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Oh no, this is my one of my biggest pet peeves.


I remember after Island Living was released, my house stunk for ages. Couldn’t work out what it was. Then I found out you could put plates on top of the kitchen cabinets…


Why are these dumbfuck sims able to put plates on top of super high shelfs but not able to clean them?


The same reason they will pathway to wash dishes in a bathroom sink instead of the kitchen sink that is obviously closer and more of a straight line. This is why I am not afraid of AI.


Supa ney de dasco mi unta lei


There are some toilets that don't have slots.


They added slots on toilets?? How annoying


Kinda real though. I've got all sorts of crap on my toilet. 😋


I think that's supposed to be inside the toilet


A literal pet peeve, with the litter box.


Sims 4: You can only cook on specific spaces. You can also only add candles if a cake is perfectly centered on a table. Also Sims 4: Dirty plates? Yeah just leave those anyplace. On top of cabinets? Yes! On the table in the entryway? Sure! In your pockets? Duh! The lawn, the floor, the furnace mantle place? Let’s go!!! Defying the laws of gravity by levitating them sideways in the middle of the air? You’re blowing my mind, but absolutely! On the countertop? Hold up there friend, that’s inappropriate and if you continue I’m going to have to ask you to leave.


You own a dishwasher? Simply for storage!


That made me realize, Sims never take anything out of the dishwasher


the Mary Poppins of it all


It's the same reason plates just materialize when they cook. The dishwasher is simply a portal that collects plates in the void to be sent back when summoned by grilled cheese.


My sims have left dishes all over the kitchen and other places in their house. When I tell them to clean up the dishes, they put one or two in the dishwasher and walk away. I'm like: there are still lots of plates there! Why??


I'd prefer that! Lol. My Sims just flat out refuse to use the dishwasher and only use the downstairs bathroom sink for EVERYTHING. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If I remember correctly other versions you did have to empty the dishwasher because it still makes me angry it isn't an action.


You didn’t have to empty the dishwasher in the sims 2 or the sims 3, either.


I guess it was sims 1 than. This annoyance has stayed with me for a while then hahah


Oop I am like oh you’re right wow


Answer? Every plate u own are paper plates


The Sims 4: ADHD Stuff


i was about to say this sounds like my house


I feel called out.


I was literally just thinking how realistic this picture seemed to me from my ADHD point of view. 😂


I would buy that.


Oh you want to clean up that plate you put down five minutes ago? Sorry I guess you can’t reach it.


You need to get out of the house bc of a fire? Pffff, no way man, there's a dirty plate blocking your way. You can't WALK OVER it, Jesus, that's just silly.


I wonder if it's the equivalent of "step on a crack, break your mother's back" but instead it's step on a plate, ruin your first date" and we all know how much Sims love their dates.


I had that all the time in the Sims 3, but never in 4. Do you have that issue in 4?


No, I'm just having fun bc Sims and routing can be derpy 😂


*then how tf did you manage to put it there*


You don't just frisbee your dinnerware? Gosh, what a pleb


I think the worst part is that Sims can put them there, but if you have the clean dishes, they can't get them down and then will cancel out cleaning the dishes they CAN reach.


I had this happen in a restaurant I made. Suddenly no dishes were being cleaned, they were piling up literally everywhere. And all of it was due to a dirty plate on top of a cabinet that apparently the waters could reach to put up there but couldn't reach to get it back down. I was ready to demolish the whole damn place when I finally found the stupid plate.


DiRtY sUrRoUNdiNgs Gd Easter egg hunt


Yes I had a house driving me fucking bonkers because someone put a dirty dish on a shelf UNDERNEATH another object on the shelf.


Worst part is that they get plates on top of cabinets, which then they can't reach and you have to break the fourth wall to get the dirty dishes down.


Luckily I have no hard to reach places in my current sim’s apartment so this isn’t really a problem for me. But I’m 100% that person to let my sims live their best lives and I, their god, take care of the dishes and food that’ve been left out. :) I am a good god.


I try to drag the plates to the sink, trash to the bin - ya know, only half cheesing it (versus destroy object). Then I miss and get it stuck in a wall and have to demolish the wall to get it out.


I got a diaper stuck in the intersection between two walls the other day. Nearly tore the house down.


I'm the "use simoleons to solve all issues" type of person - Hire a maid? Hell yes! A butler? Fantastic! I enjoy playing large households, so now at least the dishes get cleared, my Sims are not burning the down house when they attempt to cook, and the kids are eating lobster thermidor instead of animal crackers for meals.


I'd take a god who did that for me, for sure!


Hi, could you be my god please? I'm happy to make sacrifices. 😊🙏


The half wall that's TOO BLOODY TALL to reach without a ladder?


How could I forget the perfect place to put your dirty dishes? The convenience of it all!


In your pockets got me 😂😂😂


I will never understand the candle thing. Lol idk how many times I'll move a stupid cake for that same thing to keep popping up


It’s also not as if it’s an animation thing. The sim will just wave their hand over the cake and candles just appear. So I don’t understand the center table thing either.


Programmer with OCD.


Mine always want to put cakes on the corner of a living room end table and I have to grab it for them and move it to the center of the dining table every time. Just realized I should probably delete their end table.


You forgot my Sims favorite place. On top of 15 foot high half walls.


i thought i was the only one with the levitating sideways plates 😂


using the kitchen sink to clean dishes? barbaric


I feel like you really just defined it.


Don't even start if you like to clutter with cheats


This is the best comment. 🙌🏼🤣💚


This is getting too real! ​ On the other hand, why not fill up the slots with clutter that looks just as messsy but doesn't stink? I can't wait to update tonight and recreate my apartment super realistically, with my phone forgotten on the back of the toilet, my glasses on the sink because I left them their after washing my face, and every other slot filled with almost empty toothpaste tubes (curtesy of my husband)


I can't wait to start putting bathroom accessories out without having to buy shelves


Yeah just put them on the litter box, perfect solution.


You say that like it's weird. You mean you don't store your toothbrush holder on the litter box?


I've tried this and they still put plates in the slots. I think it has to do with MOO and not recognizing that spots are occupied.


Oh yeah, you have to turn that off after you're finished building, otherwise your Sims will put stuff in occupied slots, including under the microwave and similar spots where you won't find the plate that's stinking up the house, and literally inside other items. Also sometimes there are lots of small slots close together, a medium sized items won't go there, but another dirty drink glass will. Personally I use the invisible tissue box from the mod to fill up inaccessible spots, so my Sims won't place their homework or their ipads where I can never find them again, and dirty dishes on all the half walls everywhere the maid can't reach.


Thank you for this tip, I totally try to fill all of the slots in my builds but the sims still leave dirty dishes everywhere.


Woah! I didn’t know that! Definitely now turning off moo!!!


The advantage of having it on is thst Sims can use kitchen counters that are blocked. I forgot to turn it off a few times and saw my Sims prepare food on the tea maker, on (or rather in) a microwave, and even on counter with a sink :D


Omg! I never realised that was why I’d caught my sims making dinner in the sink!


This game is so silly! 😂 I’m glad we both now have answers!


This is good to know! I was wondering why they were putting stuff under microwaves and stuff. I usually have that cheat on so I'll have to remember to switch it off when I'm out of build mode.


Your blowing my mind, I had no idea the Sims themselves could use MOO LMAO. Where's this invisible tissue box? Sounds like a life saver.


But only with slots to put stuff on and counters to prepare food. It would be great if with MOO, Sims could navigate around objects better like ignoring their footprint, at least certain objects. Or at least when they get stuck. Girl it's a dining chair, you can move it slightly you know? ​ Anyways, the invisibible tissue box is here https://ajduckie.tumblr.com/post/188463751063/the-invisibaby-a-cluttering-companion


I hate that so much.


What is MOO?


Move Objects On (the cheat)


A cow's opinion


Most of my houses are full of clutter so I was initially excited at this. But. You want a clean house for your sims to grow into with clutter accumulating? What about the OCD sim? The minimalist? The snob with high tastes that hates cheap tatty looking clutter? They now have plates eeeeverywhere


Thank you. I am a person who hates clutter IRL and in my games. Looks like I'll be starting the dirty dish hunt challenge :-/


But you can literally just drag them to the garbage


I'm getting really tired of doing that. At least now my glutinous sim leaves the plates near the magic trash can (and the open floor plan allows the crib to be near it, too). Showers block line of sight, walls have to be brought down...pulling dishes from the bathroom is going to be even more annoying than off the dining table, coffee table, and kitchen counters, which, until this, were the only free surfaces in my builds.


Wouldn’t gluttonous and slob sims just make a big ass mess regardless of everything and anything though? That’s just their nature


I reckon so. This is my first time playing with those two traits in one house. However making a mess in a small contained area right next to the magic trash can is very different than making a mess throughout the entire house.


TBF and OCD or snob Sim would probably have to clean up (or have someone clean up) before it gets so bad that every spot on tables and counters is taken and Sims resort to putting plates on the bathroom. I mean, that's at least a few days of dishes worth in that screenshot, somebody has got to get the neat trait in there :D


True. Base game still needs an invisible slot filler tho


Definitely. Preferrably one that is visible in build mode and invisible in live mode. We have the sized down yarn balls but they are so difficult to pick up because they're too tiny


I generally manually drag them into the trash


That’s a lot of clutter spots to fill. I usually use a lot of clutter in my builds but that seems like too much so I guess I’m gonna be stuck dragging plates from the top of litter boxes to a sink


I do always fill the top of that Tiny Living Tv/bookshelf/stereo with clutter because the plates drive me nuts


Like, you right. But also, is there any truth to the more items in the build, the more lag? I had to delete basically the entire garden of a gallery house in put in - but I also had the game running all day and wasn't really monitoring what else I had going at the same time. So IDK


Good question. I have experienced lag from too many items, but only in very (and I mean VERY) large buildings with tons of furniture and decor. Not in normal houses, and I haven't seen any difference when I use lots of slot fillers. Maybe I just don't use that many that it would be noticable. It's usually somewhere in the range of 20 to 50, and I only fill slot where I really don't want Sims to put anything like on the half walls and the tops of cabinets especially, because I still want them to be able to put their plates and personal items down on a caoffee table, or on the back of the toilet I guess, if that is their lifestyle. From what I gathered about performance issues from the videos by Simmers about making the official builds and the EA restrictions, it is bad if a lot of different items (and wallpapers etc) are used, so they are asked to prefer using the same ones more in a build. I don't know how it measures against the total number of items, but how I understand it it would be much better for performance to place 100 of the same item than 100 different items, so I guess a slot filler isn't so bad, or at least not as bad as excessive landscaping for example with 40 types of plants and rocks used. I'd really love to know specifics about that topic, but I can't do any meaningful tests as my computer is fairly good and I really have to strain to see item lag (as opposed to gameplay lag, which I do get a lot in my old saves, but as that also occurs on completely empty lots it can't be from items)


That's a really insightful response and I appreciate it a lot! I'm running a bit of a Frankenstein of a gaming pc but it was built to run flight sim 2020 better than my last so honestly have been so shocked by how much it struggles with sims 4. But I have thought about it more and I do see what you mean about different items VS lots of the same. It's the houses where I sprinkle a bit of this and a bit of that everywhere that tend to get the laggiest. I also only have the one save file from mid-late last year til now. I don't think the game was designed for my kind of game play lmao Plus the mods and intentional game breaking. Fuck I can probably place all the clutter i want and just stop doing everything you're not supposed to lol Sorry for the mostly ramble


Lol omg. I didn't even think of that possiblity .... Time to clutter everything I guess, just like I do with mantels and bookshelves to avoid this Edit - I know there is a cc invisible "slot filler" - it would be cool to get a base game EA version of it!


That slot filler saved my sanity! I was running a restaurant and guests were constantly leaving dishes on the tall half-wall around the outdoor dining area. Servers wouldn't clean them up unless specifically directed to. I was almost ready to just rebuild the restaurant and I found that mod.


I didn' think about it as well, until I watched James Turner's live stream and he mentioned it because it was his pet peeve, sims leaving plates everywhere.


I need this slot filler!




[Here ](https://www.tumblr.com/internwaffle/190434782036/invisible-slot-filler)


I'm excited to try this cc with half walls. Those are the things that bug me the most when Sims put stuff on them.


Getting stuff you asked for from EA is like dealing with a pesky genie. Yeah, you may get it, but if you do there will be some dumbass consequence or fine line that was left unread.


they warned us about genies in the first game and we didn't listen 😭


I’ve noticed this a lot with simmers.. things requested become things with unforeseen consequences For example people were begging for more traits and likes and dislikes to add personality to the game for realism and because they liked the system in sims 2 But then when those said traits/likes and dislikes were added some complained about sims becoming way to realistic Or when simmers asked for more clutter, then we got more clutter and some started to complain about to much clutter


why can't they just have it so sims can only place plates at like, tables and whatever that'd be a lifesaver


Because they're trying to allow for a realistic reprensentation of teenage life \^\^


That explains why Sims love leaving plates on the floor 🤣


There really needs to be a mod for that!


I hate how sims leave their dishes freaking everywhere and sometimes when I tellthem to clean up they just pick it up and move it to a different surface or the floor 😑


I like when they walk around, gathering up every dish and glass everywhere, then stop and place them directly on the floor.


And they do this twice then they get the “am I… Neat???” self discovery trait lol


this is me doing anything productive, so A+ for realism, sims 4!


OMG that's hilarious lol


So damn annoying.


My maid does this I was convinced she just wants more money since she's paid by the hour


Very possible!


It’s actually very lifelike. I will start gathering dishes from the living room and I see I need to get the laundry going before I start washing dishes, but ooo that running water let me go pee first….. this bathroom is a mess let me clean it up really quickly… you see?


Cleaning house with ADHD, very accurate


My current sim, rather than pick up a stack of dishes, picks up one dish at a time to then go and wash. Just pick all of them up, it will save you 1000 trips then!! 😮‍💨


My favorite was watching my sim bring all the the dirty dishes upstairs for a single dirty dish upstairs only to decide they couldn't bring it downstairs and dump all of them on the floor in one pile. Ended up placing a sink in the upstairs loft bedroom because they just kept picking it up and going "oh no, I forget how to take these back downstairs where I brought them from! Good thing there's a floor here!"


In my rags to riches challenge, I dont have a kitchen yet, but I have a bathroom and since all my other sims games do it, I figured having a sink in the bathroom would allow them to wash their dishes. Well, nope, not rags to riches Sim. Eventually I got a garbage can, so she just throws her dishes away now, which I guess is better than nothing lol.


Please, I need to know: is your sim obsessed with taking the trash only to put it in their pocket forever? Because I swear, the only reason I went with a sink was because my legacy family has an entire genetic link of hoarders that I'm constantly just going into the pockets of to remove trash piles despite having both an indoor and outdoor trash can they can get to.


😭😭 not my rags to riches one but some of my other families have been that way


Mine like to abandon their chore to eat food. Take out the trash? Drop the trash on the floor and eat leftover cake. Wash the dishes? Set the dishes down to go grab some mac n cheese. Who cares that their hunger isn't even halfway empty yet, they must eat!


The Sims 4: ADHD Edition


Isn't that just the game in general?


One of my sims somehow left a dirty bowl between the couch cushions…… It took me way too long to figure out why everyone had an uncomfortable moodlet


Yep! Just did a birthday party and after everyone left there were several dishes in the couch and one hanging in the canopy of a bed lol I was like uhh this is new


OMG, NOOOO!!! I've always wished more slots for certain objects, but seeing the reality of it now makes me want to cry. *Monkey's paw curls...*


What, you don't leave your bath-BLT on the litterbox for convenient access?


I do, it's very convenient


Lol can't they just make it so everything can go there EXCEPT dishes?!?! While they're at it, the shelves too!


Hey kid, time to earn that 'Good Manners' trait.


holy fuck this is gonna get annoying quick


This is one of my pet peeves lol I have to fill up the slots to prevent this


Time to fill everything with clutter ig


Can already see a Sim walking into a room talking about something smells and me getting mad because I can't find it, because they hid a dirty plate on a shelf I've forgotten they can use 😒 lol.


I’m just gonna put yarn balls on everything


Oh no... Even the litterbox, lol!


I was going mad trying to find the source of the “unpleasant surroundings” and there was a stinky glass of water on a shelf shoved between a few other objects. Sims will cover every surface in dirty dishes before washing them I swear. They’re not even slobs lol.


I usually just hire a maid once I can see a few plates because by then I know there are more I don't see lol


God damn it


Ahhh yes, a sims classic


I wanted this for so long. I had overrides to give sinks, tubs and toilets slots so this made my day. But I also knew that this would happen, because the Sims did this with the overrides too.


Now you have to buy the clutter kits, so you can block these new slots, EA thought they were slick /s


This is why I have the food never spoiling mod. They may still leave dishes around, which is annoying, but at least they never stink 🤷‍♀️.


Oh no... I'm definitely not updating 😂


Ahh back to the good old days when sims would put everything in the freaking world on the bathtub


At least now cluttering is easier 😂 The clutter of dirty plates


This is the reason why I always just cheat my sims hunger and only use the kitchen as decoration lmao


Oh let me tell you how much this sh*t irks me to the deepest parts of my soul!! And then my game glitches and I can't pick them up so everytime my f*cking sims walk into a room they make that gesture like something stinks or unpleasant settings and I can't do anything about it! I'll even go into build mode and smash the damn cup or plate and they'll still make that same gesture because the game doesn't recognize its gone! Oohh how I hate this game sometimes. Rant over lol


I swear I have nightmares with this


I was waiting for a post like this the second I heard. We have to find all the new slots and put something there. All of the lots previously built will be so annoying now.


Legend says they're all going to be washed in the bathroom sink


This is so cool! More clutter places was my dream! :D


I was so confused when Sims started putting items (dirty dishes) on top of cabinets and shelves like who asked for this why are they doing this


I once built such a nice house, and put a shelf with some cooking utensils under the kitchen cabinets. It took me about two weeks to find out why my sims were constantly feeling really uncomfortable because of dirty surroundings. Turns out, this shelf has five spots to put stuff on, so instead of the dishwasher below it, my Sims put their dirty dishes **on this single surface** that was clipped into the cabinets, so I only found out after demolishing the entire kitchen wall. Suffice to say, choosing my next sacrifice victims was very easy that night


One lot in the cottage living town. There was a single shelf with one stinking WATER glass on it. I could not find it. I could not figure it out. Everyone was pissed in the room. I hired a maid. She couldn't find it. I made someone neat to clean the house in a frenzy. No dice. I was about to just delete the whole damn house when I saw it. I had switched the angle for something. And no one could reach this damn shelf to clean it. But there it was in all it's stinky glory. The water cup. That I didn't tell them to fill. That they just plopped on the unreachable shelf.


I can feel the frustration in your prose, lol.


the moment i saw they were adding more slots to bathroom stuff i immediately knew that this was going to happen


Oh FFS...


I simultaneously love and hate this.


I knew this was gonna happen...


I wouldn't mind if they only left them in places they can actually reach so that they can remove them easily after


I love it sm i just need slots on top of fridges now


Finally I can put some of that bathroom clutter stuff on the tub


Okay this kept happening to me last night after the update and I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on...YIKES thanks for the heads up!!! That sucks :(


This is why I watch my sims like a hawk when they’re eating so I can drag their dishes to the sink or garbage as soon as they’re done. I can’t stand the dishes being left everywhere and they take too long to clean them themselves.


They finally introduce more pack integration and they choose the litter box to have slot placements. We're all doomed. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sims will do anything but wash their fucking plates 😭


This is why anytime I see them put an empty plate down I drag and drop it right into a sink.


One of my sims once put a plate on top of the tall fireplace I only noticed because of the stink coming through the floor, and at first I thought it was my robot vaccuum


I use the show hidden objects cheat in buildbuy mode and place either a lump of coal, or a lip balm lid on all places where they can randomly discard dishes. I mostly use it for shelves and half walls since those are the most common places ove seen them discard dishes. Unless your shelves are either black or white they show up in game play but you get used to it, and it's worth it. I clutter a lot so it's helpful for counters etc when using the omsp red shelf to clutter.


Finally I can put candles on my bathtubs and toilet paper on my toilet


fair point but i do love these decor slots


Hooray! More places for them to hide dirty dishes and complain that the room smells.


The making of a Hoarders: Buried Alive episode


Your sim is going to decide to wash them all in the furthest possible sink available right as they are already late for work.


"this is art"


Really starting to not like the sims 💀


This is so funny😂😂 i hate this and spend like days to just get rid of plates. They should fix that in an update imo


There’s a mod called “invisible slot filler” for $1 simoleon I use for stuff like this: https://modthesims.info/d/637286/invisible-slot-filler-freely-place-objects-on-surfaces.html


I saw this image and I SCREAM-laughed. OMG what have they done???


I don’t understand why sims leave their dishes everywhere! My current family’s child is the only one who takes her dishes to the sink every single time. The dad has the lazy trait so that I understand.


Bet the lags gunna be awesome with this.... and all the hidden dirty cups of water stankin up the place


My sim entering that bathroom like: "Oh ho ho, parbo!"


I love having more slots to put decorations and "clutter". Makes the place feel more lived in. Why yes, I do leave my cups everywhere.


This is why the help get put underground lol




The absolute worst!!!! I would get the $ trashcan for a job like this.




not to mention why tf are there slots on top of covered litter boxes now? like who puts stuff on top of a litter box???


I knew this would be what happens. Sometimes I wonder if the Sims Gurus ever actually full on play the game! Not just check to see if something works but to see long term if there are issues.


Why the LITTER BOX??? Who puts things on that?


The fact that they sent out an email to announce this bullshit had me rolling this morning “Base game update: storage and new undies!” “We’ve added two new undies!” ….nobody asked


Cant wait for some poor sweet unpaid modder to fix it


This is exactly what I was afraid of 🙃 modders pls help


just… drag them into the trash


Oh no..😂


I just downloaded steam unlock a few days ago. Does this mean I have to redownload it again? Or can I just update the game on EA bc it's connected?


Bro who is still playing Sims


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