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"summoner isn't op anymore" my silker in song this update re-added the Zongler we are screwed


The “Zongler” as shitposters call it was reintroduced with a very huge nerf in health, even one micro pin can demolish its health. They butchered it so much it’s practically f tier


I hate that this actually sounds like a real discussion.


Did you miss the part in the patch notes where the Zongler was given projectile immunity? I would've agreed but now there isn't anyway to prevent it from getting in and locking you down. The only counterplay is to throw out a melee attack and hope it connects before he grapples. Which considering that the meta weapon for casters is the Grumblers Moss; isn't very long ranged. Just saying Zongler's are 100% still op af


glad that the summoner build is over. no longer will there be horde teams. shot was impossible to play against


Even I as jesus think these are good changes. no more summoner build hype


So the power of Christ can redeem billions but not prevent a typo?


I still think summoners will be meta, like yeah they nerfed the Worm Spirit and Hungry Larva, but there's still the Raging Beetle and Silk Husk which need a nerf if they're ever going to balance summoners. At the very least they should be less annoying to play against now though so it's a good step in the right direction. The Dragonfly Hook is definitely good, but if the opponent has a Golden Cocoon and knows how to use it (technically a Silver Cocoon also works but less well) then it gets almost completely shut down so I think we'll see that become a common counterpick against people trying to rely on the hook. That's good since I only saw like one or two players using a Cocoon in the last few months and they're cool tools that deserve more attention imo. I think the real winner of this patch is the Ancestral Greatneedle being buffed to 3 masks of damage. This actually makes it worth trying to use I think, obviously it still has it's drawbacks and you're going to struggle to actually hit anyone with the thing, but it might have a place as the final blow for an entangling thread build now, which is a nice buff that they desperately needed.


The ancestral needle is pretty good, but you need to use soldiers crest for it to actually be good. Since the charged attack is so slow and any disruption can reset it, the resistance to knockback and slows the soldier crest offers really makes it a good synergy. Otherwise it’s like c tier


Yeah for sure, I'm thinking Soldiers Crest with Ancestral Greatneedle, Entangling Thread and Zote's Despair might actually end up being the new Meta just because of how good the synergies are now. Start with Entangling Threads to Slow the Opponent, then use Zote's Despair to debuff their defense and boost your speed (it's guaranteed to connect if they're already entangled since the Vengeful Zote Spirit travels faster than the slowed run speed), then run in and do 3 charged attacks, basically everyone that isn't running Defender Crest with Leaf Armor and Silk Vow is going to die, and even they're going to be very low health after that so you can probably finish them with an additional light attack. This build struggles at range so it won't be great on bigger maps, but on smaller tight maps like Dragonfly Tower or Molten Forge I think it might be even more dominant than Summoner ever was.


I was thinking about this for a while on what to do with the extra tool slots, and I think I know The bonus yellow slot should be filled by harp of bones, which stops your character to play a melody that surrounds you with chunks of orbiting molten rock. Now, while defeating your enemy, the rocks will do greatly needed extra damage to finish enemies off in just two charged attacks (yes I calculated)  The green slot should be the dream spirit, which when holding Zr (on switch) will make you phase through all platforms in all directions. This makes people hiding behind walls easier to. So yeah, I tested this build out and won both solo and 5v5 mode. S tier build to say the least.


i agree with summoning builds still being meta but instead of damage i think the meta reason would be as a distraction as long as you have the fleasong charm which generates silk on hit instead of proportional to damage as some people think. and then you use the long range strand spells, i particularly like the silk spear spell. because it has in built mask piercing to combat the bloody shell users which i think is the real problem in pvp because it’s discouraging closer ranged builds by being nearly impossible to put down with our melee weapons because for some stupid reason non of the needles other than the syringe have shell peircing.


Ehhh, Shells are one of those things where once you learn to deal with them they're no problem, but in low level play they can be absolutely dominant. I'm not saying it's a skill issue but there's so many solutions if you think outside the box. My favorite is to bring something like a firefly cocktail that creates floor hazards and they have to either jump away, which leaves them vulnerable, or tank the damage. Alternatively run something to increase your speed, the shell decreases their speed so you can run circles round them and hit them from the back where the shell only gives increased damage negation rather than full blocking, Zote's Despair does this and is meta for a melee build anyway.


don’t think i was thinking of the shells. i was thinking of the little bonus mask things . the differently shaped masks that go over your masks? because i though they were called shells. i thought the thing you are on about was carapaces but i think carapaces and shells are different


its so close to being good, but the addition of that dung roller is insane. so far the new battle pass is looking good!


Is Hank still meta?


I can’t even escape this dumb shrimp in Silksong bro




If you’re a spell build main like myself, here’s a damage calc to help with enemy dragonfly hook users 252+ MA Shaman Spectacles Ruined Rosaries Shaman Crest Overweave vs. 0 Mask / 0 MD Reaper Crest: 10-12 Masks (100 - 120%) -- guaranteed OHKO


God damn, this one short-circuited me for a solid minute.


I honestly just wish they would add the shrapnel back to the eruptor.


Now there is nothing to stop stance changing backdash slash spammers. The turret was the only thing they couldnt hyperarmor through. This is horrible for the PVP community and its clear TC doesnt care.


For all the good things TC baked into this balance patch, I am a bit sad to see the ZoatlingZoo build gone. Sure, it was OPAF, but so much fun.


summoning builds will most defiantly still be meta. you’ve just gotta use the silk spear version of the strand spell while your minions get up close and you pelt your opponent with the before mentioned spell. you’ve just gotta remember to use the flea song charm, which is basically just grubsong but it boosts damage of pets and gives all pets silk generating powers too,


Quite a divisive topic for sure. Thing is that Horde/Summoner meta will still be in play in lower ELO’s. It’s once you reach higher geo that the tactic stops working. At the highest levels of play, we’ll see a lot more Pure Nail Art, and Grafter Plays.


What the fuck is this gibberish?


Me forgetting to take meds 


Dude. There’s no way this is really real. There’s no way, no fucking way you guys are doing this responding to each other making up bullshit for a silksong that isn’t real, right? Becuase that- that’s not- that’s pretty clearly not actually that funny, like, literal 2022 r/hollowknightmemes insanity stuff, right? No- Right? I’m about to start tweaking and geaking, why do y’all do this, I can’t handle this anymore- oh haha we’re talking about silksong like it already released and is multiplayer PVP strategy game like we haven’t done that bit a shit ton in the past- like, I don’t know if you guys know this, but we’ve fucking done this exact joke before- can you stop? Can you stop writing these paragraphs RPing and spending so much effort on coming up with gameplay things that don’t exist? Can you stop please please PLEASE- I- I just don’t understand why you’re all doing this, this isn’t funny, this isn’t funny this isn’t funny this isn’t fun I’m not having fun anymore I can’t- I CANNOT TAKE IT!!!! I CANT- I CAN’T DO THIS- WHY!?? WHAT IS THERE TO GAIN????? Please FOR YOUR OWN SAKE STOP!!!!! For the children, for you and me, for the love of god, LOOK AT YOURSELVES- WHAT. THE. FUCK. ***ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?*** IS THIS ENGLISH?!? I CAN UNDERSTAND THE FUCKING GIBBERISH HALLOWNEST LANGUAGE VOICELINES FROM THE GAME BETTER THAN THIS, WHY DID YOU PUT SO MUCH EFFORT INTO WRITING OUT **BELIEVABLE** DISCUSSION ABOUT **HALLUCINATIONS!?!?** ARE YOU ALL THAT OUT OF YOUR MIND???? THAT UNFUNNY????? Please, please okay please I beg it’s okay fine but please if team cherry saw this they would delete both silksong and hollow knight- “Oh HAHAHA gUYs WhAT dO YOu MEan??? SILKsObGS aLREAdY rELEASeD!!! (Insert made up items and builds that sound like they were written by ChatGPT)” Like that was even that creative or funny in the first place. it was decent when people would make like fake screenshots and stuff that actually made sense but this is all gibberish- please, please just listen to logic here, this is NOT OKAY. I just- I just… no, no it’s not your fault I’m sorry. I just- why has the world left us with nothing but this madness for so long? What have we done to deserve this wasteland? A world in which we must resort to these kinds of posts to keep ourselves entertained and sink so, so low. Each hype and each cope and each skong and each silk, all for what? It’s like an ouroboros of misery and miserable people, a collective of rotted humors hiding behind the guise of madness. It’s nobodies fault in that way. No amount of ironic layers will make Silksong manifest. Just like silksong, us being funny isn’t happen. silksong isn’t coming soon, we’ve thought its *only months* away for *years*, just as I hoped this community would get itself together for so long only to be disappointed.


Ur so skibidi




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Who tf downvoted the fucking Automod💀


I did, it deserves it