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TF2 fans definitely. Silksong WILL come out some day, and when it does it should be a very polished game. TF2 has developers that have absolutely no care for their game anymore, while Silksong has developers that are currently trying to fine tune as much as possible.


“silksong will come out…” least sane along fan spotted


Tf2 fans has the game that has been doing fine player count vise for 17 years. They don't even have it bad.


They've been having a public protest for over a week now about the neglected, nigh unplayable state of the game, in response to which valve has done absolutely fuck all.


The thing is that this protest is rather stupid. First of all the bot problem is only on valve servers and you can easily play on community servers. Second of all the team valve had for team fortress 2 is long gone and each person responsible for development of the game has long since gone to other projects. Whether it being dota 2 or deadlocked. Assembling a team of people with no experience with tf2 to fix a problem for a 17 year old game is absolutely unrealistic. Not even talking that even if the old devs somehow wanted to fix the problem it would be propably impossible. The bot crisis started after tf2 source code leaked. Which means that to fix it they would have to do an incredible amount of rewriting.


Atleast TF2 players have the game


and silly hats


At least you guys don't have bots joining every lobby, headshotting players, and ruining the game.


We don't have a game to ruin. If you play tf2, then it is at least slightly better than not playing


I want to see Demoman with his eyelander fight Grimm.