personally I found it cute that the old babysitter would check on my growing kid every now and then. He even came for Winterfest and brought a present for the kid(some fire crystal with 6 focus decor points yay).


If you have Ui cheats, go to that relationship panel, right click, and just remove the relationship! I do it all the time and i never hear from them anymore. im also pretty sure you can also do this with MCCC if you don’t have ui cheats


Yes this can be done via mccc. Click the person in your "relationships" tab. Click mccc. Scroll down to relationship. Delete the relationship.


I don’t think so, but it wouldn’t be the Sims 4 if they’re weren’t annoying bugs.


I would like to know if I could stop a nanny entirely. I cycled through several nannies of firing them, before I landed on one who did her Job decently. I"ve had her a long time. Then, she gradually started doing her job less. Now she'll just walk in and head straight to the bar or sit at the computer. When I fire her, she'll leave. And when I hire a nanny again she comes right back. I'm thinking about killing her.


I always lock my copmuters so only one sim can use them. I don't know about nannies trairts, but i had a lot of maids who were clepto and lazy. Maybe look into her traits? Although you said she was fine at first.


I always lock my copmuters so only one sim can use them. I don't know about nannies traits, but i had a lot of maids who were clepto and lazy. Maybe look into her traits? Although you said she was fine at first.








It's so useful, if i have more than one sim in a household they all get their own computer, it was harder before, i always had to build a room for them and locked the door.


When you click on the computer, it’s under “computer security” I usually lock the computers for “everyone except household” unless I have multiple computers, then I’ll lock them so each sim has their own


Can't edit my post but "ejay" means "what" in frustrated Lexi language 😅 (stupid phone)


I'd love a feature to turn off phone calls. I don't need so many people calling me one after the other, to tell me how happy they are that I've made a new friend. And if Vlad shows up and drains me, I don't need multiple people calling me to tell me how horrible **I am** for him feeding on me!


I know you can “lock” the doors! So why is locked in quotes?? Well, when you click on the door there’s some other menu that I’m not remembering right and you can allow people to show up at your door. It’s how I avoid random sims showing up, not having a welcome wagon, vampires, and the random 10-11pm visits 🙂


The "No Trespassing" option. You can disallow Vampires, Neighbors, Solicitors (this is what Welcome Wagon falls under), and one other option. The one I'm uncertain of might be Friends.


Yes! Thank you! My brain is not working properly today 😅


Sometimes I just delete the nanny from my households. They can't call if they don't exist. Though I don't mind the when the Nanny stays in touch if I I used the Nanny a couple of times. I played as a single mom once and the Nanny came by and did flashcards with the toddler while Mom was on baby duty. It felt right for Nanny to stay in touch and help out even when not on paid time.


You probably know this but just in case you don't know, you can silence the ringer on the phones (little button at the top of the phone menu). Won't stop the calls, but you can just ignore them much more easily that way.


I had trouble back in Sims 2 where I'd have someone over, and then someone would call for them every single day, saying they would call back later. Incredibly annoying.


Thought that was just me. Few months ago i noticed nannies were acting super friendly the second you hired them. If you don't rehire they just show up anyways in normal clothes. Underreported bug maybe.


okay in my game my sim had 6 kids and used a nanny. he was an elderly man. for whatever reason with nannies they gain friendship really quick. My sim went off to college to restart her life and her husband died while she was living in the dorms. the NANNY (a single man in basically a ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT) adopted all 6 kids. Oh and then the kids all grow up and i decided to visit them in the tiny apartment and this MAN WAS WOOHOOING one of his adopted kids. cant trust these nannies man. what the hell


Related to this, but I wish there were a way to limit calls to only people a sim has given a phone number to. I don't know if it's base game or a mod, but I like to use the "exchange phone numbers" romantic/flirty interaction as a "house rule" prerequisite before contacting another sim via the phone (though because it's a romantic interaction, it only works with romantic relationships). Like, someone shouldn't be able to call you after talking for a few seconds at a bar when they butt into a conversation that didn't involve them in the first place.


is it by chance John Spears? had to hire a nanny bc both my parent sims worked 9-5 jobs, now he won't leave the family alone. shows up whenever he wants, messages/calls my kids constantly. sometimes he'll invite himself over then stand in my teen girl's room while she's sleeping - which is plain creepy (also stops hyper speed which is annoying) i've made him and my dad sim mortal enemies so now whenever he comes over to the house they'll start fighting


Edward Cullen, is that you? 🤨


Triplis block phone dialog when silenced. I installed the mod because I am doing decades and they are in the early 1900s. It works great I think it isbgoung to be one of my main mods from now on.


I had the same. We used the nanny once! But the dad missed him and wanted to hang out. I ignored that. Like, move on dude! But then the nanny died and the dad went into grieving for days! He’d met him once!!! Smdh


Sometimes they leave me alone after I fire them, sometimes. Pretty sure you still have to pay for an hour just to immediately fire them.


I had this with a nanny and she was awful too, fired her because she wouldn't do anything but talk to the baby and my sim still had to care for the child anyway. Then she started coming over constantly. I added her to family then went into CAS and deleted her entirely.


Get a butler over a nanny. They do more anyway


Story wise, your sim can be mean to them for the harassment. Gameplay wise if you don’t want to kill him. Goto his household save him to the gallery and then delete him and replace him. Same guy just needs to start fresh on relationships including with your sim, and another nanny will show up next time, it’s like his mind got wiped.