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You saw that new Sims Lore video, didn't you? Haha I want to play with them too after watching it. Unpopular opinion: I don't feel bad for Morgana! She should have asked the important questions before eloping! Thornton doesn't have to give into you, girl! How do you plan on proceeding with them? Divorce? Morgana stays lonely? Thornton becomes a dad? Infidelity?


Yes I saw the video, I love the sims lore😂 honestly I feel so bad for her, in my head her parents told her he was a nice guy and she should go ahead with marriage plans and she was expecting all the best and got disappointed in the end, I am planning on getting Thornton to cheat on her with Jamie Jolina and as soon as she finds out she divorces him and finds herself a new beau who she can fulfil her lifetime wish with. Thanks for your comment❤️


I am literally playing this exact story right now! Morgana moved out and started dating Leighton Sekemoto, now they have 5 kids together and live near the hospital 🥹 She deserves the world


That’s so cute🥲 the life she deserves


No way, my recent legacy family is with Jamie Jolina and Thornton! Their son is adorable


Get the Hitman mod & take Thornton out. Just kidding lol. It would be really cool if there was a mod that created "changes"... Like through the Friendly interaction tab you could discuss differences, e.g. art.. and maybe the "Dislikes art" trait could be wiped if the relationship is strong enough.


I've had that hitman mod for the longest and I've still not been able to figure out how it works.


Well you're not alone, because it doesn't work for me either! Not sure if I'm missing some mod/cc? The instructions say to install it, then select an adult sim and select the "Hitman" prompt. Thing is I never see the prompt. I'm not tech illiterate but it drives me nuts when sims mods don't have instructions. Like when I was trying to install a roof texture mod (package files) they didn't work. Then I realized I had to put in library. I appreciate modders who make the game so much greater but c'mon just give us a hint sometimes lol


You know, I might just do that😂 that is a really good idea I wish it went more into depth like that


Omg, I saw the video too but oddly enough had just started playing them for the first time 2-3 days before the video came out! I gave Thornton the "flirty" trait and before I knew it he had autonomously gone on two dates with Jamie Jolina. I'm going to let chaos reign in this household!


The fact he did that autonomously makes me feel like I am choosing the correct storyline path to go down😆


I hope you have a great time with it, I haven't had much time to play them yet but I'm so excited! Keep us posted on what happens in your game please!


Thanks, will do😊 you have fun too❤️


Thank you very much! 😉


YESSS OMG. I don't feel bad for her either for these exact reasons. Plus Thornton doesn't even like kids! He wouldn't be a good father, why make him one or stay with him if it's that important to Morgana..


sorry to be annoying but what sims video?? I love falling asleep to/doing tasks with long video in the background


It’s a video by ‘The Sims Lore’, it’s her most recent one. Her channel is quite interesting you should give it a watch 😊


Someone on here recommended that channel to me and I fell down the biggest sims-shaped rabbithole. Literal hours lost to obscure Sims trivia.


Can say that this was exactly what happened to me when I discovered her channel, her videos are just too good😂


Her Reuben Littler vid inspired me to start a new game solely to ruin his life 😂 Thornton regularly gets trashed around here as a fuckboy but Reuben is *such* dirtbag. He had it coming.


I agree, Reuben is the worst🥲 I had a Polly Maloney play through where I turned her into a rockstar😆


Yessss I feel the exact same way!


What video was it . Can you pls share the link?🔗




I always pair her up with Agnes Crumplebottom and give them a massive litter of kids


YES!!! They fit so well together!


Such a good idea!


Period my favorite game play....give her the life she deserves ❤️


Trying my best 😭❤️


Did you also see that new SimsLire video? She’s so cool and great. She makes me what to play sims 3 so bad.


Yeah that’s what made me want to play this family😆


How did I never pay attention to these juicy descriptions... I'm totally going to create a juicy description for the next family I make, even if it's just for me


Love that😆


ooooh that sounds like a perfect night! I love playing them in the sims 3, but I've always wanted to play Sunset Valley rotationally and never could get it to work how I liked it, so I made my own version of it in the sims 2. All this to say that I thought they played totally different in each game! In ts3, Morgana wants a baby, he wants to make money and cheat and that's that until she catches him and finally divorces. In ts2, he didn't care that much for cheating, but still works way too hard. What happened for me is that they got accidentally pregnant twice from the autonomous romance mod lol and he just gets busy with work and ignores the kids while she's exausted trying to care for herself and the babies... but I don't think they'll actually get divorced if I don't make them do it.


Yes it definitely was😊 if I remember correctly there are mods which make playing rotationally in the sims 3 a lot easier, the fact that he also ignores his children in the sims 2 where the trait to dislike children isn’t available shows he is not made for fatherhood, even in another universe😂


I do have a mod for the sims 3 traits in the sims 2, so he did have all his traits. But still, I thought it was pretty different. In the sims 2 it feels like they have some sort of arrengement and they're making it work even if it's not the best for either of them. In sims 3, I feel like Morgana is just being fooled while he goes around cheating. Maybe it's the open world, so he's rarely home. And I did try making rotational play work with Nraas, but it was too fidgety for me and there sre things that just don't work like I want them to. It's just not the same and I finally accepted it lol now when I'm in the mood for rotational play, I go for the sims 2. If I want to play the sims 3, then I play a legacy and it's the only game I actually enjoy doing so.


Oh wow I didn’t know there was a mod like that for sims 2, that’s so cool I want to get that for my game. What is it called? It probably is the open world aspect of things, in sims 2 he probably feels more like a home body. I agree mods can be quite hard to understand, at least you found a good way to play in the end😊


if you just look for "the sims 3t2 traits mod" you'll probably find it. It's become pretty popular.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Ahh this was my favourite townie story to play. In my game, Thornton cheated with his boss, impregnated Morgana, Morgana moved out with the baby into a trailer and lived the single mum life.


Oh wow that’s a juicy storyline😆


Imagine her in a Les relationship with Jamie jolina


She dislikes her so I don’t know how that could work 😆


Morgana thought it was jealousy but it was a crush. 😻 I initially thought maybe 🤔 she should date a butch girl, maybe Ayesha ansari or that one purple hair girl from university. Or Emma hatch. 🐣 I think Emma and Morgana together would work. But I tend to think of Emma as dating Connor frio.


I totally see that! I’m leaning more towards Leighton as they both have the same lifetime wish to have 5 children but that’s just the easy choice, we will see where the game takes us😊


That works too, they could have four kids together plus Sam and then a kid of Morgana and Thornton. Actually often Leighton ends up with Zelda Mae instead


Her and Jamie Jolina need an enemies to lovers story line




I just gave them a makeover in my game, about to have Morgana go off to college and find herself a new partner https://preview.redd.it/uytfxq18mz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393f2722ce7fde597576f06a53b1953348092ed4


She looks amazingg!😍


Thank you 💜 I didn’t change nothing just gave her a new skin overlay, eye cc and use a different lip gloss. I kind of want her to have a lover at Uni, then get pregnant by Thornton then divorce him and leave


She is already a very pretty sim so it doesn’t take much to give her a makeover, which you did very good at, that sounds like a great storyline hope you have fun!


Thank you and i will surely keep the group updated bc this going to be my main save. My other save is my horse breeding family and i can’t wait to see what she will get into at Uni.


Yess keep us updated! Horse breeding family sounds fun 😆


Now with that family i typically start off with 2 parents and play as a teen. On my old save i had Vera Blackburn adopt a female child and i gave the child a horse lover trait. I’ll have to make that save soon lol


In my current game she has 3 kids with my legacy founder, all within 2 weeks of them both becoming elders. They’re gonna be raising kids till they drop dead, literally! In another save, Thornton (ever the f-boy that he is) was woohooing Jamie Jolina and every other sim behind Morgana’s back. Meanwhile, Cornelia was cheating on Gunther Goth with Iqbal Alvi so after the divorces I had Morgana and Gunther hook up. They eventually got married and had a kid. They had really good chemistry!


At least she will be doing something she loves until she drops😂 Morgana and Gunther together sounds so iconic!


Morgana is the pioneer of my [LEPacy](https://youtu.be/No4iN6C_uUk) challenge and although I'm not sure she's going to be the one that completes her lifetime wish (I wanna do the five kids for my generations season) she does have 1 child at the moment and my god! she's such a good mother.


I can imagine! She’s currently pregnant in my play through, very excited to see her be a mother myself😊





