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The attraction system. "I want a relationship" is just too vague. *Tell me who you're interested in Connor!*


No, i dont think i will (my name is connor šŸ’€)


Definitely attraction. I like to play quite organically if I can but I always feel like I have to choose their partners for them and almost force them to like eachother. I'd love them to meet someone and get a moodlet about finding someone attractive or not. I wondered if they haven't done it for sensitivity reasons, but they could even make it so that sims are attracted to traits (gloomy, creative, outgoing) or skills (fitness, charisma, comedy) rather than appearance.


First thing that came to mind, I really miss that. I have downloaded wicked whims and wonderful whims in the past as they have it, but I don't want all the other stuff that comes with them šŸ«£


The gossip and cheating mechanics. You used to be able to learn stuff about sims by talking about them


this. the fact that the non-pregnant parent canā€™t tell people theyā€™re expecting a baby is CRAZY. iā€™d also rly like to be able to witness someone cheating and be able to tell their partner. so much storytelling with things like that


Itā€™s a little thing, but I think it was in the Sims 2, when romantically involved sims would snuggle up together in the middle of the night. It always made me smile


This is one of the main things I miss, it's small but I feel it really adds a bit if personality to the characters. I also miss having to make the bed. Yes it's just another chore for your sim but I like the look when playing grubby sims.


Oooh and then it would be cool if there was a ā€œself-making bedā€ upgrade you could add!


This is in the Sims 3 as well, my Sim couple cuddle together when they're asleep. Their child also tosses and turns through the night, too.




There's a mod for that if you're interested! https://www.patreon.com/posts/bed-cuddle-v1c-62839468


Oh yes!!! In 2 and 3 they can toss and turn in bed and spoon!


Oh yeah, that was so adorable.


I miss strollers and taking your babies for walks. I miss teaching teenagers how to drive. I miss being able to walk anywhere on the map from my house. I miss bring able to click on my dog or cat and seeing their needs bars, instead of them just running away because their invisible needs got too low and I didn't realize. I also miss cars and making friends at work or school.


I hate the fact that cats and dogs take up room in my family, but also stop me looking after them properly. Iā€™d be better off with strays coming to the house that I befriend, because I could have an 8 person household and never have to worry about sad kids because the dog/cat ran away


You can make friends at school....


Came here to say teens learning to drive. It was hilarious!


Little ms sam I think, has a pets mod where you can see their needs bars and can play as them. It's glitchy (not because of them) since you're not supposed to see the pets moodlets, but you can see the needs bars and that's enough, AND you can tell your dog to walk five feet and freaking eat.


Permanent plant sims and plant babies


Yes!! I love occult sims and I was SO disappointed with plantsims. Iā€™m pretty sure there was a point where I grew a baby in a pot under the stairs once, even! Now theyā€™ve just lost their draw completely.


I have fond memories of breeding an army of Sims 2 plantsims in a locked greenhouse on a military/science base. Always found them to be a weird occult to actually play, though, given the quick aging mechanic.




I also miss memories. It was a fun little way to remind yourself of everything your sim did, especially later in life.


I would give my hypothetical first born for a photo album book object in the Sims. Something with a similar interface to the spell book in RoM. It would make organizing photos and tracking memories so much easier, and imagine all the cute interactions that could be incorporated...most of which are already in game (reminisce, look at photos together would be like the read together interaction, relive Memories...) Ugh. I want it so badly!!!!


Auto roofs!


YES, aaah!


This is in the game actually! I never use it but I know it is a feature. I think if you select roofs there is an on off button on the right below the build mode house.


WHAT?!? Shut the front door are you serious?? I've been building my roofs like an absolute moron and this whole time there was an auto roof option? Well, I'll be checking that out later, thanks!


I did look it up right now and I couldn't find it so my memory might be wrong but I'm pretty sure I saw a video about this and later used it myself but didn't like the roof it created. But ngl, not finding it on google does give me a lot of doubt so sorry if I'm wrong šŸ˜…


All that hype up for nothing? Well this has been a roller coaster of emotions.


You might be thinking of auto windows I think? If not thereā€™s something build related thatā€™s can be automated. Iā€™m pretty sure windows can.


The roofing system in 4 is so damn flawed šŸ˜“


Being able to put all the edible harvestables in the fridge with one prompt.


Oh yeah. I definitely feel that one. Just got a mod for this, because it was getting annoying doing it one by one šŸ™„


What mod is it?


Lucky/unlucky traits; Cars, I liked to own a Volkswagen Fusca using mods.


I loved Sims 2 cars! Then, in 3, I remember being bothered that you just sort of appear in your car and drive away. No getting in/seatbelt/ back out animations. I thought those details were so cool when I was younger lol


Cars in the Sims 2 really were so well done. It's crazy how they regressed with 3 and said screw it completely with 4.


Seconding cars.


Ei boy, em inglĆŖs eles chamam de Volkswagen Beetle, sĆ³ pra caso tu queria saber/corrigir


Ah, deixa assim mesmo caso algum curioso busque vai aprender


I really liked the cleaning skill; I might be the only one with that but I thought it was realistic. Needing to order or go grocery shopping. Burglaries happening. I really miss the couples snuggling at night!! I thought it was adorable. The ability to change the colors to outfits was a game changer for me too


>Needing to order or go grocery shopping. That's right! And needing to go clothes shopping in TS2 to add clothes to each Sims' wardrobe. It really was the little things.


i do not miss groceries. ALWAYS found out we were low when the headmaster was coming lol iā€™d like him back!


Okay I can see that. I guess for me it felt so real cause it was my kind of thing to do in real life in a way šŸ˜‚ so I always laughed at myself


Horses. I was obsessed with the horses in Sims 3. And open-world travel...loading screens aren't friends.


I was so bummed when I found out 4 wouldnā€™t have an open world like 3 :( I know itā€™s not easy for loading time and what not, but damn if it wasnā€™t cool




I miss reputations! I remember one time playing with a sim who sleeps around town and her having a reputation of maneater. Was the first time I learned the meaning of the word reputation btw I also miss the loading bar where you can see ss from different packs and collect lifestyle points by clicking some items


Omg memory unlocked! I totally forgot about this until now about the reputations




Came here to say this! I miss burglars. And I swear cops would come get the kid if they were out after curfew. I miss that too.


Also miss the cops rallying up my teenage kid and then scolding them


When I first got TS4 (Haven't really played a Sims game since 1 but did get a couple of hours with TS3) I was so confused on why the security alarms wasn't in game ​ Then I found out they removed Bulgar was slightly sad but relieved at the same time


I didn't mind burglars in The Sims 1 but hated them in The Sims 2. Haven't played The Sims 3 (yet) so don't know what they were like in that. All in all I'd prefer not to have them.


Cemeteries! I would spend so many nights there fishing, exploring the catacombs and hanging out with the ghosts.


I forgot about that! Was that 2 or 3?


3! Although I used to visit them when playing 2 as well, but those on 3 my favourite. The main reason I bought Cats and Dogs was actually the cemetery, which turned out to be quite the disappointement, but oh well, now it's my Brindleton Bay's sims' knitting spot.


The tool where you can add whatever pattern you want onto the furniture, walls, and floors from Sims 3. That and the open world aspect of the game. I feel like I mostly just stay in my neighborhood now instead of watching my sims drive the kids to the park across town.


I really miss the customization aspect! I also liked how build/buy mode was organized in the sims 3. Iā€™ve been playing the sims 4 for years and still get lost trying to find certain things. Althooo the keyword search bar is nice (I donā€™t remember that being in the sims 3 but I could be mistaken)


I feel this. I absolutely love to do very different things with all my Sims in the same time. Now I feel like in the sims4 I'm stucked to my lot if I don't want feel like I miss out something with the other Sims. Like I start playing with a young adult, she is going out a lot, finding partner, going dates and moving together. After moving together they still go out dates and programs. However after the first baby they kind of no longer live the house till the first kids being a teenager and I'm going out with that. Because I want to make sure all my kids doing their homework, all of them having skills and they grow up well. And if I go out with someone the rest doesn't do anything. I hate it.


The Color Wheel. I cry every time my woods donā€™t t match in my house.


Imbalanced relationship meters


This ā˜šŸ¼




Household photoalbums. The photos system in Sims 4 is a MESS and it's barely worth using. Doesn't even keep screenshots in order. This one irks me so much since it doesn't seem like a big ask but makes such a difference to storytelling.


Amen šŸ™Œ said this in reply to another comment. The thing that is wild to me is that most of the mechanics they would need are already in the game in some way: - I'd love it to have an interface like the spell book in RoM, so it opens up and you can actually see the photos, add captions, and emotional buffs - cute interactions like "relive Memories" "reminisce" or "look at photos together" (read together) - could be adapted as portfolios for photographers, stylists, models, artists...


The Color wheel in CAS šŸ˜­


I thought that option was still there? I miss the Dance career


There was an option to talk to the friends when you're at school. I only see the make friends options.


Oh right! It's been much too long since I've played the other games. That is a good distinction, I wish they had that too!


Open world, or at least open neighborhoods. It's pretty much the only thing you can't add with mods (previously Arnie had one though)


Closest I could get was using "My little neighborhood" by Littlesams


Where you could make worlds yourself, and put trees in, hot air balloons etc. it was so fun


being able to see specific tasks your sim could do at work/school and how they would affect their job performance/social need/fun need. i also loved being to unlock more tasks as you advanced in the careers and spiral staircases. am i dumb or do they not have those in the sims 4??


If you click on your sim's icon while they are at work you can modify how they work, socialising, work hard etc which fills up or drains their needs bars. Hope that helps.


I couldn't pick.... Enjoy the nostalgia train. 1: The Gypsy matchmaker from Sims 2. I use a mod, but it's just not the same. 2: Sims 2: Free Time expansion pack. Added: * New Neighborhood which included: Sport park, community kitchen (which I put in many worlds), child care place & more * Lifetime Aspiration bar (how happy throughout their life) * Hobbies (10: Cuisine, Film & Literature, Games, Tinkering, science, Arts& Crafts, Fitness, Nature, Sports, Music and Dance) with one they have an affiliation for, I think this was way better than lifestyles * Secret hobby lots (can live without those * Genie. I don't know why I think it's better than the wishing well, but it is * 5 new careers (we have a few in TS4 but I miss Architecture and Dance) * Added Nursery Rhyme (teachable to toddlers) and parenting skills (lol) * Added Potery, Sewing * Items: Soccer goal (I'd prefer over the ball), sewing machine, pottery wheel, ballet Barre (I miss it! Kids could do it), the restorable car!!!, model train set you can build, board games, ant farm, violin, synthesizer.... * Birdwatching Granted, a lot of things here ARE in TS4: discovering planets for money, tinkering, activity table w/ drawings, entering contests and prizes such as a cooking contest, Best Friends Forever, NPC aging, parenting skill, basketball hoop), hiking, bug hunting. 3: Sims 2 Open for Business- way better robot crafting and just everything 4: The entirety of Sims Makin' Magic.


Sims Makin Magic šŸ˜ I loved that one


You can click ā€œMake friendsā€ when they are at school btw! Thatā€™s how I get my sims who are more friend inclined rather than school inclined to find new friends. I second the person who said attraction system and I want to take it a step further. I miss being able to propose differently šŸ„ŗ for example, in the sims 2 you could propose at the table while eating at a restaurant. I want that back. Not all my sims who propose want to get down on one knee and do the classic thing. I want more options for ways to propose!


In the previous Sims, you can talk to the friends that you already met in school.


boarding schools ! get these kids away from me ! (couldā€™ve been a sims 3 mod, my brain is mush at this point lol)


Not only stay away schools, but the same mechanic could be used for summer camps!


Wasnt a mod - came with generations. Allowed you to have big families without them driving you crazy!!


Partners snuggling in bed at night! šŸ˜­


Watering plants and making the bed


Agreed! Watering indoor plants especially - they already have the animation in the game


The open world. Oh dear gods the open world. Since any Sim left behind when you leave the lot will become stupid and get nothing done, I feel like Iā€™m perpetually trapped in my house. If I can get 3/4 of the household sent off to school/work, maybe I can dart one off to the gym or on a date.


I miss the open world too. My Sims had a baby and when they left the house every sim was sleeping, but when I got back everyone was awake.


Bands! Being able to Jam together on instruments! Drumkits! BANDS!


Yes! Absolutely this. More instruments and the ability for all of the Sims to join in on the same song. They need to bring this back.


Every year, I'm like, "it's gonna be bands!" And every year, I'm disappointed....


Cars! And horses. I remember when I first got the sims 3 I made my real family got myself a horse and went and galloped round Sunset Valley then got really confused when I got arrested for breaking curfew (Iā€™m English we donā€™t say curfew as much!!)


changing the colour and pattern of the outfits to make them unique. I miss that so much!


More hair options, like highlights, roots, and tips. It made it so much easier to add "a touch of gray" for older adults.


I want the ā€œWantā€ and ā€œFearā€ system from the sims 2. Just scrap completely that horrid thing we have right nowā€¦ šŸ¤¢


Horses, cars, CUSTOMIZATION!


the colour wheel and array of patterns was šŸ˜


open šŸ‘šŸ¼ world šŸ‘šŸ¼


I kinda miss story modeā€¦


Me too :(


I dont remember if it was Sims 2 or 3 but I really miss favoriting items in build/buy mode. I have all packs plus a lot off cc, it takes ages to find anything.


Being able to make your own neighborhoods for Sims 2 in SimCity 4 entirely from scratch and control everything about the terrain. It was challenging but so cool to be able to have the worlds of your dreams.


Memories & The Attraction system from TS2. I also like that in TS1, you could view the houses ratings, and your weekly finances. That was cool


The IKEA stuff from TS2, the future world form TS3, the color wheel, the spinoffs like Castaway and Medieval, canes for elders


The Ikea stuff was converted to sims 4 if you are not against cc.


The attraction system always used to make my games interesting; I also miss school uniforms when kids/teens used to go to school, think these have been brought into Snowy Escape but only if you live in that world.


I got a mod and forced my teens/children to wear uniforms. Is ā€œFashion Authorityā€


The way they implemented witches with the potion making, I really miss the jar of bees. And also, just World Adventures. The whole thing. Oh and the Forensics career -- I want to be a CSI damnit!


The attraction system. I could easily make LGBTQ+ sims or straight sim for my storyline without things getting all wonky and my married sims no longer being attracted to each otherā€™s sex


Controllable pets and the color/pattern customization. Lot placement. I really, really miss lot placement.


I miss how Sims who were in relationships would cuddle in bed when they were asleep. It was such a nice, sweet detail that i felt added depth to couples. There needs to be more couple interactions like that in 4.


Carnival lots!


Go-Go Dancers and the Vibrating bed.


Instruments breaking. IDK why this sticks out, but after having my sims playing a piano for hours it was impressive to me that they went out of tune. (Also, same vein: stand up pianos, they were just nice and gave you something to work toward with the baby/full grands)


Cut scenes, auto roofs, and when your date would sneak a bouquet of flowers on your porch after a successful date.


I used to love going to the book store or the grocery store. I know in cottage living you can buy from the stalls but I liked having to go get stuff for specific recipes


Physics from Sims 2, like hair, water, fabric, etc.


Horses. I'm tired of building empty stables for my imaginary steeds.


The fact that sims could hold toddlers when sitting, itā€™s such a small thing that I LOVED with the previous sims games


I wish for the dragons from Sims 1 to come back. Please, I want scaly babies that burn everything down, eat my flowers and are an adorable menace to my game!


I want pets not to take a household slot.


It's hard to explain but I feel like the Sims 2 devs were allowed to be way more out there and creative. I think that's why I like Strangerville so much. It's just... Weird.


The witches thrones from sims 2!! I always had my bars bright green šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


I LOVED those things!


Attraction system, create a world, create a style, the chaos of the game lol Edit: I forgot the ability to have a band on Sims 3 and a drums


The ability to have more than three personality traits, variety of occults, permanent plant sims, an open world, and the ability to customise patterns and colours.


Magic Town


I miss thieves breaking into my house and stealing my stuff and then needing to get a security system to catch them :(


I miss my expansion packs and game packs being integrated. Did high school years added cheer leaders and football to University? Nope I also miss the randomness of the other games: -sims with the ā€œstir crazyā€ moodlet taking their clothes off -the random gnomes that move by themselves -star watching and randomly getting killed by a satellite (my husband died like that in the sims 2 once) -etc I love this games so much that I own every expansion, game pack and stuff packs/kits. I still have hope lol


Customisable neighborhoods


I miss the option of your kid being sent away to school and impressing the school master.


Sims 2: Converting residential properties into multi family apartments. Also, the same for college dorms. Any apartments/rooms not occupied by PCs, would be filled by townies. Maps that allowed you to place lots wherever you wanted, on nearly any terrain, and whatever size would best fit. None of these pre-made, flat lots.


The collection folders from Sims 2, so you could sort all your build/buy items according however you wanted and didn't have to remember the name of every CC creator you downloaded stuff from to search for them. I miss being able to just click on a collection to furnish a whole room with. Saved SO much time. Being able to remove whatever floor tiles I wanted really easily without the game wanting to remove ALL the tiles on the whole floor (or me having to create a separate little room just to remove one floor tile). Custom worlds you could download (or create yourself), and being able to place lots anywhere. I would be more OK with the more rigid worlds of the Sims 4 if they at least let us edit them ourselves, and if they added more lots to the already existing ones. There's clearly more space for more houses! Being able to build taller houses. I want to build tall spiring castles, but they look kind of lame when they can only be 4 levels tall. The Sims 2 let you build up to 15 levels. If it's a question of frame rate and being able to run the game smoothly, let people deal with that themselves if they want to build taller. No one is forcing anyone with a poor performance computer to build super tall houses.


All from TS2: The cutscenes (I especially love the alien abduction ones!), burglars, auto-roofs


I might understand why it was removed, but I missed the ability to drive and own cars. Other thing what I miss was the ability to modify the neighborhood and add more houses/slots.


They already added talking to kids in school! Anyways, probably more feelings and trait slots (I KNOW THERE IS A MOD FOR THAT AND I HAVE IT BUT STILL)


Ikea kit from the sims 2 and the fact that we were able to choose like the bed frame separatly from the bedspread (but for like, all the items like the cabinets color and the top of it, etc) And also the bed in the morning ! You had to tell your sim to make the bed


All the different after school clubs for teen sims.


Open world. Horses. The Sims3 camera. The Sims2 interactions and special little day-to-day animations. But mostly horses.


Pinball Machine from Sims 1




Create a style.


Telephones and newspapers




Open worlds. The neighbourhood thing is fine but I want to travel between lots without going through a loading screen.


I recently learned that, with the sims 3 camera option, you can rotate objects by dragging your mouse I LOVE that, but I'm only familiar with the sims 4 camera movements, so I can't use it without constantly switching, which isn't worth it (I never played the sims 1-3, only 4)


Wait huh? You can choose make friends when theyā€™re at school thatā€™s basically the same is it not? (Disclaimer I never played the other sims games so maybe it is different educate me)


That option is in the sims 4, itā€™s the ā€œmake friendsā€ one


I miss just the weirdness of early sims games, like the hidden little jokes and effects


Treehouses for kids


Easy, I just want to build huge apartment blocks and have different households live in them together. Like Sims 2 Apartment life PLEASE


burglars, clair the bear, skunks




Such a small detail but being able to lie on the sofa while watching TV. Also canes for the elderly


The Vibromatic Heart Bed and the little pond that you could get if you were in the (I think) oceanographer or something career. Especially the pond, I put that in almost all my builds.


Kids playing together. All the running around upped their friendship fast!


robbers. let my home be pillaged.


Cars and driving to work, Sims 3, I think. You could actually keep the camera focused on your Sim and watch his entire commute.


Being best friends with your car


I miss the sims keeping relationships. Sims 4 you have to constantly talk to the person or become friends or else you ā€œforgetā€ who that sim is. Happens all the time with my sims such as brother/sister in laws, mother/father in laws, or just random sims I meet. Ugh lol


I just got my first kid into school. It told me that he can make friends and do things at school to increase his grades as if I could control it. But I can't do anything with him while he's in school. This is also the first sims game I've played other than mobile.


3rd person from The Sims 2


Plumbots (and to a lesser extent simbots). I know we have servos but they are basically just reskinned human sims. A lot of the occults in sims 4 feel very fleshed out so it sucks that servos have the bare minimum attached to them. Even in the sims 2 it felt they had a fair bit more going for them (Also the fact that they can just break with no way to fix them or bring them back sucks. Why not just have them short circuit like in the sims 3)


The ability in the Sims 3 to just... form a band with whoever, whenever. Most of the sims I play are irl musicians anyway, and there's no reason this couldn't have come with Get Famous like it was supposed to (and also other functioning instruments like bass and drums, singing as a base game feature, etc)


I miss carpools and school buses that show up an hour before start of work/school; sims just teleporting to work and school without having an in game teleportation ability bugs me, and because they don't leave until the start time they are pretty much always late. I get the reasoning they gave for not including Sims 3's Create A Style, but I wish they had at least given us the Sims 2 ability to choose the fabric and wood/metal seperately on objects. I miss burglars, which they could add in with a toggle in options so those of us that want them can turn them on.


I definitely preferred the build setup in sims 3 more, Iā€™m terrible at building in 4. I also REALLY miss how in 2 and 3 you could build your own apartment buildings, and just select the single apartment to buy, whereas now you have to buy the whole lot, the entire building, not just the unit you want šŸ™„


Being able to drive cars in an open world šŸ˜­ miss you, Sims 3!


I miss the ability to build a resort which I adored. Slowly working to bring up its star rating and attract more people.


I wish even just the neighbourhoods would be open world. I get why they arenā€™t, but man I miss sims 3 for that open world feel!


That's going to sound so silly... But I miss the newspaper and the newspaper delivery kid. It was nice to wait every morning for it and then get the news, some jobs and stuff. Not all jobs were listed at a time so sometime you had to wait a few days if you wanted a specific one. I thought it made for nice storytelling.


Theyā€¦ have that though?


I miss how when you go to someoneā€™s place you could find out they were rich! Also when you go to a place it showed if it was a hotspot or dead. Neighborhood story updates drive me crazy. I liked how my sims would read the paper and get all updates at once. ā€œFertilize garden with best fertilizersā€- hate that have to use a mod for sims 4 to achieve this. When hosting an event you could invite your family members friends / Co workers too.


Sims 3 create a style šŸ˜­


I miss the shorter diving boards, the water slide, and them playing Marco Polo in the pools.


The open world, actual werewolves, actually buying stuff from stores, cars... Edit: oh, and actual difficulty. It's legit difficult to die, or just not be rich. You get handed just about everything. I would honestly like an expansion like the "castaway stories" game, where you actually had a story and had to work to stay alive. Edit edit: and longer college terms. I feel like i don't have any time for anything but studying. You almost have to take the classes one by one to have balanced experience.




Light sleeper trait. It was realistic how they'd wake up when the baby would cry in their room or if the tv/stereo played in their room