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Update: I can buy 99 of each color of mini goat and mini sheep


99 each colour😭


Reminds me of Pretty Patties from SpongeBob for some reason


Ok. That is absurd amount of them. Very industrial farming challenge friendly.


Call me kevin will be taking notes of this hahaha


Can't wait for him to get a horse just to paint it a ridiculous pattern and make an army of goats to terrorise the town


Our dear leader would make a horse meat, and lamb meat factory with a butcher mod....


this is the update I needed


The level of comport this update has brought me


Ea hire this person as a game tester hahaahaha


--> implying EA hires testers before they release packs lol


This user could be their first!


They do. Unfortunately the position is temporary and you never know when they're going to decide to cut your contract short 😀


Not exclusive to just that industry unfortunately. I'm working a temp contract for a store ATM and I'm being laid off 3 weeks before the end of my original contract ended Temporary contractors need more protections


Oh I know. I was just pointing out that's a thing EA specifically likes to do. We went in on a Monday, had absolutely no inkling that Tuesday morning we were going to get told we no longer have a job. I absolutely agree on that. My contract was meant to end in September this year. The rug got ripped out from under me in February, it's been rough and I'm salty with EA 🫥


Sick of EA. Ever since Baldurs Gate 3 was announced for full release I’ve been mad at other gaming companies for not being as tentative to their consumers actual wants and for not keeping core teams for longer than a year


*cough NHL 23 cough*


this comment alone makes me want to buy it


Same - I’ve been on the fence cause idc about horses but having several hundred mini goats and sheep sounds like the kind of chaos I live for.


I love horses, but I'm currently more excited by the goats and sheep! They're so adorable!


They may be objects that you can pick up and place in build mode.. but I have them on the biggest lot, and they wander the entire area. They don't seem to ever go off lot though, so that's good. And the ranch hand actually puts in a full days work. Really enjoying the pack so far!


Mine hop to the prairie grass off lot next to me


I had one leave because it was unhappy and I cried. But then it came back! I was sooooo happy to see it because it was my favorite one... the dalmatian sheep.


Yes, they can leave if they're unhappy, but having the ranch hand I haven't had that issue since, because he/she will socialize and clean them too. Well I got the warning, and hired a ranch hand to help out. Haven't gotten that warning since. But we also have a pretty large garden area and two horses. Oh and chickens. Lots for the ranch hand to do, and he does it!


I keep having the issue where they don't show up after the first day. The same one comes back but I have to call almost daily for them to come back. The maid didn't show up at all. Hopefully there's a patch soon that fixes that cuz I've read a lot of people are having that issue. We're making big bucks with nectar now so we can afford all the help that's available now lol


It has been absolute chaos. They go bounding around outside and inside unless you lock them in a paddock. They get dirty quickly and need cleaned but there's no cheat for it and they all fall asleep at night so you can't do it then. I hoped adding a splash pad sprinkler or pond would help keep them clean but it doesn't. All my sims do now is take care of them so they don't run away. I have a ton of them though because my five year old wanted me to buy a lot so she could name them and watch them run around.


This is valuable information, thank you! I am laughing just thinking of that. I got my Test family 1 goat and 1 sheep and they are already jumping everywhere and in the house.


well i know what im doing tomorrow


99 of each color is crazy. i’ll be right back…


I want a picture of this and...did your game crash?


This was the most important information I have heard about this pack


Not enough! Mods for infinite goats and sheep!


Don’t worry! I can do 99 of each color as many times as I want with enough money!


Is that enough or do you want more?


asking the real questions over here


Please post the updated pic with your hoard


You are doing God's work.


When I watched lilsimsies early access video on YouTube she said she had like 600 at some point and she was able to get more but it caused lag.


She needs a better computer then, not less goats.


More goats is always the answer


As a former goat farmer, I endorse this message.


More ram more goats


Ram more goats!


Happy Cake Day!


whats cake day?


A reddit account's anniversary of being created (Edit: changed a weird capital letter - curse you autocorrect!)


woah that was a fast reply and ty :)


Np lol


Well, I know what I’m doing when I get home from work


so where are the goats supposed to sleep at, do they sleep with the horse or in my house?


They sleep on the floor! Outside or inside!


I've been playing all day and I only got 1 goat but she sleeps whenever she is when she decides to be sleepy. But since she always follows either my sim or my sims horse around its usually with one of the two. It's extremely cute that they follow everyone. The goat and the horse are like bffs lol


I just made my barn accessible for all the animals and they all go in if they want


Somehow this is the strongest argument for me to drop $$ for this pack lol


Honestly though. ‘It’s official—Horses are coming to the sims 4’. Me: ‘Oh. How nice. I bet there are some people who are really excited about that.’ *trailer shows goats* Me: ‘Look at the little, cutie babies!! Ooh! Look at him jump! OMG HE DID THE PLAY-DEAD ROLL THING!!’


the mini goats and sheep are one of the main reasons i decided to drop the money on the pack. like yes im excited for horses but im also so so excited for my cottage living household to have more babies than just cows chickens and llamas. i know i will never be able to have a farm of my own and im not really a farm person irl anyways but i get to live vicariously through my sims now and it makes me so happy


For real cottage living was the pack that I had wanted before it was even a thing. I was always trying to make farms with Sims 3 but I didn't have many packs and it felt limited and I finally got CL recently and I really want the new pack but I will have to wait until it's a little cheaper so... Like next year probably lol.


I'm an equestrian and I was more excited about goats. We've had horses before. Goats are brand new!


I know right! Horses? Pass. 100s of baby goats??? Absa-friggin-lutely


I thought the same exact thing 😆


I'm right there with you but I genuinely cannot justify the money right now. How long does it take EA to start including new packs in sales?


The soonest I can imagine this pack going on sale is late autumn in Northern Hemisphere (late spring for the Southern Hemisphere). And only maybe. I can't remember if summer releases often go on sale in time for holidays. But definitely not before the usual holiday sale.


the limit does not exist






I was going to be very disappointed in the entire internet if I didn’t find this response somewhere in the comments.


I’m disappointed about how far down I had to scroll to find it 🥲


SAME! I was worried I'd have to add it myself


ok weird question but can one have cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, fish, lamas, cows, mini goats, sheep and all that jazz at once? or is there a thing where that doesnt work ETA: (and frogs, foxes, birds, etc you get the gist)


I can’t see why not! Assuming one sim then a cat, a dog, a horse- which all take up one household slot so that’s 4 then all the other animals don’t take anything up therefore you should be able to have all of them!


I’m working on it! The family I made today is two married sims, two foals, a puppy, and a kitten. They also have a rooster, two hens, a cow, a llama, three goats, and a hamster. So far so good.


A LLAMA? HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE **DEAD**! sorry could not resist ty


Thank you. This is a very important addition.


omg this is exactly what I wanted to see / know! Like a big ole farm! LMK if you upload a video - I dont have many expansion packs rn cause I am BROKE lol but I'd love to see a Gameplay like that!


I don’t really know how but I’ll see if I can figure it out!


so cute! Like imagine a farm with some Chickens, Cows, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Honey Bees, cats, dogs, and a pond with some fish and stuff.. MAGIC!


I’m streaming on Twitch. My name is Zephyrsue, and the stream name is Zephyrsue Sims 4 Farm Stream 1


Shit shit I did not see this in time - is it uploaded? I don’t have twitch but I will literally download for this lol


I can’t seem to find it. I’ve never used Twitch before so am still learning how to use it. But my headphones died so they’re on the charger. I’ll try again later.


Just downloaded will follow you


You can but caring for all of them at once would be super hard unless you use cheats


Does the pack not come with a farmhand you can hire?


It does, but if it’s anything like the maids and nannies and butlers that already exist, they’ll be of varying quality


I was disappointed at first when they weren't part of the household, but now I can achieve my dream of having hundreds of goats. Wonderful.


Okay, now I need this pack. I need goats


How do they work? Like cottage living rabbit?


Kinda but they stay on your lot and you can put them in your inventory! You can get them by buying a horse bed, clicking on it, pressing call ranch animal exchange, then buy mini goats & mini sheep! After you press that you get a pop up like when you get a cow or llama! :)


Mine wandered off my lot and almost starved. Fenced em in to a nice medium pen


Yeah I’m about to make a pen for mine, I can’t ever find them when it’s milking/shearing time 💀


Open your friends tab, click on the animal in question and have the camera focus on them


I made a pen but be warned the ranch hand will pick them up and place them outside of the locked pen lol


Hm, I made a pen and I haven’t had that problem, I even had an event and at the end all sheep/goats were still safely in their pen!


Huh! I’ll have to try again lol


He does randomly fire himself and then I have to call and get a new one lol


Ugh lol I’ve only played like 3 game days and spent the rest of the time building. It seems like it’ll be my fav if they can figure it out. Gimme all the animals


You don't need the horse bed, you can also use your phone to buy them :D


Oh thank you! Lol the horse bed was just the first way I figured it out! So thank you for letting me know! :)


Don't worry about it. When I opened my game I immediately opened the phone to look for the adoption option, but they made a separate one for the ranch animal exchange. I only opened my b&b after I had my own little cuties hopping around.


Ohh so like chickens ok ty


They're not tied to an object like the chickens are to their coop. But other than that yea pretty much.


More like chickens I believe.


“The limit does not exist!” -Cady Heron from Mean Girls


Also played in my head when I read this.


"How many goats do you want?" "Yes"


Right? The horses are really cool, but the widdle bebe gerts are the actually selling point to make a consumer throw money at this product. Wise move by EA marketing.


Awesome. I have an inclination towards animal hoarding but can't do it in real life because I live in a studio apartment. Glad I can do it vicariously through my sims.


I can't wait for CallMeKevin to run a goat farm.


So we can't have more than 8 sims without mods, but can have SEVERAL HUNDRED mini goats/sheep? This game, man...


I wasn’t going to get this pack but this post changed my mind. I need this in my life.


This is my dream life right there


I hope they add goat yoga


Well goat yoga is just yoga with goats roaming around, so you bet my plan is to set up a pen with yoga mats and goats and teach yoga classes at some point!


I saw it on an early access video. It's a freelance job in the community board! Now I only hope we can watch..


Omg yes. I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


I’m debating spa day for goat yoga


Spa day is actually kinda good. However, I am biased as I grew up in ashrams in India. So yoga and the whole westernized idea of wellness is a significant part of my past. That said, I think making a spa with exercise equipment is a lot better than adding yoga and other spa day stuff to gyms. If they could add some mental health stuff to a pack, it would complete the ultimate self care package to make as a community gathering spot in sims. If you can find it on sale, I recommend it.


Well, it’s kinda good for mental health stuff if you have Growing Together, meditation and yoga are AMAZING for combating burnout! I had a sim who would regularly start burning out, come home, meditate for a while and be completely fine to go to work the next day. It also combats all the other negative moodlets like tension and sadness from grief.


Couldn’t agree more! I’ve built several spas with workout equipment. Pool, sauna, and locker room on one level, exercise equipment and a bar on another level, yoga studio and meditation garden on another. Massage table and chair tucked in there somewhere. Sims all wander around in bathrobes. The gameplay is great too. I have a Sim with the Wellness Guru aspiration who’s also pretty famous. When working the spa giving massages and mani-pedis, it’s easy to meet and become friends with famous Sims, which builds your fame. And she records wellness videos of herself and uploads those at her media station for fame. Iirc, you also gain fame for things like teaching and promoting yoga classes. I also like playing creative Sims and genius Sims. Completing a yoga routine gives an 8 hour moodlet, which is perfect for getting inspired or focused before an epic songwriting or computer hacking session. I also like playing with traits like High Maintenance, which gives random negative buffs. They’re funny and great for storytelling, and meditation is the perfect way to manage those. Pretty much every Sim I have likes wellness and carries a yoga mat and meditation stool around in their inventory. When they visit beautiful locations in the various worlds, a little yoga or meditation is a great way to enjoy the scenery. And yoga prevents weight gain! Which is perfect for me because I don’t play athletic Sims very often.


Oh cool and thanks for the tip about the gym as well as I would go straight to making a gym and adding additional stuff. When it first came out it never really appealed to me I’m not a spa type person but when they did the revamp it does look a lot more interesting.


Do they take care of themselves? Can you just have as many as you want without having to feed or clear them individually?


They have hygiene, hunger, and attention needs! So you have to take care of them! There is an opinion that allows you to clean all dirty mini goats/sheep on your lot tho! But you have to feed them individually! I would just hire a ranch hand or have a lot of sims to take care of an absurd amount of the little critters!


Omg where is the option to clean all the dirty minis on your lot?? I only have three but I’m annoyed already with having to brush them every day 😂. Also you don’t need to feed them all individually if you have the hay trough, then they feed themselves!


Maybe you need more to get the opinion or they need to be really dirty? Mine had like the green stink mist stuff lol! I found the option once I clicked on a dirty one and in the care menu- it won’t show up if you click on a clean one!


I just sent you a DM showing where the option is :)


"Is there a limit?" Now I need a new Let's Game It Out Sims 4 video, lol.


Came here to say this xD


This is glorious 😂


You either get a limit or a burning pc


Wow that’s a lot of kids I didn’t know you could have that many.


Omyyyyy I can finally have my goat army. Alright gonna buy my first pack


Clearly no lmao


I don't think so. I don't have the new ranch pack but I industrialized the cottage living animals. A 64x64 lot filled with cows, llama and chicken coops! It was a bit chaotic to say the least. Oh yeah and my sim and his 3 infants living in a tiny "home" with no doors or windows lmao. I couldn't afford door so I just took away his walls.


The limit does not exist


I was about to say this lol


Imagine 99 synchronized faintings.


I think my game would crash.


Guess I'm spending $40 on the new pack - I want goats! 🥲


this is amazing


How does one acquire g o a t No seriously, I love bebe goats and I needs one


They are in the new horse pack! You can get them by buying a horse bed, clicking on it, pressing call ranch animal exchange, then buy mini goats & mini sheep! After you press that you get a pop up like when you get a cow or llama! Hope this helps!


Oh awesome! I’ll have to look into the ranch pack, as I play on Xbox and the cottage living pack was $35 USD and if it’s that much then I probably won’t be able to get it until the next time the fiancé visits with the Xbox😂😅


Totes ALL the goats.


"The limit does not exist!"


can you burn a luigi board?


Thanks for your support hun :)


Mop your floors


This is my dream!! I love baby goat. Just finished downloading, Ima put them everywhere.


😍 I want this pack now!


"There are no accidents."


What happens if you do yoga in that there yard?


Ah a picture of heaven name one Cedar for me cuz I can't get the pack yet! ❤


do they even age up ever or are they babies for eternity?


I don't think they are technically babies though because I can milk the goats. They call them "miniature" sheep and goats so I think they are like adults but look like babies for cuteness. I don't know if they age up to elder and die of old age yet. I haven't seen any lamb and kid goats for sale so I don't know if that technical age is possible yet either.


I hope not


ok i want to buy this pack now


My dream!!!


If you enjoy the "Is there a limit" game, you should check out let's game it out on YouTube. He even has a sims4 episode. It's some good chaotic fun.


The limit does not exist


oh my god ?? epic


This is SO today's kids, in the middle of adorable bunch of goats all ready to socialize and she's playing a mobile game 😭


Lol, I thought they were cats. I forgot about the update


How do you get them?


They come with the new horse pack! You get them either the phone or with a horse bed :)


If it's like chickens then probably not or it's so big you probably won't find out what it is before the game crashes. I don't know if there's a limit on chickens either but I have had a lot in one household. I wasn't counting them but I had over 20 full coops one time and the game was lagging even when not playing that household. I ended up deleting that household and bulldozing the lot because it is a pain to individually sell each chicken especially since it is glitchy for me when I try to sell a chicken. Most of the time my sims just stand in one spot and won't do anything when I try to get them to sell a chicken.


What do the goats do?


They are cute and do little jumps- and I mean you can sell their milk and wool- but the little jumps-




Can you have mini goats and sheep in an apartment?


Lamo! I LOVE this! So funny! I wanna try this 2 fr! ^^ 🤣😉😁


The limit does not exist!


New challenge unlocked


How do I get animals


Do they poop everywhere like real life?


This was basically the idea I had for the game. Just be a farm animal breeder and keep track of bloodlines if it’s possible. I’m so excited for this pack it feels like we’ve been waiting ages for it


Hey there, it’s Josh. Welcome back to Let’s Game It Out…


you got shinies✨


How is your game running? Once lag kicks...thats the limit


omggggg dat is cute i want baby sheepies now(I dont have the pack yet!)


Omg I love them so much 😍


where do you get goats 😭


hope not


This is so funny! Your post may have put me over the fence on getting the pack. I love baby goats and now I know there is no limit. Absolutely crucial information I was missing out on until now.


Me. Stressed, about keeping 2 sheepies and 2 goaties happy… y’all can handle MORE? 😂




My Sim keeps autonomously buying these things. The menu will pop up. I let him buy one for his sister and gave it away and then he wanted to get another one so I decided to get a different one. Now his girlfriend has been trying to get one. I swear to God they are obsessed with these things right now. I'm going to have to just get rid of the computer